Number of People

Chapter 1644: The beginning of the Renzijuan team (1)

  Chapter 1644 The beginning of the Renzijuan team (1)

  As soon as Yu Jia left the capital, it seemed that the entire capital city suddenly became quiet. Even Feng Ziying felt a sense of inexplicable horror in this feeling.

  The emperor, Qiu Yu, took away the three guards, the warrior camp, and the banner guard, the three personal escorts, plus the Shenshu camp who accompanied him, and more than 20,000 people were removed from the entire capital city at once.

It seems that it didn't have much impact on the millions of people in the capital city, but when these people left, the people in Beijing who lived around more than 20,000 people suddenly stopped, and even the squares next to these residences The street vendors in the city suddenly became much quieter. This influence seemed to have a conductive effect, and it also made the entire capital much quieter than before.

  Feng Ziying originally wanted to meet Sun Shaozu for a while, but they never gave him a chance.

  On the first day he returned to Beijing from Tianjin Wei, Sun Shaozu had already returned to Pingan Prefecture, Datong Town. It is said that Jia Amnesty even went to see him off, which surprised Feng Ziying.

   This Yingchun is already married to herself, and it is reasonable to say that Jia She and Sun Shaozu should have nothing to do with each other, but Jia She still pursues Sun Shaozu so much, it seems that the relationship between the two is very unusual.

   If I have time, I would like to write to Jia Lian and ask Jia Lian what is going on between Jia She and Sun Shaozu. He has been to Pingan Prefecture several times.

  Throwing down the scroll in her hand, Feng Ziying paced back and forth a little restlessly with her hands behind her back.

  He was a little restless in the yamen, and he felt even worse when he returned home.

  Wu Daonan actually followed him to Iron Net Mountain. It is said that the emperor also called for an interview, but it was a bit out of line to go directly with him.

You don’t care about the affairs of the Shuntian Mansion Yamen, but like to go to the Emperor’s side to have fun, in name is to be a consultant, then you might as well step down as soon as possible for the Shuntian Mansion Yin, so that a servant of the Ministry of Rites will be a member of the Imperial Academy Er seems to be Wu Daonan's best result, and probably Wu Daonan's favorite character.

   It's a pity that the cabinet doesn't seem to understand Wu Daonan's mind, and has never satisfied his wish.

  Wang Wenyan went to Long Jinwei's side, and there seemed to be some news from Zhang Jin's side.

  This is also Feng Ziying's negotiation with Zhang Jin several times, hoping to exchange information on the application.

   It is not limited to the White Lotus Sect, but should be more extensive. After all, there are mixed fish and dragons in the capital city, and all forces may slowly surface at this time.

  Wu Yaoqing is still staring at the White Lotus Sect, hoping to find some clues, but during this time, the White Lotus Sect has become more cautious and has not been able to make breakthroughs.

   "My lord, Mr. Wei is here."

   Baoxiang’s words woke up Feng Ziying who was watching from the window, “Mr. Wei? Which Mr. Wei?”

   "Young Master Wei Ruolan, Princess Yong'an..." Seeing that his uncle was a little confused, Baoxiang hurriedly reminded him.

   "Oh, Ruolan is here?" Feng Ziying suddenly realized.

  He hasn't seen Wei Ruolan and Han Qi for some time.

  The three little friends in the past, but now they are becoming increasingly distant.

Han Qi also had some contacts because of the business of Daguanlou, but Feng Ziying had already ignored the affairs of Daguanlou, and basically handed it over to Xue Pan, or Xue's family, that is, Baochai, so he didn't have much contact. Contacts became less and less.

As for Wei Ruolan, although she has the relationship with Princess Yong'an, Feng Ziying doesn't have much contact with the royal family. King Zhongshun is an exception, because of the bond of Haitong Yinzhuang, like King Zhonghui, Lian Zhong Princes like Wang and Feng Ziying don't have much friendship, let alone princesses like Yong'an and Yongning.

Wei Ruolan's relationship is also because of the Wei family, plus they studied in the Imperial College together, so they have this relationship, but because everyone is getting older, Feng Ziying went to Qingtan Academy to study and then passed the examination of Jinshi Guanzheng. And Wei Ruolan had been in the Imperial College for a few years, and this gap gradually became apparent.

As long as they are not on the same level, this kind of contact will become less and less, and the relationship will gradually become thinner. Fortunately, Wei Ruolan is still not far away because of the relationship between the Wei family and the eldest princess, so there is still contact. Well, like Han Qi, his father also had contacts with Feng Ziying in Wucheng Bingmasi, so they still maintain this relationship.

   "Ruolan, long time no see, why are you so free today?" Feng Ziying greeted her out cheerfully, and when she saw Wei Ruolan, she put her arms around Wei Ruolan, "We haven't seen each other for a few months?"

Seeing Feng Ziying's enthusiastic and hearty attitude, Wei Ruolan let go of her gloomy expression, and walked arm in arm with Feng Ziying with a smile on her face, "How can I compare with you? I'm an idler, and I can always Slack, how about you, Shuntian Fucheng, in this capital city, there are no more than one person and more than ten thousand people. I have been to your Yamen twice, but I have not seen you. Sometimes I say you have gone to Tongzhou, and once I say you go to follow the law. It's over, I see so many officials in the government office, but I haven't seen you so busy."

