Number of People

Chapter 1629: The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (6)

  Chapter 1629 The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm in the Renzi Juan (6)

  To tell the truth, although Feng Ziying has been to Daiyu Xiaoxiang Pavilion several times, Daiyu is always waiting to talk when she comes, and she has never really looked at the layout of Xiaoxiang Pavilion seriously.

  The main hall is also a three-piece suit, with the study on the east, the bedroom on the west, and the main hall for guests in the middle.

  Ordinary men are naturally not allowed in, except for myself, well, if it is "A Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Baoyu may be the only one.

  The study room is too cold. Maybe Daiyu likes this style, but Feng Ziying doesn't like it. He hopes that there are more warm colors in Daiyu's study room.

There is a book table under the window of the moon hole, with all kinds of pens, ink, paper, inkstone, brush washer, and water Cheng, and nothing else. A bamboo water Cheng carved by a small Arhat is very elegant. It looks like Daiyu After using it frequently, Luohan's belly is already a little greasy.

   On the north side of the study is the bookshelf, which is full of books. Feng Ziying gets a headache just looking at it. He naturally knows that Daiyu likes to read, but if she likes reading too much, she will inevitably waste physical exercise. This is what Feng Ziying is most worried about.

On the south side was a violin, and the violin bench was old and new, but Feng Ziying knew that Daiyu didn't like playing the violin very much. It was probably just an ornament and not very practical. There was actually a colorful butterfly kite hanging on the wall above. Feng Ziying was very happy, at least this girl knew to relax and play more, so as not to stay at home all day long.

  Xueyan brewed the tea, Feng Ziying took it and put it down, and then asked casually: "Has your girl ever kicked the shuttlecock to throw the pot these days?"

Xueyan also knew what was going on here, and said with a smile: "The master has orders, and the girl naturally has to obey them. She kicks the shuttlecock every morning and afternoon, and throws the pot in the morning. Sister Zijuan supervises it. Girls don't want to." Only promise."

   "I'm doing this for the good of your young lady. If you develop a habit, you will gradually get used to it in the future."

  Feng Ziying also knew that Daiyu would complain about his request, but he insisted on his own opinion.

  With Daiyu's body and bones, if she doesn't insist on exercising, let alone give birth to her own child in the future, even a headache, brain fever, and cold may turn into pneumonia.

  The medical conditions are not so good these days, if you really want to get a disease like pneumonia, even yourself is powerless, and he doesn't want to see this happen.

"The girl also knows, so even though she sometimes complains, she still perseveres, and this winter and spring season, the girl seldom gets sick, but her hands and feet are not so cold." Xueyan also knows what Feng Ziying likes to listen to, Everything she said made Feng Ziying happy.

   "Well, that's good." Feng

Ziying was in a good mood, she took a look at Xueyan, she was quite obedient, she just stood aside so politely, turned her head and glanced to the west, it was Daiyu's bedroom, got up and walked to the door, but He didn't go in, and he definitely wouldn't go in the girl's dormitory when Daiyu was away, but it was still a little dark, which made him think that he had to change it so that it wouldn't be so cold.

There is a warm pavilion to the south, with kang mattresses inside, with fans standing on both sides, and a picture of Guanyin Dashi next to the wall outside the fan. Feng Ziying saw at a glance that besides lamps and tea sets, there The most conspicuous one is the one I painted for Daiyu, "I don't want to fight hard for spring, I'll be jealous of all the women", which is placed alone in the middle.

  This girl, Feng Ziying's heart became hot, and she couldn't help taking a step forward.

  Xueyan was taken aback. Although Uncle Feng and the girl had been engaged for a long time, but after all, they hadn't passed the door yet, and the girl wasn't there. If the uncle wanted to go in, should he stop him or not?

   Fortunately, Feng Ziying didn't go in, but just wandered around in the boudoir, and then took it back.

  The canopy bed with low curtains is not big. There are felt blankets and brocade mattresses on the bed, and the plain flower quilt is dark red silk. If the color is brighter, Feng Ziying will be more satisfied.

  This girl always likes this kind of solitary style, no wonder she is so depressed in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". It seems that although this life has changed a lot because of herself, some things in her bones still remain.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a meow, a cat came out of the warm pavilion, looked at Feng Ziying, and then saw the snow geese, and left angrily. It wasn't the Linqing lion cat, but who was it? ?

   Several times when I came to Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Feng Ziying never saw the lion and cat she bought for Daiyu in Linqing back then. Today, Daiyu is not here, but she did.

  Feng Ziying subconsciously smiled and shook her head, returned to her seat, took a sip of tea, got up and left.

  Feng Ziying did not intend to go to Ouxiangxie, mainly because there was no better solution if she went by herself.

  In such a situation, if I said to wait and see, not only Shi Xiangyun, but also Daiyu and Tanchun would feel that I was a little hypocritical.

But the situation is like this, I am not omnipotent, even if I want to interfere in other people's marriages, I finally saved Yingchun, Shi Xiangyun, at least now I am powerless, I can only see if Sun Shaozu himself will die , but now it seems that he is on the road to death.

  So I can only wait.

