Number of People

Chapter 1648: The three-parent army on the Renzi scroll (1)

  Chapter 1648 The three-parent army on the Renzi scroll (1)

   Yan Mingxiang was sent away, but Jia Yucun fell into deep thought.

Tang Binyin, Gu Tianjun, Zhu Guozhen, and Zhen Yingjia took turns to lobby me to join their camp. Although their words were very subtle and euphemistic, Jia Yucun had been immersed in the political arena for so many years. The ups and downs of the Jinling Mansion in the past few years have given him considerable experience.

  As long as he agrees, he believes that the other party will definitely follow up with terms and conditions. After all, step by step, he will let you fall into their trap, make you unable to extricate yourself, and eventually become one of them.

   It’s not impossible to become one of them, but you have to come up with something that convinces you, you have to come up with the foundation of your career as a king.

At least until now, Jia Yucun has not seen how obvious the advantage of Prince Yizhong is. Xuanfu Army and Denglai Army are still much weaker than the other towns on the Nine Sides. Jiangnan is certainly the source of money and food for the North, but you It is necessary to control Jiangnan. When the army from the Nine Fronts really comes, will these Jiangnan gentry and merchants persist as before?

  Jia Yucun was suspicious.

  He himself is a Jiangnan gentry, and most of his colleagues of the same age around him are from Jiangnan gentry. He knows the nature of these people well.

  In Jia Yucun's view, as long as the emperor is still there, the hope of Prince Yizhong's reversal is slim, and even the support of the emperor is of little use.

As for separatist regimes in the south of the Yangtze River and rule across the river, that is even more unrealistic. The imperial court will never allow such a situation to exist. If you want to threaten the south of the Yangtze River with money and food, it will only increase the determination and surge of the north to completely fight. Jiangnan and Huguang are like water without a source and a tree without roots, and no one will tolerate this situation.

  Of course, it does not mean that there is no chance.

  If Prince Yizhong rules from the south of the Yangtze River and can withstand the imperial court's attack, or successfully delay the imperial army's southward march, it only needs to be delayed for a few months, but it may cause the Northland to collapse.

In addition, Prince Yizhong is also the son of the Supreme Emperor, and he was the crown prince for 20 years, so it is not impossible to restore the throne, but this depends on the outcome of the game between Beijing and China. It depends on the court officials and the nine sides. The strength of military support for both sides.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, the emperor is absolutely firmly in the initiative, and there is no possibility of a comeback for Prince Yizhong.

  Feng Ziying vaguely mentioned this point in his letter, but it was quite subtle, but Jia Yucun understood the meaning. Feng Ziying was not optimistic about Prince Yizhong, which was the same as Jia Yucun's attitude.

Of course, Jia Yucun also knows that Feng Ziying can only stand on the side of the imperial court. With Prince Yizhong's friendly attitude towards Jiangnan, if Prince Yizhong really wants to sit on the throne, the scholars in the north are bound to be suppressed now, and the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River will definitely dominate. At that time, Feng Ziying's thriving momentum will inevitably be interrupted, and the new dynasty will not give Feng Ziying a better chance than now.

These are attitudes from different standpoints, but Jia Yucun, as a Jiangnan scholar, still agrees with Feng Ziying's point of view, that is, Jiangnan lacks enough force to defend what they want, and if this problem cannot be solved, then Jiangnan is a giant with mud feet , may collapse in one blow.

   But why not in the Northland? Without the support of money and food from Jiangnan Huguang, the Nine Frontiers might collapse overnight, depending on the results of their persistence.

   There is no choice but to wait, Jia Yucun sighed inwardly.

  Wang Ziteng treated himself well, and also wrote to say that he wanted to show him a clear path, reasoning that he should indeed follow him, but is this a clear path? What if there is no way out?


In September, the iron net mountain is bright and crisp, the sun is shining brightly, and the skyline is pale yellow. Dozens of riders gallop along the edge of the yellow meadow, startling three or five pheasants and hares in the grass in the forest. In full bloom, the knights cheered repeatedly.

   Riding his horse forward slowly, Emperor Yonglong watched with satisfaction the group of boys in the banner guards showing off in front of him, stroked their beards and smiled.

  As one of the three relatives of his own army, the Banner Guard is firmly in the hands of Emperor Yonglong himself.

  Even if there is a turmoil in the Beijing camp, I can make Qian Guozhong and the old ten argue endlessly, but the leaders of the three pro-army forces, the Banner Guard, the Warrior Camp, and the Four Guards Camp, can only be served by people I absolutely trust.

Miao Zhuang, the commander of the standard guard who followed closely beside Emperor Yonglong, was a thin-cheeked man with brows like vultures and eyes like knives. On the left side of his waist was a long saber slanted on a horse, and the short pistol on his right side was slanted by him. The right hand kept rubbing it, as if feeling a little reluctant to put it down.

   This is the latest product produced by the Zunhua Armory Workshop, and it is also the first batch of products after the cooperation between the Ministry of War and the "Gyeonggi Metallurgy Iron and Steel Military Industry Complex". It is the most classic self-generated short gun.

  It turned out to be a spring wheel ignition, but it was changed to a flintlock, which greatly reduced the parts and failure rate, and the production level was also greatly improved, but the craftsman's level was higher.

