Number of People

Chapter 1627: The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (4)

  Chapter 1627 The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm in the Renzi Juan (4)

Realizing that Feng Ziying's hands that were raging on her chest were clenched when she proposed to let Lan Geer enter Qingtan Academy early, she was obviously hesitant. The rule of being able to enter school at the age of four is obviously not easy, but in the end Feng Ziying agreed, and Li Wan felt at ease.

  Feng Ziying's reputation is still very trustworthy, and she has basically never broken her promise. Li Wan is very at ease about this.

  At the beginning, Li Wan vaguely heard that Yingchun used to shed tears all day long when she knew she was going to marry the Sun family, and after getting Feng Ziying's promise, she smiled and felt at ease, but she still didn't believe it.

After all, everyone knew that Jia She had borrowed so much money from the Sun family. To resolve this marriage, the Feng family had to deal with the borrowing of money first, but it would be a thousand dollars for Jia She to take out the money. It was difficult, but I didn't know how it worked. All in all, the marriage between the Sun family and the second girl fell through, but Feng Ziying and Jia Amnesty negotiated the marriage.

  Just for this point, Li Wan felt that Feng Ziying was someone he could rely on, otherwise, if he went to the Sun's house with Yingchun's temper, he would really die for a few years and die.

   "Did the requirement of being a concubine embarrass you a bit?" Li Wan was not a domineering person like Wang Xifeng, but after realizing this, he felt a little bit sorry, and his words became softer and timid.

"Well, there are some difficulties, but it's not impossible to find a way to solve it. Look, you can find a way." Feng Ziying saw the apologetic face of this pretty widow, and her heart softened. He raised his eyebrows, "Since I have agreed to these things, it is my business, so you don't have to worry about it. Besides, Brother Lang is also my student, so I naturally have to do my best."

  Li Wan's heart warmed up, she bit her red lips and nodded, "I will need you to worry about it in the future, this is the only sustenance I have,..."

  Feng Ziying blinked, with a smirk on her face, she straightened her body slightly, "That's not the same, you haven't reached your thirties, maybe you can have more worries..."

   Li Wan was so ashamed that he pinched Feng Ziying's soft flesh at the waist, "If that's the case, do you want to die as a concubine?"

   "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." Feng Ziying grinned and took a deep breath. As for it?

  Wang Xifeng has already taken a step ahead, and a fat baby will be able to land in a few months. How big is the difference between you, Li Wan, and Wang Xifeng?

  Of course, this is indeed a lot of trouble. Having Jia Lan as a concern is indeed much more complicated than Wang Xifeng's Qiaojie.

   "I mean, I can also be your concern, can't I?" Feng Ziying also slapped Li Wanfeng's buttocks to fight back, "After all, in this Rongguo Mansion, if there is anything, can I leave you mother and child?"

  Li Wan felt comfortable for a while at first, but then he tasted something, and asked suspiciously: "Listen to your tone, what else will happen to our mansion?"

"I'm just saying that, who can say clearly what will happen in the future?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "I think Baoyu's becoming the son-in-law of the eldest princess is a high branch. , Misfortunes and blessings depend on, how can we only think about good things, without risks?"

   "Brother Keng, what do you mean?" Li Wan was startled.

"It's nothing interesting. Everyone in your mansion thinks this is a good marriage, and I can't say anything, but it's too risky to entrust the fate of a family on whether a certain person will be favored by the emperor, even if she is The eldest princess." Feng Ziying shook her head, he didn't want to go too deep, but if he really wanted to talk about the Niu family, then there was the Wang family, which was the shackles that the Jia family could no longer shake off.

However, these words made Li Wan feel a little relieved. She thought that Feng Ziying had other news. big impact.

Seeing that the sun was setting slowly and a cool breeze hit, Li Wan shuddered, Feng Ziying hurriedly helped Li Wan, and Li Wan got up reluctantly, "I'm going to go down first, it's been so long, I'm afraid Suyun and Biyue are coming here."

  Feng Ziying didn't know what to say for a while, but how to continue the personal relationship between herself and Li Wan was really a problem.

Li Wan is no more reconciled than Wang Xifeng, and was about to move out of Rongguo Mansion. Li Wan is a chaste widow, and with Jia Lan's concern, it is impossible to leave Jia's house. I dare not say that my relationship with her is just one night. Huan is good, but if you want to continue your relationship in the future, you have to think about it and find a safe way.

  Including Suyun Biyue, who is next to Li Wan, the two personal maids need to consider how to prepare to keep the secret. Gein wants to keep this private relationship, once or twice is fine, for a long time, there is definitely no way to hide it from the two personal maids.

Supporting Li Wan to walk a few steps, Li Wan only felt that his legs were weak and his body was sore and weak. He couldn't help spitting a beast secretly in his heart. Seeing the two of them together, walking in such a state, I'm afraid I'm going to run wild again.

Feng Ziying also watched Li Wan leave from a distance. Although they didn't say anything when they parted, the two of them saw that they were in the same heart, and they had to find a way to deal with it properly. Fortunately, Li Wan's life is still safe today. There will be big problems.

Li Wan walked along Liao Ting flowers all the way. He didn't dare to go to the Rose Court and Hongxiang Garden, because he was afraid of meeting his two cousins, so he walked behind the tea stand, which is the path along the stream behind Daoxiang Village. , Go around to the gate of Daoxiang Village.

