Number of People

Chapter 1657: Renzi Juan Chaos, Germination (5)

  Chapter 1657 Renzi Juan Chaos, Germination (5)

   Seeing Wu Yaoqing walking towards her in a hurry, Feng Ziying knew that something must have happened again.

  However, he was already mentally prepared, and he would not be surprised if anything happened during the fall of Iron Net Mountain.

Because I had a premonition long ago that something will happen during this period, and it won't be just one thing, or even something surprising, but it should be a major event that shakes the inside and outside. In line with their premonition expectations.

  Ignoring Wu Yaoqing's solemn expression, Feng Ziying went back to the official hat chair to sit down, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

  Wu Yaoqing also realized that he had lost his composure, calmed down a little, and then bowed his hands and said: "My lord, the situation in Yizhou has been clarified."

   "Yizhou?" Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment, wondering when she would go to investigate the situation in Yizhou?

   "My lord, it's Miss Qingwen's 'parents' from your family. Didn't they arrange to go to Yizhou to investigate? Now that there is news,..." Wu Yaoqing was even more surprised when he saw that Feng Ziying had forgotten.

  Fortunately, I didn’t let up on this matter, and kept watching. I sent two groups of people, and there were people from the Shuntian Household House, and Yizhou was reluctant to cooperate with the investigation.

  Because of the need to keep a secret, even Wu Yaoqing could see that Feng Ziying had an unusual attitude towards the pretty girl next to Grandma Shen, so she was unwilling to cause unnecessary disputes without any basis.

  The person next to your boss's pillow is often the most difficult to deal with. Wu Yaoqing, who is well-versed in the world, knows this better than anyone else. He had a deep understanding when he first investigated the situation of that Miaoyu girl.

"Oh?" Upon hearing Wu Yaoqing's tone, Feng Ziying knew that there must be something wrong, otherwise everything is really normal, so there is no need for such an attitude, and it seems that the situation is not simple, "Tell me, is there another problem? , I am mentally prepared."

Feng Ziying's heart sank, not because she was afraid of anything, but because she was thinking about how to explain to Qingwen in the future, and finally did something to please Qingwen, but now there is still trouble, and I don't know how big it is .

"There is indeed a problem. My lord sent a letter to Yizhou to assist in the investigation. At first, no one paid much attention to it, and even left it there for a while. Later, I don't know who found the letter, so I replied, but according to our follow-up According to the investigation, Miss Qingwen's parents are indeed from Yizhou, and her parents are also there, but they have not received any notification, and they are still living in the countryside of Yizhou,..."

  Wu Yaoqing's words didn't surprise Feng Ziying, he believed it was more than that.

If you just want to pretend to be an official relative, um, if Qingwen is confiscated by herself, she can barely count as an official relative. It's even more normal and better than imagined, and there is no performance of seeking money and profit at all, so I'm afraid it's not that simple.

   "Oh, that means that these two people pretended to be Qingwen's parents and sneaked into my residence? What's their intention?" Feng Ziying nodded, "Is there anything suspicious about these two people?"

"The subordinates don't know what their intentions are now, but these two people obviously didn't come here for profit. After so long, everything is normal. The subordinates arranged for someone to sneak into their room while the two of them were helping out. There are no other abnormalities in their clothing, food, and household. The two of them usually behaved too normally, or too well, unlike ordinary rural farmers, so this is not normal." Wu Yaoqing pondered for a while, and then said: "But the White Lotus Sect in Yizhou It is very powerful and very popular in the countryside.”

   "Do you suspect that they are members of the White Lotus Sect?" Feng Ziying was a little uneasy now. The White Lotus Sect has infiltrated into her house. Is it tolerable or unbearable? "Are the two of them capable?"

   "It's not the Lian family. If it is the Lian family, they can't hide it from us, and I'm afraid they won't be able to sneak into the adult's house." Wu Yaoqing replied with certainty: "If they really came here for something, they must have taken precautions in this regard."

   "Then what was found in the Yali of Yizhou Prefecture?" Feng Ziying asked after thinking for a while, but he estimated that there was probably no result.

As expected, Wu Yaoqing shook his head: "We don't dare to expose it, so as not to startle the snake. The Yizhou State Government's experience department is very chaotic, and the Zhaomo Office is similar. There may be mistakes in any place, so unless there is a fanfare investigation, otherwise It is difficult to find clues, and even with a thorough investigation, there are no less than 20 people in Yizhou Prefecture who have access to this official letter, so it is very difficult to find out the real perpetrator."

  Feng Ziying also found it difficult.

   It is very simple to deal with these two people. They are not Lianjiazi, but they can be sent into their own mansion. Their performance is so "excellent", I am afraid that they are at least the backbone of the White Lotus Sect.

