Number of People

Chapter 1628: The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (5)

  Chapter 1628 The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm in the Renzi Juan (5)

  Li Wan also realized that he was showing his feet in a panic.

   When Xing Xiuyan left in the end, she saw the suspicious situation of turning her head frequently through the window lattice in the room, and even raised her hand to observe it, which made her heart thump.

  At this time, she realized that Feng Ziying had placed her cloak on the boulder because of her pleasure, and the two of them just went there for their pleasure, and some traces would inevitably be left on it.

I put it on my arm and wanted to take it off, so I quickly threw it in the basin, and arranged for someone to wash it. Who would have thought that when I bumped into Xiuyan at the door, the other party would help me into the house, probably at that time. on those things.

  At this time, Li Wan wished that Xing Xiuyan was still an inhuman girl. Maybe she didn't know what those things were, and it would be best if she forgot them in a few days, but she also knew that Xing Xiuyan was a delicate person, and she would probably be suspicious.

But Li Wan had made up her mind a long time ago, and it wasn't that she was caught upright on the bed. She would never admit to such things, but she also wanted to say hello to Ziying, and let him be careful Xing Xiuyan, don't accidentally show your whereabouts, Xing Xiuyan saw it through.

Li Wanzheng was restless, Suyun and Biyue also came in, and the strange appearance of grandma's body also made them quite puzzled, saying that she hurt her foot, but they couldn't see where the injury was, and grandma didn't want to say more, Just ordered to boil water quickly to take a bath.

  Grandma's appearance is also a bit strange, her lips are red, her teeth are white, her eyes are shining, and her complexion is so good that the two girls almost think that grandma has caught a cold from the wind on the mountain, and her face has turned red with a fever.

   But even if you catch a cold and have a fever, it won’t come so soon. It’s really curious to see that grandma is in a good state of mind, and she doesn’t seem to be sick.

   "Grandma, the water is already boiling, when will you take a bath?" Suyun came in and subconsciously wanted to change Li Wan's clothes, but Li Wan hesitated for a moment.

  Just now, I had **** recklessly on the rocks, I am afraid that there will be some marks on my body, especially between my **** and thighs. Normally, Yun Biyue bathes herself, so there is no need to shy away from it, but today it is a bit inconvenient.

  But if you want to take a bath alone at this moment, the two girls will definitely be suspicious. This is not the time to take a bath, but suddenly you have to take a bath, and you have to wash alone, which is too suspicious.

Moreover, Li Wan also knew that if he had any contact with Feng Ziying in the future, he would definitely not be able to avoid Suyun Biyue, and they would find out about it one day, so it would hurt the two girls to be so defensive Be faithful to yourself.

  For a moment Li Wan was also a little hesitant, not knowing what to do.

After thinking about it, Li Wan also gritted his teeth. Suyun's mouth was tighter than Biyue's, so he asked Suyun to take a bath for him. If you are being fooled, don't say anything, just come down and talk to her slowly.

  Not to mention that when Suyun was bathing and wiping Li Wan, she yelled and horrified at Li Wan's fighting situation, but said that Feng Ziying saw Li Wan go, but he didn't follow Li Wan's path, but went straight to the east.

   Insert it from the edge of Hengwu Garden to the bottom of Tubi Mountain Villa, go around the Xingqin Villa, go around from the Aujingxi Pavilion, cross the stream from Qinfang Pavilion, and go to Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

  The matter of marrying Yingchun has already been arranged in the mansion, so naturally there is no need to meet again at this time, but Lin Daiyu still needs to talk about it.

   This girl is small-minded, and she is not comforted, and Feng Ziying is not at ease.

  Although she had made an agreement with Daiyu long ago, the more this happened, the more she had to comfort her. This girl might feel dissatisfied at any time.

  When I arrived at the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, only the little girl Xueyan was there, and Daiyu and Zijuan were not there. When I asked, she said that she had gone to the Ouxiangxie to see Shi Xiangyun.

  Feng Ziying realized that Shi Xiangyun was already facing the biggest dilemma in his life.

  Sun Shaozu really proposed marriage to the historian.

  Feng Ziying found that she couldn't underestimate Sun Shaozu more and more.

  The book "A Dream of Red Mansions" is not very detailed about Sun Shaozu, only a few sentences are mentioned, and the most profound one is "Zhongshan wolf" brought out by the poem Yingchun.

"The child is a Zhongshan wolf, and if he succeeds, he will be rampant; the golden boudoir willow will go to the yellow beam." Here is the ill-fated fate in Yingchun's previous life, but it has obviously changed in this life, and Yingchun will enter Feng in three days. At home, he obediently waited for his luck, but he didn't expect this bad luck to befall Shi Xiangyun again.

   Regarding this point, Feng Ziying also felt a little guilty.

At the beginning, he always felt that he could wait for changes, so he also comforted Shi Xiangyun. Even when Daiyu and Tanchun came to ask, he also said that there is no need to worry too much. Who would have thought that Sun Shaozu moved so fast that he had already advanced to the It's the stage of marriage proposal and next appointment.

Sun Shaozu is not a good person, and now he is so close to Niu Jizong, with Niu Jizong's strong recommendation, and this guy is indeed able to manage up and down, he actually became the deputy commander of Datong Town, and Shi Nai also went to Datong Town , the smell is too strong here.

