Number of People

Chapter 1665: Renzi roll snail horn

  Chapter 1665 On the snail horn of the non-character scroll

"There are more than one family." Wu Yaoqing smiled, and the smile was thought-provoking, "I also met Mr. Chai, and his subordinates know each other. He came to ask and heard that you came to see the emperor. He was a little surprised, but I'm also very happy, and said that you have time to sit there, he should be somewhere in this circle."

"Master Chai, Master Chai Ke? He's here too?" Feng Ziying was very happy. It would be great to meet an acquaintance here. She was just talking about how to spend the past two days. If she could meet a few, she would come. Meeting the emperor's friends and elders can also pass the time.

   "It should have just arrived, but it seems that he didn't get the opportunity to see the emperor right away, which can't compare to you..." Wu Yaoqing said flatteringly.

"Hehe, that's different. Mr. Chai is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. The things you want to discuss can't be settled in a short while. They need to be discussed. Unlike me, a local official, who is straightforward and leaves when he finishes talking." Feng Ziying waved his hand. .

It’s a pity for Chai Ke, as the left servant of the Ministry of War, he had the opportunity to be a minister in a certain department, but there were too many monks in the imperial court, and Guan Yingzhen became the minister of the Ministry of Commerce, so the position of minister was not enough. As one of the leaders of Huguang scholars , I can only be wronged to be the left servant of the Ministry of officials.

  But Chai Ke seemed to take it indifferently, and readily accepted the position of the left servant in the Ministry of Officials, which was a good thing for Feng Ziying.

Gao Panlong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, is an outstanding scholar in the south of the Yangtze River. He has an arrogant personality and is very difficult to deal with. With the help of Chai Ke, the left servant, some things he has to do are easier to handle, especially the next step. If there is no support from the Ministry of Officials for the adjustment of the chief officials of so many prefectures and counties in Shuntian Prefecture, it is impossible to even think about it.

   "Yaoqing, according to your tone, besides Mr. Chai, is there anyone else?" Feng Ziying asked again, he hadn't figured out who would come to him so soon.

"My lord, from the moment you entered the range of the hunting garden, you may have been followed by countless people. My subordinates asked me. Now there are at least a hundred officials and relatives in this palace besides the soldiers of the three relatives. Of course, it doesn’t mean that these hundreds of people are all coming to see the emperor, and there are not so many people who are qualified to see the emperor. Many of them come with their families and mouths to make friends, get closer, and make contacts. There are also people in the inner palace I heard that all the nobles have come, and my subordinates just saw His Royal Highness King Lu,..."

   "Prince Lu?" Feng Ziying thought of Princess Yong'an and Concubine Xi who had just met at the gate of the palace, and her heart moved, "Concubine Yan is here too?"

Concubine Mei is the noble concubine, except for Xu Junru who is the imperial concubine, the noble concubine Lu Su Lingyao, the noble concubine Mei Yuexi, and the noble concubine Xi Guo Qinyun. There are three concubines of Zheng.

   "My lord, can you not come?" Wu Yaoqing laughed, "Who dares not to come? Prince Gong is the most favored, can you not come?"

"Well, it's not King Lu who sent you the post, right?" Feng Ziying didn't want to see King Lu, because King Lu studied in Qingtan Academy, and she had a great reputation in Qingtan Academy, so she met King Lu at this time, and she had just met the emperor , will undoubtedly pass the wind to the outside world.

   "Well, King Lu doesn't know his subordinates. It was the people under King Gong who sent the post, and Concubine Xiande also sent someone to greet him." Wu Yaoqing hurriedly said.

"Prince Gong? Concubine Xiande?" Feng Ziying immediately thought of Concubine Xi whom she saw just now. This woman is quite nimble, and Princess Yong'an Chang probably contributed to the flames. As for Concubine Xiande, Jia Yuanchun is not too smart to contact her at this time , I don't want to get involved, but she is so jubilant, okay?

   "Well, Prince Gong's message came first, and then Concubine Xiande sent a servant over to greet him, but the subordinates didn't know each other, so they had to respond first." Wu Yaoqing explained.

"It's really fast enough." Feng Ziying smiled and shook her head: "But it doesn't matter, I can't stop them if they want to send posts, but if you want me to do something for them, I'm afraid I just want to too much."

"My lord, are you talking about the discussion on the selection of the crown prince?" Wu Yaoqing pondered: "My lord is unwilling to get involved in this, but my subordinates think that my lord may not be able to avoid it. Since the emperor has specially summoned you to discuss it, it is natural to have some considerations." The outsiders must have been staring at it for a long time. Even if the adults want to stay out of the matter, the subordinates feel that it is unavoidable. Instead of that, it is better to prepare in advance or take the initiative to deal with it. There is no need to be so timid, which is not conducive to the establishment of the prestige of the adults. "

I have to say that Wu Yaoqing's point of view is still very reasonable. Those who are timid and unwilling to show up are certainly not offending others, but from another perspective, it means that this kind of person is not worthy of attention, because you can't even express yourself. If you don’t even have the courage and courage to have your own true point of view, then what else can you hold on to?

