Number of People

Chapter 1633: Renzi scroll gradually approaching (2)

  Chapter 1633 Renzi Juan is getting closer (2)

"What a coincidence?" Feng Ziying's eyes showed thoughtfulness, "Yaoqing, it seems that the White Lotus Sect has a deep foundation in Beijing. It has been intertwined more than ten years ago, and it is still able to make friends with people in the palace. Yuanxi Thirty Three years, at that time the crown prince was still Prince Yizhong, right?"

Wu Yaoqing was taken aback, "The first time Prince Yizhong was deprived of his crown prince status was in the 28th year of Yuanxi, he was restored in the 31st year of Yuanxi, and was deprived again in the 38th year of Yuanxi. In the second year, you will be crowned prince, you mean that the people in the palace may have something to do with Prince Yizhong?..."

"It's hard to say." Feng Ziying shook her head, but her eyes became brighter and clearer, "The term palace man is too broad, but I'm thinking that ordinary servants who can command the punishment department cannot do it. In the thirteenth year, who was the minister of the Ministry of punishment? It seems to be Shu Hua or Pan Jixun? They are all veteran ministers of the Ministry of punishment. Who can command them? And they are gone, so I can't tell clearly. If it is a concubine, then the emperor was In the prime of life, who dares to take part in politics? It’s almost like not wanting to live.”

   "So, my lord, do you suspect that he is from Zhan Shifu?" Wu Yaoqing asked in a deep voice, "Then there may be other princes."

"Other princes?" Feng Ziying shook her head and laughed, "Yaoqing, you still don't understand the situation during the reign of the Supreme Emperor. Except for the prince who has a little power, the other princes, including the current emperor, are all with their tails between their tails to protect themselves. How dare you get involved in these matters? It was already thirty-eight years after Yuanxi when the Supreme Emperor had some powers, and only then did he have the opportunity to become the current Emperor."

Feng Ziying obviously did her homework on these things, from the two ups and downs of Prince Yizhong to the rise of the current emperor, the most trusted concubine of the Supreme Emperor, the present Concubine Ming, who is also the adoptive mother of the current Emperor and King Zhongshun, to the most trusted concubine ever. The beloved concubine—Concubine Ying, who is also the mother of Qin Keqing, he has done some research.

Wu Yaoqing suddenly realized, "In this case, if it is not the first-level role of the chief **** in the palace, then it can only be Zhan Shifu, that is, the instruction of Prince Yizhong. It is only Prince Yizhong. Why did the prince at that time have to fight with these white lotus Teach people to get involved?"

"The chief **** may have this power, but you have to know that the Ministry of Punishment is controlled by scholars. They probably won't buy the face of these servants unless they represent the emperor, but if it is really the emperor's intention, why should it be so? And the emperor That is, how could the Supreme Emperor have anything to do with the White Lotus Sect at that time?" Feng Ziying analyzed word by word: "If it was the prince at that time, you should know that he was deposed in the 28th year of Yuanxi, and although he was restored in the 31st year, in fact he The position of the crown prince is already very unstable, and he encountered crises many times in the next seven years, and was finally abolished in the thirty-eighth year of Yuanxi. I am afraid that the crown prince had a very difficult life during this period, and everything he could do for himself I'm afraid I want to grab a handful of the power I use, of course, this is just my inference, and it may not be true."

"My lord, we are only inferring the greatest possibility, but the greatest possibility is enough to arouse our greatest vigilance." Wu Yaoqing shook his head and said, "It's just that I didn't expect that the power of the White Lotus Sect would be so entangled that it even reached the palace. It's unbelievable." .”

"Then why do you think they chose Cuifeng Nunnery?" Feng Ziying pondered and said, "Cuifeng Nunnery is an abandoned place, and the people around are avoiding it because of ghosts. This is good for them to hide. Is there any other reason? ?”

   "My lord, do you still have any doubts?" Wu Yaoqing also pondered hard, "This location is indeed a bit off, it is only a few steps away from Xizhimen, but go out from Xizhimen, the closest to Iron Net Mountain."

   "The closest?" Feng Ziying muttered to herself, "It's the closest to Iron Net Mountain, which means it's also the closest from the northwest?"

  Wu Yaoqing didn't quite understand Feng Ziying's meaning, "Yes, this is in the northwest corner, and it must be the closest from the northwest."

   "Who is in charge of the Xizhimen guards? The Fifth Army Battalion?" Feng Ziying's face changed slightly.

Most of the Fifth Army Battalion was taken away by Chen Jixian, and only a part remained. That's why King Zhonghui had to mobilize troops from Shenji Camp to rebuild the new Fifth Army Battalion. He is not familiar with the situation, and has to rely on the talents of the remaining veterans of the Fifth Army Battalion.

   This is just a suspicion of Feng Ziying, but there is no other evidence to support it.

   It’s still the same sentence, either I am too sensitive, or it may really become a reality, but I am inclined to the latter, while others may think it is the former.

"What do you suspect, sir?" Wu Yaoqing hadn't thought about it that far. What he had been worried about was the White Lotus Sect's rebellion, but he never thought that the White Lotus Sect might collude with other forces, let alone that there would be people in the imperial court who wanted to use the White Lotus Sect. To make trouble for personal gain.

   "It's hard to say now, I hope my guess is groundless." Feng Ziying didn't say it, because it was indeed too far-fetched.

   "Then what should we do now?" Seeing that Feng Ziying was unwilling to speak, Wu Yaoqing didn't say much.

