Number of People

Chapter 1672: Renzi roll sharpening the knife (1)

  Chapter 1672 Renzi scroll sharpening the knife (1)

"grown ups!"

As soon as he stepped into the compound, Sun Shaozu saw that Niu Jizong, who rarely wore a top helmet, was actually in full military uniform today, holding his sword with his left hand and seemed to be meditating. Besides Zhang Chengyin, the general of the Xuanfu, standing beside him was an old man in blue He also looked familiar, who else could this be the counselor next to Prince Yizhong?

   "Shaozu is here?" Niu Jizong nodded and raised his hand to signal, "This is Mr. Chu who is beside the crown prince."

   "The humble Sun Shaozu met Mr. Chu." Sun Shaozu and Chu Qi met and saluted, and then handed over to greet Zhang Chengyin, "I met Zhang Zongbing."

  He and Zhang Chengyin are not directly superior or subordinate. This time he came here at the order of Niu Jizong, but Zhang Chengyin can stand with Chu Qi, which is enough to explain a lot.

  Niu Jizong didn't say much, and asked directly: "Shaozu, how are your preparations going?"

"With the cooperation of Mr. Shi, everything is going smoothly. Wang Chenglong's side has been settled, and Ding Liangdong's side is a little troublesome. I talked to him twice. He has a lot of worries, but his deputy Xu Guanghan is very eager. Arrange someone to negotiate with him, and Ding Liangdong can bring out at least 3,000 people." Sun Shaozu didn't dare to neglect, "The rest is Lu Keji, which has already been negotiated, but this lion is asking for 100,000 taels. I will give you 30,000 taels first, according to my lord's opinion, and then pay another 30,000 when it is started, and then pay 40,000 when it is done,..."

Niu Jizong's eyelids twitched. This Lu Keji's appetite is really big enough, and he dared to speak. He knew that he was behind Sun Shaozu, but he dared to be so presumptuous. , will develop this habit, but at this time, those who dare not accept the money, you really can't believe it, after the matter is done, they will naturally have to settle the accounts.

"Okay, Wang Chenglong's place is basically settled. He has already come to see the official. The official gave him a handbook and asked him to obey your orders. Ding Liangdong is the first and the second rat. For the time being, leave it alone. Xu Guanghan, you can use it alive. Let Xu Guanghan use it if necessary." My order is to kill Ding Liangdong and gain control of the entire Jingping Road." Niu Jizong showed a cold expression on his face, "As long as Lu Keji collects the money, it's easy to say, the guerrilla Zhao Youxia under him is my official, you Contact him to prevent Luke from taking the money and not doing anything."

Datong Town is divided into eight roads. From northeast to southwest, it is divided into Xinping Road, East Road, Beidong Road, Beixi Road, Middle Road, Weiyuan Road, West Road, and Jingping Road. Sun Shaozu was originally a general of Xinping Road. It was only after Niu Jizong's lap that he became the deputy commander in charge of Xinping Road, East Road and Beidong Road.

The current general of Xinping Road, Sun Shaozong, is his cousin. Of course, it goes without saying that Wang Chenglong is the deputy general of the East Road, and now he has completely invested in Niu Jizong. Bing Yang Yuan.

   Lu Keji is a general in the middle lane, and his strength is quite strong, but Yang Yuan, the commander-in-chief, is very strict in controlling the middle lane, so if Lu Keji can really fall to this side, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance his own strength.

  The new Datong General Soldier was dismissed after the Imjin Japanese Invasion, and he was reinstated after many years of unemployment.

After the first Renchen Japanese Invasion in Central South Plains, Ma Gui wanted to kill Yang Yuan, but it was Feng Tang who followed up with reinforcements and pleaded repeatedly, and even bowed to Ma Gui. Directly dismissed and sent home, Feng Tang instructed his family to work hard in the past few years, and sometimes helped him to operate. With the loss of power of the Ma family, Yang Yuan finally recovered.

But Yang Yuan just took office less than half a year ago, only two or three months before Feng Tang became the governor of the three sides, and he had been in Liaodong before, and he was completely unfamiliar with Xuanda's situation, so he hadn't fully grasped Datong's side. Case.

Sun Shaozu didn't expect Zhao Youxia to be Niu Jizong's man. He was still worried about Lu Keji's journey, but if Zhao Youxia was the governor's man, the problem would be much simpler. As long as he recruited more and encouraged Zhao Youxia, things would be fine. Do more.

   "Your Excellency already has a perfect plan, and I admire it." Sun Shaozu nodded with a smile: "General Zhao can support him from the sidelines, so the middle road is basically safe."

"Not necessarily, Yang Yuan is not Yi Yuzhi's generation. Although he has been here for a short time, I feel that he is still very organized. Although he may not be clear about our intentions, but have you noticed that he has firmly grasped Beidong? Road and Weiyuan Road, and now they are trying their best to control the middle road, but they are letting go of Beixi Road and West Road, and they are obviously aware of the situation in Datong Town."

   Niu Jizong was not as optimistic as Sun Shaozu, and shook his head.