Feng Ziying doesn't think that Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu will continue to live in peace. After the autumn of Tiewang Mountain, it will definitely become clear gradually, and there will even be some wind direction in the autumn of Tiewang Mountain, but this is not true for Shi Xiangyun's marriage. It doesn't help.

Once this kind of marriage proposal and appointment is finalized, basically it will not change. It is extremely rare for Xue Baoqin's engagement and resignation, so it will cause such great harm to the Xue family and Xue Baoqin, and the engagement of the Mei Xue family is young. Even though they were engaged at the time, there were still cases of divorce due to accidents in the future, and the harm was not so strong in comparison.

But going to the Sun family and the Shi family to propose a marriage is almost equivalent to getting married soon. If there is such a thing as withdrawing the marriage, it will almost force the woman to death, and these two families are almost complete. Torn face, endless ending.

   In the case of a marriage that is well-matched, basically no one will do it, or you should have thought about it beforehand, and the two that are not suitable are not suitable for marriage. Once it is confirmed, the contract should be fulfilled.

   So at this time, Feng Ziying also felt a little helpless.

  Even if Sun Shaozu and Shi Xiangyun's marriage fails in the future, then Shi Xiangyun's ending may be worse than Xue Baoqin's.

The Xue family is an imperial merchant family, which has long been in decline. Not many people in the capital city know about it, and the Shi family is a serious family of two princes, a leader-level family in Wu Xun. Being humiliated by this, the influence will be even greater. If Shi Xiangyun wants to find someone else again, he is afraid that no one will accept the offer.

Seeing Feng Ziying standing in front of the door pondering, neither leaving, nor telling her to inform her own lady, Xueyan didn't know what to do for a while, so she could only greet Feng Ziying timidly: "Master, why don't you come in?" Sit down for a while, and the servant will make you a cup of tea, maybe the girl will be back in a while."

  The snow geese were brought back from Suzhou by Daiyu. They are young, four or five years younger than Zijuan. They have followed Daiyu since they were young. In theory, they should be closer than Zijuan.

  However, since Zijuan followed Daiyu, she devoted all her attention to Daiyu, and was more thoughtful and mature in her dealings with others, so she quickly won Daiyu's love and trust.

And Xueyan was only eight or nine years old when she came to Rongguo Mansion, and she didn't understand anything, and now she is only thirteen or fourteen years old. Looking at the pair of rings tied in a bun, her palm-sized cheeks are like jade porcelain, and her pupils are shining brightly. A bit innocent, like a dragon girl next to Avalokitesvara.

   Seeing that the other party was a little afraid of her, Feng Ziying also laughed, "It's okay, I'm thirsty too, so I'll leave after drinking a cup of tea, but Sister Lin is going to Sister Yun, and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a while."

Hearing Feng Ziying's friendly tone, Xueyan let go of her timidity, and smiled, "Well, the girl went with the third girl, and her eye circles were red before she left. Who would have thought that Miss Smith would meet this girl?" This kind of thing, the elders in her family are too cruel,..."

   "Oh? You all know?" Feng Ziying didn't expect that even a little girl like Xueyan knew about Shi Xiangyun's marriage to the Sun family, and was quite surprised.

   "Well, the girl doesn't shy away from the servants about these things. When she told sister Zijuan, the servants were right in front of her."

  Xueyan is quite proud, the girl treats others very well, she never treats herself as an outsider, so she must be loyal in return.

"Smith's two elders never thought about it for Smith. Every time Smith came from home, even the clothes were old, or the old ancestors ordered the mansion to make some new clothes for her. ,..., now you want to promise Smith to the Sun family that the second girl has finally returned, isn't this just cheating Smith for yourself?"

  Feng Ziying was taken aback, why did this seem to be alluding to herself?

  I ruined the marriage between Yingchun and Sun's family, and gave Yingchun a home, but this hurt Shi Xiangyun. Don't let everyone think that this is their own responsibility, and they should solve it by themselves. That would be really wronged.

  Just talking to Xueyan, a little girl who couldn't figure it out, couldn't explain it. Feng Ziying could only smile and shake her head. Fortunately, Xueyan was busy making tea and didn't go further.

The flower hall of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion reveals a bit of the style of the owner. The Duobaoge against the wall is made of mottled bamboo, which also reflects the preferences of the Xiaoxiang concubine. Two enamelware and a small Western clock are placed on it. I gave it to Daiyu last year.

  A small golden beast incense burner is placed on the table at the back, surrounded by green smoke,

The painting hanging at the back is still about bamboo. Feng Ziying glanced at it, and it should be the work of Xia Chang in the former Ming Dynasty. Xia Chang is from Kunshan, Suzhou, and is a master of bamboo painting. His works are expensive. It is normal to have this kind of collection.

To the east is Daiyu's study room. There is a moon-hole window on the wall, covered with green screens. The light comes in from the outside, making it a bit cooler. Summer is wonderful, but it's late autumn, so it's out of season. No, Feng Ziying frowned, Daiyu was already cold and weak, but I wanted this girl to change the window screen.

   The first update, thanks to the leader of Polar Bear 2018 and other brothers for their rewards, Lao Rui will work harder! Thank you, Ruyao Lianlian, for your concern and reminder.



  (end of this chapter)

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