Number of People

Chapter 1647: Renzi Juan recalls the past and the long years

  Chapter 1647 Renzi scroll recalls the past

"Zhou Yu marched at the age of nine, and Gan Luo worshiped his prime minister at twelve. There are many things in this world that people you don't know don't know." Jia Yucun sneered, with a look of disgust and disdain, "Yes, back then Ziying was indeed only At the age of twelve or thirteen, in the face of tens of thousands of mob riots, he was able to single-handedly create Longtan, forcibly dived out of Linqing Water Gate, and finally won the water transport army to extinguish the mob rebellion in one fell swoop. Do you think this is Feng He, the violent tiger? ? That’s someone’s foresight and determination to go it alone, even I feel ashamed.”

   "Oh?" Yan Mingxiang, that is, the little monk in the Gourd Temple in the past, was very surprised.

  He once heard that his Dong Weng mentioned that he and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan of the capital, the current Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister, was a friend in need, a friend who had forgotten the years, but he still had some doubts, and even couldn't believe it.

  Because according to the calculation of time, Dong Weng himself has been the governor of Jinling Prefecture for almost six years, so according to calculation, it should be six or seven years ago when he sent the daughter of Lin Ruhai, the inspector of Yan and Huai, to Beijing.

   It is said that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is only 20 years old now, which means that Feng Ziying was only 12 or 13 years old when the civil uprising occurred in Linqing. How could a 12 or 13-year-old boy have such courage and wisdom?

After Jia Yucun went to Jinling Mansion to serve as the governor, he happened to meet this old friend in need, and with a kind heart, he promoted this person step by step from a marginalized sect to the experience department to serve as a clerk. .

  In fact, Yan Mingxiang is now playing the role of Jia Yucun's staff. Because of this relationship, and because he has indeed shown loyalty, he also relies heavily on him.

  Jia Yucun also often mentioned to Yan Mingxiang his past contacts with Feng Ziying, and even mentioned that it was Feng Ziying who cared for him in Beijing and sent him south to Jinling to take up his post.

"I didn't expect Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan to be so heroic and courageous. It really is a tiger father with no dog son, and a talented general who can achieve such a feat." Yan Mingxiang also had to admit that it was difficult for ten thousand miles to pick out one of the twelve or thirteen-year-old boys. , no wonder he was able to rise to the top later on, but it also depends on the other party studying at Qingtan Academy and becoming famous in the imperial examination.

   "Huh, do you know that he went to ask for help from the water transport army at that time, who was the governor of the water transport at that time, who was the patrolling censor, and who was the general officer of the water transport?"

  Jia Yucun glanced at the other party ostentatiously, seeing that the other party shook his head again and again, with a curious expression on his face, so he cleared his throat calmly and continued.

"At that time, the governor of the water transport was the current Gelao Daofu (Li Sancai), the then patrolling censor was Qiao Gong, the right capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the general officer of the water transport was Chen Jingxuan, the former governor of the three sides. Mr. Daofu, Mr. Qiao and Chen Jingxuan all benefited from it, and Mr. Qiao admired him quite a lot, so he recommended him to study at Qingtan Academy, and only then did he have good luck."

"In this way, Master Feng really benefited from the incident of the Linqing Civil Rebellion. Your Excellency is not only your friend in need, but also your noble person." Yan Mingxiang laughed, with a small smile on his thin lips. The beard is also up and down.

"I don't dare to be a nobleman, but it's true that Ziying really benefited from this matter. At that time, Mr. Qiao valued it very much, so he recommended her to study at Qingtan Academy. Now Mr. Qige and Mr. Dongxian, Minister of Shangshu They are the head of the academy and the head of the academy respectively, and this relationship is thus formed."

  Jia Yucun couldn't help being a little envious in his words. Feng Ziying's luck is really good. After catching up with this incident, he made countless noble people all at once.

  Of course, they also risked their lives to come here. Would you dare to swim and dive through Linqing water gate alone?

  As long as he is discovered by the mob, a burst of arrows will end his life in hell, and he absolutely dare not.

Hearing what Yan Mingxiang heard, Qi and Li are elders, Qiao Yingjia is the second person in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Youdu Yushi, plus Ying Zhen, a Shangshu official of the Ministry of Commerce, and Chen Jingxuan, the former governor of the three sides. The most important thing is that Fuze's profound luck and luck are unmatched by anyone.

"But if you think that Ziying can jump up by relying on these connections alone, then you are wrong." Glancing at Yan Mingxiang, Jia Yucun said again: "Feng Ziying proposed the famous strategy of opening the sea. It is said that Qi Ge was not favored by his teacher at that time, but he was deeply in line with the emperor's wishes, and he shined brilliantly all of a sudden, benefiting a lot from the coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang; It is a real achievement; Needless to say, in Yongping Mansion, the Qing army managed the government, and then repelled the Mongol invasion in one fell swoop. Such great achievements could not be done by another person for thirty years, but they are in It has been established in just a few years, do you think he should be a fourth-rank official?"

   "Yes, I really deserve it. The reputation is well-deserved!" Yan Mingxiang followed Jia Yucun's words and nodded repeatedly: "It's reasonable for an adult to make friends with him. After all, heroes cherish heroes."

