Number of People

Chapter 1654: Renzi Juan Chaos, Germination (2)

  Chapter 1654 Renzi Juan Chaos, Germination (2)

  Zhang Chi was moved by it for a moment.

  He is very clear that although the princes in the court do not have much affection for him, his status as the eldest son is the most recognized by these scholars.

In their view, as long as they are not such an idiot as Emperor Hui of Jin who "why not eat minced meat", then of course they should succeed to the throne, but it is a pity that the father does not approve of this, and in the matter of succession to the throne, the father The emperor's attitude is the most critical.

If the father does not approve, even if all the princes in the court agree with themselves, they will not openly oppose the father's opinion, but once the father suddenly loses the right to speak or cannot express his attitude, then the opinions of the princes in the court It can rise to the point of deciding who can ascend to the position of great treasure in one fell swoop.

His heart jumped violently, Zhang Chi knew very well that Zhu Zhisun and Wu Wenting had always been unwilling to wait like this and insisted on taking action. They had followed him for so many years and wanted to win something. From the power of the dragon, why do people work so hard to follow me? If there is no chance, then it’s fine, but there is such a possibility, but they lose it because of timidity or timidity. I’m afraid they won’t be willing .

  Even if you are yourself, why would you be willing? The flame of fear in Zhang Chi's heart finally began to blaze, and it seemed that the barrier in the traditional chest would burst out all the unwillingness and ambition in his heart.

   After a long time, Zhang Chi's voice became a little hoarse, and then he said slowly: "Then tell me, what can we do?"

  Zhu Zhisun and Wu Wenting were overjoyed, they couldn't help but exchanged surprise glances, nodded slightly, it was done!

  As long as you can move this person's mind, many things will be much easier to handle.

This mother and concubine is the noble concubine Xu Huang, who has been in charge of the harem for many years, and her influence and power in the palace are unparalleled. Even Mei Yuexi and Guo Qinyun are just upstarts, far from being able to compare with Xu Junru, King Shou has been forbidden to enter and leave the palace for so many years, and he has already made some arrangements, and even they have come into contact with many secrets. If they can be played out, the effect will be perfect.

"Your Highness, this may require you to discuss with the imperial concubine. The emperor is not in good health, so it is better to let him rest and give you a chance to supervise the country. When the time comes, let the emperor see if you have the ability to rule a country. ..."

  Zhu Zhisun didn't dare to speak too clearly, and now this one agreed on a whim, but what if after discussing with his mother, he went back and sold himself and Wu Wenting? He still has to test and test, and the plan can only be realized if Xu Junru and King Shou can use the harem resources in their hands.

Of course, even if King Shou’s side can’t succeed, Zhu Zhisun knows that there are other countermeasures, but this is not the matter of the two of them. What Wu Wenting and himself have to do is to do everything possible to make the arrangement on King Shou’s side possible. Come in handy.

Zhang Chi's expression was unpredictable. He knew that once he took this step, there would be no way out, but as Zhu Zhisun said, if he couldn't take this step, he could only be a wealthy idler. But as the eldest son, can he swallow this breath?

  He didn't know what Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji thought, but it was difficult for him to do it.

   "I just ask, what do I need to do? Where is the concubine mother, I will naturally go back and talk." Zhang Chi said in a rough voice, with blue veins on his forehead.

"Uh, Your Highness, you still have to discuss this matter with the imperial concubine first. If there is an agreement, the subordinates will naturally plan, not to make the emperor too tired, but also to give His Highness the opportunity to take charge of the court,..." Dangshou Wang When he clarified his attitude for the second time, Zhu Zhisun had put most of his heart down.

If King Shou had never discussed with his mother, then Zhu Zhisun believed that King Shou would never dare to be so sure, then this also means that they actually had this consideration, but they just couldn't find a suitable way for a while, and the way , isn't there something ready-made on my side? And it has already been arranged properly, what is lacking is the right people to implement it, or in other words to have the right people to stand up and let them become the introduction in the future.

Zhang Chi gritted his teeth, his face was livid, hesitating again and again, and finally nodded: "Okay, I will go to discuss with the imperial concubine, Ziwen, you and Changkong have a good time to think about what to do to be safe. Come out with a strategy."

Zhu Zhisun was overjoyed, a stone fell to the ground, gave Wu Wenting a wink, and then said calmly: "Don't worry, Your Highness, you know what Ziwen does, and you must make sure there is nothing wrong with it. , even if something goes wrong, it will never be implicated in His Highness."

  Zhang Chi nodded fiercely, and walked away. Zhu Zhisun and Wu Wenting finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered: "The prince can finally have an explanation."

