Number of People

Chapter 1675: Renzi roll sharpening the knife (4)

  Chapter 1675 Renzi scroll sharpening the knife (4)

"They said that Haitong Yinzhuang banknotes can be exchanged and withdrawn freely, and merchants in Dazhou are willing to accept this kind of paper and cash it in silver without discount." An Feiyangu rubbed his chin and continued, "I heard what Natu said As I mentioned, there used to be such things in Dazhou, but basically they were not in circulation, they were only used by fixed merchants, and the scope of restrictions was very small, almost all of them were used in the local port. It is so exquisite that it is basically impossible to imitate, and it can be circulated and used in all the cities of Dazhou."

"That is to say, this is a bank note equivalent to 30,000 taels of silver. Can we directly give it to the Khalkhas, Horqin people, or Varka tribes, buy livestock from the Khalkhas, Horqin people, or discount it? Arrived at Varka? Will they accept it?" Mangur Taihong asked in a puzzled voice.

"Hmph, who would believe this? Do you believe it, old man?" Chu Ying looked disdainful, her face quivered, her eyes were fierce, "These are all tricks of the Han people to deceive people. According to me, don't pay attention to what those Han people say , Father Khan, we just need to do what we want, why bother about the right and wrong of those Han people..."

   Nurhachi was very dissatisfied with his eldest son's rudeness and sloppy speech.

  But after the first battle of Wujieshi, Chu Ying made great contributions, and the name of bravery spread throughout the Jianzhou Jurchen, and won the favor and support of many people, and was also supported by many people in the clan.

Even Nurhachi has to admit that his eldest son is good at fighting and charging, but his head is too simple, many things are not considered, and his personality is too selfish, which arouses the dissatisfaction of E Yidu and Fei Yingdong. Even the younger brothers complained a lot.

   Fei Yingdong, An Feiyangu, He Heli, and E Yidu were all dissatisfied with Chu Ying, and they all criticized Chu Ying many times in front of Nurhachi.

Chu Ying was originally the owner of the White Banner. After the White Banner was split into Xiangbai Banner and Zhengbai Banner, he proposed that the owner of the Xiangbai Banner and Zhengbai Banner could not be held by Chu Ying alone. Chu Ying only serves as the owner of the Zhengbai Banner, which is obviously to divide Chu Ying's power.

  Abai was born of the concubine Zhaojia. He has a gentle personality and has a good relationship with brothers and ministers.

  Theoretically, it is not the son of the concubine who is the son of the concubine who is the master of the banner, but it is not necessarily the case.

The owner of the bordered yellow and Zhenghuang banners is Nurhachi, the owner of the red banner is Daishan, the owner of the blue banner is Huang Taiji (Huang Taiji), the owner of the red banner is Mang Gurtai, and the owner of the blue banner is Dege Lei, the eldest concubine and the second concubine Everything that comes out is rewarded, but Azige is still young, and although Huang Taiji is also a concubine, he is very wise and has a calm personality. Nurhachi likes it. The owner of the white flag handed it over to his third son Abai.

   This naturally aroused Chu Ying's strong dissatisfaction. He didn't dare to be dissatisfied with his father Khan, but he hated Fei Yingdong, E Yidu, He Heli, An Feiyanggu and others to the bone.

"What Chu Ying said is not true. As far as I know, Zai Sai collected a lot of silver bills when collecting the ransom money from Da Zhou's ransoms. Later, he used the silver bills to buy food, cloth and iron materials from Da Zhou, all in silver. There has never been a situation of rejection or being cheated.” He Heli stood up disapprovingly, “It can be seen that this kind of thing is basically universal in Dazhou, and it will be refused to cash if it is not held by anyone. Of course, we can also directly Change them into iron materials and cloth in Dazhou, and let them send them to the mouth of the Yalu River, we will pay for the freight, and then go there to receive the goods from North Korea.”

  Nurhachi nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with He Heli's opinion.

"I also agree with He Heli's point of view, but I don't agree with Da Khan's mention of taking advantage of this opportunity to go south. We can earn these things by bluffing, even if we can't get them later, it doesn't matter. But if we really want to go south, if we miss, we probably won’t be able to lose what we got, and the other party may say that we violated the agreement and refuse to pay the follow-up 70,000 taels of silver."

An Feiyanggu put forward his own opinion, which was unanimously approved by others. Only Chu Ying wanted to sing against An Feiyanggu, and jumped out and said: "Father Khan, don't listen to these cowards. The Han people are weak, and now there is another Such an opportunity, of course we have to seize the opportunity and do a big job. Even without their invitation, our Jurchen warriors can open their city walls and make a good profit. Since Li Yongfang's Han army flags are all from Liaodong, we are familiar with the situation , isn’t it time to come in handy now?”

Although they don't agree with An Feiyanggu and the others, Chu Ying's attitude annoys Nurhachi even more: "Enough, we need to discuss carefully about how to take the next step. Chu Ying, we must think carefully before doing things. Not all of them are weak people, the Liaodong Army dared to fight us in the field for the Yehe tribe, but we didn't get much favor, so it can be seen that this is only relative, not absolute!"

