Number of People

Chapter 1641: Ren Zijuan What should come will always come (3)

  Chapter 1641 Renzi Juan What should come will always come (3)

   The dialogue between Feng Ziying and You Shilu did not last long.

   Firstly, You Shilu was nominally inspecting Tianjin Wei’s defense. Even if it was just a cutscene, at least he had to make a trip.

  Secondly, the military affairs in the north were urgent, so he didn't dare to delay.

After You Shigong took charge of Jizhen, because of his qualifications and identity, he was potentially questioned by veteran military generals from the Ma family and Li family, and his control was not strong enough, so You Shigong had to spend more This is why his performance in the Mongolian invasion of Gyeonggi last year was not very good.

  After the order is issued, if the generals can't order and prohibit them like their arms, then the success of this kind of battle will definitely be greatly reduced. This is also the most urgent problem that You Shigong needs to solve.

  In addition, now that Feng Tang, his most powerful backer, became the governor of the three sides, he also felt the pressure.

  In order to strengthen control, personnel adjustments are required, and many personnel adjustments require the support of Governor Ji Liao's Office. Once Feng Tang leaves, this support will be weakened.

For example, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong in Liaodong were a little jealous of his sudden appointment as the commander-in-chief of Ji Town, while Zhao Shuangjiao, Jun Song and others thought that he picked Feng Tang because he flattered him well. You Shigong's identity has always been a bit embarrassing.

   Fortunately, when the war ended last year, You Shigong and Emperor Yonglong were on the same line. Emperor Yonglong and the Ministry of War gave him strong support, so he also focused on controlling Jizhen.

   As his younger brother, You Shilu is naturally his most important help, and it can be said that he cannot leave him for a moment. Under such circumstances, You Shigong sent You Shilu to meet Feng Ziying, which is already enough for Feng Ziying.

  Before You Shilu left, Feng Ziying also told him not to underestimate the affairs of Tianjin Wei and Liang Chengsuo.

Although compared with the current threat from the Chahar people, it seems that the location of Tianjin Wei and Liangcheng in the rear has little to do with it, but Feng Ziying knows that once the two places confront each other because of the North-South rivalry or even confrontation, their status as a supply throat will suddenly decrease. To stand out.

   But this seems to be a bit premature. Feng Ziying and You Shilu said it, and You Shilu can only say that he has an impression. How much he wants to agree with him is really hard to say.

   "My lord, it seems that you are not in a good mood?" Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing urged their horses to catch up. You Shilu and his party had already left. They observed Feng Ziying's expression, and the effect was probably not very good.

   "How can it be good?" Feng Ziying said after introducing the bad news brought by You Shilu: "Do you think that the Chahar people's changes at this time are too strange? How could such a coincidence happen, it is not in line with common sense."

Both Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing were serious, and the situation seemed to be developing in the worst direction they had predicted. Although the Mongolian tribes had always been restless, last year they invaded the south, and it was reasonable to stop this year. Changes at extraordinary times can't help but make people suspicious.

"There is a severe drought in the north this year, and the situation on the grassland is similar. If Lindanbatur has the foresight, it is reasonable to make some preparations in advance, but as the adults said, the Ujumqin tribe is nothing, but the Naiman tribe and Aohan The Ministry is also assembled, which is a bit out of the ordinary."

  Wang Wenyan analyzed: "But if the scale of the assembly is not large, it is more like a kind of emergency preparation after receiving an order temporarily, which is even more incomprehensible. There is only one possibility,..."

  Wu Yaoqing picked up the conversation and said, "Restrain!"

  Feng Ziying nodded, "Contain the Jizhen army, but what about Wafanggou? It's facing Longmen, belonging to the Xuanfu army..."

Wu Yaoqing sneered, "My lord, Wafanggou is facing Longmen, but don't tell me, if Niu Jizong and Lindan Batur have a tacit understanding, everyone will tacitly understand it, just pretending, and go south from Wafanggou along the side wall, After passing Qingyangkou, Zhousigou Fort, and Heihanling Fort, you will see Shicheng Box and Shitangling, and that is where the defense of Ji Town will be. The harassment was just repulsed by the Xuanfu army, and then they concentrated their forces to attack Shicheng Box. Once it is really captured, the blame can be pinned on the Jizhen army..."

  Feng Ziying was startled, isn't Zuo Liangyu stationed in Shicheng Box?

  If the Chahar people really acted like this, wouldn’t Zuo Liangyu be the first to bear the brunt?

For a while, Feng Ziying felt that she was a bit self-contained. It was Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu who put them in Jizhen because of her own painstaking efforts. She hoped that they would be able to play a role at critical moments when they were stationed in Gyeonggi in the future. Now it is good. If it happened to be the breakthrough point for the Chahar people, then it would be a big trouble.

  Before, I was still thinking about whether I could hit Zuo Liangyu's department if I was dying, but now it seems that Zuo Liangyu may not be able to protect herself, so how can I help myself?

