Number of People

Chapter 1658: Ren Zijuan brewing, planning (1)

  Chapter 1658 The Renzi volume is brewing and planning (1)

  Wu Yaoqing spoke very objectively, but in fact he was somewhat disapproving in his heart.

   This boss and Dong Weng is too close to the Jia family. Although Dong Weng's daughter-in-law lived in Rongguo Mansion in the past, it was just a boarding house. She is a cousin, which makes sense.

But this one is good, Grandma Shen's personal maid is from Rongguo Mansion, the two concubines, You Eryousan and Grandma Ningguo Mansion are sisters, and the second grandmother is the niece of the second wife of Rongguo Mansion, it is better now, One of the concubines he accepted was also a concubine from the Rongguo Mansion.

  The Jia family in the Rongguo Mansion is at least in the same line as the Duke of the State. Besides, she is a concubine, but she has no reason to be a concubine, and she is a family friend, so it doesn't matter how face is.

It's not surprising that this master likes women, but there are many people in the capital city who want to bring them into Feng's residence as concubines. I had no intentions, but coincidentally, the Jia family was very happy.

The problem is that Jia’s family has been rotten for so many years. The two families of Rongning and Ning counted down two thousand people, and the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law may have three to five hundred people. However, whether it is the girls selected or the girls carefully cultivated by himself, they are indeed quite beautiful, and Wu Yaoqing has to admit this.

Look at the sisters Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er sent by the Rongguo Mansion, Qingwen who was kicked out, and the maids such as Xiangling, Yinger, Lingguan, and Siqi who appeared to follow from there one after another, Whether it's charming, or heroic, or charming, or plump, they all have a bit of enchanting beauty. It's no wonder that Mr. Feng flocks to the Jia family.

   Those who got it were not so fragrant, and those who didn't get it were the most fragrant. Then there are such women in the Jia family's house, and it is inevitable that Mrs. Feng is still thinking about it, so it is really difficult to handle.

Coughing dryly, Feng Ziying also felt that she didn't have enough confidence to talk about this topic. It seemed unrealistic to let herself completely abandon Jia's side, so she could only say that she had to be more careful, and don't fall into the trap of her opponent. .

   "Yaoqing, I will pay attention to this matter." Feng Ziying wiped her face, "Then what do you think should be done now?"

"It depends on how you think about it, my lord. If you just want to eradicate the disaster, you can take people right away, but you can't be sure how much you can get out of torture. There are a lot of diehards in the White Lotus Sect. I reckon you can be included." Most of the people in the house have done some screening." Wu Yaoqing was also a little uncertain, "If you want to put a long line to catch big fish, then you might as well observe it with a cold eye for a while. Can you do it again when the time is right, before, you can even send some intelligence clues to it through tactics, confuse the public, and even use it for me."

Feng Ziying considered it over and over again, but still felt that it was a good bet. The expansion of the White Lotus Sect's influence in the Northland had become a serious problem day by day. I am afraid that there will be many opportunities for the two sides to confront each other in the future. Not very realistic.

   Now it’s hard to find a good enough clue, it’s really a pity that it can’t be used.

  As long as careful arrangements are made and penetration is made, Wu Yaoqing has many talents under his command, so it may not be possible to open up the situation on this issue.

  White Lotus Sect may work **** the Rongguo Mansion, and I can also use Qingwen, the "parents" to make a fuss, it depends on who is clever.

   It turned out that he was keeping the enemy in the dark, but now he was keeping the dark, and the other party knew that the situation in Rongguo Mansion would be a tie in the future. Let's see who has the last laugh.

"Yaoqing, I've made up my mind. Let's keep this tail for now. You arrange two or three people to approach these two people at different time intervals, and see what happens to these two people afterwards. I don't believe that they will be content in my house." Do some chores, as long as the situation is familiar, they will definitely move,..."

   "Where is Miss Qingwen?" Wu Yaoqing was worried about this question.

   "Don't say anything for now, don't tell her, everything will be arranged as before. If there is anything in the future, I will come and tell her." Feng Ziying waved her hand.


   "Your Majesty, this is a bit risky." Zhang Huaichang frowned and shook his head. As Minister of the Ministry of War, he did not agree with this method of taking personal risks.

"What is Zhang Qing worried about?" Emperor Yonglong didn't like Zhang Huaichang, the minister of the Ministry of War, but Zhang Jingqiu, who he trusted the most, became the censor of the left capital. People can be regarded as scholars from the north, and they are loyal and innocent, so they can barely accept it.

"Several aspects of the ministers feel that it is not appropriate. If Niu Jizong really has objections, the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army in his hands are the elite of the elite frontier army. Once launched, You Shigong's Jizhen will not be able to stop it. Zhang Huaichang has not been in charge of the Ministry of War for a long time, but he is from Liaodong and has always attached great importance to the Nine Frontiers, so he still has some understanding of the situation of the various departments of the Frontier Army.

