Number of People

Chapter 1674: Renzi roll sharpening the knife (3)

  Chapter 1674 Renzi roll sharpening the knife (3)

Regarding Nurhachi's agreement to form the Han Army Banner and let Li Yongfang take charge of the daily management of the Han Army Banner as Meile Ezhen (Meile Zhangjing), there is actually a lot of opposition within the Jianzhou Jurchen, even if it has been resolute E Yidu, Fei Yingdong, He Heli and others who supported Nurhachi disagreed with the establishment of the Han army flag at this time.

  In their view, the Jurchen Eight Banners have only been established for a year. Except for the two yellow banners, which are relatively strong, the other six banners are still in an unsatisfactory state and urgently need manpower from all parties to supplement them.

In the past, the Han people who were plundered were directly added to the Jurchen Eight Banners, so that there were enough Han people to cultivate the land and herd cattle and horses, and a large number of Jurchen elites could be freed up to specialize in military training, further enhancing the military strength of the Jurchen Eight Banners, while the Han people were farming the land They are also more skilled than the Jurchens and have better harvests. This complements each other and can rapidly expand the strength of the Jurchens Eight Banners.

  But now the Great Khan suddenly proposed to form the Han Army Banner, which broke this balance.

  Although the Great Khan personally led the Han Army Banner in name, and the size of the Han Army Banner was far smaller than any of the Jurchen Eight Banners, this was a dangerous start, which meant that the Han people gradually gained a firm foothold in the Jianzhou Jurchen group.

In the past, although the number of Han people in Jianzhou Jurchen was also increasing, they were all affiliated to the Jurchen Eight Banners and had no independent status. Moreover, they were not allowed to participate in military forces, and they were completely treated as farmers, herdsmen, and artisans. However, the establishment of the Han Army Banner this time directly transformed part of the original Zhou army brought by Li Yongfang into the armed forces of the Han Army Banner. This is a very huge breakthrough.

Although these sergeants of the Han Army Banner are still nominally the same as the Jurchen Eight Banners, they will be the army when they go out, and they will be the people when they enter, but in fact, since the Ula tribe was defeated and a large number of savage Jurchens were recruited to vote, the Jurchen Eight Banners mechanism of Jianzhou It has been gradually changing, and the pattern of separating the military and the civilians has gradually been established.

  The training level and time of the soldiers of Jurchen's various tribes are constantly increasing, especially the real elite soldiers among them are no longer engaged in farming and herding, and are instead undertaken by those tribesmen who are not good at military affairs.

  The Han army flag followed this model from the very beginning, and a pure Han army was also formed, although the scale was still small, with less than a thousand people.

  Almost everyone opposed Nurhachi's decision, but Nurhachi resisted all opinions and resolutely set up the Han army flag.

  For Nurhachi, he is very aware of the advantages and disadvantages of setting up the Han Army Banner, and he also knows that everyone's worries are not without reason, and it can even be said that the threat is not small, but after weighing the pros and cons, he still insisted on his opinion.

  In addition to the need to give an explanation to Li Yongfang, the first Han general who truly surrendered to the Jianzhou Jurchen, Nurhachi hopes to give full play to the effect of buying horse bones with thousands of dollars.

He wants to let those Han generals at both ends of Liaodong Shoushu see that as long as they rely on themselves, they can also have private soldiers here, even openly owning them, instead of spending their own money like in Dazhou. Come to win over and train.

  Another important reason is that Nurhachi realized that recruiting savage Jurchens could quickly expand the basic strength of Jianzhou Jurchen in a short period of time, but the number of savage Jurchens was limited, far from being able to compare with the number of Han Chinese in Liaodong.

Looking at the income from my painstaking efforts to buy and conquer wild Jurchens in the past three or four years, it is only a mere 10,000 to 20,000 people, but this time Li Yongfang has brought more than 10,000 people in income, which does not include more than 1,000 people. Great Zhou Army.

Therefore, he generously assigned most of the thousand-odd Zhou army to Li Yongfang, and named Li Yongfang Mei Le Ezhen (Me Le Zhang Jing), allowing him to continue to lead this army, but in Among the more than 10,000 Han people who were brought back from the captivity, he did not give all of them to Li Yongfang, but only gave him more than 3,000 people from more than 1,000 households, and most of the rest were directly assigned to the Jurchen Eight Banners.

  Even so, it caused a strong backlash within the Jurchen. Not only did all the sons disagree, but all the generals under him also firmly opposed it, but Nurhachi still insisted on his own opinion.

  Over the past year, it turns out that my opinion is correct. The training and cultivation of the Han Army Banner went smoothly. Li Yongfang not only supervised the training of the Han Army Banner, but also continued to dig out information inside Liaodong for herself, and achieved gratifying results.

  Especially after Feng Tang left Liaodong for the northwest, subtle changes occurred in the situation in Liaodong. It would be difficult to obtain such information accurately and in a timely manner if it were not through Li Yongfang's original connections.

  Although Feng Tang continued to retain the position of governor of Jiliao, he resigned as the commander-in-chief of Liaodong. The post of Liaodong commander-in-chief was temporarily replaced by Cao Wenzhao, not the most vocal Zhao Liaojiao. This is crucial.

