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Chapter 1669: The Renzi Juan is beautiful (2) (The first update asks for votes!

  Chapter 1669 Renzi Juan Wants to be Beautiful (2) (Please ask for tickets for the first update!)

Seeing Feng Ziying's weird smile, she felt a little unhappy holding the piano, but she didn't dare to show it: "My lord, you know the current situation of Jia's family better than your mother and servants. If things continue like this, the Rongning Second Mansion will probably be destroyed by the generation of the Second Lord Bao. As the Jia family, she naturally wants to do her best for the Jia family. She has no choice but to make such efforts. If she doesn't place a bet, then There will never be a chance, it will only die slowly, if you place a bet, there is always a chance to win."

Baoqin's words are to the point. Feng Ziying is very clear about the thoughts of people like Yuanchun and Baoyu. They don't have such vision and information as their own, so they can only consider issues from their own point of view. You can't point it out to them, and even some topics say that they won't believe it, which makes each of them can only do things according to their own positions.

It's just that the Jia family also wanted to rely on themselves to get rid of the vortex of fate, and because he married Xue Baochai, accepted Jia Yingchun, even slept with Li Wan and Wang Xifeng, and wanted to marry Lin Daiyu, all of them had a relationship with the Jia family. With so many connections, it is impossible to completely shake off the Jia family.

   Sighing, Feng Ziying rubbed her chin, "You know, big girl, this kind of betting is related to the life and death of a family."

  Holding the qin and saying nothing, Feng Ziying also shook her head, "Forget it, it's not your turn to hold the qin as a girl to make a decision. The eldest girl and the people in the house think it's worth it, so what else is there to say?"

  Baoqin heard the sarcasm in Feng Ziying's words, and said with some panic: "My lord, my mother is also helpless, please forgive me, lord..."

"Don't talk about this kind of thing, tell me, what did the eldest girl ask you to do? You didn't really come to greet me, did you?" Feng Ziying also put aside other thoughts. It's this time. On the contrary, it will be left behind. As long as the hidden danger of Prince Yizhong can be completely resolved, everything else is easy to talk about. If the incident of Prince Yizhong breaks out, then the matter of choosing and establishing a prince will be meaningless.

  Baoqin hesitated for a moment, and then he hesitated and said: "The empress wants to find out whether what the emperor and the lord are talking about is about the election of the prince, and whether the emperor has any tendencies..."

  Feng Ziying also talked about Jia Yuanchun probably coming here for this matter, and frowned: "Why, the eldest girl still plans to let me speak for which prince at the emperor's place?"

   "The empress doesn't dare, but if she can know the emperor's intentions in advance, the empress can make some preparations in advance. Your lord should be able to understand the difficulties your empress is facing now." Baoqin pursed her lips and whispered.

"Baoqin, you are really a caring person for the big girl. You have a clever mouth. You can think of things that the big girl can't think of, and you can say things that the big girl is difficult to say through your mouth. You are also reasonable. It's hard to refuse." Feng Ziying smiled.

Baoqin just kept her mouth shut, but stared at Feng Ziying closely. Feng Ziying had no choice but to sigh: "The emperor will not easily reveal such things, but in my opinion, I am afraid that the two young princes will The emperor may like it better, but King Shou is the eldest son, and King Lu may be more suitable in the eyes of the emperor, but there are too many variables here, and any unexpected factor may affect the result. I can't stay by the emperor's side all the time , so there is no way to judge, so the eldest girl can weigh it by herself."

  Holding Qin and nodding: "This empress is as expected, but does your lord think that the possibility of King Fu and King Li and King Gong is very small?"

   "Relatively speaking, no one can predict the final result." Feng Ziying shook her head: "Maybe the result is exactly the opposite of what we expected."

Baoqin left contentedly. Although Feng Ziying refused to speak clearly, she still revealed a lot of content in her words. She is a smart person, and she knows that it is very difficult to be able to say this. As for how to judge, you have to Let the empress make up her own mind.

  As soon as she left holding the piano, Feng Ziying hesitated again and again, and asked someone to find out if King Zhongshun was free. He was going to pay a visit to King Zhongshun and do his last bit of thought.

  Fortunately, King Zhongshun happened to be here, and he also wanted to see him, so they hit it off.

But what disappointed Feng Ziying was that King Zhongshun didn't seem to be thinking about the issues he was worried about. He was more concerned about which prince would be the crown prince. It was not until the lunatic had repeatedly emphasized the danger that King Zhongshun agreed to see him. Your Majesty, let us know the situation.

When Feng Ziying left, she had already realized that many things seemed to be doomed long ago. After all, she couldn’t get away from that experience, but she didn’t know what the final outcome would be. Family and historians ransacked their homes, Wang Ziteng died of illness, and as for the ending of Wang and Xue's family, it is estimated to be similar, but how it evolved to that extent is unknown.

