Number of People

Chapter 1666: Renzi Juan House Leakage Meets Continuous Night Rain (1)

  Chapter 1666 Renzi Juan House Leakage Meets Continuous Night Rain (1)

  Chai Ke lived at the side of the outer courtyard. When Feng Ziying went to visit, there happened to be guests visiting Chai Ke, so he had to wait for a while.

It seems that he should be an acquaintance of Chai Ke. From the time Chai Ke talked with the other party to the time when he sent him out at the end, Feng Ziying didn't go to the window to see who it was. It sounds familiar, but I can't remember who it is for a while.

   "Ziying, come on." When Chai Ke greeted Feng Ziying, his face was a little gloomy, and he felt that he was not in a good mood. Feng Ziying who came out of the waiting room smiled and cupped his hands: "I met Chai Gong."

"Well, how long have you been here?" Chai Ke greeted Feng Ziying to enter the room and signaled Feng Ziying to take a seat. Feng Ziying responded, "It's just two cups of tea. I saw that your lord has guests, so I just read a book here for a while. My lord has leisure time." , you can bring books with you when you come here.”

Feng Ziying was quite surprised by the books that Chai Ke read. They were translations of Xu Guangqi's "Principles of Geometry" and "Taixi Water Method". It is a monograph introducing crops from the West such as sweet potatoes and potatoes, and I saw them all in this waiting room.

This waiting room is actually the place where Chai Ke usually reads these days. Feng Ziying can come in because Chai Ke's servants have always known that Feng Ziying is familiar with his master and has nothing to do with him. It is impossible to enter.

"Well, these few books by Zixian (written by Xu Guangqi) are quite troublesome. The "Principles of Geometry" made me dizzy, but the book "Taixi Water Method" is quite interesting. You should read it carefully, it is very insightful, and "Sweet Potato Shu" is also quite innovative. By the way, Junyu is said to have promoted sweet potatoes and potatoes on a large scale in Yongping. It is said that you laid the foundation. The counties of Tongzhou, Yutian, and Fengrun also took great pains, why, both you and Junyu think that these two crops are more suitable for the Northland than corn?"

Chai Ke didn't mind that Feng Ziying read the book he brought. Xu Guangqi's reputation in the court was very subtle. On the one hand, he was indeed quite talented. On the one hand, he believes in Catholicism, which is considered an outlier among the court officials. However, this dynasty is relatively open to believing in foreign religions. Although the court officials do not approve of it, they are not too hostile. Not in a state of resolute rejection of hostility.

"My lord, in terms of production alone, sweet potatoes and potatoes far exceed corn. Of course, sweet potatoes and potatoes are much inferior to corn in terms of the taste of the people, but I think this is not a matter of taste and taste, but a matter of habit. As long as If you eat it for a long time, you can gradually adapt to this taste and taste. Besides, when the weather is not good, sweet potatoes and potatoes are both resistant to drought and barrenness. When people starve to death, it is self-evident to choose that kind of crops to plant."

  Feng Ziying said very calmly.

"I read from Zi Xian's book that the yield of potatoes and sweet potatoes is more than five shi per mu, or even seven to eight shi, and the yield can be five to six times that of corn. Although it is because of the wet weight of potatoes and sweet potatoes, even so , The yield of potatoes and sweet potatoes per mu has greatly exceeded that of corn, if so, can the northern land be able to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes as much as possible?"

  Chai Ke was extremely interested.

"My lord, although the output of potatoes and sweet potatoes can indeed be several times that of corn, it also has several unavoidable weaknesses. One is that it is wet and cannot be stored, and it will be perishable after a long time; the other is that its taste is better than rice. Wheat is very different, and it is still difficult for the general public to adapt to it; third, its original species tends to degenerate after a few harvests, and the yield drops rapidly, which is far less stable than corn,..."

  Feng Ziying introduced what she knew one by one.

   "Well, how about it, Zi Zi mentioned it in the book first, but he didn't say much." Chai Ke nodded, "Someone came to me earlier, do you know who it is?"

   "Who is it?" Feng Ziying was also very curious. It sounded familiar just now, but now she couldn't think of the name.

   "It's Ming Zhong (Wu Liangsi's character)." Chai Ke smiled and said, "Are you familiar with it? Back then, they went to Jiangnan with you,..."

   "Master Wu?" Feng Ziying was really surprised, but she immediately came to her senses. No wonder the sound is familiar. I have worked with him for several months, but I haven't contacted him in the past two years, so I can't remember it for a while.

Wu Liangsi is now a member of the household department, Wailang, and has no direct working relationship with Chai Ke, but Wu Liangsi is from Wuxue, Huguang, and he is from the same town as Chai Ke, who is also from Qianjiang, Huguang, so it is normal to visit, but It is obviously impossible for Wu Liangsi to be summoned by Emperor Yonglong, but he came to talk to Chai Ke at this time, I am afraid it is not a pleasant and good thing.

   "Well, do you know what Ming Zhong said?" Chai Ke's face was filled with dark clouds, and his tone became more and more indifferent.

   "Students don't know." Feng Ziying shook her head honestly.

"Come here for grain." Chai Ke's eyes flashed a haze, and he sighed: "Jingtong's second warehouse is very slow to make up, and it has not yet made up 70%, and the grain price in Huguang is said to have risen, and it will soon spread. I am very worried when I go to Jiangnan and Jingzhong."

Feng Ziying's thoughts suddenly changed. Chai Ke is the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, but he cares so much about the affairs of the Ministry of Households. It must be that the situation is very bad to make Chai Ke like this. He couldn't help asking: "But outside the second warehouse of Jingtong Are there problems with other water tanks?"

  Chai Ke looked at Feng Ziying: "Ziying, do you think there is a problem with your hometown Linqingshui sub-warehouse?"

  Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, which water tank would be safe? The Jingtong Second Warehouse has such a big problem at the end of the grain storage. How can there be no problems as a transit water warehouse? It's just a matter of degree.

Unlike Jingtong Second Warehouse, which is partly under the jurisdiction of Shuntian Prefecture, Shui Second Warehouse is completely under the jurisdiction of Water Transport, and the local government has no right to intervene. Although the Ministry of Households can intervene, the supervisor is still the Governor of Water Transport and the patrol. The censor, that is, the water transport office, and the household department are not directly under the jurisdiction. As long as the water transport can ensure the quality and quantity of grain transported to the second warehouse in Jingtong every year, then other affairs are under the jurisdiction of the water transport office, and the household department has no right to directly intervene.

"My lord, where is the problem with the water sub-warehouse?" Feng Ziying's heart tightened. She was worried about the problem of grain replenishment in Jingtong's second warehouse. Small, otherwise, Chai Ke, the left servant of the official department, shouldn't have asked, and he was so anxious, it must be very difficult.

   "What do you think?" Chai Ke sighed.

  (end of this chapter)

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