Number of People

Chapter 1643: Ren Zijuan What should come will always come (5)

  Chapter 1643 Renzi Juan What should come will always come (5)

  Feng Ziying was taken aback.

   Returning to Beijing at this time?

   It stands to reason that he shouldn't be in Ping'an Prefecture at this time to prepare for the army?

   "Sun Dalang returned to Beijing?" Feng Ziying asked, "Do you want to propose marriage to the historian?"

   "I have already proposed a marriage, and the historian has also accepted the dowry. Now we should discuss when to get married."

  Only a light blue silk apron hung on Siqi's chest, and while he was being watered and wiped for his body, he was talking, his **** swaying, and he looked brilliant.

   "So soon?" Feng Ziying didn't quite believe it. What time is it? How could Sun Shaozu want to talk about marriage with Shi Xiangyun at this time?

   "It's not very clear, but it seems that Dalang Sun went to Rongguo Mansion, met the first master and second master, and I heard that he even paid a visit to the old ancestor."

  Siqi information is very well-informed. Although his grandfather and grandmother Wang Shanbao’s family in the Rongguo Mansion is not as popular as Lin Zhixiao and Wu Xindeng, they are still close to Jia Shexing and some people are willing to follow.

   "Oh, the old lady also met him?" Feng Ziying felt cold, and it seemed that Jia's mother had accepted the marriage.

   After all, this historian is still a follower, blinded by the halo for a while. Of course, Jiamu has no ability to change Shi Nai Shiding's decision, but this meeting can be regarded as a recognition.

"I see, it is said that there is still a meal. The ancestor is entertaining Mr. Sun as his nephew and son-in-law." Siqi sneered. , was born five big and three rough, with a strong eye, it is said that after drinking, he likes to whip and beat people, and if things go wrong, even the people around him will suffer. If my girl married, she would not be able to bear that kind of torture. She is Miss Shi Where can it be any better?"

  Feng Ziying smiled wryly, this saved Yingchun, did it really push Shi Xiangyun into the fire pit?

   This is not in line with my wish to save Qianhong Wanyan, but the situation is changing so quickly, I can't seem to find any countermeasures to change this process for a while.

  Unless Sun Shaozu came to Beijing with other motives, and Feng Ziying also believed that he had other motives, otherwise it is impossible for him, the deputy commander of Datong Town, to enter Beijing at this delicate juncture.

  If you have the opportunity, you might as well go and meet with him, and have a face-to-face interview to get to know the other person.

   "Don't be so pessimistic. Before many things are settled, there are still variables." Feng Ziying added lightly.

"Is this how you fool Miss Shi?" Siqi said with a smile: "That's why Miss Shi came to the mansion, and wanted to find out the truth from Master. This servant feels that Miss Shi is a little desperate now. It’s like having someone to comfort you, even if it’s…”

   "Stupid? I didn't fool her." Feng Ziying shook her head, but saw Yingchun who was looking at her affectionately but said nothing, "Second Sister, did you say so?"

   "Ah? I don't know, but if Xianggong can save Sister Yun, I think even Sister Yun would be willing to be Xianggong's concubine, right?" Yingchun answered the wrong question.

Yingchun's words not only stunned Feng Ziying, but even the chess player couldn't help shouting: "What are you talking about, Miss Shi? Miss Shi's marriage is just a kind comfort, this kind of marriage It was all the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, so how could the uncle intervene? Besides, the girl escaped this catastrophe, it was because of the agreement between the uncle and the old man, but there are two uncles on the side of Miss Shi, and the old man and them have no relationship. Friendship, how do you interfere? And now that the Sun family has given the dowry, and the historian has also accepted the dowry, it’s just waiting to discuss a good life, how can there be time?"

"Siqi, don't be annoyed. This is what I think. I heard that the master wants to give my concubine to the Sun family. I have lost all hope of concubine. I felt too deeply during those tormenting days. Really..." Yingchun The affectionate gaze has been on Feng Ziying's face, and the expression on his face seems to be recalling the difficult time at the beginning, "I can understand the pain and suffering of sister Yun. Although sister Yun came to me, she suppressed her tears, but The concubine knows that she is holding on,..."

"If Xianggong can help Yun girl to prevent her from falling into the fire pit, I think Baoqin will marry the master after retiring? Sister Yun can do the same, at least it is far better than her marrying grandson. Go home and be tortured."

   Yingchun used Baoqin as a metaphor, but it left Siqi speechless.

It is true that now that the Sun family and the Shi family are engaged, theoretically they are waiting for the door, but Baoqin and the Mei family were engaged for many years, but in the end, the Mei family repented and retired. As long as the Sun family resigned or the Shi family repented, then Shi Xiangyun Freedom can be regained.

I have to say that the girl Yingchun is a kind-hearted person who can compare her heart with her heart. I felt a lot of suffering at the beginning, and now I can understand the difficulties of others, so I hope I can help her, and I even think that I can help her like Baoqin , and also brought Shi Xiangyun into Feng's residence.

