Number of People

Chapter 1671: Ren Zijuan thinks beautifully (4)

  Chapter 1671 Renzijuan thinks beautifully (4)

   "I heard that Xiao Feng Xiu wrote and married the third wife, and the wife of the third wife is also the cousin of the second brother Jia?" Zhang Yan asked again.

  This question, no matter how dull Jia Baoyu is, and no matter how ignorant Princess Yongning is, she also understands that the sudden interest in Jia Baoyu is not because of the Jia family, but of the Feng family involved in the Jia family.

But for Princess Yongning, now that her daughter is married to Jia Baoyu, Jia Baoyu has become her own son-in-law, and her future is of course her concern, which is also related to her daughter's lifelong happiness, so she said with a smile: I am very familiar with the situation of Xiao Feng's compilation, the father of Lin's daughter was the emperor's most trusted Lianghuai inspector, but unfortunately died early, Lin's daughter's mother is Baoyu's father's biological younger sister,..."

  Zhang Wei nodded slightly. He was indeed not interested in the Jia family, but Feng Ziying's previous attitude made him a little uncomfortable, but he also knew that the Feng family's status was extraordinary, so he had to be careful in wooing them.

My cousin (Qian Guozhong) specifically mentioned that not only Feng Ziying has a high status among the young scholars in the Northland, but also he got the news that his father Feng Tang is now said to be raising troops in the Northwest. The intention is unknown, but he holds the frontier troops of the four towns in the northwest. Although he is far away from the capital, he also serves as the governor of Jiliao. great force.

"Brother Feng and Jia's family are indeed related by marriage, and Brother Feng and Jia's family travel very frequently. Brother Yu has also benefited a lot from Brother Feng's advice, and there is a younger brother in the family who is also studying at Qingtan Academy. His Highness must be the same I know." Jia Baoyu sighed endlessly in his heart, but on the surface he could only appear very happy.

"Well, Gu knows that Jia Huan is very active in the academy, and Gu also discussed the classics and political theory with him a few times, and his knowledge is also good..." Zhang Su knew that Jia Huan was a bastard, so he looked down upon him a little. However, Jia Huan studied very hard, and the instruction in the academy also said that Jia Huan would be a piece of material for a Jinshi in the future. If he could pass the Jinshi exam, that would be another matter.

   "Oh, Your Highness also knows Brother Huan?" Jia Baoyu felt even more bitter.

I took great pains to get to know each other, but he had already known Huan Laosan in the academy, and he seemed to have a good impression of Huan Laosan. Could it be that this is the advantage of studying, and the friendship between classmates is even more unusual, I should have known if I should..., but it's too late to think about it at this time, and I really don't like classics, righteousness and political theory, what can I do?

"Well, we have met several times." Jia Huan is also considered a man of influence in the academy. On the one hand, he has gained Feng Ziying's glory, on the other hand, Jia Huan has indeed studied hard, coupled with his extreme words and deeds, he has quite surprising views, and He is one of the alternate editors of "Yuedan Review", so he is also well-known in the academy.

However, Zhang Su is not very interested in the current Jia Huan. It will be worth recruiting after Jia Huan is promoted to a Jinshi. Now Zhang Su is more interested in Feng Ziying. How can he get closer to Feng Ziying? Let him speak well for himself when he meets his father in the future, and even influence other people to help him, this is what Zhang Su cares most about.

"If Second Brother Jia is familiar with Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, you might as well invite him to have a drink while he is also in the palace. Guhe hopes that we can cook wine and discuss state affairs with Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, taste tea and talk about fragrance..." Zhang Suhao Jia Baoyu was taken aback by putting forward his own ideas without ambiguity, "Brother Feng also came to Iron Net Mountain?"

"Well, brother Jia, don't you know?" Zhang Su nodded, "I went to see Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan before, and the conversation was very pleasant, but the loneliness is still not exhausted, but the guests who may come to visit Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan are also There are quite a few, so I can't enjoy it to the fullest,..."

  Jia Baoyu understood, this is to let himself be the matchmaker, so that Brother Feng can have a drink with King Lu again, or have a tea party.

"Since Your Highness has this intention, why not..." Jia Baoyu hadn't finished speaking, but Princess Yongning had already answered: "Since you have this intention, please leave it to Baoyu. Baoyu and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan have a very close relationship." , the relationship between Feng Jia and his family is not normal, Baoyu came to match the bridge, the three of you can just take this opportunity to have a drink and talk happily,..."

   Baoyu hasn't come back to it yet, but Princess Yongning has already realized a lot of flavors.

   Zhang Yu must have met Feng Ziying, and probably did not get the expected response, that's why Zhang Su was so nervous.

At such a critical time, the attitudes and views of any of these influential civil servants may play an unusual role. Although Zhang Su has the upper hand now, as long as the dust does not settle, everything is possible. Zhang Su naturally did not dare to give up any Olympic aid that could help him.

