Number of People

Chapter 1649: The Three Parents on the Renzi Scroll (2)

  Chapter 1649 The three-parent army on the Renzi scroll (2)

After playing with it for a while, Miao Zhuang reluctantly inserted the firecracker back into the holster, looked around, and noticed that the people from the Four Guards Battalion and the Warriors Battalion on both sides began to gather here, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Joy.

  Shanghai Sanqin Army, Standard Bearer Guard, Four Guards Battalion, Warrior Battalion, the relationship between the three armies is not harmonious.

  Just like today, in Miao Zhuang's view, these people are too ugly to eat, and if their standard bearers perform better, they want to steal the limelight.

  Of course, when the Four Guards Camp and the Warriors Camp perform tomorrow and the next day, I will not hesitate to add trouble.

Compared with the relative independence of the standard-bearer guards, the relationship between the Four Guards Battalion and the Warriors Battalion is much closer. Gein's Four Guards Battalion and the Warriors Battalion were originally drawn from the elite of the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp, or it can be said that the Four Guards The old camp and the main camp of the camp and the warrior camp are the three major camps of the Beijing camp.

Although it has been a long time since the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp, the Four Guards Camp, and the Warriors Camp have long since lost their direct affiliation, this relationship is inseparable. It no longer draws troops from the three major battalions of the Beijing camp to supplement, but, like the three major battalions of the Beijing camp, directly draws from the guards in Gyeonggi and even the northern Zhili.

However, after the 30th year of Yuanxi, this situation changed again. In the 30th year of Yuanxi, the 36th year, and the 41st year, the Four Guards Camp and the Warriors Camp were transferred from the Beijing Camp in three rounds. The elite backbone went to the Four Guards Camp and the Warriors Camp. Therefore, the relationship between the Four Guards Camp, the Warriors Camp and the Beijing Camp still has a complicated and deep origin.

However, this relationship was completely cut off after Emperor Yonglong succeeded to the throne. The emperor and the Ministry of War had already formally issued an order at the beginning of his ascension to the throne, clarifying the source of soldiers for the Four Guards Battalion and the Warriors Battalion. From the first year of Yonglong, the Four Guards The battalion and the warrior battalion no longer recruit soldiers from the Beijing battalion. The four guard battalions are all selected from the three guards of Tianjin and the five guards of Xingzhou, and all the warrior battalions are selected from the three guards of Zhuolu and the five guards of Yingzhou. They are selected every three years.

   Compared with the Four Guards Camp and the Warriors Camp, the Banner Guards are different. In fact, this can be seen from their names. They are battalions, while the Banner Guards are guards.

The Banner Guard actually followed the former Ming Dynasty, the same as the Jinyi Guard of the former Ming Dynasty, but because after the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the duties of the Banner Guard and the Jin Yiwei changed, the Banner Guard still used the guard, and the Jin Yiwei became the Dragon Guard , the Banner Guards are still mainly guarding the forbidden center by the pro-army, while the Jinyiwei (Long Banwei) has completely transformed into a detective agency, but its core has not changed, and they are all loyal to the emperor rather than the cabinet and the five armies.

  Because of this relationship, Banner Guards and Long Jinwei have a deeper relationship, while the Four Guards have a closer relationship with the Warriors Camp and even the three major camps of the Beijing Camp.

  And like the other security armed forces in the capital city-the Wucheng Bingma Division and the Patrol Battalion, they are between the two.

Most of the soldiers of Gein Wucheng Bingma Division come from the Beijing camp, while the patrol battalion is more like a peripheral organization of Long Jinwei, but in terms of business, they are only under the jurisdiction of the Patrol City Procuratorate under the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the military flavor is less , the security nature is stronger.

   Noticing that the emperor urged the horse to move forward, he quickly inserted the short gun into the holster, and rode the horse to follow closely.

  The surrounding soldiers also formed a wild goose posture, following behind quietly.

As the top three relatives, in addition to the requirements for morale and combat power, they also pay attention to loyalty and quick response. Among the 1,500 standard-bearers and 500 cavalry, they all have one man and two horses. There is a pack horse, and the infantry also has a pack horse battalion dedicated to providing logistical support materials for it, in order to be able to respond to combat at any time.

The other two Warrior Battalions of the Shang San Qin Army are similar to the Four Guards Battalion, but their size is slightly larger than that of the Banner Guards, both of which are about 1,800 people, while the size of the Cavalry Army is even smaller, with only 300 people. , the other 1,500 people were all infantry.

Emperor Yonglong watched with great interest the banner-bearer guards and a group of sergeants galloping forward in front of him. The rabbits were flying and the falcons were falling, which aroused his great interest. The surrounding courtiers asked the emperor to slow down one after another, and don't fall off the horse, it would be a big disaster.

Emperor Yonglong also knew that his body was not as good as before. In fact, his speed was very slow, and the horse under his crotch was also an old horse that he had ridden for many years. After sweating a little, I finally succeeded in shooting a hare, which is considered a success.