  Just about to enter the door, she saw Xing Xiuyan coming from the zigzag bridge. She was busy trying to avoid entering the door, but she didn't expect Xing Xiuyan to greet her from afar, "Sister-in-law!"

  He wanted to pretend he didn't hear it, but he was afraid that Xing Xiuyan would rush in, so he could only forcefully stop, pretending to be calm and authentic: "Xiuyan, did you just come from Ouxiangxie?"

"Yes, I went to Sister Yun's side. She is not in a good mood. I'll go and comfort her." Xiuyan's face was also a bit reluctant, and she sighed, "Today is a good day for Second Master Bao, and I will also persuade her Don't spoil everyone's interest and displease the old matriarch and the old lady."

   It is said that the Sun family had already given a dowry to the Shi family the day before yesterday, and Yun girl’s third uncle Shi Ding had already accepted the dowry from the Sun family, which meant that the marriage was basically finalized, and the specific date of marriage was just waiting to be discussed.

  Shi Xiangyun is naturally unwilling, but it is her turn to make decisions about such matters, even Jia Mu can only sigh aside, after all, it is her two uncles who can make decisions.

   This was originally Niu Jizong's matchmaking, and Shi Nai made it happen. Of course, Shi Ding was happy to see it happen. The Sun family was also willing to marry the Shi family. Who can stop it?

   "Then what should I do?" Li Wan couldn't help worrying, "How about girl Yun?"

"What else can I do? When I went, my eyes were red and swollen, Miss Lin, Third Miss and Fourth Younger Sister were all there with me." Xiuyan's eye circles were also a little red, "I don't know who her two uncles are. What do you think, why are you willing to push your own niece into the fire pit?"

  Xiuyan was not usually so talkative, probably because she was stimulated by Shi Xiangyun's experience, and today was Baoyu's big day, so she was a little emotional.

  Li Wan was flustered. She didn't have time to take care of the shameless love and **** before, so she came down in her clothes after wiping it casually a few times.

She was originally a clean personality, but now she is even more tired and flustered. She was busy going back to take a bath, but Xing Xiuyan stopped her from talking. Accompanied by saying this, but did not expect Xiuyan to become so talkative.

   "Hey, what's the use of you and I talking here for a while?" Li Wan sighed, "It's serious if we can discuss a countermeasure together."

"That's right, Miss Lin and Miss San are both over there, so I fumbled to find my sister-in-law. One of them is planning for the poor, and the other is for the two of them. Let's discuss together." Xing Xiuyan felt that Li Wan seemed a little bit Absent-minded, it's also a little strange, although Li Wan usually has a calm temper, he is still very active in this kind of matter, why is it different today, "It would be great if the second sister-in-law was still here, she would be more active in her mind,... "

While talking, Xing Xiuyan inadvertently noticed that the azure cloak on Li Wan's hand was so wrinkled as if it had been rubbed by something, and there were some stains and dirty marks on it. It's so strange, Li Wan always likes to be clean, why is he so sloppy today?

Looking at Li Wan's walking posture when he walked around from behind just now, and Xing Xiuyan, who has never experienced such things, thought that Li Wan had fallen and got dirty on his body. Thinking about it, Xing Xiuyan hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, I think you were a little uncomfortable walking just now, is it because your legs and feet are inconvenient? What's wrong with you?"

  Is this convenient? Being held and lifted by that enemy for so long, I feel ashamed when I think of it.

   Li Wan, who was in a trance, was startled, his face was on fire, and his voice trembled a little, "It's okay, I just twisted my foot when I walked around the mountain just now..."

"Ah, sister-in-law, I'll help you go back and rest quickly, but don't hurt your bones." Xing Xiuyan was also taken aback, and hurried forward to help Li Wan's arm. Li Wan didn't care when he was flustered, and took advantage of the situation Just go inside.

She has been busy helping Li Wan into the house, and called Suyun and Biyue to greet her. Xing Xiuyan just left, and when she went out, she found that her hand was sticky and she didn't know what it was. She put it on the tip of her nose and smelled it. , but there was a weird smell, which I couldn't recognize for a while, but I felt a little disgusted subconsciously, so I hurried back to the room and washed my hands.

Xing Xiuyan was always a careful person, but when she was washing her hands, she felt something was wrong. She just helped her sister-in-law's arm. The cloak was on her arm. Even if she fell down, it was just dirt and moss. And this disgusting thing?

   Also, the sister-in-law's walking posture didn't seem to have twisted her feet, but her waist was twisted, and her flustered appearance also impressed Xing Xiuyan very much.

  Even if he twisted his foot, he wouldn't be so panic-stricken. Even his voice changed a bit, and there was a hint of shame in his eyebrows. What's going on?

  Xing Xiuyan has also stayed in this Rongguo mansion for so long, so she knows more or less that it must be difficult for Li Wan to be a widow for so many years, but this garden has never allowed men to enter, so Xing Xiuyan never thought in that direction.

But today's situation is too weird. Reminiscent of the uproar caused by someone picking up embroidered spring bags some time ago, Xing Xiuyan suddenly realized what was going on, and hurriedly went to the pool to wash his hands with soap, but this big Is sister-in-law really like that?

  Who is that man?

  (end of this chapter)

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