Number of People

Chapter 1632: Renzi scroll gradually approaching (1)

  Chapter 1632 Renzi Juan is getting closer (1)

  Not to mention the turmoil of the girls in the Champs Elysees over Shi Xiangyun's marriage, but Feng Ziying attended Jia Baoyu's wedding with peace of mind.

   In Dazhou, the custom of getting married is still customary to hold banquets at home.

There are many places in Rongguo Mansion where banquets can be held, such as the Xingqin Villa in the Grand View Garden, Tubi Mountain Villa, and Aujingxi Pavilion. No, it’s just a few tables, unless it’s outside.

Fortunately, hosting banquets in this era is far from the normal posture of giving love and eating in modern times, and they will not send posts everywhere to invite people to participate, and they will not come if they are not close relatives and friends. It's just a congratulatory gift in advance, and people won't come.

  So in this case, only a few tables of guests are enough. Many of them come to the door to give gifts and then leave after a while. Only the closest friends will wait until the wedding ceremony.

Feng Ziying noticed that the congratulatory gifts from Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, and Shui Rong had all arrived, but no one else came. The only real outsiders were himself, Xue Pan, Liu Xianglian, and Wang Ren, like Qin Zhong, Jiang Yuhan, etc. Jia Baoyu's close friends, but because of their status or reputation, none of them came.

  Girls are not allowed to go on stage on these occasions, so they can only hide in the garden and serve a table of good wine and food, which can be regarded as celebrating Baoyu's marriage.

Feng Ziying also simply socialized with Xue Pan, Liu Xianglian and others at the banquet, then left Rongguo Mansion and went home. He was full of heart and etiquette, and he still had to be busy three days later to welcome the spring to the mansion. , that is my own major event.

  It was early morning when I got home, and I drank a few glasses of wine at noon and evening. Fortunately, I spent a lot of time on Li Wan in the afternoon, and the alcoholism subsided a lot.

  But tonight is resting in Baochai's house, Feng Ziying couldn't help but have to help her waist again, counting the days when Baochai is most likely to conceive, I guess I have to work hard tonight.

Because in a few days, Yingchun will have to go through the door, and it is inevitable to share the favor of Baochai and Baoqin. Although on the surface, Yingchun is welcome to enter the second room, but inwardly, I still somewhat mind that this kind of time and energy will take up part of it. Especially when Baochai and Baoqin had no heirs, the situation was even more subtle and sensitive.

  Soaking in the tub, Feng Ziying leaned back against the wall of the tub, and bursts of finger pressure came from her forehead and shoulders.

   I have to say that the hearty and fierce battle in the afternoon left him with endless aftertaste. He didn't expect Li Wan, a pretty widow, to be so dissolute once she went crazy.

Maybe it was because of the pent-up emotions that had been suppressed for many years that she suddenly found a channel to relieve her, or she was struggling alone in the Rongguo Mansion, but what she faced was an unfriendly environment, which suddenly gave her enough peace of mind. The shoulders she leaned on allowed her to release all the pressure easily at once. In short, this outburst mixed with **** made her bloom with infinite charm.

  The result also appeared, that is, I also fought with all my strength, and scored three times to be considered as surrendering this goblin.

  The sequelae are also obvious, that is, the whole body is a little weak, but tonight I have to face Baochai who is eager to see through.

  It is difficult to be a responsible man.

   It was Xiangling who waited for Feng Ziying to take a bath.

   It was also fortunate that it was Xiangling. To be honest, although she noticed the peculiar smell on Feng Ziying's clothes, she was just suspicious and didn't dare to speak out.

  If it was Yinger's girl who changed, she might turn around and tell Baochai.

Even if Baochai found out, she wouldn't want to pester her endlessly, but it's definitely not good. Feng Ziying didn't want to disturb the interest and affect the relationship between the two because of these things, and this kind of truth can't be told, even lies are not good. arrange.

   Mind slowly returned to business, Shi Xiangyun and Sun Shaozu's engagement still made Feng Ziying aware of Niu Jizong's tricks.

   Obviously this is the result of Niu Jizong's full efforts to match, otherwise it would not be so fast.

  Niu Jizong needs to use this marriage with the historian to tie Sun Shaozu, the deputy commander of Datong, and Sun Shaozu also needs to use his marriage with the historian to further consolidate the position of the newly promoted deputy commander in Datong Town.

   Although historians still have some contacts in Datong, according to my father, there are not many who can really be used.

   But this is a sign that Niu Jizong is going to put all his eggs in one basket.

  If Sun Shaozu can really control a part of the frontier army in Datong Town, at least the entire Datong Town can be contained, and Niu Jizong can control the entire Xuanfu Town, then Gyeonggi is still a little dangerous.

The garrison of Ji Town is too spread out, half of it is occupied by Yongping Mansion, even the General Army Mansion of Ji Town is on the side of Yongping Mansion, stationed on the side of Shuntian Mansion, a considerable part of the elite are stationed here On the bulge from Huangsongyu to Mutianyu, which is the part of Miyun Weiwei.

  In fact, compared with the Xuanfu garrison of Yanqingwei, Yanqing Left Back and Huailaiwei, it is even farther away from the capital city.

