Number of People

Chapter 1640: Ren Zijuan What should come will always come (2)

  Chapter 1640 Renzi Juan What should come will always come (2)

  This premonition is similar to Feng Ziying's inner premonition, which adds to his worry.

Although it is autumn and the horses are fertile, and it is also the season when the Mongolians in the north are easy to go south, but the specific problems are analyzed in detail. Although the Mongolians succeeded in going south last year, they paid a lot, but their harvest was not satisfactory, and it can even be said to be bleak. Especially compared to the Nekhka people, the performance of the Chahar people is even more so. Logically, they should take a break this year, and they shouldn't.

  And if it is really going to invade the south, the news should have been released long ago.

  According to the usual practice, these nomads need to prepare at least one or two months in advance if they want to invade the south on a large scale, but there is no news about this on the grassland.

Feng Ziying believes that whether it is Jizhen, Liaodong, Xuanfu, or Datong, the Yebushou frontier army has considerable strength on the grassland, and the large-scale and organized preparations for the southern invasion cannot be concealed, and the Shanxi merchants are also No news feedback, so unlikely.

  And if it was a small group of Mongols or a temporary idea of ​​​​the Mongols, it shouldn't be this time, but it should be when winter or next spring are sad.

  But the news You Shilu gave Feng Ziying surprised Feng Ziying. This kind of unexpected behavior is the most dangerous.

After going through the battle with the Neikha people in Yongping Mansion last year, and then returning to Beijing to stay in the Ministry of War for so long, Feng Ziying still has a general understanding of the distribution of Chahar people outside the Jiliao line, while Bian He is not unfamiliar with these small place names outside the wall.

"East roe deer shops are all upstream of the Chaohe River, right? Down is the line of Baimaguan, Gaojiabao and Chaohe Station, facing the Naiman Department and Aohan Department?" Feng Ziying pondered: "Bai Machuan It’s a little far away, at least two hundred miles away? Does it belong to the Haoqit Department or the Sunite Department?”

You Shilu was also surprised. He didn't expect Feng Ziying to know so much about the situation of Chahar Eight Department outside the border wall. No wonder the elder brother said that he must not underestimate the other party. He nodded: "It's the edge of the Sunite Department. The Haoqi Special Forces are located in Jiujuling and Hulusitai, at least two hundred miles away from Baimachuan, but for the people of Chahar, two or three hundred miles is really nothing, Ziying , cannot be calculated on this basis.”

"Third brother, I know, but it's two or three hundred miles from East Roezidian to Wafanggou in the west. It's five or six hundred miles in total. It's not too close. I know Wafanggou. Directly facing the Longmen Office, is there no warning from Niu Jizong?" Feng Ziying pondered, "Or they have a tacit understanding with the Ujumqin Department?"

Wafanggou and the Longmen Temple of Xuanfu Town face each other across the side wall. Here Lindan Batur directly controls the stronger Ujimqin tribe among the four tribes directly under its jurisdiction. Extending all the way to the west of the Dama Mountains, they all belong to the nomadic territory of the Ujimqin tribe.

  The Dama Mountains are the Huapi Ridge of later generations. Among the thirteen provinces in the world, Huapi Ridge is the coldest (fat), which also shows the fatness of the grasslands at the east and west sides of the Dama Mountains.

   And as far as Feng Ziying knows, for at least seven or eight years, the front line has remained calm, and there has been little movement until last year.

  You Shilu was startled and coughed, "Ziying, you can't talk nonsense."

"Hehe, third brother, there are only you and me here, what can't we say?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "Before Wang Ziteng, the Chahar tribes, Xuanfu, and Datong had been fighting continuously, but Wang Ziteng was the governor of Xuanda. Afterwards, the line from Xiashuihai to Wafanggou gradually calmed down. I don’t know whether it’s because Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong really have such a great ability to make the Chahar people keep their own place, or other reasons, but this is an indisputable fact.”

  You Shilu was speechless.

"Also, the change of the various ministries in Chahar this time is not in line with common sense. If it is a large-scale southward invasion, there should be news. If it is a small group raiding and looting, then it should not be at this time, and if a small group invades south temporarily, it is impossible. From Wafanggou to Baimachuan, there was a change at the same time, could it be that Lindan Batur ordered all the ministries to harass our borders of Dazhou together? That would be even more strange, what is the plan?"

  Feng Ziying's question made You Shilu even more unable to answer, but his heart was even worse.

"It's puzzling that the Chahar people chose to gather at this time. The emperor can't hide it from them, but how can their small group of harassment break through the side wall? Even if they can break through, what is the purpose? You can't say you want to come Will the story of "Civil Fortress Change" repeat before Ming Dynasty? This is inside the side wall, unless..."

Feng Ziying's words always sounded like a conspiracy theory in You Shilu's ears. He also knew that Niu Jizong was very close to the former prince and now Prince Yizhong, but if he wanted to do such a thing, he would I also think it's impossible, not only that Prince Yizhong doesn't have the guts, but more importantly, the Xuanfu army and Jizhen army are all gathered around Iron Net Mountain. It is impossible for the Xuanfu army to sit idly by, even if the Xuanfu army and the Jizhen army have never dealt with each other, but when foreign enemies invade, they will definitely fight against each other.

  That sentence is especially scary unless you hear it in You Shilu's ears.

   "Ziying, you are thinking too far. If the Chahar people dare to break in, they will die. Today is no different from last year." You Shilu said decisively.

This year is no better than last year. The Jizhen army has made full preparations. In addition, the emperor's Tiewangshan autumn will definitely bring elite escorts from the Beijing camp. It is the Mongolian left-wing tribes who are aggressively attacking the south, but this year's situation is obviously impossible to bring all the internal and external Khalkhas into the muddy water.

"I hope so." Feng Ziying still wants to remind the other party: "Third brother, you go back and talk to Brother You, the key is the autumn of Tiewangshan. No matter how many storms arise, don't just focus on the Chahar people, but also guard against movements from all sides."

   "Ziying, are you referring to the Xuanfu in all aspects?" You Shilu was very vigilant, he knew that his brother had more important responsibilities, and the emperor and the Ministry of War had secret orders for his brother.

"Hehe, third brother, you should be clear in your heart. Brother You knows better." Feng Ziying didn't say much. He can command at will, Jizhen is too special, You Shigong didn't play well against the Mongol invasion last year, but he didn't even have a word of criticism, which is enough to explain a lot.

  Feng Ziying's light touch made You Shilu's heart tremble. This person really can't look at him with the eyes of a twenty-year-old, and he has to remind his brother when he goes back.

   Ashamed, I just went home, I can only write so much, I won’t say anything, I will work hard tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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