"Xuan Mansion and Ji Town are connected as lips and teeth. Once they come from Yanqing, there is almost no cover. Who can resist the cavalry of the Xuan Mansion Army?" Zhang Huaichang continued: "Unless the main force of Ji Town will be transferred, You Shigong will not talk about white horses." Are there any changes in the Chahar people on the line from Sichuan to East Roezidian, and Ji Town can still mobilize troops?"

"In autumn, it is customary for the various tribes of Chahar people to do some actions, but most of them are small groups of people who harass the side wall. It has been like this for so many years." Zhang Jingqiu, who was sitting by the side, had to explain for the emperor, "As long as it is not Lin Dan The operation led by Batur may have as many as one or two thousand people, and as few as hundreds of people. They just wanted to take advantage of any negligence on the side wall and rush in to grab a loot. Could it be that Brother Huaichang Worried that one or two thousand people can rush to the capital city?"

  Zhang Jingqiu was actually a little worried, and he didn't even approve of the emperor's strategy, but Emperor Yonglong tried his best to persuade him.

  Emperor Yonglong specifically talked about the various changes in his body and Prince Yizhong, and even talked about his confession with Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai. Although the three ministers were also a little worried, they could only acquiesce in the end.

   When it comes to the succession of the throne, many problems cannot be calculated with common sense.

  In addition, Emperor Yonglong also mentioned many arrangements, which can be said to be quite careful and thorough, so he convinced Ye Fangqi and others. If Zhang Huaichang hadn't been able to get around because he was the Minister of the Ministry of War, Emperor Yonglong would not have wanted to tell.

This is a big matter, and Emperor Yonglong also knew that many people in the court were not reliable, the boss was not a prince for 20 years, and many people had contacts with Prince Yizhong in private, this kind of risk came along with seeing his body go down. The day is not as good as the day and it is increasing day by day.

   If we don’t get rid of the hidden danger of the boss, especially the huge threat of the Xuanfu army that Niu Jizong still controls, which is right next to the capital city, once I close my eyes, how many of my sons can hold down the Xuanfu army like myself?

  Emperor Yonglong did not dare to take this risk.

  The boss's influence spreads all over the North Korean army. If these hidden dangers are not resolved, as long as he dies before the boss, these hidden dangers may immediately become a boulder that crushes his sons.

  Zhang Huaichang frowned: "Brother Jing Qiu, have you never considered that Lindan Batur took advantage of the fire to rob, and even Prince Yizhong might take the initiative to collude with Lindan Batur?"

"I have also considered what Brother Huaichang is worried about, but this possibility is not very big, or even if Lindan Batur wants to take advantage of the fire, so what, how effective will his harassment on the side wall be? Jizhen is enough to deal with it. You Shigong only needs to lead the main elite to quietly stand by on the Shunyi-Pinggu line. Brother Huaichang should understand the emperor's intention. You don't really want the Xuanfu army and Jizhen army to come outside the capital city. Let’s have a big battle, it’s the most elite army of our Great Zhou, it’s not used to fight foreign enemies, but to be consumed in a civil war, this is not what we want to see!”

  Zhang Jingqiu looked serious and authentic.

  Zhang Huaichang looked a little embarrassed. The other party accused himself from a moral high point, but what he was worried about was the possibility of it happening, even if it was not great.

He certainly didn't want a big battle between the Xuanfu army and the Jizhen army, but he was more worried that if it didn't go as smoothly as they imagined, the emperor would completely disintegrate the morale of the Xuanfu army and lead the Xuanfu army from Niu Jizong's hands. If the power is taken back, what if it fails?

Although this possibility is indeed almost non-existent, even Zhang Huaichang does not think that the Xuanfu army is willing to die for Niu Jizong. Perhaps some middle and high-level generals may have ambitions in this regard, but when facing the emperor, the Chinese How many junior officers and soldiers have such courage and courage? Moreover, the emperor also has arrangements in the Xuanfu army. With a wave of arms, maybe the Xuanfu army will change sides.

   It's just that Zhang Huaichang subconsciously felt that it was a bit out of line to play this game with the emperor's honor. Besides, the Xuanfu Army is important, so can't it be done slowly?

Zhang Huaichang is not Emperor Yonglong's confidant, and he doesn't know anything about Emperor Yonglong's physical condition. He just simply thinks that if Niu Jizong is unreliable, he should be replaced. If it's not suitable for a while, then take it easy, Chen Jixian Unreliable, isn't he kicked out of the Beijing camp now and sent to Huaiyang Town?

"Brother Jingqiu, I don't mean that, I just think it's a bit too serious." Zhang Huaichang hesitated and said, "It's not suitable for the emperor to appear in this kind of situation. If you really think Prince Yizhong is suspicious, let Long Jin The lieutenant took it down..."

Before the words fell, Emperor Yonglong shook his head slightly, and Zhang Jingqiu shook his head even more. This minister of the Ministry of War thought too simply, and the Supreme Emperor is still there. Isn't this going to cause a storm immediately? In the eyes of everyone, I'm afraid If you think that Emperor Yonglong's action at this time is to cut off the stumbling block for Li Chu.

  (end of this chapter)

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