Number of People

Chapter 1631: The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (8)

  Chapter 1631 The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm in the Renzi Juan (8)

   "Really? Brother Feng really said that?"

Xing Xiuyan's words suddenly made the girls gathered in the Xiangyun main hall of the Ou Xiangxie look up at her. Xing Xiuyan, who had always looked at her indifferently, felt a little panicked, and quickly turned her head to the side, and handed over the topic to Miaoyu .

   "Really, Brother Feng said it in front of my younger sister and Sister Miaoyu when drinking tea in the Cui Temple. If you don't believe me, you can ask Sister Miaoyu."

  Drinking tea in the Cui Temple?

Just when Xiangyun, Tanchun, Xichun, and the girls standing aside, including Yuanyang and Zijuan, all turned their eyes to Miaoyu, Daiyu's thoughts fell on the word "Cui'an" mentioned by Xing Xiuyan. .

  Why did Brother Feng go to Quicui Temple?

  In Daiyu's impression, the relationship between Brother Feng and Miaoyu is very weak, and they have almost no contact, even if they meet, they don't have much to say, so why did they suddenly go to Changcui'an?

Moreover, Miaoyu's temperament is very withdrawn, and idlers are not welcome. In Daiyu's impression, except for Xiuyan, the girls in other gardens, including herself, have entered the Changcui Nunnery very few times. As for Miaoyu I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to serve tea in jade.

  Others may not understand it, but Daiyu is clear about the expenses in Quicui'an, which is even bigger than her own Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

  My own half-sister is nominally practicing Buddhism and catechumens, but in Daiyu's eyes, it is purely a rich and idle person borrowing the name of an insider.

  He never tires of fine food, never tires of delicate food, so he pays more attention to food than himself, and pays more attention to tea tasting, which costs more.

  Even the monk clothes are just borrowed the light colors of blue, white, gray, and blue. The materials are all Suzhou-Hangzhou silk or Songjiang fine cotton, and the shoes under the feet are also custom-made by the famous Qingyunfang in the capital city.

  In the words of this elder sister, she has been used to it since she was a child. Jia’s food is decent, but she doesn’t like thick linen and thick cloth for her clothes.

  Even Zicuckoo murmured behind her back that she was too particular about these aspects, and that my aunt was used to it since she was a child.

Daiyu also vaguely knew some reasons. Her father always felt a little owed for not taking Miaoyu and her mother and daughter into the house, so he never treated him badly in terms of expenses. Not only Miaoyu, but also his own who is still in Suzhou In the nunnery lived the concubine, who was not considered a concubine, who was practicing cultivation. Aren't they also well-clothed and well-fed, pampered and well-fed?

The annual expenses are hundreds of taels of silver, which are all paid by the Lin family. That was also what my father told Brother Feng before his death. Brother Feng mentioned it to him roughly, but he didn't elaborate, because he was afraid that he would worry or be unhappy. , but I never care about these things.

   Guessing that this elder sister of mine also learned from her concubine, she has been trained to be like this since she was a child, but it’s just like this, can it still be regarded as a monastic life of practicing Buddhism and pursuing Taoism?

   Everyone's eyes focused on Miaoyu's face, and an unnatural expression flashed across Miaoyu's face.

  Other girls may think that Miaoyu is withdrawn and shy, and a little uncomfortable, but Daiyu thinks that it is not just that simple.

Miaoyu served tea, maybe there are some other meanings in it, but I mentioned it to her many times in the past few years, and she always refused, but it seems that the attitude of rejection has become less firm this year, Dai Yu didn't know if it was his own illusion, but now it seemed that his sister might have changed her mind.

  Others did not have such complicated and subtle thoughts as Daiyu, and their attention was attracted by the sentence "Being engaged may not mean that there will be no change".

Miaoyu glanced at Daiyu with some guilt, and found that her younger sister seemed to be thinking about something with lowered eyes, and she felt more and more uncomfortable, but facing the eagerness of Xiangyun and Tanchun, she could only bite the bullet and say what she had just said. The situation is described again.

   "Sister Miaoyu, do you mean that Brother Feng's tone is very certain?" Tanchun locked his eyebrows deeply.

  She is a person with opinions and opinions, and she trusts Feng Ziying more. If Brother Feng says so, there will be no mistakes.

  Although Brother Feng said something like this last time, this kind of matter is a private matter of each family, and even if Brother Feng is the Prime Minister of Shuntian Fu, it is impossible for Brother Feng to interfere in this kind of matter.

   It's just that under such circumstances, Brother Feng still categorically feels that something has changed, and Tanchun is also a little uncertain.

   So what if you're just not sure? For these women in the boudoir, the marriage agreed by their parents or elders is a final decision, and there is no room for maneuver, unless there is an accident like Baoqin, but that is something no one is willing to face.

   Baoqin could meet Brother Feng by chance and ask Brother Feng to marry her, but if Xiangyun encounters such a thing, how can he meet such a lover?