And if you dare not express your attitude, in fact, you think that you are not good enough to express your opinions on these issues. In fact, it is a manifestation of self-dwarfing and insufficient background, which is not detrimental to Feng Ziying's self-growth and improvement. .

"Then Yaoqing, you mean that I should take the initiative to intervene and express my attitude?" Feng Ziying laughed, "But now I also feel that the discussion on the selection of the reserve is complicated and confusing, and I can't see the clue at all. How to make a correct judgment? ?”

Wu Yaoqing smiled slyly, "Hehe, my lord was joking, how can you not understand this kind of thing? It doesn't matter who you choose, but in fact it's just the emperor's own wishes, and they are all the heirs of the emperor. It's nothing more than looking at it from different angles, such as The choice of King Shou is because the King of Shou is old, and it is in line with the custom to establish a head; the King of Lu is chosen because King Lu is willing to study and has a good reputation among scholars; If it's not good, Prince Gong's uncle and in-laws can play a stronger supporting role,..."

   "I heard Yaoqing mean to directly exclude King Fu and King Li?" Feng Ziying laughed loudly, "Is this inappropriate?"

"Fu Wang Li Wang also has an advantage. Brothers are of the same heart, and their benefits cut through gold, and they are all adults. On the plane, the concubine Su's matriarchal family is also a powerful family of martial arts. They are related to the gods and generals. On the contrary, Fu Wang Li Wang is the most reliable and stable."

  As Feng Ziying's intelligence director, Wu Yaoqing knew these situations well, so he was able to explain them very thoroughly at once.

   Feng Ziying was noncommittal about Wu Yaoqing's analysis.

  If the emperor asks, he can use this kind of rhetoric to explain his point of view, but it will definitely not satisfy the emperor.

In fact, he also saw that the emperor was more inclined to establish a Lu king, which may be contrary to the wishes of the princes in the court, but the opposition attitude of the princes in the court was not too firm, that is to say, as long as the emperor insisted, then the princes in the court The Duke will also accept it. After all, whoever becomes the emperor still depends on them to govern in the end, and whether it is King Shou or King Lu, there is not much special attitude at present.

   "Okay, I see, I will think about it, but how to deal with Prince Gong and Concubine Xiande?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

"On Prince Gong's side, it's enough to have normal contact, and it's okay to reveal one or two things. As for Concubine Xiande, my subordinates don't quite understand it. I'm afraid I'll have to ask my lord to understand." Wu Yaoqing didn't understand this and What is the intention of the concubine Jia Xiande, who is very close to my lord, after all, no heirs are involved in it.

   While the two were discussing, the guards outside reported that someone had come to deliver a post. Feng Ziying ordered someone to come in, but they didn't know each other. After looking at the post, it turned out that it was sent by King Lu.

   It seems that Concubine Mei and King Lu dare not be careless. It is estimated that they have also noticed that Prince Gong sent the post, so they came here quickly. Even if there is a slight risk, they want to avoid it.

   "Well, I understand." Feng Ziying nodded, indicating that the other party can leave.

But that person refused to leave immediately, and said with a smile: "My lord hopes to visit your lord, if possible, I don't know if your lord will be free in the evening, my lord said he is Qingtan's junior, so he should have called on your lord a long time ago. It’s just that my lord is busy with official duties, and secondly, my lord has been studying in the academy, so it’s always a pity that I didn’t meet him. It’s also an excellent opportunity to meet my lord in the Iron Net Mountain Palace today,…”

  Feng Ziying didn't expect the other party to be so persistent, and this person was also extremely polite. King Nalu came to pay a visit to him as a descendant of Qingtan, and it was really hard to refuse before he was confirmed as a heir.

   "Isn't your prince afraid of plums in the melon field?" When Feng Ziying said this, she wondered whether she should also consider plums in the melon field? But after thinking about it, he is just a Shuntian Fucheng, even if he can be summoned in front of the emperor, he knows how much power he has to speak, and these princes are too cautious.

   "My lord was joking. It's just that the younger generation pays homage to the senior. There's nothing else to say. If others want to think about it, it's just that they have ghosts in their hearts."

  This man is a shrewd person, and his words are impeccable. Feng Ziying nodded, "Alright, if His Royal Highness King Lu wants to come, naturally the lower officials cannot refuse."

   "My lord, do you really want to see King Lu?" Wu Yaoqing asked after the visitor had left, "I thought you would decline."

"Yaoqing, we have to figure it out. It doesn't mean anything to me to see His Royal Highness King Lu. In this election, it has nothing to do with us. Whether it's King Lu, King Shou, or King Gong, I think It doesn't make much sense, maybe I'm worrying unfoundedly." Feng Ziying shook his head, seeing the "enthusiasm" of these concubines and princes, the ominous premonition in his heart became even heavier.

Wu Yaoqing was dumbfounded. It was obvious that his boss, Dong Weng, had no interest in selecting the crown prince. He was more concerned or worried about Prince Yizhong. The matter of Prince Yizhong was uncertain. , but is it really that dangerous?

  (end of this chapter)

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