Number of People

Chapter 1634: Renzi scroll gradually approaching (3)

  Chapter 1634 The Renzi volume is gradually approaching (3)

"My lord, do you want to gradually replace the water transport in the Gyeonggi area with sea transport?" Wang Wenyan hesitated, "My lord, I'm afraid this is not just a simple transportation problem, but also a problem of the existence and value of the entire water transport system. ..."

  Wang Wenyan's implication is also very clear. The water transportation has fed too many people, both the court and the people. Once this fundamental is touched, I am afraid that the canal will shake and even cause unpredictable risks.

"So this can only be achieved under certain circumstances. Under normal circumstances, no one dares to use the water transport." Feng Ziying said calmly: "For example, if the water transport is interrupted, should the sea transport follow it as it should be? Otherwise, the people of Gyeonggi How to live, how to maintain the court?"

  Wang Wenyan understands that the adults have already determined that some unpredictable things will happen, including the interruption of water transportation.

  This can turn a crisis into an opportunity. No wonder Xue Jiazi of Erfang went to Denglai and Yuguan to operate shipping.

"If this is the case, Beitang and Dagu should indeed be operated and constructed as soon as possible." Wang Wenyan thought for a while, "Dagu and Tianjin Sanwei are actually one, and Beitang can also be regarded as the continuation of Liangcheng Institute. If adults value this There are two places, Ji Town is easy to talk about, but the Ministry of War is easy to talk about."

"Well, I have also considered that the use of Ji Town for these two places is to defend against enemy attacks at sea, while the Ministry of War focuses on military support. From the perspective of my Shuntian Mansion, it is to be used for civilian purposes or as a strategic support point. Play to the extreme, each takes what it needs, of course we have more in common with the Ministry of War.”

Feng Ziying's eyes became deeper and deeper, "Once the water transportation is interrupted, the status of Yuguan, Dagu, and Beitang will suddenly rise. I am afraid that everyone will be unprepared and be in a hurry. That will be a disaster, especially in this year's severe drought in Beidi on occasion."

"I'm afraid it's not just that. We can work overtime at the three docks, but the most important thing is the source of supplies. Don't you think Jiangnan is unstable? Once the water transportation in Jiangnan is interrupted, can it be shipped by sea?" Wang Wenyan asked again. : "Even if it can be shipped out, if Jiangnan doesn't recognize the imperial court, the merchants will have to talk about business. The imperial court's current financial resources, what can these merchants use to make these merchants willing to transport all kinds of materials to the north? I'm afraid it won't work just to make empty wishes."

This is of course a problem. As Wang Wenyan said, even if Jiangnan cannot control the coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang, Guangdong and Dongfan, if the imperial court loses the protection of taxation rights in Jiangnan, who will listen to your empty words? Howling?

  Of course, if you can demonstrate an absolutely overwhelming position in the military, then some businessmen will be willing to bet, but when the situation is unclear at the beginning, who will bet with money?

  Can the military power of the imperial court last until it shows its absolute superiority?

To mobilize all the frontier troops to launch an overwhelming offensive against the south requires a process, time, and money, food, and various logistical supplies. This is not an easy task. In the past, there was a system of protection from the Great Zhou Dynasty. , but once the entire south is broken and interrupted, when logistical support is no longer provided, how to fight?

  Wang Wenyan raised this point and Feng Ziying also considered it, but apart from what she had already prepared to deal with, there were no other good countermeasures.

  Guangdong is a place that needs good production and management. Once the north and the south confront each other, Guangdong production will have great support for the north, not only the material itself, but also the psychological support of the people.

  Dongfan is equally important. One is that it can form a transit of north-south transportation with Penghu, and the other is that Dongfan itself has products to produce, but this can only be realized under the condition of controlling the Fujian Navy.

Asking Shen Yourong to talk to the north, Feng Ziying will remind the other party that he may have to deploy in the Fujian Navy in advance. After all, Shen Yourong has served in the Fujian Navy for many years. Many generals of the Fujian Navy used to be his subordinates. He has a high prestige in the Fujian Navy. This is an extremely favorable condition.

Feng Ziying found that although Prince Yizhong was making all kinds of preparations, including military preparations, especially those on the Xuanda line, he didn't pay much attention to the navy, whether it was Shen Yourong's Denglai navy or the current Fujian navy, As well as the Guangdong Navy, they didn't pay much attention.

Wang Ziteng has regarded the Denglai Navy as a burden since the day Denglai Town was established, thinking that he will compete for his construction funds for the Denglai Town Horse Infantry Army, so his relationship with Shen Yourong, who is the admiral of the Denglai Navy, is extremely bad, and now it is even worse. The potential is the same as water and fire.

The Fujian navy is basically independent of the Jiangnan system, and most of the generals and mid- and low-level officers are loyal to the imperial court. Shen Yourong has mentioned this point, while the Guangdong navy is mainly composed of locals, but Guangdong has never been regarded as one by Jiangnan. It is also beneficial to the court.