A total of 17 craftsmen were transferred from Yongping to Zunhua, nine of them were from Foshan, Guangdong, the other four were Hongmaofan craftsmen recruited by Zhuang Limin from Xiyi at a high price, and the other three were "Jingji Smelters". In Feng Ziying's evaluation, the craftsmen trained by the "Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industry Complex" are their greatest achievements in the past few years.

  Of course, this batch of self-cultivated craftsmen were actually the outstanding ones selected by experienced ironmakers in various iron workshops. After careful training by craftsmen from Xiyi and Foshan masters, they gradually came to the fore.

The first batch of 7 craftsmen who were rated as first-class craftsmen, 12 craftsmen from Xiyi, and 18 craftsmen from Foshan, a total of 37 people were rated as the first batch of first-class craftsmen by the "Gyeonggi Smelting and Iron Military Industry Association". In addition, forty-six people have been rated as preliminary craftsmen, and they can only be promoted to first-level formal craftsmen after passing the re-evaluation one year later.

Under these first-level craftsmen and preparatory craftsmen, there are countless apprentices and apprentices. Among them, the number of apprentices in Zunhua, Yongping Qian'an, and Luanzhou who have passed training and practiced and can officially start work has exceeded two. There are more than 1,000 apprentices, and there are more than 6,000 apprentices who are still in the stage of study and practice.

  Most of the more than 6,000 people can pass the internship inspection and examination and become formal apprentices. However, it is not an easy task for apprentices to go through multiple rounds of training and examinations to become preparatory craftsmen.

According to Wang Shaoquan, not to mention one in a hundred, but one in ten is impossible. On average, it is very good if one out of every thirty apprentices can be promoted to the preparatory craftsman every year, and the rest can only continue to work. Trained among apprentices.

  Of course, as the technology improves in the future and the number increases, the annual test will gradually become a half-yearly test or even a quarterly test, but that's a story.

  Seventeen of these thirty-seven first-class craftsmen were transferred to Zunhua, which accounted for almost half of the entire first-class craftsmen, which shows that the "Gyeonggi Smelting and Iron Military Industry Complex" attaches great importance to Zunhua as a base.

Zunhua Iron Mine has been mined for a hundred years, and the conditions are more mature. Once the assembly line mining is adopted, the effect will be greatly improved, and a relatively complete logistics support system for iron smelting, iron making and various processing has been formed around Zunhua , the population is far more than that of Qian'an or Luanzhou, but the technology is relatively backward.

After solving the problem of steelmaking process, this series of productivity can be greatly improved. It can be said that the conditions are much better than those of new mines and iron smelting workshops in Qian'an, Luanzhou and other places, so there is no need for Feng Ziying to say more At that time, Shanshan merchants and Zhuang Limin both took the initiative to move the headquarters of the "Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industrial Complex" from Yongping to Zunhua.

Of course, Yongping is still an extremely important production base, because the goods produced there are mainly for the second town of Jiliao and exported through Yuguan Port, while the products of Zunhua are mainly supplied to Gyeonggi and Beijing. It was used by the battalion and the Shangsanqin army.

The first batch of self-generated short blunderbusses with seventeen handles was presented as a gift by the "Gyeonggi Smelting Iron Iron and Iron Military Industry Complex" to the important officials of the Ministry of War and the commanders of the Beijing Camp and the Shangsan Army. Miao Zhuang, who was the commander of the banner guard, Of course it was assigned one.

  The seventeen self-generated short guns are all handmade by first-level craftsmen, but some core components have begun to be made by assembly-line general-purpose modules, but this method is still not working smoothly, and it can only be said that it is still a low-level operation.

However, Feng Ziying believes that with the passage of time, the operation of the "Gyeonggi Smelting Iron and Iron Military Industry Complex" will gradually improve. As time goes on, the production capacity of this complex will release huge power, and then become a branch of the entire Northland. A transformative force that cannot be ignored.

Because he not only personally participated in the production of the technological process of the entire "Gyeonggi Smelting Iron and Iron Military Industrial Complex", but also made some special rules for the production and operation of the entire complex, which he believes are basically modern, which will make the entire complex The consortium initially has the characteristics of modern industrialization, and at least it can be regarded as pointing out the direction.

  Miao Zhuang couldn't help pulling the self-generated short gun out of the holster, and played with it carefully.

  Ever since he had this self-generated short crossbow, he felt that he had even lost interest in the short crossbow that he never left his body.

He is not good at bows and arrows, and as the leader of the three relatives, it is not indecent to carry a bow and arrows at ordinary times. The short crossbow is very suitable, but it is still so big that it is not convenient to hide it in the bag, and it needs to be wound. The situation is still troublesome and time-consuming.

  The self-generated short gun completely solved this problem.

  Although he used to have a self-generated short gun, but he tried it, the failure rate is too high, and the power is not enough, and it is easy to damage after a few times of use, so he is very unhappy.

  But now the effect of this self-generated short gun is different. I am satisfied in all aspects, and the key is that, as the Shanshan businessmen said, it can be replaced at any time, and even the next batch can provide two for myself to use in turn.

   That's great.

  (end of this chapter)

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