Number of People

Chapter 1636: Renzi scroll gradually approaching (5)

  Chapter 1636 Renzi Juan is getting closer (5)

  Seeing the tears in the corners of the eyes of the beautiful woman next to her, cuddling her tightly, and falling asleep with gentle breathing, Feng Ziying slowly woke up.

   On the other side of the Babu bed, there was another body curled up on one side. When Feng Ziying woke up, he crawled over, "Master, do you want to scrub?"

  Feng Ziying glanced at Yingchun who was sleeping soundly in her arms, shook her head, and whispered: "Forget it, she finally fell asleep, just wait for her to sleep peacefully."

Siqi also leaned over, lay on Feng Ziying's side, helped Feng Ziying put Yingchun's body in place, and then covered the brocade mattress, and then complained: "I don't know how to be more sympathetic, it's the first time for a girl, how can she stand it?" How can you get out of bed like this? The girl's voice is hoarse, and the master refuses to give up. Tomorrow morning, the girl will get up to serve Weng Gu and Second Grandma Bao. How can she get out of bed like this? Look,..."

  Only a bright red bellyband was hung on Siqi's body, his **** were dangling, bewitching, but he was holding a corner of white satin with red spots on it.

   Wipe the new red on the crabapple branches.

  Feng Ziying also knew that tonight was a bit wild.

After holding back for two days to recharge my batteries, I drank two more glasses of deer blood wine in the evening. Yingchun is also a weak person, who only wants to please my husband. No matter how painful it is, she gritted her teeth and endured it. She is still playing chess outside. Feeling that the situation was not right, he came up to devour the tiger with his body, only to be able to parry Feng Ziying's profligacy.

  But Siqi is also sensible. Knowing that it was my young lady's first night, I finally gave it up to Yingchun, but I suffered from Yingchun's night.

   "If you can't get out of bed, you can't get out of bed. I will naturally go to say hello to Baochai and my mother..." Feng Ziying disagrees.

Siqi rolled his eyes, "Master said so lightly, how could the girl agree? Who can easily break the rules of the bride's first day? If you act like this because of your master's favor, you will definitely be poked behind your back in the future." , although the slaves also love the girl, but they still have to support the girl to rise up to serve Wenggu and serve tea to grandma. After the rules are over,..."

Feng Ziying also knew that what Siqi said was right, no matter how much she felt pity for Yingchun, but tomorrow's rules represent Yingchun's first appearance after entering Feng's mansion, everyone should look at it harshly, even if Baochai Baoqin and Yingchun are Sister, but the rules are the rules, and you need to follow the rules.

   "Well, let's get up later and let the second sister sleep a little longer." Feng Ziying nodded, "If anyone asks, just say that I am sleepy and need to sleep a little longer."

  Siqi curled his lips, feeling a little envious and at ease, he didn't care about himself back then, he only cared about his own comfort, but he was so considerate to girls, men really love the new and hate the old.

  Feng Ziying saw that Siqi was in good spirits, so she leaned on the head of the bed and chatted with Siqi.

  Yingchun is a boring gourd, and thanks to the excellent match of Siqi, it can be regarded as saving Yingchun from many troubles and resisting many unnecessary disputes.

"Siqi, you can just sleep here for a while..." Seeing that Siqi began to doze off, Feng Ziying motioned for him to sleep next to him. He also knew that Siqi and Yingchun were like sisters, so he didn't mind sharing Bed together.

"Today is not enough, it's the girl's big day, and the master should accompany the girl well." Siqi straightened up and yawned, then got out of bed, and went out naked, "The servant is outside Sit on the bed for a while, if the master has any orders, just call the slaves."

   It is said that the girl Siqi has a bold temperament, but she is also thick on the outside and thin on the inside. On the wedding night, Yingchun can't stand the gun for the girl, but if she wants to share the bed with Yingchun, it is overstepping.

  Feng Ziying took a deep breath, glanced at Yingchun, who was sleeping peacefully next to her, and finally let go of something in her heart.

To say how deeply she loved Yingchun at first, Feng Ziying felt that it was impossible to say, after all, compared with Daiyu and Baochai, she didn't have a deep impression before, but Yingchun's gentle and soft temperament really suits him. Feng Ziying felt that she could not let the other party down because she had put all her affection on herself in the past, and had the rare courage to put down her face and bravely pursue her own happiness for once.

   Now that his wish was finally fulfilled, he felt much more at ease, and after all, he did not disappoint this long-awaited beauty.

Inadvertently thought of Shi Xiangyun from Yingchun. Of course, Sun Shaozu and Shi Jia married not because of Shi Xiangyun, but because of the remaining influence of Shi Jia in the two towns of Datong and Shanxi. Shi Nai and Shi Ding are useless The children of the two are even more unbearable. If he can marry Shi Xiangyun, if he can make a good job of himself and make a bright future, he may not be able to inherit some of the historian's connections in the army. This is probably Sun Shaozu's idea.

  Niu Jizong also seemed to play an important role in it, which shows that their actions have become more urgent, but is this issue worthy of the attention of the court?