   Chu Ying was very angry at being criticized by her father.

  In order to protect An Fei Yanggu, his father would rather trample on his own face in front of everyone, but he has such an attitude towards himself, the eldest son, which makes him even more aggrieved.

   It's just that Nurhachi's power is growing day by day, and Chu Ying didn't dare to refute, so she could only keep silent in hatred, but looked at An Feiyanggu and Fei Yingdong with even more hatred.

  Nurhachi also knew that Chu Ying was very angry at this time, but he was too lazy to pay attention to the other party. He still needed to persuade a group of subordinates to support him to go south this time. This was his purpose.

"Although what you just said is reasonable, I don't value the one hundred thousand taels of silver, but the information revealed in it." Nurhachi's slender eyes revealed a bit of light. Although he was over fifty, But he was still full of energy, his voice was like a bell, and he was full of energy, "Old Ba, tell me the reason."

   Among the sons, Nurhachi was originally the most inclined to Chu Ying, after all, he was the eldest son, but Chu Ying was impulsive and did not have a plan, which made him very disappointed.

The third child, Abai, is a bit soft-tempered. The fourth child Tang is too timid in ancient times and lacks military talent. The fifth child, Mang Gurtai, and Chu Ying are both impulsive and irritable. , while the old nine Babutai are greedy for money, and the other sons are still young, only the second Daishan, the eighth Huang Taiji, and the tenth Dege are both brave and powerful, especially Daishan and Huang Taiji are the most valued by Nurhachi.

"Son thinks what Father Khan said is true." Huang Taiji was not stage-frightened, stood up and looked around, and said loudly: "Last year, the Mongols invaded Dazhou's capital and caused great damage to Dazhou. According to the information fed back by Natu So far, there are still many places in the capital of Dazhou that are barren, the victims of the disaster have not been completely resolved, and the law and order are chaotic. Moreover, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Beizhili in the north of Dazhou are suffering from severe drought this year. It is estimated that there will be a large number of refugees wandering around in winter , a little mishandling may lead to large-scale riots and civil uprisings,..."

"In addition, Natu also said that private secret societies spread in the north of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Although these secret societies did not explicitly propose to rebel, they are on the same level as the Dazhou government, and many officials in the local government are unwilling to go there because of their official status. Excessive control of these secret societies, so once there is a riot, the members of these clubs will definitely add fuel to the flames and cause instability in the entire Northern Zhou Dynasty. If we want to go south, we can even take the initiative to provoke this riot. Contributing to its spread, dragging down Jizhen's troops,..."

"Also, the Bozhou rebellion in the southwest of Dazhou is still going on, it has restrained many troops of Dazhou, and consumed a lot of national strength of Dazhou. For this reason, Dazhou transferred Guyuan Town in the northwest, and established Denglai Town and Jingxiang town quelled the rebellion, but failed to achieve results. If the prediction is correct, this stalemate will continue,..."

"If what Natu said is true, this Prince Yizhong is a powerful force comparable to the Great Zhou Emperor. To use an inappropriate analogy, it is like Chu Ying and his son..." Huang Taiji glanced calmly The pensive father and the older brother Chu Ying, who was still a little confused, continued.

"He used to be the prince for many years, but he was deposed by the previous emperor after his poor performance. Now he is unwilling to be lonely and wants to rebel, but no matter whether he wins in the end or the emperor of Dazhou wins, there must be a battle between the two. For us It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once this kind of civil strife breaks out, it will be much more serious than the Southwest Bozhou or the Mongolian invasion. It can be said that it will definitely involve Liaodong, Jizhen and Xuanfu.

"Of course we can't let go of such an opportunity. Even if it is to send money to ask for restraint, we must seize the opportunity to enter, but when to make a move and where to cut in, this needs to be carefully considered. I guess they will definitely invite The Chahar people and even the Tumot people also want to contain each other and harass the side wall, so we might as well contact Lindan Batur to see their movements..."

   "I'm afraid it's too late." Nurhachi shook his head, "It will take at least half a month to come and go. There is no time. Daishan, what do you think of what your eighth brother said?"

"Father Khan said that it is too late to cooperate with the Chahar people, but we can do it ourselves without the Chahar people. As long as the line between Liaodong and Jizhen is restrained, we can choose the weak ones to attack. But Father Khan, I’m afraid we need to determine a goal. If we want to attack, how many troops are going to be dispatched, to what extent, and where to break through, all of these need to be planned first.” Daishan’s eyes fell on Li Yongfang, “This Everything may depend on Mr. Li to advise us, because Mr. Li is the one who understands the weakness of Da Zhou best."

  Everyone's eyes fell on Li Yongfang, and Li Yongfang was also a little apprehensive, but also a little proud: "Hui Dahan, the last general does have some ideas."

  (end of this chapter)

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