  As for Sun Shaozu’s death, and how the annulment of Sun Shi’s marriage will affect Shi Xiangyun’s future, Feng Ziying can’t say for sure, maybe…

   Of course, you can think about it, and then go to sleep.

Coming out of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Feng Ziying simply walked back along the Cuiyan Bridge. When she came here before, she walked fast, but she didn't pay much attention to it. At this time, she can take a leisurely stroll and appreciate the scenery in the Grand View Garden. What a sight.

   It's just that the sun has been setting slowly now, and the afterglow doesn't have much heat on her body. Feng Ziying was taken aback when she saw a corner of the eaves of the Quicui Temple hidden behind the rocks.

  It seems that there is still my future concubine Miaoyu living here. After so long, although I have met her several times, this girl still seems to maintain that kind of lukewarm attitude.

  I have too many things on my hands, and now I am not as anxious as before. With so many lovely women around me, I am not so eager to do something.

  So I put this matter aside and let her go, but next year, this matter should have a result. Feng Ziying doesn't know what this girl is thinking.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Miaoyu with long hair and a fluttering white scarf coming out from the stone path leading to the corridor by the stream from Quicui Nunnery, with the dust whisk in his hand hanging diagonally on his arm, dangling slowly. .

"Miaoyu." This is the first time that the two met alone. In the past, there were other people present, at least Xing Xiuyan, but today Miaoyu is alone. Feng Ziying is not afraid, but just feels a little embarrassed .

It's not good not to say hello, at least she is still my future concubine in name, well, maybe the other party doesn't have this intention, but Lin Ruhai's dying request, at least Feng Ziying must obey, and if Miaoyu is unwilling in the end, Feng Ziying certainly won't will be reluctant.

   "Miaoyu has met Brother Feng." Miaoyu hesitated for a while, and finally bowed with palms together.

  Feng Ziying shook her head, this girl was still arguing with herself, he said indifferently: "Seeing that you are really planning to cut off three thousand threads of trouble, are you going to become a monk?"

  Miaoyu was startled, "Why did Brother Feng say that?"

   "You have to put your palms together even to salute with me. Doesn't this mean that you want to turn your heart to the Buddha and enter the Buddhist gate? Sisters in this garden, don't you also have to isolate yourself from the door?"

  Feng Ziying has also let go of so many fetters. Since she really doesn't want to marry into the Feng family, why should she force it?

  Miaoyu was a little surprised. In the past, Feng Ziying met her, although she didn't say much, but she always maintained respect in etiquette. Why is it like a different person today, speaking so straightforwardly and impolitely?

"Brother Feng is serious. Miaoyu is just tired of the world of mortals. She admires the leisurely way of Buddhism, but insists on cutting off human relations..." I was a little caught off guard by Feng Ziying's words, and Miaoyu was also a little flustered. "Other Miaoyu haven't thought about it yet."

"Oh?" Feng Ziying nodded: "I admire the leisurely way of Buddhism? But if there is no splendor in the colorful world, how can you compare the leisurely way of Buddhism? My original heart is not as pure, thorough, and free and easy as that of me who is rolling in the world of mortals."

  Feng Ziying's casual pretentious words made her a little dazed, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

   Originally, Miaoyu has been entangled in being in the Rongcui Nunnery in Rongguo Mansion, with no worries about food and clothing, and leisurely leisurely every day. It doesn't seem like a real Buddhist life.

But she is also a very particular about things outside her body, and she has traveled for a while, but the life outside is far from what she imagined, eating and sleeping in the open, begging for alms, cold face and white eyes, it can be described as ups and downs Spicy, but not full of five flavors, but no sweetness at all, only sour, bitter, spicy, and this is just a walk around Shuntian Prefecture, or even the capital city.

  So after returning to Changcui Temple, she never mentioned the matter of becoming a monk again, and preferred to admire Buddhism as a lay Buddhist.

It's just that this kind of thinking can only be kept in the heart, but it can't be said to others, even to her best friend Xing Xiuyan, Miaoyu never mentioned it, but Xing Xiuyan still thinks that this sister seems to be a Buddhist monk who has achieved success in cultivating Taoism, and her temper is getting worse. He has become more open-minded and open-minded, and is not as extreme and stubborn as before.

   Seeing Miaoyu's silence, Feng Ziying didn't know the change in the other person's heart, so she glanced sideways at the other person, and said in a neutral tone, "Where are you going?"

  Miaoyu was slightly taken aback, "I'm going to sister Xiuyan's place. I heard that Miss Shi is in a bad mood, so sister Xiuyan said we should go and have a look."

   "Since you worship Buddha and Taoism, you shouldn't get involved in such mundane affairs." Feng Ziying stabbed casually, "I also said to go and see how your Changcui Temple is..."

  Miaoyu's face changed slightly, as if hesitating for a while, "Then Miaoyu will pass later,..."

  Feng Ziying was also taken aback, not knowing what she meant by that, did she invite herself to sit in her Cui'an? I didn't get it wrong, did I?

   The second update has been delivered, Lao Rui is still working hard, please vote!



  (end of this chapter)

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