Number of People

Chapter 1653: Ren character volume chaos, germination (1)

  Chapter 1653 Renzi Juan Chaos, Germination (1)

Don't talk about Feng Ziying's battle with Xue Baoqinlang that night, dragons and tigers, apes fighting cicadas, it's really a day of fun, just look at the senior officer who waits outside when he wakes up in the morning, his eyes are black and yawning, when others ask him, but his eyes are full. His cheeks were flushed, he hesitated, it was difficult to deal with it, and if he asked more, he would only turn his face and get angry, which made the other monk Zhang Er confused.

  But it is said that the autumn of Tiewangshan opened the curtain, and the gods from all walks of life began to gather in the palace hunting garden, accepting inquiries from Emperor Yonglong, and started the matter of selecting and establishing a reserve.

"Father and Uncle Three and Uncle Ninth have all talked, and there are Uncle Eight and Uncle Ten left, and Aunt Yong'an and Yongning. There is still no conclusion yet..." Zhang Chi's face was gloomy, with his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth, " The situation is especially unfavorable for Gu.”

"Your Highness, don't worry so much. It's too early now. It's just an early understanding of the situation and soliciting opinions. How can someone like Your Majesty make such a hasty decision? This subordinate asserts that there will be no real results this year..." A side A general in armor expressed Zhang Chi's relief.

"Long Kong, you don't have to comfort Gu. Gu still knows the attitude of the emperor towards us brothers. If Yonglong five years ago, Gu would still think that he is the most valued by the emperor. After all, Gu is the eldest son. It's the imperial concubine again, the number one person in the harem, but after five years of Yonglong, Zhang Su and Zhang Cong are getting older, I don't know where the rumors came from, or that **** Mei Yuexi invented it himself, spreading inside and outside that Zhang Su is the most He looked like his father when he was young, and his temperament was also similar. I never thought that Guo Qinyun would learn this trick later, saying that Zhang Cong was more like him, and even found out the birthmark on Zhang Cong's body to talk about things, hehe,..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chi couldn't help laughing angrily, "If you want to say that you are similar to your father when you were young, isn't Gu not like your father when you were young? Isn't Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji different? But there are so many idiots, or People with ulterior motives spread the word in the palace, the father is getting old, he has cultivated his mind and self-cultivation all these years, other things have not changed, but his ears have softened, and he actually listens to the words of this kind of woman, and he is speechless. "

   Standing next to Zhang Chi, one civil and one military, were all silent.

They empathize with the ups and downs of King Shou's status in recent years. From the time when the emperor first came to the throne, everyone thought that King Shou was the natural heir. He suddenly became the most popular candidate, and the emperor's series of personnel adjustments seemed to be carried out around King Lu, and now Prince Gong was not to be outdone, and began to challenge King Lu's position, which can be described as dazzling and hard to distinguish.

Now no one knows what the emperor's intentions are, and they all feel that the emperor seems to have become indecisive, suspicious and fickle. This kind of matter of selecting and establishing a reserve really needs to be inquired and understood by many parties. If the attitude is swayed, it will become a waste of food because of choking.

   "Then what does His Highness mean..." the scribe who had never spoken asked softly.

   "Gu doesn't know, and Gu is also very confused. Could it be that he just sits here and waits to die?" Zhang Chi was really desperate.

People in the clan all agree with the father's words, like the ninth uncle and the tenth uncle, who only look up to the father's horse, and the third uncle cannot be trusted by the father. If he really speaks good things about himself, the father will hate him even more. Those who don't care about world affairs don't have much say in front of the father. As for the two eldest princesses of Yongning and Yongan, Zhang Chi doesn't think they can have much effect. It's just a matter of looking for a step forward in the future.

The scribe glanced calmly at Wu Wenting next to him, and the other party gave him a wink, and then he said calmly: "Your Highness, don't be too anxious, it's just the clan, and the princes in the court haven't made it clear yet. As for attitude, as far as I know, Ye Xiang, Fang Xiang, Qi Xiang, and North and South Li Xiang all support your Highness."

"Oh?" Zhang Chi's spirit lifted slightly, and then he became a little depressed, "Gu once went to meet Ye Xiang and Fang Xiang, but was rejected, and he also went to meet Qi Xiang, but Qi Xiang reprimanded Gu. Thinking wildly,... Gu felt that they didn't admire and value Gu, but just thought that Gu was the eldest son of his father, ... Gu also knew that his literary talent and military strategy were not special compared with the other brothers, but Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji also had What? It’s more absurd than being lonely, and Zhang Su and Zhang Cong are young and ignorant of world affairs, could it be that they want to push Zhang Su and Zhang Cong to the top so that they can better control the court?!”