  Yan Mingxiang’s words in this joke sounded quite vulgar, but it was in line with Jia Yucun’s heart, and he couldn’t help but stroking his beard and nodding, “Ziying serves me as a brother, so naturally I won’t treat him poorly.”

   "But the prince..." Yan Mingxiang glanced at Jia Yucun's face. He knew that it was inappropriate to mention Wang Ziteng's name at this time, but he had to mention it.

   Sure enough, Jia Yucun's complexion suddenly turned cloudy, and he didn't speak for a while. He was dazed for a long time before he said slowly: "The prince treats me well, but this is a big matter. It concerns the life and wealth of Jia's family, so we must be careful."

"It's just Dong Weng, it won't be long before this matter drags on. Look at Lord Zhen's attitude today. If you say anything before leaving, it's all aggressive and there's no room for it." Yan Mingxiang couldn't help but smack his lips. Dong Weng is good at everything, but his temperament is a little softer.

Jia Yucun ignored the other party and just shook his head: "Let him talk like crazy, I have a steelyard in my heart. I am an official of the imperial court. The governor of Jinling only listens to the imperial court and not to the Sixth Department of Nanjing. If they have the ability, they will take me down." Otherwise, I will have to act according to my ideas before I get a clear order from the court."

  Yan Mingxiang looked anxious, "Then your lord is determined to..."

"That's not necessarily the case." Jia Yucun waved his hand, "As you said, they are powerful at the moment, but they have not gained an absolute advantage. After all, you and I are working on their territory, so we still have to look at their eyes and see their actions. How about one step depends on the changes in the situation in the imperial court, but Zixiang, do you think that Jiangnan is extremely rich, but the people's hearts are weak and there is no army to support it? Is it?"

   "Don't you still have Duke Niu's Xuanfu Army and Datong Army?" Yan Mingxiang frowned.

"Hmph, the Xuanfu army is really controlled by Niu Jizong, but the Datong army is the territory of the Feng family. Even though Mr. Feng did not serve as the commander-in-chief of Datong, he was the governor of Jiliao first, and now he is taking over again. The governor of the three sides has more influence in the nine sides, how can those old ministries in Datong easily listen to Niu Jizong's orders?" Jia Yucun sneered: "This army is no better than the local ones. They are honest and upright talking about the mountain faction. Niu Jizong can control Xuan Fuzhen, that is also a good foundation that the prince laid for him, otherwise..., hehe,..."

"My lord, I don't think so. As the saying goes, the three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first. You have been in Jinling Mansion for so many years. You should be very clear about the source of the current nine borders. If there is no Jiangnan water transportation, I am afraid Jiubian can’t last a day, and those big-headed soldiers who have milk and mothers will have to rebel immediately!” Yan Mingxiang disagreed, and argued: “Not only Jiubian is like this, even Gyeonggi is the same, you go to Yangzhou to see how to go north. How many tank boats and civilian boats are there, even if they stop for a day, the capital will be shaken, if the canal is interrupted, you say this..."

"You're right, but if the elites of the Nine Sides don't have food and pay, and the Northland can't support them, then you say that if the imperial court orders, will the millions of troops from the Nine Sides fight against the enemy and go south together?" Jia said. Yucun also didn't take it seriously, "As long as the imperial court relaxes a little bit, the generals who lead the troops are giving some benefits to these big-headed soldiers, I'm afraid it will be a catastrophe for millions of tigers and wolves to go to the south of the Yangtze River."

"My lord, going to the south of the Yangtze River is easy to say, but it is actually thousands of miles away. How can a soldier walk to the south of the Yangtze River hungry? What's more, the south of the Yangtze River is humid and hot. I'm afraid that the big soldiers from the north will go to the south of the Yangtze River before they cross the river." You must be dissatisfied, and you will lose without a fight?" Yan Mingxiang shook his head again and again.

   "In your opinion, we should have given them our allegiance early?" Jia Yucun squinted at the other party.

"That's not necessary. As your lord said, it's not the time yet, but your lord must be prepared. If the situation in the capital is clear, then of course it goes without saying. Response?" Yan Mingxiang was also thinking, "Even if we want to lose our sincerity, at least we have to have an attitude and statement in the northern court, and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is a good way."

"It seems that you are really not optimistic about the imperial court." Jia Yucun sighed a little sadly, "I know you always think that the imperial court will not be able to survive for half a day without Jiangnan, but it is not so simple to interrupt the canal, Huaiyang The formation of the town is very fast, and the imperial court has already seen this. Even most of the soldiers were brought over from the Beijing camp. Once they gain a firm foothold in Xuzhou, they will probably go south to Yangzhou. Isn't that the reason why the soldiers are stationed?"

"So what?" Yan Mingxiang asked back: "The Beijing camp is so weak that it is no longer worth mentioning. If you take a group of people south to form Huaiyang Town, I'm afraid it won't work in your bones. If the Xuanfu army goes south, I'm afraid that Huaiyang Town will be able to take over. Besides, Huaiyang Town must obey the imperial court's orders? Maybe when the situation is not good, it will turn against it. I don't think the nine-sided army may be real It can be controlled by the court."

  (end of this chapter)

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