This actually means that Feng Tang is no longer able to perform his duties in Liaodong, and can only be replaced by Cao Wenzhao, but Cao Wenzhao is only acting as the general army of Liaodong temporarily, and Feng Tang is not there, so Cao Wenzhao has no right to coordinate the soldiers of Jizhen Ma, when Feng Tang served as governor of Jiliao and Liaodong general, the close relationship between Liaodong and Jizhen no longer existed.

Cao Wenzhao is an outsider brought by Feng Tang from Datong, and he has not been established for a long time. Although he is well-known in Datong, he is not worth mentioning in Liaodong. The relationship between the generals is not very good, especially the relationship with the deputy commander Jun Jun, this is an opportunity to take advantage of.

  Of course, this is just an opportunity, but it does not mean that they can take advantage of it, until the internal intelligence of Dazhou brought by Natu and the others and the "olive branch" that the people in the south offered to cooperate with them.

  In Nurhachi's view, this is a good opportunity God gave to Jianzhou Jurchen. If he can't grasp it firmly this time, God will not forgive himself.

"Khan, is the news from Da Zhou reliable?" E Yi couldn't help standing up and asking, "I'm not saying that the news from Natu and Abai is inaccurate. Natu is cautious, Abai is diligent, and they The news that the two of them have obtained this year is extremely important. What I am worried about is the news that Da Khan you mentioned was actively passed on from within Dazhou. They are willing to provide us with supplies to harass us. This is unbelievable. , could it be a trap?"

"If you want us to attack violently, it may be a trap. You are willing to provide us with 100,000 shi of food just by asking us to feign a shot. What loss can this trap cause us?" Fei Yingdong shook his head: "They I also agreed to pay 30,000 taels of silver as a deposit, but it can only be paid with a bank note from Haitong Yinzhuang. How can we get this money? It's true. A piece of paper, if you don't pay it, you won't pay it. , Aren’t we working so hard for nothing?”

  Compared to E Yidu and He Heli's conservative and cautious, Fei Yingdong is more proactive.

   As one of Nurhachi's most important supporters, he mainly considers the increasingly difficult financial situation within the Jianzhou Jurchen.

  From last year to this year, the Great Khan aggressively recruited and bought the savage Jurchens. Among the three major tribes of the savage Jurchens, the Varka Tribe, under the leadership of the leader Tsermut Hei, basically all fell under the command of the Jianzhou Jurchens.

  The Khan’s methods were also very clever, and he gave Zermuthei a good treatment, but he merged all the small tribes he helped bring into the Xianghuang Banner and Zhenghuang Banner.

   This did not violate the original promise to Zermuthei, but it made Zermuthei suffer.

Tsermut Hei originally thought that the Great Khan would give him all the small tribes of the savage Jurchen he had recruited, but he never thought that the Jianzhou Jurchen took so much iron, food and weapons to gather these tribes. Maybe use it to make a wedding dress for you Varka?

Even for the headquarters of the Warka Department, the Khan did not take action because of the consideration of the follow-up impact. As long as time passes, the Warka Department will also be dismembered and assigned to the Eight Banners. This point has already been made clear by the Khan and discussed with everyone , no later than the year after the next year, the Warka Department must be dismembered and included.

Now the good wine, the meat woman, the gold and silver good life are giving Zemut a black confession, just to soften and corrupt him, so that he really thinks that the Jianzhou Jurchens cannot do without the support of their savage Jurchens. Tehei understands that Jianzhou Jurchen is the only Jurchen king, and both Savage Jurchen and Haixi Jurchen can only be stepping stones under the throne.

These small tribes of savage Jurchen were annexed and merged into the two banners of Xianghuang Banner and Zhenghuang Banner, making Xianghuang Banner and Zhenghuang Banner the most powerful two of Jurchen Eight Banners. This is the point that Da Khan is most satisfied with. Du, Fei Yingdong, Fei Yanggu and others who have been supporting and strengthening the Jurchen Eight Banners were very excited, and at the same time aroused great interest in the wild Jurchen led by the Oji and Huerha tribes.

  Since last year, the Great Khan has made every effort to attack the Oji and Huerha tribes, and has made great moves.

  The Huerha tribe is still at both ends of the first mouse because of the temptation of Kalkazai in Inner Mongolia, but the savage Jurchen southern tribes headed by the Oji tribe began to look at themselves.

But the various promises brought about by all of this need to be fulfilled. Iron materials, food, farm tools, weapons, cloth, cultivated land, everything, all of which must be paid for in real terms, otherwise Huerha will There is a possibility that it will completely fall to Zai Sai.

Zaisai is said to have received a large amount of ransom from Dazhou after attacking Dazhou last year, and he exchanged all the money for grain, iron, cloth and other supplies. Erha's department began to waver, some of them had already invested in Zai Sai, and some of them had not yet made up their minds.

  In this case, Jianzhou Jurchen can only bite the bullet and fulfill their promises, and they have to make a big publicity, otherwise the Huerha tribe may all turn to the Mongols, which is absolutely unacceptable to the Great Khan.

  (end of this chapter)

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