   I don’t know if I can dig out something after taking it down?

   But what is their purpose in entering their mansion? Assassination? Not quite.

  The division of labor among the subordinates in Feng's residence is very clear. What Qingwen's "parents" do is just some chores, such as making bricks and tending flowers and plants, and they can't get close to the inner courtyard at all.

  Furthermore, Feng Ziying pays special attention to food and drink, and there are special people in charge, and there are also special people in charge of supervision and inspection. Labor is not worth much these days.

  So it is almost impossible to poison like in the novel and play.

   What Feng Ziying can think of is probably long-term lurking, as a chess piece scattered in his lair, to grasp his own movements, for future use.

  But for me, this is also a reversible pawn.

  Although they are still not sure what exactly they want to master, but if one or two smart people are placed beside the two of them to slowly observe and even get in touch with each other, it might not be impossible to dig out some clues from them.

   Even if some information can be revealed to the other party at a critical time, resulting in a misjudgment, it may still play a big role.

"Yaoqing, what do you think is the best way to do it now?" Feng Ziying stood up and stretched her muscles, "If they are really members of the White Lotus Sect, it would be interesting, and it doesn't look like they are here to assassinate Me, or do you think that if you make a big bet on me, maybe you can get more rewards?"

"My lord, it is hard to say whether it is the White Lotus Sect, but it is very likely. According to our investigation, the White Lotus Sect has grown rapidly in the past few years in the Northland. The best opportunity for the flood of religious teachings, we also made an incomplete and inaccurate statistics in the capital city through Ni Er. Since the first year of Yonglong, there has been a wave of refugees flooding into the capital city almost every two to three years. It is related to the drought in the north. In the second year of Yonglong, more than 10,000 people lived inside and outside the capital city. In the sixth year of Yonglong, there were floods and droughts, and there was another wave. The seventh year of Yonglong was about the same. There are about 60,000 people who have entered and outside the capital city. According to the region, less than 70% are from the north, 20% are from Shanxi, 10% are from Shandong, and about half are from Henan,..."

Wu Yaoqing originally planned to have a good talk with Feng Ziying about this matter, "And these areas are all areas where the White Lotus Sect is very rampant, especially in Beizhi and Shanxi. In comparison, Shandong is not even counted. ,..."

  Feng Ziying shook her head: "Yaoqing, the Shandong White Lotus Sect is just as rampant, but with a different name, Dong Mahayana Sect, Wuwei Sect, these names are still being used..."

"Well, the situation in the entire Northland is similar." Wu Yaoqing nodded and admitted, "However, in the past two years, the expansion in Northland has been particularly prominent, and even more so in the hinterland of Gyeonggi. The subordinates are worried that the Lord has been targeted by the White Lotus Sect, and they may not want it. Assassinate adults, or feel that assassination is difficult, so change the method and use other means to slowly approach adults, and may even feel that if you can bury one or two hidden stakes next to adults, the future will change with the status of adults. It will be even more effective. After all, even if you assassinate your lord and replace him with another person to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture, I am afraid that as the power of the White Lotus Sect expands, the court will take measures sooner or later. If you can firmly grasp your lord's movements through hidden stakes , wouldn’t it be better to influence some court strategy through adults?”

   "Influence?" Feng Ziying laughed dumbfounded, "They sent people to assassinate me, do you still expect me to be lenient to them, or even change course?"

"My lord, water drops through stone, and even if you can't change your attitude, it is very valuable for you to understand the court's attitude towards them. It is far better than assassinating you." Wu Yaoqing disagrees with Feng Ziying's absoluteness, " Besides, the White Lotus Sect has a lot of tricks to deceive people, maybe they think they can still appeal to the adults, for example..."

  Feng Ziying was taken aback for a while, but didn't understand for a while, "Like what?"

Wu Yaoqing coughed dryly, and seemed to want to avoid this topic, but felt that it might not be a bad thing to remind her, "Uh, but as far as this matter is concerned, you probably like Miss Qingwen very much, maybe they have also investigated and found out, you The relationship with the Rongguo Mansion is too close, and there are thousands of people in the Rongguo Mansion, and they don't have the heart of defense in this regard. It is too easy for them to find, train or recruit a few people in the Rongguo Mansion. It’s not difficult to understand your preferences and habits.”

  Feng Ziying suddenly realized, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Wu Yaoqing is implying that his love of flowers and **** is a major weakness. After the White Lotus Sect realizes this point, it may not be impossible to set up targeted traps. , there are quite a few girls and maids inside, no matter what method they use, if they can make one or two of them submit, and then try to find a way to deliver it to their mouths, as long as they swallow the bait themselves, it may be able to play a miraculous effect.

  (end of this chapter)

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