"Your Highness is worrying too much." The scribe couldn't help frowning, "The reason why the elders don't like His Highness to visit is because they avoid melon fields and plums, nothing else, and His Highness also said that you are the eldest son. This is an indisputable fact. Scholars have always respected the head of the heir, and now that the emperor has no heir, then the head should be established. This should be the unanimous opinion of the court, so why bother His Highness? It can be said that unless the emperor hand-picked the establishment of King Lu or King Gong, and formed Facts, otherwise the throne should be seated by His Highness,..."

Zhang Chi was invigorated by the scribe's previous words, but when he heard the latter words, his momentum weakened, and he said dejectedly: "Ziwen, but the emperor's selection of the reserve and the establishment of the reserve is obviously aimed at Zhang Cong Zhang Cong. They set up a reserve, and the righteousness has been determined there, so there will be no chance for Gu, what can I do?"

   "The best way is to delay this matter and prevent the emperor from setting up the crown easily, so that there may be a chance." The scribe said in a deep voice.

"Ziwen, what you said is so boring. If you can make the emperor delay the establishment of the heir, do you still use you to make suggestions for the orphan?" Zhang Chi said displeasedly: "The emperor is not in good health now, that's why he is in such a hurry. I want to choose a reserve as soon as possible. Isn’t this the reason why I came here this time? This matter, even if the emperor will not announce it immediately, but I’m afraid there is a decision in my heart. It will be announced at the New Year's Eve next year, and by then, everything will be closed."

   Speaking of this, Zhang Chi became more and more irritable, "You and I have been talking here for a long time, but there is no countermeasure. Are you planning to sit and wait for death like this, so you have no other options?"

"According to this situation, what your highness said is indeed reasonable. The emperor may finalize the candidate for the crown prince during the autumn period. As for the announcement, it may be delayed a little, but it is already difficult to reverse." Let the princes in the court persuade the emperor to change his mind and make His Highness the Crown Prince during the autumn period, or give him some more time to let His Highness supervise the country for a while..."

   "Jianguo?!" Zhang Chi was stunned, "How is this possible? Doesn't that mean that Gu will be established as the heir apparent?"

"What's wrong with this? Your Highness is the eldest son, and the officials in the court support it. Even if the emperor has other intentions, can't you give His Highness a chance to try?" The scribe's tone became passionate, "If you don't try it, how will Your Highness know? Can't do it yourself? How does the emperor know if His Highness can do it?"

  Zhang Chi still shook his head again and again. He knew very well that he would not be able to get such a favorable treatment from his father. As Zhu Zhisun said, he is the eldest son, so why not?

"Ziwen, even if all the princes in the court support Gu, the emperor will not agree." Zhang Chi sighed and shook his head, "Do you know how long it has been since Gu came to Iron Net Mountain, and the emperor at twenty God, for a full twenty days, hehe, Gu went to beg to see him twice, but was rejected by his father because he was unwell. As for Zhang Yu and Zhang Cong, they almost always saw each other. Fortunately, Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji also met with Gu. It's almost ashamed, and the father is probably determined to choose the candidate among Zhang Cong and Zhang Cong."

The scribe took a deep breath and gave Wu Wenting a wink. Wu Wenting hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Ziwen, if the emperor is sick now, who do you think the court will recommend to be a prisoner?" country?"

The scribe immediately replied: "If the emperor can't afford to fall ill at this time, then the princes in the court will definitely recommend your highness to supervise the country, because your highness is the eldest son, which is as it should be, but if the emperor insists on other princes. I'm afraid there will be a game of disputes, but I think the emperor will definitely agree with the opinion of His Royal Highness to supervise the country in the end. After all, the emperor certainly does not want the guilds in the court to have inconsistent attitudes with the supervisor. That will undoubtedly be a problem for the court. material disadvantage."

  Zhang Chi looked at his two confidantes in amazement, almost feeling like he didn't know each other, how dare he do that? How did the two of them become so bold all of a sudden?

How could he not understand what the two of them said? In fact, when he was extremely angry, it was not that he did not say angry words. For example, if the father suddenly couldn't afford it at this time, then the throne should be seated by himself, but that was nothing. How could it be possible to say something angry from time to time? It is impossible for such a thing to happen in fact, but now that these two people say so, it is not a hypothesis, but some means must be used to facilitate this kind of thing to happen.

   Zhang Chi felt anxious, panicked and flustered for a while, but there was also a trace of hope deep in his heart. If it was just a fantasy, then he would naturally be severely reprimanded, but if there is such a way and possibility?

   It's just that this kind of thinking can only be thought of in the heart, but it must not be expressed in public, let alone made public.

   "Presumptuous! Changkong, Ziwen, what are you doing?" Zhang Chi snapped, "Are you trying to trap me in injustice?"

"Your Highness, don't be impatient, we are just making a hypothesis." The scribe, that is, Zhu Zhisun, replied calmly: "The emperor is not in good health, and his energy is bound to be low. He is surrounded by women in the palace, and he is old Now, if your ears are soft, you will inevitably be deceived, Your Highness, if there is a chance for you to supervise the country and get the support of the princes in the court, it will be a good thing for the country and the people."

  (end of this chapter)

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