Number of People

Chapter 1645: The beginning of the Renzijuan team (2)

  Chapter 1645 The beginning of the Renzijuan team (2)

  Looking at Wei Ruolan's depressed and constipated expression, Feng Ziying was also extremely funny.

   This guy is still a little tender, and he must have been instructed by his family to come here to find a way, but how can this kind of way be so easy to find?

"Uh, Ziying, it is said that you are the best in our life in Beijing, and your intelligence is unmatched. I will not hide it from you. Although the family strictness is not as favored and trusted as Aunt Yongning's, the emperor is at least as good as you." I have to take into account the relationship between brother and sister, and I was thinking about finding a position in the clan's mansion in the future, which would offend the emperor's wishes, so wouldn't this plan come to naught in the future?"

  Wei Ruolan scratched her head in embarrassment while considering her words.

"That's why I came back and asked Ziying to give you an idea for Brother Yu, to see how there is a way to have the best of both worlds, or else, Ziying, analyze and analyze for Brother Yu, and see which of these cousins ​​is most likely to become a great treasure , so that Jiaci will give more emphasis to the words spoken in front of the emperor in the future,..."

  Feng Ziying laughed and tapped her finger, "Brother Ruolan, after all, you don't want to avoid trouble and stay away from right and wrong. It's clear that you want to get closer and plan to follow the dragon earlier."

Wei Ruolan rubbed her face embarrassingly, and knew that she couldn't hide from this wise childhood friend, so she simply confessed: "Then foolish brother, don't hide it, this time the iron net mountain autumn is basically able to set the direction of the wind, The emperor attaches great importance to it. Jia Ci heard that the cabinet ministers and the seven important ministers will all go to Iron Net Mountain one after another. Our royal family is no exception. All the princes and eldest princesses also have the opportunity to have a private interview with the emperor. It is said that it is a private interview, but it is inevitable that the emperor's personal servants will be around during the conversation, so no one can keep it secret, so..."

   "So choose the lesser of two evils and the more important of two benefits. Since it cannot be avoided, naturally we must choose the most likely winner?" Feng Ziying continued.

  Wei Ruolan had completely let go of her burden at this time, and said calmly: "That's exactly what I mean."

Feng Ziying wasn't surprised at all. As a civil servant and a young scholar, her status was not that high. In theory, it didn't have much to do with her, and the two families of Wei and Feng were also family friends for many years. Wei Ruolan's personal affection is here, so it is reasonable to come here to ask for advice.

   "Well, this idea is correct, but does the emperor have a tendency to show it now? Do you understand?" Feng Ziying nodded slightly and asked.

Wei Ruolan didn't hide anything at this time, and confessed: "I must have done some research before, I thought that the emperor fell in love with Zhang Yu, and Concubine Mei was always favored. , has a good reputation, and is studying at Qingtan Academy, so he is naturally the most popular candidate. Even Jiujiu is optimistic, so he recommended Qian Guozhong as the leader of the Shenji Camp, so Jiaci also thinks it is most suitable to go with Jiujiu, who? I used to think that the emperor suddenly appointed the tenth uncle as the governor of the Beijing camp and the general of the fifth army battalion, and that the tenth uncle dismantled the Shenji camp as soon as he took office, and had a big fight with Qian Guozhong,..."

  Wei Ruolan also knew that the nasty things of the Tian Family were no secret to Feng Ziying, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Fu, so there was no psychological obstacle in talking about these inside stories.

Before coming here, my mother specifically told Jiajia to warn again and again, don't treat Feng Ziying as a childhood friend in the past. Feng Ziying's position as Shuntian Mansion's Chancellor is definitely not achieved by relying on connections, and she has done it impressively without enough skills. Courage is simply impossible, and he must be instructed to regard Feng Ziying as a guiding light that can teach the way and solve doubts, and he must have a correct attitude.

Wei Ruolan also made repeated calculations on the way here, and had to be coy before he came, but he saw that he had already seen through, so he stopped pretending and had a showdown. Benefit from it.

   "So you feel that the emperor doesn't like King Lu?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

"Well, Jiaci is worried that King Lu will become another uncle. Although they are optimistic on the surface, they are actually inappropriate. More importantly, it is said that the mainstream opinion of the officials in the court still thinks that King Lu is too young. , tending to stand up,..."

  Wei Ruolan paused, "But Jiaci thinks that King Shou is frivolous,..."

"Looking like a gentleman? I don't know how many people have been hurt by these words, and now they are falling on the head of King Shou. Well, indeed, this King of Shou seems a little frivolous..." Feng Ziying continued the words, and then laughed , "Frivolous, um, this word is indeed lethal, so King Fu is not frivolous? Even through the gossip between him and Concubine Zhou, didn't King Li also say that he was the guest of Jiangdong Qin God Su Miao? "

Wei Ruolan scratched her head again with some annoyance, "That's right, these rumors became popular a few days before the emperor left Beijing, and it is precisely because of this that Jiaci is at a loss now, and does not know how to answer the emperor at that time." This is not something that can be fooled by just saying a few words, you know the emperor's temperament, you either don't say anything, or you have to have something to say..., but the emperor accepted the tenth uncle as the Beijing camp festival Dushi, this makes everyone unable to understand,..."

