Number of People

Chapter 1667: Renzi Juan House Leakage Meets Evening Rain (2)

  Chapter 1667 Renzijuan house leak happens to rain all night (2)

  Feng Ziying's heart tightened.

Five major water warehouses, Dezhou, Linqing, Xuzhou, Huai'an, plus Tianjin Wei, but Tianjin Wei was mainly built for sea transportation at the beginning. Because of the waste of sea transportation, Dazhou mainly relied on water transportation, so the water warehouse on the Tianjin Wei side They are basically abandoned, that is to say, they are mainly concentrated in Dezhou, Linqing, Xuzhou and Huai'an.

   "Dezhou?" Feng Ziying stared at Chai Ke, seeing that Chai Ke's face was still stern, "And Linqing? Master Chai, what's wrong?"

"What went wrong, it's hard to say right now, but I'm afraid it's not as simple as being greedy for ink. Besides, greedy for ink, how can there be no grain in Dezhou and Linqingshui sub-warehouses?" Chai Ke couldn't help but said: "My son came to tell me first, I couldn't believe it."

"There is not even a grain of grain left. How is this possible? Master Chai, where did you know this? Did Master Wu lose his mind?" Feng Ziying couldn't help jumping up, clenched her fists, and stared at Chai Ke said in amazement: "There is no grain left? What are the soldiers doing? What are the yamen doing? Moth-eaten and floating, greedy ink and water, that's impossible!"

  As Chai Ke said, no matter which way, it is impossible not to save a grain of food. Does the ambassador of Shuicicang really want to have his family ransacked and wiped out?

  Chai Ke's face became more and more serious, "Ziying, this is why I came here for you. You mentioned the collusion between Prince Yizhong and Jiangnan..."

   Feng Ziying did mention it to Chai Ke, but he didn't explain it as thoroughly as Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, but Chai Ke also understood it, but why did he say this at this time?

Feng Ziying's thoughts were quick, and she suddenly realized: "My lord, could it be that Xuzhou and Huai'an Shuici warehouses have not been transshipped to Dezhou and Linqing? Chen Jixian stopped all the grain in Xuzhou? That's impossible. How long has it been since Chen Jixian went to Huaiyang?" ?”

Chai Ke frowned deeply, and shook his head slowly: "I'm afraid Chen Jixian is not so bold. This is not a temporary act. It will take at least half a year or even more than a year to do it. It even started one after another since last year when grain was transported to the north .”

Feng Ziying couldn't help standing up and pacing back and forth, "This is very dangerous. Where did Mr. Wu get such news? If it is the four major water warehouses, Dezhou and Linqing have no transshipment grain, while Xuzhou and Huai'an have Still the same, that can only explain one thing, someone wants to isolate the north and the south, and wants to rebel!"

What Feng Ziying said is also what Chai Ke is most worried about. Xuzhou and Huai'an are both under the jurisdiction of Nanzhili, while Dezhou and Linqing are in Shandong. , then cut off the grain, and even the grain transferred from the second warehouse in Shandong will not be left for you. In addition, the second warehouse in Jingtong has not yet been replenished. It's urgent, and coupled with the impact of the severe drought in the north this year, there will definitely be a shortage of food in Gyeonggi. If there are people with good intentions to instigate it, it will be a catastrophe.

Chai Ke also nodded, "I am also worried about this situation, but the news Zixian told me is only about Dezhou, and the situation in Linqing is not clear, and whether it is true that there is no food at all, Zixian It's just that the news he got, still needs to be verified and confirmed,..."

   "Then what are you waiting for, my lord? This kind of matter must be checked immediately. One more day of delay is a great disaster." Feng Ziying couldn't wait to say, but she realized it in a flash.

Chai Ke is not the Minister of the Ministry of Households, but the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. If he wants to directly intervene in such matters, he will definitely attract some backlash from the Ministry of Households and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. An important rule, unless it involves your voice, it is definitely inappropriate to ask directly.

Chai Ke also smiled wryly, "I'm going to tell Ye Xiang and Fang Xiang, whether it's true or not or there is no water, we should arrange someone to verify it after this autumn, so as to set the record straight, if it is true If it is a fact, then we need to take it seriously and consider how to deal with it.”

   "My lord, I'm afraid it's not that simple." Feng Ziying was still a little anxious and couldn't help reminding.

Realizing that Chai Ke is still skeptical, and may even feel that there is some shortage, but it is impossible to have such a big difference, and he doubts whether there will be someone, that is, Prince Yizhong, who is doing this purposefully behind the scenes .

After all, this matter is too serious, so serious that it is almost a signal of open rebellion and raising the flag of rebellion. With Emperor Yonglong's throne as stable as a mountain, if Prince Yizhong dares to do this, he will kill himself in Dazhou. No one can save Prince Yizhong anymore, even the Supreme Emperor can only support Emperor Yonglong's categorical execution of Prince Yizhong's lineage.

