Number of People

Chapter 1646: The Beginning of Ren Zijuan Standing Team (3)

  Chapter 1646 The beginning of the Renzijuan team (3)

"Well, he looks like he is in a hurry, and I don't quite understand what he is doing." Wei Ruolan said casually: "Just look at his restless appearance, even if he has to go to Xuzhou for a few years, Beijing Central Objects There is no need to deal with it, right? Could his father still be the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town for the rest of his life? Will he return to Beijing sooner or later?"

  Feng Ziying was a little confused for a while. She always felt that there was something wrong here, but her mind was a little confused and she hadn't sorted it out yet.

   "Is he going to sell all the mansions in Beijing?" Feng Ziying asked hesitantly.

"Probably not, it's just dealing with some old objects in the mansion. I heard him casually say that some things are old and dilapidated, and it's good to deal with them, but I've met the person who talked to him. His surname is Leng. It's a relative of a servant in the Rongguo Mansion. It turned out that he handled some mansion items for the Shi family and the Ma family. Ziying, do you have any impression? The Shi family and the Ma family collapsed two years ago. You can only sell all kinds of objects and mansions to maintain your life, that is, the one surnamed Leng,..."

   Wei Ruolan's words moved Feng Ziying's heart, "You mean Leng Zixing?"

   Isn't the opening chapter of "A Dream of Red Mansions" an introduction to the Rongning Second Mansion to Jia Yucun through the mouth of Leng Zixing, an antique dealer? This Feng Ziying still has a deep memory, Zhou Rui's son-in-law, and Zhou Rui and his wife came here as Wang's companions, and they are most trusted by Wang, which means that Zhou Rui and his wife should be Wang's family this week.

"I don't know the exact name, but I know that his surname is Leng, and he has some connections with the Rongguo Mansion. He mainly makes a living by helping out with antiques in the city. In the past two years, he seems to have changed his family and followed a big man. He is very popular. Antiques, The farm and the house are all under construction,..."

Wei Ruolan shook her head, "I don't have much contact with these people, but you also know that after the Beijing camp was defeated last year, many people had to go to the Mongols to redeem them. In fact, there is no savings in the house, so I can only sell my family's wealth for money, that Leng should have made a lot of money there,..."

Feng Ziying didn't know that there was such a thing here, he thought that only Wang Xifeng, Jia She, and Jia Rui made a fortune from it, but he didn't expect that this industry chain would be extended to **** sales and those who want to redeem people's houses Leng Zixing can also earn a fortune from his hometown.

   It seems that last year's battle of the Nekhka people did a terrible job for the Jingying gang. Many people ran out of money to redeem themselves, but the instigator was himself.

It's just that I am helpless, if I don't give the Nekhka people a sufficient reward under such circumstances, it may really turn into a disaster. It is not impossible for tens of thousands of soldiers in the Beijing camp to be slaughtered. Feng Ziying would rather I chose to pay a large sum of money to save these useless people, and I don't want to see that kind of thing happen.

  I don't have much impression of Leng Zixing and Feng Ziying. I have been to Rongguo Mansion so many times, and I have never seen him once, and I didn't care about it before, but what Wei Ruolan said today made him a little vigilant.

   Zhou Rui is from the Wang family, and Leng Zixing is Zhou Rui's son-in-law. It is hard to say how close the two are.

If Wang Ziteng really has objections, I'm afraid that the families in Beijing are prepared. Of course, it doesn't rule out that Wang Ziteng is more cautious. It can also cover people's eyes and ears.

   It is reasonable to say that Chen Jixian shouldn't be like this. Listening to Master Qi's words, shouldn't Chen Jixian come out of Huaiyang under the order of the emperor and the court? Why did Chen Yejun sneak back to dispose of the things at home, and he was looking for Zhou Rui's son-in-law?

  There seems to be a vague thread involved here, which makes Feng Ziying always feel that he wants to capture some of it, but there is still a little bit of it, which is still unbearable.

   Until Wei Ruolan left, Feng Ziying was still deep in contemplation sorting out the joints here.


  Sending Zhen Yingjia to the gate, watching the other party board the car and leave, Jia Yucun thoughtfully returned to the flower hall, picked up the cup of residual tea again, and slowly sipped it.

   Tea from his hometown is better. If Zhen Yingjia hadn’t come, Jia Yucun would really not be willing to serve guests with this kind of tea.

This Zhen Yingjia is a narrow-minded villain. Jia Yucun knew that today's matter could not be discussed well, and the other party would return disappointed, so don't even bring out the purple bamboo shoot tea from his hometown to entertain guests. As expected, Zhen Yingjia responded He was full of praise for the tea, and before leaving, he even sent a special bag, but the other party walked away angrily with a cold face, and of course, the tea was not left behind.

   "My lord, Mr. Zhen is gone?" the capable man who had been standing aside asked cautiously.