   "Why don't you understand this? Isn't it because the emperor hasn't made up his mind yet, so I just wait for you to advise him so that he can make up his mind?" Feng Ziying said lightly and authentically.

"Ziying, Jiaci thinks that the emperor is a man with ideas. Maybe he has not made up his mind due to various factors, but he must have a tendency. But we are not sure who he is, so we dare not take risks." Wei Ruolan said calmly: "This is why I want to ask you to help analyze and give me an idea."

Wei Ruolan is frank, but Feng Ziying already has some clear judgments in his heart, but he doesn't know whether the emperor's inclination will affect the attitude of the important officials in the court, or whether the attitude of the important officials in the court will overthrow the emperor After all, Emperor Yonglong has not yet made up his mind, and the attitude of the courtiers is crucial.

   But Feng Ziying will not be exposed in front of Wei Ruolan.

   "The reason why you are not sure is because King Zhonghui's appointment as Jiedu envoy makes you feel that the emperor is trying to restrain Qian Guozhong, and Qian Guozhong and Concubine Mei are cousins?" Feng Ziying asked lightly.

  Wei Ruolan glanced at Feng Ziying in surprise and nodded, "If it wasn't for the emperor's order, how could Uncle Ten have dismantled the Shenji Battalion as soon as he took office, and even brought a few elite units of the newly formed Shenji Battalion into the Fifth Army Battalion?"

   "Qian Guozhong is the uncle of Prince Gong, but King Zhonghui is the uncle of all princes, including Prince Gong. What's the difference?" Feng Ziying asked.

   Wei Ruolan was confused, not knowing what Feng Ziying meant.

"Also, for Qian Guozhong to be the head of the Shenji Battalion, besides the recommendation of Prince Zhongshun, who else would recommend it?" Feng Ziying continued to ask: "If the position of the Shenji Battalion General does not have the emperor's approval and nod, it is recommended by the cabinet ministers." They are all equally useless, Ruolan, don't you understand the meaning of this?"

   Wei Ruolan suddenly realized, "In addition to Jiujiu recommending Qian Guozhong, there is also Lu Song..."

   Who is Lu Song? I'm afraid he is the one who understands the emperor's mind best, even better than Uncle Jiu.

  Also, if the leader of the Shenji camp does not conform to the emperor's wishes, it is absolutely impossible for him to nod his head.

  In addition, what Ziying said about King Zhonghui is the uncle of everyone, including King Gong? Uh, the implication is that King Zhonghui will be impartial?

Wei Ruolan was originally an extremely smart person, and she was influenced by her father and mother who was the eldest princess in Wei's family since she was a child. How could she not understand the affairs of the Tian family and realize the flavor of it: "Ziying, you said uncle ten is Everyone's uncle, that means the emperor is afraid of..."

"The emperor has always been kind, and I'm afraid he doesn't like to see the brothers cook beans on the wall and burn the oysters, but all the princes can only have one person who will become a great treasure in the future. The emperor will use King Zhonghui as the military governor of the capital to officially get his place. Perhaps He wants to use this method to avoid unnecessary bloodshed." Feng Ziying said lightly.

  Wei Ruolan suddenly felt that she understood, and nodded again and again: "Thank you Ziying for your advice, it's like turning the clouds to see the sun, which immediately made Brother Yu's heart light up,..."

"Ruolan, don't say it so early, maybe I just figured out some of the emperor's thoughts, but firstly, it may not be accurate, and secondly, will the emperor's thoughts be put into practice and become a reality?" Feng Ziying said leisurely: "I'm afraid Not necessarily."

Wei Ruolan didn't take it seriously at this time, "Ziying, I know what you mean, it's nothing more than that the courtiers still prefer to establish a leader, but looking at my Great Zhou dynasty, establishing a leader has never been the key factor, otherwise the emperor would not be able to sit on this position." location,..."

"That's not exactly the case..." Feng Ziying thought to herself, she was still not sure, and if she had to say more, it would be really hard to say in the future, "In short, you can understand my point of view. I understand, too many, you can do it yourself,..."

  The two had some gossip, and the topic fell on Chen Yejun.

   "Didn't you say that Brother Yejun went south to Xuzhou with his father?" Feng Ziying asked in surprise, "When did you come back?"

Chen Yejun was no longer in the Guozijian. His father served as the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town and was awarded an official. Chen Yejun was also favorably awarded an official, and he was directly awarded a job from the eighth rank, which can be regarded as a compliment to Chen Jixian. Reward.

"I said I came back to clean up the household items, and said I left in a hurry, so I came back, but I may have to leave soon." Wei Ruolan said casually: "I met him on Huichang Street the day before yesterday, and we talked for a while In other words, he seems to be dealing with some old things in Huichang Street,..."

"Huichang Street?" Feng Ziying was stunned. Huichang Street is between Taipu Temple and Taiye Pond. Go south and take a short right to West Chang'an Street. It is a famous antique calligraphy and painting street, and there are also many brokers. , specializes in handling some valuables that are difficult to sell for some rich people, including mansions and farms all over the country, and can also help some high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

   Some of the Jia family’s fields and houses are also sold by special brokers on Huichang Street, which can not only keep them secret, but also buy them at a good price.

   Continue to make up.



  (end of this chapter)

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