More importantly, as the governor of Xuanda, Niu Jizong can mobilize the Xuanfu and the Datong army openly, at least in a short period of time, but You Shigong cannot mobilize the garrison of Miyun guards at will. If you really want to do it, there is almost no possibility of failure.

  Of course, the premise is that Niu Jizong has the courage.

  Feng Ziying was a little confused.

  For a while, I felt that Niu Jizong could not be so crazy. If the Xuanfu army dared to break into the capital, as long as it was slightly blocked, the army of Jizhen could arrive, but the Xuanfu army dared to directly attack the capital city? Or they want to use the iron net mountain to launch troubles, but Emperor Yonglong and the Shenshu camp are here, which frontier general dares to lead the army into the iron net mountain? Everyone knows this is rebellion!

For a while, I felt that Niu Jizong might have to put all his eggs in one basket, as long as he rushed in with one fell swoop, before the Jizhen army could react, the strength of the Shenshu camp was not enough compared to the elite Xuanfu army. , who can tell clearly, just push it to any dead ghost.

  But Niu Jizong is not afraid that Prince Yizhong will take him as a scapegoat when he comes to power?

  There must be something I don't know about here, but I have too few resources under my hands, and my identity also limits me.

  Long Jinwei, Jingying, and the emperor's personal guards such as the Four Guards Battalion, the Warrior Battalion, and the Banner Guards, all of them have insufficient connections, and they have no way of knowing a lot of news.

   While she was in a little confusion, she heard someone coming in from outside the door and whispered a few words. Feng Ziying couldn't hear clearly, so Xiangling whispered: "It's Yu Chuan'er who came, saying that there are people waiting to see the uncle over there."

   "At this time?" Feng Ziying frowned, if it wasn't for something special, someone special, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er would never bother her.

   "Well, Yu Chuan'er said it was urgent, and she had to report it to the uncle overnight." Xiang Ling didn't understand what was going on, so she could only convey it in the original words.

  In this case, Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, maybe he will be able to tide over the difficulties tonight.

Last night, I played a game of dragon and double phoenix with Eryou, and in the afternoon, I had a fierce battle with Li Wan in a daytime prostitution battle with Sanbaihe. To meet Baochai who hoped to give birth to a precious child again this evening, he really felt a little overwhelmed Oh, no matter how much the secret technique taught by Master Zhang, it will not be able to withstand such a sudden attack. This is also what Master Zhang specially reminded, and we still need to pay attention to the proper way of relaxation and discipline.

   "You mean there is movement in Cuihua Hutong?" Feng Ziying rubbed her temples and looked at Wu Yaoqing.

"Not only Cuihua Hutong, but also the group of Hongqing Temple changed last night. They moved overnight to Cuifeng Nunnery on the northwest corner of Guangping Library." Wu Yaoqing looked very excited, "This time it is A few people in the third class of yamen made meritorious deeds. We adopted the method of loosening the outside and tightening the inside. The people who were staring at him slowly withdrew to let them relax their vigilance. The people who followed up later were well disguised and had occupations as cover , avoiding the people of Hongqing Temple, they have been making noise since yesterday evening, and then quietly moved to Cuifeng Temple,..."

   "Cuifeng Nunnery?" Feng Ziying thought for a while, "It's on the edge of the Guangping warehouse, so it's next to Xizhimen, right?"

   "Yes, it's right next to Xizhimen, between Xingyuan'an Hutong and Pa'er Hutong, next to Anminchang." Wu Yaoqing introduced.

  Anmin Factory and Wang Gong Factory are the two major gunpowder workshops and warehouses in Dazhou. One is in the northwest corner, and the other is at the junction of the inner city and outer city in the west, next to Chengen Temple and Xuncheng Procuratorate.

   "Then what do you think they want to do when they start to move at this time?" Feng Ziying asked, holding her chin.

"If we relate what we found in Huairou before, the subordinates think that it has something to do with the iron net mountain autumn. Cuifeng nunnery is an abandoned nunnery. As early as the 33rd year of Yuanxi, it was thought that the white lotus in Beijing The Jiaoren and the nun's presiding officer were investigated by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but his subordinates investigated the case, and asked someone to check the case files at the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but they were vague. The nunnery was sealed away, and a few years ago people around said that Cuifeng nunnery was haunted by ghosts, so fewer and fewer people went there."

  Feng Ziying pondered, "After this Cuifeng nunnery was closed down like this, no one cares about it?"

"The subordinates have also asked through the people in the criminal department, but it has been a long time, and it was seventeen or eighteen years ago. At that time, the investigators were either transferred or retired. No one had much impression. It was hard to find An old official, he revealed a message, saying that someone in the palace should have greeted at that time, Cuifeng nunnery was originally going to be demolished, so it was suspended and left there,..."

  The clue provided by Wu Yaoqing made Feng Ziying a little vigilant, "A person in the palace? Is it a servant, or a concubine? Or which prince?"

   "I don't know. The old official also overheard one of the handlers slipping out of his mouth after drinking many years ago. Later, the handler fell into the water and died after getting drunk..." Wu Yaoqing replied.

  (end of this chapter)

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