Seeing the emperor slowing down his horse, Miao Zhuang also took the reins lightly, and followed closely beside the emperor. At the same time, he gestured to the people behind him, and the other horsemen also rushed forward, embracing the emperor, It not only maintains a certain speed, but also avoids the crowd from the Warriors Battalion and the Four Guards Battalion squeezing in from both sides. Today is the time for the standard-bearer guards to perform, and it is not their turn to present treasures.

The costumes and armor on the two sides are obviously different from those of the standard-bearer guards. The more than ten cavalry in ocher red clothing have also noticed this. The few cavalry on the right are all in black clothes and armor. One side is all indigo. They are from the Warrior Battalion. Seeing that they lost their chance, they all slowed down.

At first, the two riders exchanged glances, with disdain on their faces, and the burly man in the copper helmet and black robe snorted lightly, "The one surnamed Miao is really keeping us on tight guard, it's all good after a show, not yet. Allow us to get closer, we really treat us like thieves."

   "Hehe, who asked you to give someone a black tiger's heart when you came? It almost made people lose their face." Another tiger-eyed man wrapped halfway in an indigo smock sneered.

"Hmph, if he didn't intentionally come to trouble us, how could I feel sorry for him? After all, I think their standard guards have to be unique and different..." The burly man curled his lips, "Playing Those behind-the-scenes tricks are meaningless, they invite you to flatter and please the emperor, but if you can fight, you have to compete on the battlefield, but when will we guards go straight to the army and get the chance to go into battle?"

"Why, do you really want to go to battle? Didn't you learn enough from the defeat of the Beijing camp last year?" The tiger-eyed man shook his head: "To tell the truth, I really don't want to encounter that kind of thing. See Seeing how many wives and families were broken up, the emperor was so angry that he almost wanted to demolish the three major camps of the Beijing camp, how many of our acquaintances are there in the three major camps of the Beijing camp?"

  The burly man's eyebrows were also a little sentimental.

The Battle of Santunying caused the entire Beijing camp to be injured, and even the generals of the Four Guards and Warriors camps who were originally from the Beijing camp felt disgraced, and even Long Jinwei, Bannerman Wei, etc. Even the people from the Wucheng Bingma Division began to look down on them, which was the most intolerable for them.

The three-armed army was originally in a state of competition with each other, the standard-bearer guard, the four-guard battalion, and the warrior battalion, regardless of status, but after the battle of the Santun camp, the emperor's attitude towards his own four-guard battalion and Liao Junxiong's warrior battalion was somewhat subtle Woke up, although outsiders can't see what's coming, but as the commander of the Four Guards Battalion, Du Keli can still detect some subtle changes.

  For example, Miao Zhuang has seen more times, but his attitude towards himself and Liao Junxiong is not as enthusiastic as before. Sometimes his and Liao Junxiong's suggestions are sometimes discounted.

   Another time when the emperor was inspecting the warrior camp, he was very dissatisfied with the military discipline of the warrior camp. He was furious because of this. Liao Junxiong wrote a letter asking for punishment, otherwise it would be the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

If it had been the past, the emperor would have scolded him if he scolded him, but that time the emperor not only used the defeat of the Santun camp as an example to reprimand the three relatives, but also named and punished those responsible, scaring Liao Junxiong to kneel outside the palace gate After half a day, the fine and salary were settled in March.

Although fines and salaries are just a trivial matter, and no one would live on that little salary, it is a trend, and it is even a warning to the generals, which means that the emperor's The attitude has changed. If we are not vigilant again, maybe next time we should be dismissed or even imprisoned.

   "Old Liao, do you think what Miao Zhuang said before was intentionally giving us eye drops in front of Xia Bingzhong, or did he really notice something about us?"

  The burly man Du Keli's eyes were a bit inquiring.

The day before yesterday, Miao Zhuang said that an acquaintance at the Long Jinwei said that after the defeat of the Santun camp, the Beijing camp was cleaned up, and it was found that there were many followers of the White Lotus Sect in the three major camps, and many of them had even joined the sect for more than ten or twenty years. By the way, most of the soldiers from the Four Guards Battalion and the Warriors Battalion come from the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp. It is not ruled out that the Four Guards Battalion and the Warriors Battalion may also be infiltrated. Most of the soldiers of the Old Shenji Battalion are from Dongsheng Zuowei, Xingzhou Youtunwei, Shanhaiwei, Funingwei, Zhongyi Zhongwei and other first-line guards, and these guards are located in the areas where the White Lotus Sect activities are the most rampant, so the four guards The camp most needs to be cleaned up and rectified.

   This annoyed Du Keli at the time.

He felt that this was Miao Zhuang's deliberate frame-up, especially in front of the emperor's most trusted **** in charge, Xia Bingzhong, who was also the nominal leader of the upper three relatives army. His attitude was even worse than when Liao Junxiong had an accident last year. After all, Liao Junxiong was only in poor military discipline at that time, but now if there are rumors that the White Lotus Sect has infiltrated the Four Guards Battalion, then things will be troublesome.

Liao Junxiong, the tiger-eyed man, was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party was still thinking about this matter at this moment. He subconsciously glanced at the other party, and his heart tightened: "Old Du, have you found some clues? It’s no joke, Miao Zhuang certainly has bad intentions, but if there is something wrong, you can deal with it yourself as soon as possible!”

  (end of this chapter)

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