Feng Ziying has no countermeasures for this matter, but she likes Yingchun's kindness very much, "I remember what my sister said about being a husband, but this matter is different from Baoqin and your matter, and there are some things in it. Twists and turns need to be taken slowly, don't worry, although Sun Shaozu has returned to Beijing, it may not be a while before he wants to marry girl Yun, as a husband knows what to do."

  This can only be said vaguely for this sake, and it is a bit outrageous to say it.

Yingchun believed in Feng Ziying unconditionally. She felt that her lover was looking at her with more fiery eyes, and the thing on her buttocks was ready to move. She liked it but was shy. I will accompany you."

The elder sister that Yingchun talks about is naturally Baochai. From the current point of view, Baochai and Yingchun get along well. On the contrary, Yingchun's indisputable temperament makes Baochai very friendly to her, even slightly surpassing Baoqin. Of course, this is only Feng Ziying sense of self.


  Accompanied by the emperor and mighty out of the city to the west, it marks the arrival of autumn.

  Shenshu Battalion accompanied the escort, while the Fifth Army Battalion and Shenji Battalion stayed behind in the capital.

He Huchen was transferred to the Fifth Army Battalion by King Zhonghui, and was formed as the main force of King Zhonghui, the new envoy of the Beijing Camp and General of the Fifth Army Battalion, while Yang Zhaoji was retained under Qian Guozhong's firm opposition, but this also made him Yang Zhaoji's weight in Qian Guozhong's mind has greatly increased.

   It should be said that this round of adjustments is a good thing for both He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji. One has successfully become the main force of the Fifth Army Battalion, while the other has stayed in the Shenji Battalion and has become one of the elite builders.

   "Fourth is gone?" Prince Yizhong stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, his face solemn.

"Let's go, some of us have been following, and it is estimated that we have passed Zhengcunba now." Wang Zinian said cautiously: "Qiu Shiben is adjourned, and the Warriors' Battalion is leading the way ahead. The Banner Guard and the Four Guards Battalion are accompanying us. Maybe we have to rest in Shunyi."

"Ziqi, do you think the fourth child is deliberately setting up a trap for Gu?" Prince Yizhong turned around and said thoughtfully: "I don't believe that Gu doesn't know anything about everything. Lu Song didn't follow him." The fourth child went to Iron Net Mountain together, still sitting in the middle of the capital, and there was a lot of activity in Nanzhen Fusi, it seems that Lu Song finally couldn't bear it anymore."

"My lord, this shows that the emperor may indeed be planning something. As you said, maybe he has set up a trick against us." Chu Qi said with certainty for a long time: "The emperor knows very well that his body will be difficult to drag until King Lu and Prince Gong reach adulthood. Now, if you want to prevent future troubles at this time, you can't do anything special."

   "He is so sure that he is willing to take advantage of this trick." A sneer appeared on the corner of Prince Yizhong's mouth, "He has a good plan."

"My lord, you still have other choices now. Even if it's a trick, we have to get into it. It's nothing more than seeing how to break the trick." Chu Qi is quite open-minded, "Do you still have a choice now? ? Instead of being suspicious there, worrying about breaking into the door at any time, and going straight to prison,..."

"Yeah, Gu's age is not young anymore, he is a few years older than the fourth child, but Gu knows that when the moon is full, it will lose money, and when the water is full, it will be full. You deserve it.” Prince Yizhong sighed, “Then follow the plan.”

   "Don't worry, my lord. Of course, the emperor has schemes, and we won't go to the whole set for nothing. If we gain, we will lose. It just depends on who laughs last." Chu Qi said gloomyly: "It will never disappoint."

"What did Zhang Qi and Su Lingyao say?" Prince Yizhong's face gradually calmed down, and his tone became more and more indifferent, "Gu gave them the best chance and planned all aspects for them. They won't be soft-footed by this time, will they?"

"Probably not. Concubine Su is the most urgent one. The performance of King Lu the day before yesterday may have ignited Concubine Su's heart again. Gu Bingqian and Wu Daonan boasted too much about King Lu, and it is said that the first and second assistants also I appreciate King Lu very much, and I was just wondering what the emperor thought of taking Qiu Shiben's Shenshu camp with him?"

  Chu Qi said slowly: "Could it be that the emperor intends to test Qiu Shiben's loyalty?"

"Ziqi, you don't need to worry too much about this issue. The fourth brother's trust in Qiu Shiben will not be shaken because of Su Shengdu. Of course, it is a bit surprising that the Warriors, the Four Guards, and the Banner Guards are all accompanying them suddenly. Maybe the fourth child doesn't want to test people's hearts?" Prince Yizhong smiled softly, "But no matter what they think, we just act according to our plan, Zhang Chi has been impatient for a long time, we should give him a Opportunity is, these nephews are all talents, and they are not good at doing other things, but they can calculate clearly than anyone else in these games, but this is not a bad thing, is it?"

   Speaking of this, Prince Yizhong couldn't help laughing.

keep it up!



  (end of this chapter)

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