Seeing that Feng Ziying's face was cloudy and uncertain, Wang Wenyan knew that Zuo Liangyu and Huang Degong were the people Feng Ziying had deliberately arranged for him, so he continued, "Are you worried about Master Zuo's safety? From my subordinate's point of view, even if the Chahar people want to Going south, that is mainly harassment, it is impossible to sacrifice your life for someone, Master Zuo should be able to handle it."

Feng Ziying slowly shook her head: "Wenyan, maybe people here think so, and Chahar people may think so at first, maybe just deal with it, but if the Chahar people are aware of our internal weakness, even When there is an opportunity to take advantage of civil strife, do they still just want to harass? Will these people's greedy hearts take advantage of the opportunity?"

  Feng Ziying's rhetorical question shocked both Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing.

  Yes, if that happens, will the Chahar people turn harassment into real fighting, thinking about breaking in to make a profit like last year?

  And if Dazhou is really in civil turmoil, I'm afraid this storm will not be as simple as last year.

  This question is not easy to answer.

   "But the Chahar people are not ready for a big fight or a long-term battle. Didn't Master You say the same?" Wu Yaoqing pondered.

"That's true, but Yaoqing, do you think that once we fall into civil strife, can it be eliminated in a short period of time? Can it be calmed down in three to five months?" Feng Ziying asked again, her face becoming more serious, "I'm afraid that the At that time, not to mention the Chahar people, I am afraid that the Khalkha people inside and outside, and the Jurchens will all have the idea of ​​taking advantage of the fire. The preparations for one or two months will be urgently compressed, and it may be completed in ten and a half months. What shall we do then?"

"The key is to look at our interior." Wang Wenyan's tone was a little low, "If our interior, or the internal turmoil is controllable, it is not worthwhile for the Mongols to evaluate it. Maybe they just harass and see if they can succeed. But if we go around If there is a fire, the situation is limited, and the Mongols and Jurchens will turn into wolves and pounce on them.”

The mood of the three people is a little depressed. The current situation is very bad, but the key point is that the court seems to have not paid attention to this situation at all. Feng Ziying guessed that Emperor Yonglong had other plans, but he was worried that Emperor Yonglong would underestimate the enemy's situation, or even ignore it. Some unexpected factors may have a huge impact on the chain reaction.

   "No, I want to go back right away and report the current situation to Master Qi and Master Qiao." Feng Ziying made up his mind, he didn't believe that Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia couldn't feel the weird situation at all.

Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing both agree. After all, Feng Ziying's job is only the Prime Minister of Shuntian Fu. These important military and political affairs are involved, and they cannot be solved by some personal feelings or the Feng family's means. Like You Shilu, no matter how you With a lot of tongue, people don't believe in their hearts, and there will be various ways to evade and procrastinate, and you still can't say anything.

   But if there is an imperial decree, it is another matter, and the imperial court also has a censor who can supervise and inspect your handling at any time.

It can be said that this time Feng Ziying came to Dagu and Tianjin Wei, the first half of the effect was not bad, Shen Yourong was more supportive and cooperative, but his most confident You Shigong made a mistake this time, of course it was not the You family The brothers were no longer trustworthy, but the change of the Chahar people made the situation more serious, and caught You Shigong a little by surprise.

  As soon as she returned to Beijing, Feng Ziying went straight to Qi Yongtai's residence with almost no rest.

  He doesn't even need to post or wait when he comes to Qi Yongtai's mansion, as long as Qi Yongtai has no guests, he is the top priority to meet.

"Ziying, you just came back from the outside because of your busy life?" Qi Yongtai couldn't help frowning when he saw Feng Ziying's haggard look: "You say Shuntian Fucheng, at least you should pay attention to your own image, and follow suit. Wu Daonan has always been obsessed with poetry and literature. You are busy with business, but you can still take care of your appearance, right? You have two wives and several concubines. You can't do these things well? "

"Back to Master Qi, this disciple just came back from Tianjin Wei, and came to your house before he could go home." Feng Ziying stroked her chin, as if she was a bit unshaven. .

"Oh, so urgent?" Qi Yongtai's face straightened, he knew that Feng Ziying was not an ignorant person, and he came to him in such a hurry, probably because of some serious matter, "Tell me, what's the situation, what are you going to Tianjin Wei for? "

   "I went to Dagu first, and met Shen Yourong, the admiral of the Denglai Navy, and then went to Tianjin Wei to meet the deputy general of Jizhen, You Shilu."

Before Feng Ziying finished speaking, Qi Yongtai was already furious, and snapped at the table: "Bold! Ziying, how dare you be so presumptuous? You are the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, why did you go to meet with the general in private? When will Shen Yourong order to come to Shuntian?" ?”

"Master Qi, Shen Yourong is nominally going north to Yuguan and returning south to inspect Dagu's military equipment, but in fact it is his disciple who invited him to meet him. You Shilu is also a disciple who asks You Shigong to meet him. You Shigong has official duties. That's why You Shilu came to see the disciple." Feng Ziying's face remained unchanged.

   Today, I will slowly make up what I owed a few days ago.



  (end of this chapter)

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