"People are different. Maybe I was born with this kind of hard work. I can't keep it in my heart when I haven't finished my good work. I have to implement it. Only when I finish it can I sleep peacefully. Feng Ziying explained: "I will have dinner at my place today, Baoxiang, let the kitchen arrange it, and Ruolan and I have a good drink."

Wei Ruolan was slightly moved, he knew that Feng Ziying definitely knew that he would not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but he didn't find excuses to shirk, he didn't ask about things, left the meal first, and if there was anything to say on the wine table, it would definitely be better Do a lot, and let go more.

"Ziying, I..." Before Wei Ruolan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Feng Ziying: "Talk about something slowly, if you can't tell, let's discuss it in detail at the wine table, how about it? Maybe I haven't talked to you for a long time I've had a drink, today is just right, the emperor and the others have all gone to Qiuxi, the pressure on my Shuntian mansion has also eased a lot, and it's rare for me to have a few days of leisure."

  Wei Ruolan pondered for a while, then nodded: "Alright, you and I have not been like this for a long time, and I also have some things I want to ask, please help me with an idea..."

   "Hehe, as long as brother Ruolan can trust me, I will tell you everything." Feng Ziying said loudly.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, Feng Ziying saw that Wei Ruolan was on the verge of talking for a few times, although she didn't know what difficulties the other party encountered, but in this critical point, it was probably very much related to Emperor Yonglong's flirting. Relationship, Wei Ruolan's mother is a member of the royal family, and she is also the emperor's own sister, this kind of relationship is inside, even if the Wei family wants to avoid these troubles, they can't do it.

  After the hot tea was brewed, Wei Ruolan picked up the teacup and hesitated for a while and said, "Ziying, the emperor went to Iron Net Mountain Qiuxi, did you know?"

   "Everyone knows these things, Ruolan, why do you ask such questions?" Feng Ziying said with a smile.

   "Then Ziying, will you go to Iron Net Mountain Palace?" Wei Ruolan asked again.

"I don't have this opportunity for the time being. The emperor's summons are mainly from the important ministers in the court. I am not a courtier, but an official from the capital..." Feng Ziying paused, "Of course, my younger brother will not hide anything in front of Ruolan. Possibly, but I haven’t received any notification from the emperor yet, so if Ruolan wants to ask anything, she can just say it directly, and there is no need to go around in circles like this.”

"Hey, I'm afraid Ziying also knows that Jiaci, like other clan members, has already gone to the Iron Net Mountain Palace. This time, the emperor wants to choose a heir, and the clan members have to face the emperor to ask for advice. Jiaci is quite embarrassed. A little carelessness, I'm afraid it will lead to great trouble, so Jia Ci can't sleep at night, restless, brother Yu is also the same, so I want to ask Ziying to help me with an idea, how to avoid such troubles."

  Wei Ruolan sighed deeply, his face was troubled.

"Hehe, this is something that people can't ask for as a consultant. Why does the eldest princess think it's a troublesome thing, but the eldest princess Yongning, King Zhongshun, and King Zhonghui don't want to face it. Are they afraid of snakes and scorpions?" Feng Ziying asked.

"Ziying, you don't know. Aunt Yongning is quite favored by the emperor. You cousins ​​can only rely on it. The uncles of King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui are all in power, and it is too late for the cousins ​​to please. How dare you say anything else, even if there are any words that are not good for them, they can only bear it in their hearts, but you also know that the relationship between Jiaci and the emperor has always been estranged, and the emperor rarely sees him, but now he has to express his opinion on this It's not a dilemma, if you don't say it, you will offend the emperor,..."

   Wei Ruolan looked confused.

   "Ruolan, it's so simple that your family just doesn't want to get involved in this matter?" Feng Ziying asked back.

  Wei Ruolan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Of course, you know the situation of my family. Jiaci's identity is actually just a burden."

   "Really?" Feng Ziying didn't seem to believe it.

   "Seriously." Wei Ruolan blushed.

"Okay, then I'll give you an idea. Since you feel that being a member of the royal family is a burden and you don't expect to benefit from it, why do you care about offending the emperor? Lingtang just keeps evading it and refuses to say it clearly. Originally, Lingtang belongs to the emperor. It is not favored there, this time it is just more indifferent, but it can also avoid unnecessary troubles, and the princes will not come to trouble you in the future."

  Feng Ziying looked at the other party and smiled slightly.

   Wei Ruolan was tongue-tied and didn't know how to respond for a while.

It seems that what the other party said is quite reasonable. Since everyone thinks that the royal blood is troublesome and has not benefited much. Instead, it is only troublesome and cannot be trusted by the emperor. Then simply take another step and completely jump out of this trouble and get rid of this vortex , Wouldn't it be nice to be a cold-eyed bystander?

   It's just that there seems to be something wrong, and Wei Ruolan doesn't know how to respond for a while.

  Feng Ziying also secretly laughed in her heart. How could this guy really want to stay out of this matter? If he really wanted to get rid of it, why would he have done it long ago, and he can come to him for advice when the matter comes to an end?

   It is clear that I want to find a method that can achieve the best of both worlds while gaining benefits and avoiding disasters, but I am still hypocritical.

  (end of this chapter)

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