Number of People

Chapter 1668: Ren Zijuan thinks beautifully (1)

  Chapter 1668 Renzijuan thinks beautifully (1)

"His Royal Highness Lu Wang is too polite. The next official is only a few years old. How can you be worthy of the word "please benefit?" Feng Ziying waved his hands with a smile, "But they are all Qingtan students. They have no learning before and after, and those who have mastered are teachers. If they learn from each other Communication, the lower officials are naturally happy to see it succeed."

   Zhang Su is also very happy and satisfied with Feng Ziying's modesty. From another perspective, does this prove that the conversation between the father and Feng Ziying has already revealed his optimism for him?

Otherwise, with Feng Ziying's current status and reputation, there is no need to be so polite to him, and he does not believe that Feng Ziying can be so humble and polite to his brothers. Of course, there may be some reasons for both being from Qingtan, but Zhang Su I don't think it should be the main factor.

"Master Feng said so, Xiao Wang is ashamed and speechless." Zhang Su also showed more humility, with good manners, "In terms of current policy, Master Feng is the founder of our Qingtan Academy, and Master Feng Proposing the strategy of opening the sea will be of great benefit to the imperial court. Many seniors in the academy are very interested in the rhetoric of building the country through agriculture and strengthening the country through industry and commerce. Xiao Wang is no exception. I really want to invite Master Feng to the academy to teach everyone a lesson,…"

  Feng Ziying didn't expect her point of view to be spread to Qingtan Academy, but it's normal to think about it.

I have not only mentioned this point of view with Qi Yongtai, but also with Guan Yingzhen. He thinks that this point of view is appropriate for the current Dazhou. Food is still the most important material in this agricultural country, and he dare not slack off for a moment In the absence of a breakthrough in agricultural technology to meet the needs of the whole country of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in the absence of a sufficient accumulation of industrial technology, and in the absence of increased social demand, rashly Proposing to use the industrial revolution to drive social change is undoubtedly counterproductive.

Feng Ziying was not an economic expert in her previous life, she just worked as an official for a few years, but that was just living in that era, subconsciously or habitually participating in the tide of economic development, but back to this era, He really didn't dare to say whether the promotion of the industrial revolution at this time is considered to be all ready and only owes the east wind.

  So Feng Ziying is also extra cautious on this point.

Although we have gone all out to promote cooperation with merchants from Shanxi and Shanxi to facilitate their transformation from merchants to industrialists such as factory owners and workshop owners, and to encourage merchants from the north and the south to invest as much capital as possible in the field of trade and circulation into shipbuilding, port terminals, and transport fleets. field, to promote the accumulation and growth of the entire industrial and commercial industry, so as to achieve his future goals, but he still has no idea.

  He doesn't know how long this state needs to last to achieve the ideal state of the outbreak of the industrial revolution, or in the end, he must use his own guidance or even use the imperial court's policy promotion to achieve it?

  However, King Lu was so interested, which moved Feng Ziying's heart slightly. Could it be that His Highness is also interested in business?

   "His Royal Highness Lu also thinks that this view of the lower officials is feasible?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

This point of view has caused a lot of controversy even if it is discussed in a small area. Whether it is Qi Yongtai or Guan Yingzhen, there is no doubt about the agricultural country, and everyone agrees. But when it comes to the industrial and commercial power, they seem to be a bit out of line. Biased.

Feng Ziying, the word industry, also explained it in an article in "Internal Reference". In addition to covering ordinary handicraft manufacturing, Feng Ziying also specifically introduced the mining industry, iron smelting industry, iron manufacturing industry (including military industry), shipbuilding industry, Salt making, building materials, cotton cloth and silk are currently important industries for Da Zhou.

The introduction of Feng Ziying's writing in "Internal Reference" also aroused controversy among many scholar-officials in the DPRK, but most of them were opposed to the point of making the country strong through industry and commerce. In their opinion, only the cotton cloth industry could be called The national economy and the people's livelihood, but compared with agriculture are far behind.

However, this point of view in Jiangnan still caused a great shock. The industrial and commercial power undoubtedly touched their hearts, especially after the grain planting in Jiangnan gradually degraded and moved to Huguang, Jiangyou, and Sichuan. Industries such as porcelain making and shipbuilding have increasingly become the most important core industries in the south of the Yangtze River. If the importance of industry can be further confirmed, it will undoubtedly significantly improve the status of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. However, this was proposed by Feng Ziying. They are conflicted.

  Feng Ziying really wanted to see what this King Lu had to say.

Unsurprisingly, Zhang Su hesitated a bit, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Master Feng, in the past, Xiao Wang, agriculture was still the foundation. Food is related to the life and death of the people, so it must not be ignored. This is skin, and industry and commerce are hair. Some of them will definitely have an impact, but they will not shake the foundation, so what will happen if there is no skin left?"

Talking in such general terms made Feng Ziying very disappointed, but when she thought about it, she hadn't even come up with a reasonable and systematic strategy, let alone a brat, it really became something she was born with. It's not a bad idea to have such knowledge.

   "Your Highness has a good opinion, and it is in line with the wishes of the princes in the current court." Feng Ziying praised it indifferently, which actually means that he has picked up the wisdom of others and has nothing new.

