Number of People

Chapter 1637: A Word from Ren Zi Juan Awakens the Dreamer

  Chapter 1637 The words of Renzi Juan awaken the dreamer

  Before coming to see Shen Yourong, Feng Ziying had been thinking about how to talk about this conversation with Shen Yourong, to what extent or depth, which made him think a lot.

  Feng Ziying's impression of Shen Yourong comes from two sources, one is the memory of the previous life, and the other is contact in this life.

What he could remember from his previous memory was that Shen Yourong was a naval officer, and he had been in the Jiliao, Fujian and Zhejiang, and Denglai navy for several times. He had rich experience, a tenacious character, and a strong patriotism. Having fought against Hongmao Fan and repeatedly defending the sovereignty of Ming Dynasty, this experience alone is enough to show that Shen Yourong is an excellent naval officer.

Contacting in this world, Feng Ziying can also feel that Shen Yourong has great vision, and his worries about the Jianzhou Jurchens are quite consistent with his own. This also means that he and he have a common goal, which is to contain the Jurchens, and even destroy them. To achieve this, in the future, the coastal control of Liaodong, Liaonan and even North Korea must be firmly in the hands, and the supply line in Liaodong should be gradually shifted from land to sea. This can greatly improve security efficiency and reduce transportation costs. It can even be said that it will become the key to the future success of the Liaodong strategy.

Feng Ziying had some understanding of the failure of Daming Liaodong in the previous life. Misjudgments in various situations, tactical failures, and mistakes in personnel are indeed problems in Feng Ziying's view, but this is not the key to the failure of Daming Liaodong. The key is guarantee question.

With the expansion of Jianzhou Jurchen forces and the short-term rise of Chahar Lindan Khan, a huge pincer suppression was formed on the situation in Liaodong. It is difficult to support the needs of the Liaodong Army for a long time with the reserve population guarantee to maintain the operation of the entire Liaodong Town. It can only be resupplied through the Liaoxi Corridor, which makes the supply more difficult and consumes a lot. Can not provide substantial support to Daming.

  When the price of grain in Liaodong was several times higher than that of the capital, and when the imperial court's protection of Liaodong could only be supported by silver rather than substantial materials, the battle had already been lost.

The lack of sufficient financial and material support, coupled with the loss of maneuverability and depth, made Daming and Liaodong gradually lose their strategic initiative. The most important thing is that the guarantee of various materials is too expensive, making it difficult for Daming to support financial resources. Strategic contraction.

It's just that there is no Jiliao naval division in Dazhou now, so Feng Ziying seized the opportunity to push Shen Yourong to the position of admiral of the Denglai naval division. Wang Ziteng's contempt for the naval division gave Shen Yourong a chance to be able to Monopolizing the power of the Denglai Navy, of course, there is also a reason for his full support behind it.

Shen Yourong attaches as much importance to Liaodong as he does. In his opinion, Japanese pirates and Hongmao Fan are enemies from far away, and Jianzhou Jurchen is an imminent threat that can really threaten the hinterland of Gyeonggi. It is precisely because of this that Feng Ziying feels that she is Can reach a deep level of cooperation with him.

  But this time the shock may be related to the internal struggle for the throne in the Zhang family of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Feng Ziying is not sure what attitude Shen Yourong holds.

Shen Yourong is from Xuancheng, Ningguo Mansion, theoretically from Jiangnan, but he is a martial artist with a background in martial arts, and his mind is different from that of the gentry. The gentry also look down on this kind of warrior, and Shen Yourong has always been in the army. The court's recognition should be far better than that of Prince Yizhong or the slightly nihilistic concept of Jiangnan geography. Feng Ziying is still somewhat sure of this.

If only talking about the threat of the Jurchens in Jianzhou and the safety of Liaodong, Feng Ziying believes that Shen Yourong will absolutely agree with him, but when it comes to the possible confrontation between the North and the South, the Denglai Navy, Fujian Navy, and Guangdong Navy are even needed to guarantee that once such a situation arises Regarding the situation, Feng Ziying felt that it was necessary to communicate and persuade the other party to provide guarantee and support for the imperial court based on the Northland.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's serious face, Shen Yourong looked very relaxed, "Master Feng, look at your posture, do you have any important matters to communicate with this old man?"

  Theoretically, Shuntian Fucheng and Denglai Navy Admiral cannot beat each other, but there is no need to mention the tacit understanding and cooperation between the two over the years. Everyone has this awareness.

  Feng Ziying nodded, "There are indeed some important things that I want to communicate with Mr. Shen, but I can't find a suitable place as an entry point for a while."

"Oh?" Shen Yourong was very curious. He had seen the eloquence of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan in the past, and the princes in the court also praised this person's talent. How could he be so incompetent when facing him? Did you say it?

One must know that last year when he was still the magistrate of Yongping Mansion, he wrote to himself asking for support from the Denglai Navy. Hard to speak?