"Keep staring. In addition, tomorrow we will go to Cuifeng Nunnery in Xizhimen to take a look." Feng Ziying thinks that it is better to go to the field to investigate and increase the intuitive experience, otherwise her heart will never be at ease. Have those two checked it out?"

   "People have gone to Yizhou, but they haven't come back yet." Wu Yaoqing paused, "But I haven't found any other abnormalities in my observation here. These two people are very cautious."

"The more this is the case, the more afraid I am to relax." Feng Ziying nodded, "Yaoqing, Tiewangshan Qiuxi, probably something is going to happen, I have this premonition, but what exactly is going to happen? It’s not something I can predict, but I don’t understand a little bit, I can feel all kinds of strange things, could it be that so many people in the court are unaware, or is everyone pretending to be deaf and dumb to cover their ears and steal the bell?”

  Wu Yaoqing couldn't answer this question.

While the two were talking, Wang Wenyan also rushed over. Feng and Wu introduced the situation to Wang Wenyan again. Wang Wenyan's thoughts were more careful, "If the White Lotus Sect is going to rebel at this time, I still don't quite understand it. Believe it, why do they have? Da Zhou’s energy is not exhausted, besides, the White Lotus Sect is also in chaos, there is everything, there is no unified command, how can things be done? I feel that they are more like planning to cooperate with some artificial force.”

   "White Lotus Sect is so willing to make wedding clothes for people?" Wu Yaoqing asked back.

   "Perhaps being the pioneer of the king can prove one's strength." Wang Wenyan replied.

  Feng Ziying sighed leisurely, "We can only guess out of thin air now, and we can only understand what happened when something explodes."

"My lord, in fact, we can do a lot." Wang Wenyan suggested: "There is no room for chaos in the capital. Apart from the capital camp, Ji Town is the key. You might as well contact Master You in advance. If you are worried During the autumn period, Gyeonggi will be safe, Lord You, Wucheng Bingma Division, and even Yongping Mansion, may as well say hello and strengthen contact, there is no harm in the end."

"Well, I also have this consideration." Feng Ziying pondered for a while and said: "The stability of the capital is a major issue. I don't know that the emperor and the court have made arrangements, but what can be done is still to be done. I have already discussed with the Admiral Denglai Shen Yourong sent a letter asking him to come north,..."

  Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing both changed their colors, "My lord, this is impossible!"

  Generals from other towns came to Beijing without purpose, it was tantamount to rebellion, according to the law, they should be executed, this not only harmed Shen Yourong, but also harmed Feng Ziying herself.

"I know, I didn't let Shen Yourong come to Beijing. He is the admiral of the navy, and it's within the scope of his duties to inspect the entire Beidi coastal defense, right? I plan to go to Dagu to meet him." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Daku The construction of a military port is under construction. Of course, it will be used more importantly for civilian purposes, which can greatly reduce the pressure on Yuguan. In the future, Yuguan will be mainly responsible for the import and export of goods in Yongping Prefecture, Eastern Mongolia, and the Liaoxi Corridor. Dagu will gradually become a substitute for water transport, and even gradually take the place of the canal."

  Wang Wenyan frowned, "The dredging of the Wei River is a problem."

"There are some problems, but it's worth it." Feng Ziying's attitude is firm: "I can't control Hejian Prefecture, but if there is a problem with the water transportation, the supplies in the capital can only be guaranteed by sea. Dagu and Beitang are very important, so I also want to discuss it with the Ministry of War and Jizhen. The one stationed in Liangcheng has been lazy and abandoned for many years, and it can't bear the responsibility of guarding the gate of Gyeonggi. Otherwise, it will be revealed.”

  The military system of the Great Zhou Dynasty was very complicated, and it was difficult to explain it with a set of systematic rules. There were also many exceptions and conventions that violated normal rules.

Theoretically, border towns have quite a lot of power, especially in terms of military affairs. The rule that the generals are not allowed to obey the orders of foreign monarchs is particularly prominent in border towns. It is really because once the enemy breaks into the border wall, it will be from Datong, Xuanfu, Jizhen to In Liaodong, the cavalry can quickly reach the capital city. If you still stick to the order or wait for the order from the Ministry of War, it will only delay the opportunity of the battle.

For example, Tianjin Sanwei and Liangcheng are under the jurisdiction of Ji Town, but the role of Tianjin Sanwei is mainly to guard the connection point between water transportation and Weihe River, and at the same time to prevent water bandits from the triangle lake, which can be called taking into account both land and rivers, lakes and seas. Defense, and Jizhen's main duty is to defend the northern Mongols, so it doesn't pay much attention to Tianjin Sanwei.

The situation of the Liangcheng Institute is similar. The duty of the Liangcheng Institute is to guard the line from the Chaohe River to the sea. The Chaohe River has the Weishui that leads to Fengrun, the Gushui that leads to Jizhou, and the Wei River that leads to the Three Rivers (Yingzhou Houtun Wei), Pinggu (Yingzhou Zhongtunwei), Baoqiu water can reach Baodi and Niwapu, and Niwapu is the throat road from Tongzhou Land Road to Sanhe.

  Yangseongsho was set up to store military supplies in Gyeonggi on the one hand, and to prevent Japanese pirates from attacking on the other.

  This also makes Tianjin Sanwei and Liangcheng more affected and intervened by the Ministry of War.

   The third update is delivered, ask for a few more monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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