   And now that the Feng family he belongs to has been born out of nowhere and intervened in this storm, what kind of changes will it bring?


   Just when Feng Ziying was tossing and turning worried about Emperor Yonglong, Emperor Yonglong was in a very good mood.

   "Old Nine, I've been in a good mood these days, and I'm in good spirits. Tomorrow, I'll make some preparations and go out for a run to see if I can catch a bear or two wild boars..."

   "Brother Huang has been in good spirits these past few days, and he is also refreshed on happy occasions, but the problem in his heart has already taken shape?" King Zhongshun asked, thinking about Emperor Yonglong's intentions.

"Old Jiu, you don't need to test things like this. If you can guess what I want, then cover it. If you can't guess, then watch. After all, you don't care too much, do you?" Emperor Yonglong He smiled happily, his face was rosy, and he was full of energy.

  King Zhongshun laughed aloud, "Of course the younger brother is willing to have fun with the emperor's happy event, but the younger brother thinks it's not just a matter of selecting the crown prince, right?"

Emperor Yonglong's smile gradually faded, and he nodded: "Some things may be resolved in the past few days. The matter of selecting the reserve, according to my heart, is not in a hurry, but some things have already arrived. The arrow is on the string and has to be fired."

   King Zhongshun's heart was agitated, and he pondered for a while: "Brother Huang, you need to be more cautious and considerate in everything. The boss's ministers have heard that they are doing all kinds of tricks..."

"Let him go, if that's not the case, how would he be willing to make trouble?" Emperor Yonglong's eyebrows were already a bit cold, "I really think that Xuanda is under his control, I really think that Niu Jizong Can Wang Ziteng rule the world for him? If my country can be controlled by one or two people, what is the point of being an emperor? I want to see how he can do it, how many people can be rebellious, I still have to see, if the boss really wants to take that step, what else can the father say!"

   King Zhongshun was taken aback. Is the emperor complaining about his father?

   Doesn't this mean that Brother Huang has already calculated all this?

  Then the so-called selection and establishment of reserves is not just a cover, what is its real intention?

   Could it be that this is specially designed to let the boss jump out?

   "Brother Huang,..." King Zhongshun murmured, not knowing what to say for a moment, seeing Brother Huang being so upbeat, so upright, and in such a good mood, King Zhongshun suddenly felt that all the worries he had been worrying about before were all unfounded?

Brother Huang has already considered everything exhaustively, and may have even made arrangements with the princes in the court long ago, just waiting for those people who don't know how to live or die to jump out, so as to deal a head-on blow, and this trap is undoubtedly aimed directly at the boss. But is the boss not prepared?

In other words, even if the boss is prepared, he has to say it. Otherwise, once the matter of selecting the reserve and establishing the reserve is finalized, even if something happens to the emperor's brother, the princes in the court will follow the righteousness and can only support the prince to succeed the throne. Whenever the boss has an opportunity, does Brother Huang just use this to force the boss to make a move?

"Okay, old nine, don't worry about that anymore, I know what you want to say, and I also know that you have good intentions, so put away your worries." Emperor Yonglong looked extraordinarily calm, "I The current mood is really delicate. I want to see who will cause trouble in it, but I don’t want to see things that I don’t want to happen. It’s just that this kind of thing seems to have no choice, so let them do it. Bar."

King Zhongshun finally confirmed that all of this should have been arranged by the emperor, including the adjustment of the Beijing camp, the transfer of Chen Jixian to the township, and the news of the fall of Tiewangshan and the election of the reserve. Brother Huang had a plan long ago. The battle between King Shou and King Lu, who is more favored between King Lu and King Gong, is probably just a trick to lure people into the bait and seduce people. The mantis is catching cicadas, and the oriole is already eager to try it here. .

  Since this is the case, why should I worry so much, just sit and watch the clouds rise and fall.


  Xunning Temple in the south of the capital city.

"My lord, it's time to go." Chu Qi urged Prince Yizhong, who was still sitting still, "The people over there have been arranged. As long as you are not particularly familiar with people, it will be difficult to recognize them. We estimate that within three to five days. If there is no danger of being noticed, if there are no accidents, ten days and a half months will not be a problem."

"No hurry." Prince Yizhong was still daring: "It doesn't make much sense to go out of the city at this moment. Anyway, they all think that they are alone in the palace. As long as the Iron Net Mountain doesn't move, can the capital city still be able to stay?" Sudden martial law prevents entry and exit? According to the plan, if everything goes wrong, it will take a day to send back to Beijing, why panic?"

   "But my lord, in case there is any accident, and Long Jinwei notices it,..."

"So what if Captain Long is aware of it? Captain Long also has lonely people, and their efficiency is very clear, and they are not that strong..." Prince Yizhong looked very calm, with a look of expectation on his face, "I really want to see the end In that scene, everyone’s expressions, everyone counts, and there is nothing left to do, hehe, who is it right?”

  (end of this chapter)

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