   "Master Feng, is there anything we can't be honest with each other? Or is it so serious that you find it difficult to make a choice?"

Shen Yourong smiled and said: "This old man has gone through a lot, and you have become famous since childhood, and now you are the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, the emperor values ​​it, the cabinet is favored, and the performance of Yongping Mansion has made the court look at you with admiration, shocking the army , Huaiyu (Hou Chengzu's word) came back and praised you full of praise, saying that you are a tiger father with no dog son, both civil and military, and beat the Mongols to death, which is amazing, it is a big thing, I miss you and me Can the two of you talk to each other?"

  Shen Yourong's boldness aroused Feng Ziying's heroic ambition, he got up and bowed solemnly, "Thank you for reminding me, my lord, but Ziying is narrow-minded."

  Shen Yourong has a very fond impression of Feng Ziying, not only because of Feng Ziying's strong recommendation to him back then, which brightened his originally gloomy official career, but also because of the similarity of many viewpoints.

He even thought that Feng Ziying was more suitable for leading troops. After Hou Chengzu came back, he talked about Feng Ziying's training regulations for firecrackers, which made him look sideways. It is rare for a big man who wants to be in the prime of life to be so speculative, and it is even more important to make friends with each other.

  Shen Yourong smiled slightly and nodded: "Since that's the case, the old man is also very curious today, and wants to hear what's embarrassing you, so anxious and entangled..."

Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, Shen Yourong's grace and magnanimity seemed to make him a bit petty, he didn't doubt the employment, and he didn't need it, since he believed that the other party was someone he could trust, they would dare to send troops north to support him at the worst of the world, but he didn't What's wrong with facing each other frankly?

   "Master Shen, I don't know if you have heard that Jiangnan has been unstable this year in Denglai?" Feng Ziying felt that it is better to talk about a few signs and problems first, to see the attitude of the other party, and then to touch the core step by step.

Shen Yourong frowned slightly, and then unfolded: "The old man is from Xuancheng. Although he has been away for a long time, he has some understanding of the situation in his hometown. It is nothing more than the fact that the Nanjing side feels that the imperial court is too harsh on Jiangnan in terms of taxes and hopes to reduce them. Is it too biased towards the northerners for the imperial court Chunwei?"

   "Then what do you think?" Feng Ziying continued to ask.

"The theory of the imperial court's policy is not for me and other warriors to comment on, but since you asked Mr. Feng, and the old man didn't answer, it seems that I am not straightforward. Well, every policy of the imperial court will indeed benefit some people and harm some people. How to balance it? This is a problem of the imperial court, but the defense of the north must not be neglected in the slightest. It is difficult for the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River to feel the pressure from the north. As for the issue of the number of staff in the south of the Yangtze River, this is an old matter of years of disputes between the north and the south, and the imperial court should consider it."

   As expected of a seasoned veteran, his answers in these aspects are impeccable, but Feng Ziying is still very satisfied, it is enough for him to hear his attitude.

   "Then what does Lord Shen think of Denglai Army's performance in Bozhou?" Feng Ziying changed the topic abruptly and moved to Wang Ziteng.

  Shen Yourong was startled, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "Could it be that Ziying thinks that Wang Ziteng has other plans?"

   "Is it just that Wang Ziteng has other plans?" Hearing that Shen Yourong used her own words to address herself instead of using the title of Mr. Feng, Feng Ziying felt even more certain.

Shen Yourong's expression changed slightly, accompanied by the swaying of the sea waves, the slight movement of the ship's plank, that clear face looked more deep and deep in the flickering light, he remained silent for a while, and sighed: "The situation is really serious. So bad? It’s impossible for the court to be unaware, right?”

   This sentence also made it difficult for Feng Ziying to answer.

He always felt that it was impossible for the court to be unaware of such a big matter, and it was impossible for him to have no clues. However, he negotiated with Long Jinwei, reported it to Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, and even mentioned it to Chai Ke, but he didn't get it. No matter how many formal responses he made, most of them thought that he was making a fuss, which made him have to reflect on whether he was really a little nervous.

  Would the imperial court not be aware of the problems that Shen Yourong could feel?

  Is there some problem here?

"Master Shen, I don't know." Feng Ziying could only answer somewhat awkwardly: "The imperial court may have noticed it and even had countermeasures, but I always think that the imperial court still didn't pay enough attention to it, or they were too complacent and underestimated it." The various shocks and subsequent impacts that may be brought about once an incident occurs.”

  Noticing the bitterness and embarrassment on Feng Ziying's face, Shen Yourong asked again: "Then Ziying, have you ever reflected on it?"

   "Of course." Feng Ziying nodded in surprise, but seeing the depth in Shen Yourong's eyes, she seemed to understand: "My lord means..."

   "The imperial court won't be so contemptuous, it's nothing more than other things." Shen Yourong said slowly.

  (end of this chapter)

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