"Ziying, I know what you mean. If the water warehouses in Linqing and Dezhou are empty, but the water warehouses in Xuzhou and Huai'an are full, then some people's ambitions will be revealed, but I can't just rely on Wu Liangsi I'm neither the censor of Zuodu nor the chief assistant, even if it's them, don't we need to investigate such a big matter?" Chai Ke asked with a wry smile: "Even if it really happened, I am afraid that the imperial court can only prepare in advance on the one hand, and find a way to suppress it on the other hand, buying time as much as possible to free up their hands to prevent it, and it is impossible to lift it suddenly, it will only make the situation suddenly out of hand. Under such circumstances, it is extremely unfavorable to the court,..."

Feng Ziying was speechless. For such a big matter, it is obviously impossible for Wu Liangsi to be able to settle the case because Wu Liangsi is a fifth-rank member of the household department. Where did it come from, and whether there is a possibility of framing and slandering others, this must be investigated.

Although Feng Ziying is more than 80% sure in her heart that what the other party said is true, other people may not think so. After all, there are too many people in the officialdom who want to climb up by unscrupulous means. Wu Liangsi did not directly write to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but came to Chai Ke, who is also a township party member, to reflect, which also showed that he was dubious about the news.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying looked a little depressed, Chai Ke understood very well.

  From the bottom of his heart, he doesn't really believe that Prince Yizhong and Jiangnan dare to join forces to rebel at this time, because it's too risky, or it's simply asking for death.

  Although the emperor is in poor health, it is only compared to the previous few years. As far as the current situation is concerned, there will be no problem in two or three years. At this time, the rebellion may directly encounter the emperor's thunderbolt.

Whether it is the Xuanfu army or the Denglai army, they can be controlled by the commander, and the premise is that they cannot directly rebel against the emperor. If they are really going to confront the imperial court represented by the emperor, I am afraid that their courage and determination will not be enough. It's going to be greatly discounted, except for a few loyalists of Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng, most of the others are panic-stricken, which will only make these troops fall apart in the end.

  In this case, can the Xuanfu army and Denglai army withstand the attack of the other nine elites? Obviously impossible.

Prince Yizhong has endured for so many years, and he will not fail to understand the situation. Therefore, Chai Ke does not think that Prince Yizhong will take such a risk. Not worth mentioning.

  Back from Chai Ke, Feng Ziying became more and more silent, and silence also meant helplessness and despair.

  He found that no matter how hard he tried to avoid the catastrophe he believed, it would be difficult to make it bigger. Everyone seemed to believe that this kind of thing would happen, and he couldn't convince them.

After all, I am still too young, too inexperienced, and amazingly talented. In this kind of thing, everyone believes in the precipitation brought by experience and resume. I'm afraid it will be the same.

  When Feng Ziying met her residence, King Lu had already made a special trip to wait.

  Although she was extremely impatient in her heart, Feng Ziying had to greet each other with a smile on the surface.

  However, King Lu is indeed personable, whether it is appearance or demeanor, he is first-class. Feng Ziying asked herself that at the age of fourteen, she was definitely inferior.

  The gifts brought by King Lu are also very elegant, such as Duan inkstone, rice paper and Shoushantian Huangshi.

Feng Ziying couldn't refuse, so she could only accept it. After some conversation, Feng Ziying also felt that this King Lu did have some knowledge. Although he was young, he was deeply in tune with the qualities cultivated in the active study atmosphere of Qingtan Academy, and he was also polite in his speech. Moderate, neither as boastful as some people, nor as rigid and rigid as some people, Feng Ziying has a good impression.

"If His Highness Lu Wang can study in the academy for two more years, the officials think that he will be able to achieve a lot." Feng Ziying's words are sincere, "Mr. In terms of current policy, he is also a good example of a capable minister, he has a great understanding of the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he is also quite accomplished in the policy of appeasing the people. If His Highness can study diligently under the guidance of Chief Qi Shan, he will definitely gain a lot."

At present, the mountain head of Qingtan Academy is Qi Shijiao, and Qi Shijiao is also from Shandong. Although he became a Jinshi later, he was very famous in the local area before he became a Jinshi. After he became a Jinshi, his journey was smooth, but later he resigned because of political opinions. Because Qi Yongtai wanted to use Zhou Yongchun and Bi Ziyan, Qi Shijiao was invited out of the mountain to sit in Qingtan Academy.

"The head of the mountain has a lot of praise for Mr. Feng's words, and Xiao Wang has always hoped to make friends with Mr. Feng so that he can benefit." Zhang Su seemed very humble, and he did not have much qualifications to be arrogant in front of Feng Ziying, let alone this time The mother and concubine who came here also specially told her to make a good impression in front of Feng Ziying, because the mother and concubine learned that Feng Ziying had been summoned by her father and stayed, and might have to be summoned a second time. This may be unprecedented. Long Yu.

  (end of this chapter)

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