"We haven't come to the final result yet, so we can't take it lightly. Xu Junru is not easy to deal with. Although King Shou has a simpler mind, it depends on whether Concubine Xu is willing to take this risk for King Shou." Wu Wen Court is not without worry.

"Long Kong, you are wrong. I am afraid that Concubine Xu Huanggui is more intense than Shouwang Wang. If Shouwang really can't ascend to the big position, he can still be a rich and idle king in the future, but Xu Huangguifei doesn't have that kind of heart. It’s a good thing. Concubine Mei or Concubine Guo have been tortured by her a few years ago. Given this opportunity, how can she not come back with revenge? Can she tolerate that kind of situation? I'm afraid that the sight of the situation will make her shudder?" Zhu Zhisun said leisurely: "The empress dowager's position is so attractive, when she knows that she will definitely not have a place in this situation, do you think she dares to bet on it?" How about a handful?"

  The situation described by Zhu Zhisun made Wu Wenting also have to admit that maybe women's minds are more delicate, and they will pay attention to this intuitive feeling. In this way, it seems that the mother and child may really hit it off.

"Then wait for His Royal Highness Shouwang's reply, we should just make preparations here." Wu Wenting nodded: "Presumably the prince has been impatient with the wait, and finally we have such a result that we can deal with. .”

   "It's far from enough. If things are to be done, they must at least be effective." Zhu Zhisun had a sinister smile on his lips, "But I believe His Royal Highness Shou Wang and Xu Huanggui will not let us down."


"Old Nine, what do you mean?" Emperor Yonglong's complexion became more and more bad. These days, he had continuously received foreign officials and clans, and had to patrol the three-in-law army. It's not like before, as I grow older, this little bit of fatigue is a bit unbearable, but I have to do everything that Qiu Xi needs to do one by one, and it's far from the end now.

"I have talked with Ye Xiang, Fang Xiang, and Qi Xiang. Their attitude is still inclined to Zhang Chi. The reason is very simple. They say that Zhang Chi is not at fault, er, and that the other princes are not at fault either. How outstanding and amazing talent you have shown, so why don't you respect your elders and stand up for them?"

  Emperor Yonglong sneered when he heard the words, "Jinqing and the others, as scholar-official officials, insisted on this point, but it was never the practice for me to establish a leader in the Zhou Dynasty, and it is right to establish a virtuous person..."

King Zhongshun swears, what is the basis for Lixian's statement, and in the end it is not based on your point of view as the basis for "virtuous". Agreeing with my point of view is a waste of words.

   "But although they don't agree, as long as I make a decision, they won't object. I'm still relieved about this."

Emperor Yonglong knew the attitude of these old guys in the court. It was impossible to expect them to support others other than Zhang Chi before he made a clear statement. Once the title of crown prince is established, they will no longer easily turn around, but will support this candidate.

   "Brother Huang, it is better to determine the matter of the crown prince as soon as possible." King Zhongshun could only reply.

"It's not good if it's too early, otherwise how can we catch big fish." Emperor Yonglong smiled faintly, "I don't want to do this either, but the tree wants to be quiet and the wind keeps blowing. I am afraid that the sons of my son will face an unimaginable situation when they succeed to the throne, can they withstand that round of storm with their experience and prestige?"

   King Zhongshun's heart was shocked, and he leaned slightly: "Brother Huang, the boss really..."

"I don't want it to be true either. For the sake of my father, I have endured him for so many years, but he has gotten worse and become more and more unscrupulous. My old bones are no match for him, so I can only prepare early. "Emperor Yonglong's face suddenly darkened, "He thought I didn't know the tricks he was playing, I just wanted to see how big a storm he could create, and see what kind of clowns would get involved with him, look at these people How can I be sorry for your father,..."

   "In addition, I also want to see if my sons can stand firm, can they keep their minds steady, and not be tempted by foreign things..."

  King Zhongshun was startled. Hearing what the emperor meant, it seemed that the princes were involved.

Normally, the boss and his Shi Zicheng Prince are indeed very active, and they are very harmonious with the princes on the surface, but if someone is confused and really thinks that they are brothers and sisters, then they are really stupid .

   "Brother Huang, it's not enough." King Zhongshun could only reply dryly, but he didn't dare to say anything else. The more you know about this kind of thing, the more troublesome it will be. It's best to mention it.

  Emperor Yonglong just responded with a chuckle, then changed the topic and didn't talk about it again.

   To make up for last night, brothers, please give me more suggestions on Zhang Ping and book reviews.



  (end of this chapter)

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