   "Well, although Big Brother Feng said there might be, but my younger sister can tell that Brother Feng's tone is very sure." Xing Xiuyan's tone is also very sure.

  Xiang Yun forced a smile, "Sister Xiuyan, you don't need to comfort me anymore, I can bear it, how can there be room for change in this kind of thing? Unless the Sun family voluntarily withdraws from the marriage, but..."

  Although she also knows that Xiuyan is not the kind of person who likes to exaggerate, but her marriage is a deadlock so far, how can there be any changes?

She hadn't thought about the matter of retiring and regretting the marriage, and it was not a good thing. Both of her uncles wanted her to marry Sun Shaozu. This is the ironclad, and she can't think of any other changes.

   "But brother Feng is indeed..."

  Xing Xiuyan was still a little unwilling, but Shi Xiangyun interrupted her: "Brother Feng is not omnipotent, and he can't expect this kind of thing,..."

   When Li Wan entered the door, he happened to hear Shi Xiangyun mentioning Feng Ziying, and then saw Xing Xiuyan talking to Shi Xiangyun, and his heart skipped a beat.

  She went back and took a good bath, and lay on the bed for a while, then got up and changed clothes.

  Suyun should have seen something, but there is no way, all kinds of bruises between the chest, abdomen and clavicle, and a belly belt is broken, and all kinds of things in the underwear, all of which indicate something.

Even though Suyun is inhumane, he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running on the mountain. His body is no secret to his personal servants. Now his walking posture is a bit strange, and his privacy is even more unusual. The cloak was full of bullet holes, which couldn't be covered at all.

  However, Li Wan still didn't say anything to Su Yun, not because he wanted to hide something deliberately, but because he felt that the time had not come, so let her doubt and worry for a while.

  This kind of thing can't be concealed originally, unless I and Feng Ziying have no contact with Feng Ziying from now on, but can it be done?

  Li Wan himself has no confidence in himself. No matter what aspect it is, Li Wan finds that he may need to rely on the other party in the future.

When the ancestors and parents-in-law put all their thoughts on Baoyu and selectively ignored Lang Geer, and in the future Rongguo Mansion is still facing a big battle between the long house and the second house, Li Wan suddenly found out what Feng Ziying said. Perhaps it is true, this Rongguo Mansion will really fall apart if it is not handled properly, and the building will collapse.

   "Hey, what are you two arguing about? Xiuyan, girl Yun is in a bad mood, why don't you give in?"

  Li Wan pretended to be calm, and even took the initiative to talk to Xing Xiuyan to show his composure.

   Xing Xiuyan probably sensed something, but she wasn't sure, so Li Wan had to act first, overwhelming the opponent with momentum, making the opponent feel that she had misunderstood.

   Xing Xiuyan was really overwhelmed by Li Wan's preemptive strike.

  The other party seemed very calm and composed, completely free of the panic and anxiety just now. Could it be that I really misunderstood her?

   Thinking of the sticky thing in his hand, Xing Xiuyan felt disgusted and couldn't explain it. What else could it be like a pickled thing?

It can be seen that the other party is so relaxed and calm, and then think of Li Wan's chastity for so many years. It is said that the master and wife have expressed that they can let her remarry, but Li Wan flatly rejected them. If you really want to steal a man, what's the point? Got so?

"Sister-in-law, there is nothing to argue about. I just told Sister Yun about Brother Feng's point of view. This was what Brother Feng said in front of Sister Miaoyu and I when we were drinking tea at Quicui Temple, but Sister Yun still refused to believe it,... "

  Xing Xiuyan told the ins and outs, but Li Wan's heart moved.

  After she and Ziying got on good terms, Ziying disapproved of Baoyu marrying a girl from the Niu family.

  I asked deeply, but he refused to say more. He only said that the situation in Beijing and China this year and next two years is not good, and there may be major changes.

   This also means that Sun Shaozu and Shi Xiangyun's engaged marriage may also have a change. Where did this change come from? Does it refer to a single event?

   Could it be that the historians of the Jia family are all involved, or is there even the Wang family? The Xue family is afraid that it is impossible, Baochai and Baoqin are all married to him, Xue Pan and Xue Biao have serious work to do, and they are also watched by Ziying, but Jia Shiwang's three families...

  Li Wan is not a woman who knows nothing about external affairs. Her father mentioned all kinds of things in Jinling in his letter to her.

My father mentioned in his heart that Jinling is currently restless, and that people in the south of the Yangtze River are very dissatisfied with many policies of the imperial court. The voices criticizing the cabinet can be heard every day in the seven ministries of Nanjing. I heard that during this period of time, people often came to visit, and they were all famous characters in the Jiangnan Shilin.

  Although my father has some literary talents and has served as a priest in the Guozijian for a few years, he is not in tune with the civil servants in Nanjing officialdom, otherwise he would not have been forced to retire in his fifties.

  Now someone wants to take my father back, and my father is naturally a little moved, but there seems to be something hidden behind it. Besides, my father is not sensitive to these aspects, but he still smells a little bit, so he has not agreed.

  (end of this chapter)

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