In a few days, it will be the autumn of Tiewangshan. The capital city is preparing, and the emperor has begun to show up. He even presided over two court meetings in a row. It is said that he seems to be in a good state of mind. Rumors of being poor and possibly bedridden.

  The news came that in addition to the four guards camp, the warrior camp, and the standard-bearer guards who were accompanying the emperor's troops, there was also the Shenshu camp to accompany all of them, leaving only the five military camps and the Shenji camp that had just been split and integrated to stay in Kyoto.

Feng Ziying didn't think there would be any problems with the three major battalions of the Beijing camp, but Chen Jixian led the old part of the fifth military battalion to leave outrageously, which indeed brought a great impact to the entire three major battalions of the Beijing camp, both in terms of morale and combat effectiveness. Shock, the Shenshu Camp is considered a relatively complete system, so it is reasonable to accompany them to **** Iron Net Mountain.

  However, Feng Ziying was a little worried about the combat effectiveness of the Shenshu Battalion.

Although the Shenshu Battalion seems to have the most complete organizational system, and the establishment time is longer than that of the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenji Battalion Commander, and the training seems to be well-trained, but one of the reasons for him is that the Shenshu Battalion still follows the old regulations and is still in the field. A large number of old-fashioned firearms such as three-eyed firearms and clip-on guns are used. This kind of equipment and combat effectiveness are obviously far behind the Lumi guns, Musketti and the army formed with new tactics in the Shenji Battalion. .

  Feng Ziying also implicitly mentioned to the Ministry of War whether it should consider changing part of the Beijing camp first, but it is obvious that the emperor and the cabinet have ignored this suggestion.

  Feng Ziying has been trying to deduce that if she is Prince Yizhong, if she wants to take advantage of this opportunity by any means, where should she start?

After much deliberation, it is still most appropriate to launch an attack when Emperor Yonglong is in the iron net mountain palace. First, although there are Shenshu camp and pro-army ministries, if Niu Jizong can really mobilize Xuanfu and Datong Army to make a sudden attack An attack does not necessarily mean there is no chance.

   But there are still many details here, Feng Ziying can only imagine and guess, how to deal with it is not specific.

The more she thought about it, the more dizzy she felt, Feng Ziying simply fell asleep with her arms around the beauty beside her. The car had its own way to the front of the mountain, and the soldiers came to cover up the water and the soil. Only when the killing move comes, can I talk about how to deal with it.


  Early the next morning, before Feng Ziying got up, Yingchun got up in a hurry and endured the pain. After washing up with Siqi's service, she crossed her legs and begged herself to take her to serve tea to Weng Gu.

  The father is not there, but the mother and the three aunts are all there. Yingchun followed the rules and served tea one by one, and finally passed the test under the eyes of the mother.

  Ms. Duan was also comforting with warm words, but she probably felt that Yingchun had a good physique, so she had to explain that she wanted to conceive and have children earlier, which made Yingchun both ashamed and looking forward to it.

Serving tea to the Baochai and Baoqin sisters made Feng Ziying a little embarrassed. In his opinion, since Yingchun and Baochai have always been sisters, their relationship has always been good, and Yingchun and Baochai also know that they will never compete with them. Yes, there is no need to engage in these red tapes, but I did not expect Yingchun to be very persistent on this issue. He insisted on inviting Baochai and Baoqin to sit down and serving tea with both hands himself. moving.

After seeing Baochai and Baoqin, the rest is Baochai's business. Inevitably, Baochai and Yingchun have to go to the long house Shen Yixiu to pay a visit. The etiquette cutscene is over.

  Feng Ziying stayed in the Spring Festival House for the next two days. This was a tacit agreement between Shen Yixiu and Baochai. No matter how the bride came in, she had to give her three days of tenderness.

   It's just that this kind of time is often too short. After three days, Feng Ziying set off for Dagu. The Denglai navy had already arrived in the coastal waters of Dagu. He was going to meet with Shen Yourong to discuss important matters.

  At the same time, Feng Ziying also invited You Shigong, hoping that he could go to Sanwei, Tianjin to meet him. Just when Feng Ziying returned after going to Dagu to meet Shen Yourong, he could meet and have an interview in Tianjin Wei.

"Master Shen, are you safe?" When she saw Shen Yourong at the moment of boarding the ship, Feng Ziying was also a little moved. Compared to a few years ago, Shen Yourong was much older, and life was going through the wind and waves. One can imagine the hard work of a new navy.

   Fortunately, although Shen Yourong was a little old, she was still in a vigorous state of mind, and her voice was still sonorous and powerful.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but Master Feng has become more and more personable." Shen Yourong laughed, "I can often hear that Master Feng's reputation spreads far and wide in Denglai, otherwise the Shuntian Mansion Cheng court would not have arranged for you to sit This location."

   "Master Shen is too praised." Feng Ziying waved his hand, looking around, Shen Yourong also knew that the other party must have something important to say to him alone, with a wave of his hand, everyone else left the cabin.

  (end of this chapter)

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