Although Feng Ziying is young, his status is not comparable to that of ordinary scholars. He is already a senior official of the fourth rank. The future is limitless, even Zhang Su probably wants to make friends and win over. If Zhang Su ascends the throne in the future, young and similar courtiers like Feng Ziying can just lean on him for help.

Jia Baoyu was still a little ignorant, but who was the eldest princess of Yongning? A good daughter, unexpectedly can get such a good in-law.

  Concubine Mei also tasted the taste.

  Her son studied in Qingtan Academy for a year and made great progress. She quickly evolved from a young man who knew nothing to a qualified prince, which made her very pleased.

The advantage of Qingtan Academy in the area of ​​political theory on government affairs is not comparable to that of Tonghui Academy, Baima Academy, and Shuangqiao Academy. It is said that the advantage of current policy theory began when Feng Ziying and his subjects started a big debate, and The editorial power of "Internal Canon", which is now published in the name of the Imperial Academy, is almost entirely controlled by Jinshi from Qingtan Academy.

  Now, "Yuedan Commentary" edited and published by Qingtan Academy has the potential to become the second political commentary publication after "Internal Reference", and it is very popular among young scholars who have not entered official positions.

   "Yuedan Tan" was officially renamed "Yuedan Commentary", with a more radical and avant-garde style. It is famous for daring to analyze and comment on some things and trends that have just emerged in the ruling and opposition parties and have not yet been finalized, and guide the current trend.

Originally, it was only circulated within Qingtan Academy, but now it is not only accepted by large academies such as Guozijian, Tonghui Academy, Baima Academy, and Shuangqiao Academy, but also some government schools have begun to subscribe, and there are also some officials from various ministries including the Imperial Academy, He also offered to ask Qingtan Academy to send a copy to them after it is published every month, as an early weather vane for the more rigorous "Internal Reference" for reading analysis and judgment.

After his son came back, he mentioned that Feng Ziying had a great influence in Qingtan Academy and had become the idol of young scholars in several subjects recently. Everyone took Feng Ziying's current good fortune as their goal and hoped to follow Feng Ziying's example to become a blockbuster in the autumn and spring. Every time Feng Ziying returns to Qingtan Academy, he can arouse a wave of enthusiasm from scholars.

  Because of this, coupled with his father Feng Tang's influence in the army, no matter whether his son's selection of the crown prince has not yet been finalized, or the crown prince will be established in the future, it is necessary to win over Feng's father and son, and use it as Austrian aid.

  Following the eldest princess, Jia Baoyu stared out in confusion. Jia Baoyu didn't recall it for a while. It was not until he walked a certain distance that Yongning eldest princess said with a complicated expression: "My son-in-law, what is the relationship between Feng Ziying and you?"

  Jia Baoyu hesitated for a moment, "The relationship with my son-in-law is not bad, and I take care of him, but because Brother Huan likes to read, he appreciates it even more."

  Jia Baoyu didn't hide anything in these words, he told the truth.

Princess Yongning pondered and said: "I didn't expect King Lu to value Feng's family so much. No wonder Brother Ninth and Brother Ten respect Feng Ziying very much. Brother Ninth is fine. Because of Haitong Yinzhuang, I didn't expect Brother Ten to respect Feng Ziying too." Feng Ziying attaches great importance to it, and it seems that it is not without reason."

   "Mother, what should I do?" Niu had met Feng Ziying and knew that Feng Ziying was famous, but she thought she was the daughter of the clan, so she didn't care too much. She didn't expect that this person was so valued.

"What should I do? Since Baoyu has a good relationship with him, let's invite him to a banquet to bridge the gap between Zhang Yu and Feng Ziying. Baoyu, you should also take the initiative to participate and deepen the relationship. , I will find a way to arrange you into Zhan Shifu, ask the emperor to reward you with an official position, first go to the Economic and Economic Bureau as a school secretary, and then work slowly. Ascending to the throne, you will be able to come out of Zhan Shi Mansion, you can go to Honglu Temple, Guanglu Temple, Taichang Temple and other places. If you want to inherit your father's business, you can go to the Ministry of Industry...”

  Princess Yongning is also a pity, but this son-in-law doesn't like to study. If someone can be born as a Jinshi, it will be much easier, but then again, if it is really born as a Jinshi, who would want to marry the daughter of the clan to affect the future? It's better to fight on your own, and the future is much brighter.

"I don't know if Brother Feng is busy now, my son-in-law..." Baoyu hesitated, he really didn't want to deal with Feng Ziying more, thinking of Sister Bao and Sister Lin, and thinking of the situation where his sister-in-law was also fighting with him, he I felt extremely uncomfortable.

"You have to do it whether you are busy or not. Zhang Su values ​​it so much. You have finally climbed up the opportunity. You must let him see your usefulness. Otherwise, with Concubine Mei's temperament, if she is a useless person, she will be useless at all." You don't care about kinship." Princess Yongning said coldly.

   How many monthly tickets are there? Target 1000!



  (end of this chapter)

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