"The only thing we can do is to do this. Maybe what I have done will be regarded as unreasonable worries. If it is unnecessary, I also hope that my thoughts are superfluous." Feng Ziying spread her hands, " hope so."

"My lord, I don't think your worries are superfluous. Even if the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is not as bad as we imagined, it is an indisputable fact that the severe drought in the north is an indisputable fact. According to news from various sources, Shanxi and Shaanxi will experience unprecedented severe droughts. , it is very difficult to solve the problem with the imperial government's relief, if there are any twists and turns in the local government, then there will be big troubles."

  Wang Wenyan felt that the risk of a severe drought in the north was greater.

"I have mentioned this to Master Qi, and Master Qi attaches great importance to it, and I have also told Mr. Fang, but the decision made by the cabinet is not to find a way to raise relief money and food, but to consider asking the Metropolitan Procuratorate to send patrols. Supervise the implementation of relief at the local level..." Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, "It's true to say that there are many people in the government below, but it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. When the relief from the court is far from enough, is there anyone here? It doesn’t make much sense to play up and down.”

   "The imperial court is also stepping up replenishment of warehouses, and the speed of entering Jingtong's second warehouse is also accelerating, so you don't have to worry too much." Wang Wenyan comforted.

"That little grain, as long as the water transport is cut off, you can grab it all in a few days. It doesn't depend on how much grain is in reserve, but on the expectations of the people. If everyone thinks that the grain is going to run out, every household will want to save it. Two years of practical food storage, even if you have great skills, you can't do anything,..." Feng Ziying said the key point.

Both Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing are not mediocre, so they naturally understand the reasoning. Once the common people expect it, they will buy food as soon as they see it. In the end, countless people will rush to buy it, and in the end, countless people will have no food to eat, while some people piled up like mountains in their homes.

   "That's why adults are now contacting Guangdong to store grain. Yuguan has already stored a lot of grain, but if you store too much, the cost will increase,..."

  Wang Wenyan is also quite a headache. Commercial behavior needs to calculate the cost and output. If it is to be solved from the policy of the court, it should not be done by Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying can't do it.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time." Feng Ziying shook her head, "I can't care so much now. I used to think that I had a high vision, strategizing, and omnipotence, but now I realize that there are some things that you think will be That way, people don't think so, you think it can be done, but in fact there are too many constraints, it is impossible to do it at all, so what?"

  Wu Yaoqing muttered for a long time before saying: "Maybe the situation will not be as bad as expected."

  Feng Ziying glared at the other party, and Wu Yaoqing could only bow his head. This was not a reason, and even he couldn't convince himself.

"My lord, we have done our best. My lord is just the Prime Minister of Shuntian Fu. What you have done has exceeded the scope of your duties. You are not the old man, so you have a clear conscience." Wang Wenyan also felt that Feng Ziying was not in a good mood, and turned away Topic: "I haven't congratulated my lord yet, the second girl of Rongguo Mansion will pass the door in three days."

  Wu Yaoqing also echoed, Feng Ziying's face turned pale, and she said, "This is the only good thing in this period of time, anyway, why should I pressurize myself and make myself so uncomfortable?"

Indeed, Feng Ziying sometimes felt that she was too anxious about herself. The Feng family relied on her background as a civil servant, the backing of Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, and her status as a scholar in the north. Her father supported the soldiers in the border town No matter who sits on the position of emperor, it is impossible to move the Feng family, unless they stand resolutely on the opposite side of the other party, there is no need to think so hard, life is too hard.

  Is life not good now? Beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, surrounded by beauties, I feel wronged when I think about it, even Qingwen and Ping'er, the leading characters in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", have been raised in the house for several years, and they have not had time to take over the house. There are several people in the concubine's room, but they don't even have a son. Like tonight, they even gave up the time to share the bed with Baochai.

  I am too dedicated to my work. I really hold the emperor's heart with the salary of a foreign minister.

  After feeling a lot of emotion, Feng Ziying knew that beauty is built on the basis of hard work. If she didn't worry about it, the current situation of the Feng family in the future might really be the peak of her debut and start to go down.

  Father is already an extremely powerful minister, at least he is the pinnacle of generals, and prosperity and decline may not be empty talk.

  Of course I still have a lot of room for myself, but if Prince Yizhong really became the emperor, can the scholars in the north still be respected as much as they are now? I'm afraid that the balance of power in the court will fall to the south of the Yangtze River immediately, and people like Han Jing, Xu Xie, and Huang Zunsu will rise up quickly to replace themselves and Lian Guoshi's current positions. If people like Fang Youdu, Shen Zizheng, and Yang Sichang turn the limelight quickly, They can also have good fruits to eat, but scholars from the north like myself and Lian Guoshi, Fan Jingwen, and Sun Chuanting may not have such a good chance.

  If the Mongols, the Jurchens, and the Bailian Sect were allowed to succeed, the situation would be even worse, which Feng Ziying could not accept.

  The situation of the Feng family is like sailing against the current.

  (end of this chapter)

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