Number of People

Chapter 1639: Ren Zijuan What should come will always come (1)

  Chapter 1639 Renzi Juan What should come will always come (1)

  The conversation with Shen Yourong went very well, and Feng Ziying was also very satisfied with Shen Yourong's attitude.

Although Shen Yourong felt that Feng Ziying's worries were a bit exaggerated, but as a martial artist who was born in Jiangnan but had served in Fujian, Liaodong and Denglai, he also admitted that if there are some things that are not planned in advance, once something unexpected happens, the consequences will be really disastrous tidy.

  Although Feng Ziying was born in Wu Xun, his background and current status determine that he can not only judge and analyze the situation as a warrior, so Shen Yourong still tends to believe that Feng Ziying's judgment is not without reason.

  Since this is the case, of course Shen Yourong will do his best to support Feng Ziying's suggestions, including his request to contact Shi Dezheng and do a good job in communication with the Fujian Navy. In Shen Yourong's view, this is not a problem.

On the contrary, Shen Yourong was very surprised that Feng Ziying didn't seem to be worried about the situation of the Guangdong Navy. As far as he knew, the Guangdong Navy had nothing to do with the Feng family, even if Haitong Yinzhuang was in Guangdong for a few days In the past year, some contacts have been established, but the relationship in the military is not so easy to draw up.

  But Feng Ziying had a plan in mind, so Shen Yourong believed it.

  Shen Yourong couldn't stay here for too long, as soon as the conversation with Feng Ziying was over, he left and returned to the south.

  Before he left, he also said that he would contact Shi Dezheng quickly, but he also hoped that Feng Ziying would best get in touch with Shi Dezheng through other channels to further communicate ideas in order to reach a consensus as soon as possible.

  Feng Ziying also quickly returned to Tianjin Sanwei, where he will meet and discuss with You Shigong.

   "That's Sanjiaodian over there, right?" Feng Ziying rode on a horse and looked over from afar. The withered and yellow reed stalks were swaying and fluttering in the autumn wind, making it a little more desolate.

This is a highland, but it is said to be a highland, but it is actually a hillock platform that is a little higher than the surrounding area, but the area of ​​this platform is relatively large, with slight ups and downs, and it stretches eastward for more than a hundred feet. Weeds and wild grasses are overgrown, and people rarely come here.

"My lord, there is Sanjiao Lake over there." Wu Yaoqing introduced: "Originally, Sanjiao Lake, Desheng Lake, and Huoshao Lake were the most important lakes and swamps between Dingzigu, Yangcun, Yuanjiakou, Sujiaqiao, and Wen'an. Due to several consecutive years of drought, the amount of water flowing into the Sanjiao Lake from the Lugou River has decreased a lot, and the Desheng Lake and Huoshao Lake in the south of the Huitong River have dried up. Now only a weedy field can be seen in the past, and the area of ​​the Sanjiao Lake has also shrunk. Thirty percent,..."

   "I heard that lake bandits in Sanjiaodian often haunt..." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

"My lord, the lake bandits are actually people who can't afford to eat around here. The poor people can't make it through, and they are forced to enter the lake to become bandits. If they really want to live on, how many people are willing to be lake bandits sincerely?" Wu Yaoqing shook Shaking his head, "My lord, my subordinates have also come into contact with the former lake bandits. They are not as vicious as the outside world imagined, burning, killing and looting. Most of them are forced to go this way because they can't eat enough. A few are lazy or unwilling to be lonely, but they are very few after all.”

   "Then what is the situation of these lake bandits now?" Feng Ziying asked with great interest.

   "Most of them have become the surrounding people again, but I estimate that in a month or two, they will turn into lake bandits again." Feng Ziying said calmly.

Wu Yaoqing was speechless. In this year's severe drought, even the lake bandits next to Sanjiaodian Lake would be equally sad. This road came from Zhigu, but I didn't see a few pedestrians and business travelers. Although this area is under the jurisdiction of Tianjin Wei , but in fact the guards don't care much about this side, but deserted land abounds, but people are rare, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

"My lord, it is reasonable to say that there are thousands of people in the guard house. Why don't we see that this area is well tended, I'm afraid there will be some food harvest." Wu Yaoqing sighed: "The three guards in Tianjin are all crowded in this area. In terms of head count, there should be at least seven or eight thousand sergeants, plus relatives, there are still twenty to thirty thousand people inside and outside Tianjin Sanwei, right? They would rather be hungry than think about it carefully. Look at the current state of the court. In difficult and embarrassing situations, they should also share the worries of the imperial court."

"Hehe, this is too embarrassing." Feng Ziying was noncommittal. These guards in the second and third lines are basically old, weak, sick and disabled, and they have been lazy for many years. They can still settle down and work in agriculture. I am afraid they would rather go out to fight. I don't want to suffer in this kind of place and wait for a way out.

  While chatting gossip, I heard a series of hoofbeats coming from the north. Feng Ziying could see it from a high place. It was dozens of cavalry riding from Jizhen roaring, bringing yellow dust all over the sky.

   It should be Yu Shigong who has arrived.

  Feng Ziying rode her horse down the high ground, but saw a group of cavalry coming up, the first one was waving from a long distance, Feng Ziying was a little puzzled, it seemed that it was not You Shigong, but You Shilu.

  Feng Ziying dismounted, and the other party also dismounted and came quickly, "Ziying."

   "Brother Shilu." Feng Ziying also greeted, seeing You Shilu's face seemed not very good-looking, and asked in surprise: "But what happened? Brother You didn't come?"

"Originally we agreed to come, but before we left, I got some news that my elder brother needed to arrange it immediately. I almost couldn't even leave, so I rushed over and talked to you, and I will go back to the north overnight." You Shi There was a gloomy look between Lu's eyebrows.

  Feng Ziying was taken aback, feeling worse and worse, "What happened?"

"Brother got the news on the grassland that the Chahar people are gathering. The movement of the Chahar people has been discovered from the East Roezidian to Baimachuan. Big brother is worried and has to wait for follow-up information, so he dare not leave. Only Let me come over to replace him." You Shilu let out a sigh of relief, "This is only what we have grasped temporarily. The line from Dongluzidian to Wafanggou, especially along the Tanghe line, has always been Lin Danbatur's. There is no news about the area where the direct descendants are active, but my brother and I don’t feel very well.”

  You Shilu's words made Feng Ziying's heart sink, is it really still here? The first one to show up was the Chahar man?

  He still had some luck in his heart, "But isn't the emperor about to leave for Iron Net Mountain soon? Has this situation been reported to the Ministry of War?"

"Ziying, I got this news from the grassland at night, but I still need to confirm it, so I dare not leave. There is a lot of movement in the eighteenth game, and my brother has asked the Miyun guards and the Chaohe Institute Be alert in advance." You Shilu shook his head with a gloomy face: "I have a bad premonition, and I always feel that something is going to happen during this period of time."

   Just finished work, a little less, try to resume normal update tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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