"Well, let's go, can we not go? The talk is not good, the talk can't go on, what are you doing sitting here? He is also a person who wants to save face. He always feels that Gu Tianjun's visit didn't make a good deal, and Zhu Guozhen's visit didn't make a good deal. He came to talk It's such a great face, I will naturally be able to invite credit after I go back, but I didn't expect to have a good deal." Jia Yucun said indifferently.

   "Your Excellency doesn't intend to be with them..." The capable man hesitated to speak.

"It's too early to say these things now. I'm an official of the imperial court. It's the court officials who can appoint me, not the Nanjing officials. Why should I listen to them?" , "It's ridiculous to ask me to clarify my attitude just by talking to me here for a while."

"But my lord, it is true that they have the final say in Jiangnan. If they refuse to cooperate, it will be difficult for you to move an inch in Jinling Mansion. It's nothing more than a word of order." The stalwart man sighed, "You have suffered too much. People who were framed and had to retire back then, if they want to repeat the story now, I'm afraid they can still do it."

  A dark cloud passed over Jia Yucun's face, and he didn't speak for a long time.

  He knew that what the other party said was true, if people like Tang Binyin, Gu Tianjun and Zhen Yingjia joined forces to overthrow him, the governor of Jinling, it would not be difficult.

  I haven't been spotless in the past few years, and it's not difficult for them local snakes to find out what's wrong with them.

  But Jia Yucun knew that the other party hadn't thought of doing anything right now, and he was still evaluating.

In the past few years, I have painstakingly managed Jinling up and down, and the magistrates of the counties below are all my own people, and most of the people in the government office, from the Fu Cheng to the judges and officials, are recommended or promoted by myself, and they are my confidantes. If you really want to move yourself, you have to consider your own backlash.

  And they don't want to get a paralyzed Jinling Mansion, and they don't want to break things apart, causing an unmanageable situation, so now everyone is beating wolves with hemp stalks-fearing at both ends, and throwing rats, and they haven't completely made up their minds.

  But this time point is gradually approaching, and everyone is paying attention to the changes in the situation in the capital city.

  They are also seeing whether they will really give in under pressure or temptation.

   "If they really want to do this, the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate has already come." Jia Yucun said coldly: "It can be seen that they are still hesitant in their hearts."

   "But my lord, what exactly are you thinking about?" The stalwart man said anxiously: "Did the letter from Master Feng from the capital make you hesitate?"

   Jia Yucun did not respond to this question.

  This guy is a little presumptuous, and he just opens his mouth to ask whether he should ask or not.

But when I think about it, I just came to Jinling Mansion to take up the post. I am not familiar with the place where I was born, and the forces in Jinling City are so intricate that I don’t know anything about it. Also loyal and hardworking.

   What's more, this person is also an old acquaintance, and there is some fate in speaking.

Back then when I was living a miserable life in the Gourd Temple, this person was also working as a young novice in the temple, but I didn't expect that the two of them would meet in the Jinling government office a few years later, and this guy actually got mixed up. As a sect, he also has a deep understanding of the connections and connections of all the dignitaries and dignitaries in Jinling City. Thanks to his advice from left and right, he has been able to control the situation in Jinling Mansion steadily over the past few years, so that he will not be caught by the Zhen family. Headed by the new four major families overhead.

  This person is good at everything, but his temper is a bit arrogant and impetuous.

   It turned out that before I came to Jinling Mansion, this guy had been unsatisfactory in Jinling Mansion. The main reason was that his mouth was disgusting, so that the clerks and servants in the yamen couldn't see him, and they almost pushed him out of the yamen.

  It was also fortunate that I came here, this guy was able to keep his position, and he was aware of the dangers of the world, so he was a lot more cautious.

  However, over the years, I have never regarded him as an outsider, and I have not concealed many secrets from him, such as Feng Ziying's correspondence with me, this guy also knows.

Seeing that Jia Yucun's face darkened slightly, Yan Mingxiang quickly twitched his mouth, "My lord, I'm a little presumptuous, please forgive me, but remember to sign the letter. This Master Feng has not had many correspondence with you in the past two years. It's only one or two letters a year, but since last year, it seems to have become more frequent all of a sudden. You said that he had a lot of correspondence with you in Dangshun Tianfu Cheng. After all, there is one in Nanjing and one in Beijing, but last year he was still in the permanent Ping Fu should be a fellow prefect, right? Why do you keep writing letters with you, but when you were in the Imperial Academy, you just talked about it in general?"

  Jia Yucun snorted softly, "How can a sparrow know the great ambition? You are just a frog at the bottom of a well with a shallow view. How do you know Ziying's ability?"

"Hehe, don't tell me, my lord, even in Jinling City, the name of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is often spread, and I have heard my lord mention it repeatedly, you must have met him during the Linqing civil uprising, right? Your Excellency was still in despair at that time, well, there was also a female son who was patrolling the salt and censor of the Huaihe River, why was this Lord Feng so optimistic about his future?" Yan Mingxiang looked puzzled, "And this Lord was only at that time. How old are you, twelve or thirteen years old?"

  (end of this chapter)

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