Sun Shaozu was silent for a while, "The Feng family really has too much influence in Datong Town. The West Road and Beixi Road are controlled by the Feng family, and Yang Yuan is naturally trustworthy, so he will try his best to fight for the North East Road, North West Road, Weiyuan Road and Zhonglu, Ding Liangdong’s place seems to be something we can’t underestimate, Xu Guanghan’s place is not good, I’ll let my brother take care of it,…”

"No, if Shaozong makes a move, I'm afraid it will make Ding Liangdong and Yang Yuan vigilant, and instead they will scare the snake." Niu Jizong shook his head decisively: "And the Xinping road on Shaozong's side is also very important, so we can't delay it. I don't care if Datong can give it to you." How much support I have, as long as Datong Town and Shanxi Town are held back for a while, everything will cease to exist when I settle the matter on the Gyeonggi side.”

Niu Jizong didn't say clearly how to solve it on the Gyeonggi side, but Sun Shaozu knew that Prince Yizhong must have a perfect plan, but what to do with the emperor, what is the attitude of the Supreme Emperor, and how to solve the problem in the capital, these are Sun Shaozu's worries, but he knows It's useless to worry, but Niu Jizong and Prince Yizhong value it more than themselves. After so many years of planning, how can there be no perfect plan?

Niu Jizong knew very well that it was impossible for the Xuanfu Army and half of Datong Army to fight against Jizhen, Shanxi Town and half of Datong Town, but Shanxi Town and half of Datong Town could be led by Sun Shaozu to cause chaos in half of Datong Town As long as Jizhen is held back by the Chahar people outside the side wall for a while, he can solve the problem by himself.

  Even if You Shigong can really find out that the situation is wrong, it will be too late. There are thousands of miles of garrisons in Jizhen, and the key is to mobilize the Xuanfu army to attack with all its strength.

   "Your Excellency is considerate, but it is a bit reckless to be humble." Sun Shaozu felt relieved when he saw Niu Jizong denying his intention, which meant that the other party had more thoughtful consideration, which was what he cared most about.

   "It is reasonable for Shao Zu to be worried, but we have already made arrangements." Chu Qi finally spoke, "Mr. Niu, over there at Shenshu Camp..."

  Niu Jizong smiled lightly, "Qiu Shiben's power is nothing to mention. If he still wants to resist, Mr. Zhang will let him understand what an elite frontier army is. Cheng Yin, don't you think so?"

   "Hehe, more praise from the governor. For the Jizhen army, I dare not say that I can achieve it overnight, but I still have some confidence in the Beijing camp." Zhang Chengyin smiled quite reservedly.

"What's more, if Qiu Shiben is smart, he should understand that at that time, when the situation is clear, why should he be a villain?" Niu Jizong smiled, "His Shenshuying wants to help Concubine Lu and King Fuwangli , the optional storage and storage don’t exist anymore, so what’s the fuss about?”

  Niu Jizong's words Zhang Chengyin knew about it, but it was at this time that Sun Shaozu suddenly realized it. Only then did he realize that he had really entered this inner circle.


  Lying Garden Palace, South Court Stables.

"Old Cui, hurry up, the emperor may go hunting for the last time tomorrow, you have prepared all those horses, especially those green horses, the emperor's favorite, and their temperament is also docile. ,..."

The one who came over to say hello was a servant, with a slobbering mouth, chattering non-stop. Old Cui, who was in charge of the stables, was a gray-haired old man in his early fifties. He nodded and said, "Oh, that young Ma Ke No, I've been a little sluggish for the past two days. I took medicine, and the emperor loves pets, so I can only rest. Do you think you should use the jujube horse or the crow? The jujube is also very docile, but the crow is a little bit stronger. A little bit, but the emperor likes it the most, obeying orders and prohibiting orders,..."

"Hey, you also know that the word order and prohibition is still used on animals?" The waiter thought for a while, and then nodded: "Then Wu Zai, seeing that the emperor is in a good state of mind and mood these past few days, I guess it's just a matter of time." This is the last horse walk, and this trip is over, after a few days of rest, it is time to return." The servant held a wicker whip in his hand, dangling it once and for all.

"As for the selection of the reserve, my father-in-law probably knows the news, right?" When the old Cui heard it, he asked casually: "In the past few days, there are more people coming and going, driving carts and horses, than I have seen in half a year. It's all for this, right? The emperor should settle down, right?"

   "Old Cui, is this kind of thing you should ask?" The waiter glanced at the other party, "Feed your horse well, it will not be good for the emperor to use a horse tomorrow, be careful that Eunuch Zhou will expose your skin!"

"Hey, this old slave is just asking. Seeing that the people in the palace are coming and going for this matter, I guess there should be results. It is impossible for them all to go back and still be surrounded by clouds and fog. I don’t know what’s going on, right?” Old Cui is not afraid, he is an acquaintance: “Elder-in-law, let me tell you, what can we people do?”

"Hurry up." The servant turned and walked out, "Maybe it's His Royal Highness Lu. Although His Highness King Shou is favored by the princes in the court, the clan doesn't like it, but in the end it depends on the emperor's heart. Who can tell?" Can you make it clear? Alright, I'll come and see the horses early in the morning."

When the servant left, the old man's expression changed slightly. After thinking for a while, he went back to his room, closed the door, crawled down, and stretched out his hand to **** for something in front of the bed. After a while, he found a When the sheepskin bag came, he loosened the silk rope at the mouth of the bag, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, then pondered for a while, and put it into his bosom.

  (end of this chapter)

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