  However, I was quite happy to hear that a fourteen-year-old young man understood the mystery of it. I felt that I could agree with the opinions of the princes in the court, which also showed that my philosophy of governing the country might be in tune with the important ministers.

The conversation with King Lu made Feng Ziying quite impatient. At this moment, he didn't have the heart to deal with this kind of formality, but he had to socialize in etiquette, and finally sent the other party away. Feng Ziying Only then did he let out a sigh of relief.

  I did everything I could, and Feng Ziying didn't know what else to do.

Simply wrapped in a quilt and covering his head, he fell asleep, and there was a tall man standing on top of him when the sky fell. No matter how bad the real Prince Yizhong wanted to stage the pre-Ming "Battle of Jingnan" with the South against the North, he could only be left to him. It's just that the situation is more difficult for myself and my father, but it's not that I can't get along.

   When Baoqin came, Feng Ziying was still asleep with her head covered. She waited in the wing room for a long time before Feng Ziying came to see her after washing.

  Feng Ziying admires the spiritual and intelligent girl next to Yuan Chun. In his opinion, at least this girl is more rational than Yuan Chun, unlike Yuan Chun who is easily blinded by family interests.

   "I have met Mr. Feng." Holding the piano, he took a blessing, and quietly glanced at the "Jia's backer" who seemed to be in a bad mood.

Said that Feng Ziying is "the backer of Jia's family", it came from the mouth of the empress, Baoqin was a little shocking to hear, but after listening to the explanation of the empress, Baoqin also had to admit that what the empress said was very reasonable, if Feng Ziying had not been there all the time To help the Jia family, I am afraid that the current situation of the Jia family is not known how bad it is.

   Even Feng Ziying’s marriage to Xue Baochai and engagement to Lin Daiyu was an indirect favor to the Jia family, allowing the outside world to see how close the in-laws of the Feng family and the Jia family are.

As for the Jia family's frequent invitation of Feng Ziying to the mansion, it was also intentional, to make the Feng family and the Jia family firmly bound in the eyes of the outside world, otherwise, how could women like Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi, and Guo Qinyun treat her like that? The attitude has also greatly changed? It's not that they have taken a fancy to the potential influence of Feng's father and son both inside and outside the court and in the army.

   "Is the eldest girl okay?" Feng Ziying said casually.

   "Fortunately, I know that the lord is coming to the palace, so I specially asked the slaves to greet the lord." Baoqin said cautiously.

"The eldest lady is here too?" Feng Ziying didn't seem to care too much, "It seems that this time the emperor's harem has come out in full force, but the matter of choosing a reserve has nothing to do with the eldest lady, even if it is Concubine Lu and Concubine Lu The eldest girl is very close, so she wouldn't come to the Xinggong Palace to help with boxing, would she?"

Hearing the displeasure and sarcasm in Feng Ziying's words, Baoqin didn't dare to say anything, he could only say awkwardly: "My lord, Concubine Lu is here to invite you, and all the other concubines are following the emperor, how can you not come?" ? As for the effectiveness of punching aids, the empress is also helping me out of sympathy, but it doesn't really mean anything else."

"What's the point?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but sneer and said, "The eldest girl is here to help Concubine Lu. How can outsiders not understand? I told her not to get too close, and be kind." Yes, after all, I also understand the difficulty of the eldest girl in the palace, but if you get too close, it will be a misfortune rather than a blessing. Now the momentum of King Fu and Li Wang is not good. You should know, right? Do you still plan to miss the old friendship and can't bear to leave? ? Or do you think that if you turn on the cold stove at this time, you will benefit a lot in the future?"

Baoqin was a little embarrassed, but she didn't dare to refute when the master criticized her mother so forcefully, she could only explain tactfully: "Master Feng, please understand the current situation of the mother and the Jia family. Jiangxi’s study of politics is not going well, and the Chief Commissioner and the Prosecutor’s Office are ostracized by the second master. The second master is very depressed, and he sent a letter to his wife saying that he wants to resign,..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised. Jia Zheng did so poorly, or was it Jia Yuanchun's face, and no one in Jiangxi gave him face?

"Your Excellency is also aware of the situation in the Rongguo Mansion now. The Second Master Bao is now clinging to the Niu family and Princess Yongning. This time, the Second Master Bao is following the Princess Yongning to make friends with Concubine Yi and King Lu. I hope that in the future Second Lord Bao can get something, and Princess Yongning hopes that Second Lord Bao can go to places such as the Clan Mansion and Honglu Temple in the future..." Baoqin also made it clear this time, admitting Yuanchun's thoughts: "The empress here and Although Concubine Lu is still close, Concubine Yan and Concubine Xi have also expressed their kindness to the empress, this should also be credited to the adults, and the empress also hopes to take this opportunity to further bond with each other..."

   "During this period, you can have both sides, and you can do it with ease?" Feng Ziying laughed, Baoqin and Yuanchun thought well.

   As the New Year is approaching, Lao Rui wishes all the brothers and sisters good luck in the Year of the Tiger, prosperity in the Year of the Tiger, and good luck in everything!



  (end of this chapter)

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