Number of People

Chapter 1676: Renzi volume is ready to be issued

  Chapter 1676 Renzi volume to be issued

   Caressing the lid of the cup, Emperor Yonglong had a smile on the corner of his mouth, leaning on the throne, and asked a little leisurely: "Moved?"

"Reporting to the emperor, Zhang Chengyin's letter should be today." Lu Song said in a deep voice: "Niu Jizong has ordered Sun Shaozu to return to Datong to start gathering troops. Xinping Road and East Road in Datong Town have already moved ahead of time. There is still no movement on the side, Sun Shaozu is still a bit powerful, and he has done a good job of blocking, and Lu Keji,..."

"Where is Ding Liangdong?" Datong's Beidong Road is very important, and it has the strongest military force, and Emperor Yonglong is also most concerned about this department. The middle road said that as long as Beidong Road was behind him, he could wait for the opportunity to give him a fatal blow.

   "Ding Liangdong is still fighting with Niu Jizong, you can rest assured." Lu Song assured.

   "Okay, as long as Ding Liangdong controls the army, then Sun Shaozu will have nothing to worry about." Emperor Yonglong nodded in satisfaction, "Beixi Road and West Road..."

"Don't worry, your majesty, there are two families of Feng Duan on Beixi Road and West Road. It is impossible to follow Niu Jizong. Niu Jizong also knew that he would not be able to win over there, but would expose himself, so he didn't contact them at all..." Lu Song said decisively: "As long as Sun Shaozu makes a move, Yang Yuan will do it immediately..."

"Very well, that's the arrangement for Datong, and it's up to Zhang Chengyin for the Xuanfu army." Emperor Yonglong smiled leisurely, "Niu Jizong made a good plan, and really thought that Xuanfu Town was his private army. You can do whatever you want, Zhang Chengyin behaved well this time, if this matter is over, I will let him be the governor of Xuanda!"

Lu Song also complimented: "The emperor had far-sighted plans, and he buried this line before he took the throne. Even the ministers were deceived. At the beginning, Wang Ziteng let Zhang Chengyin go, and the ministers thought Zhang Chengyin was Wang Ziteng's man. After Niu Jizong took over, it was even worse. After being greatly promoted, I was wondering if Zhang Chengyin should not be appointed as the chief soldier of the Xuan Mansion even if he really broke up with Niu Jizong, I didn't expect..."

"Hehe, what kind of foresight is this? It's just a casual game of chess. Who would have thought it would come in handy." Emperor Yonglong said quite proudly: "But I'm afraid that when the father appointed Zhang Chengyin as a general, I'm afraid he didn't Do you know Zhang Chengyin will be my man?"

Lu Song nodded slightly, but then frowned again, expressing his concern: "However, Niu Jizong's involvement in Xuanfu Town is very deep, and Zhang Chengyin, as the real confidant of Xuanfu's chief soldier, can only affect the control of three or four generals and A deputy commander,..."

"That's enough, as long as he suddenly lights up the banner, I don't believe that Niu Jizong can still persuade the tens of thousands of people who are at a loss to do the treasonous thing that should be punished by the nine clans. Do you really think that I am a dead person? "The corner of Emperor Yonglong's mouth curled up into a cold smile, "I really hope to see the scene of Niu Jizong panicking, it's really interesting."

   "The emperor's clever calculations, I admire." Lu Song actually doesn't like this kind of risky move, but he can understand Emperor Yonglong's worry.

   Unless Prince Yizhong's party members in the Gyeonggi area are wiped out, the emperor will not be able to safely hand over the throne to the prince.

The emperor's sons, to be honest, have never been through the wind and rain, and it is difficult to fight against the righteous and loyal prince who has been ups and downs for decades and has not suffered any damage. The emperor is now in poor health, so time is extremely urgent, and this is a last resort. .

   "Hehe, I don't know that this is not an upright act. I am ashamed to say it. As the emperor, I still need to fight so painstakingly with a group of people. It is also a disgrace to the Zhang family!"

Emperor Yonglong was also extremely aggrieved in his heart, but his father was still there. When he succeeded to the throne, he had to make an oath. How to identify?

   In the end, it is natural for the emperor to approve it. Wouldn't it be difficult for him to let go of his own hands and feet?

  Emperor Yonglong didn't want to abide by this agreement either, but considering that his father would turn his back on the boss and side with him, Emperor Yonglong felt a little guilty.

  Bearing the notoriety of being unfilial and cooking beans to burn beans, I am afraid that I will not be at peace if I close my eyes, and it is really hard to say who will win in the end, so I have endured it until now.

Now it's all right, as long as Niu Jizong dares to declare the government soldiers to enter the capital to do treasonous things, the boss and Niu Jizong's disobedience will be confirmed no matter what, even the father and emperor will find it difficult to maintain, and he has carefully arranged Only then can such a game be designed, and this is also the situation where the collapse of the entire situation can be controlled to a minimum.

   "Your Majesty, where is King Shou and Concubine Lu..." Lu Song hesitated again and again, but still asked.

Emperor Yonglong's complexion sank slightly, and a gloomy look appeared between his brows, and he said slowly after a long time: "Leave them alone for now, you arrange the insiders and outsiders well, and after the boss's side is dealt with, I will come and take it easy with them !"

   "But Li Kezhuo and Cui Wensheng..." Lu Song asked puzzled.

"Lu Song, you don't have to worry. Li Kezhuo is quite knowledgeable about alchemy. The Imperial Hospital also admits this. You should be clear about Cui Wensheng's loyalty to me. He has told everything truthfully. If I want to say something, I will do it It's too boring, let them go, just watch,..." Emperor Yonglong said full of self-confidence: "It's enough for you Captain Long to watch the prison from the sidelines, and watch their performance."

Lu Song still felt that something was wrong, and wanted to speak again, but was interrupted by Emperor Yonglong: "Okay, let's do it like this. In addition, the Ministry of War and you all said that Feng Tang organized the army in Qingyang and assembled tens of thousands of soldiers from three sides and four towns. Elite, what are you going to do? The Ministry of War sent a letter to inquire. Feng Tang replied that he was worried that the severe drought in northern Shaanxi would trigger civil uprisings. He also said that there were also changes in the White Lotus Sect outside the border wall. Do you Long Jinwei have any news about this? "

  Lu Song's heart sank. He thought that Emperor Yonglong was quite kind to Feng Ziying, but he didn't expect the emperor to be so suspicious of Feng Tang.

"Reporting to the emperor, Feng Tang began to purge the armies of the four towns from the beginning of his tenure, mainly to purge the troops of the three towns of Ningxia, Gansu and Guyuan. It is said that Feng Tang was very dissatisfied and asked the Guyuan Army to carry out a large-scale training. Therefore, from the news obtained in the past two months, Feng Tang is going all out to train the four towns in the northwest, but mainly except Yulin Town. The troops of the three towns in Qingyang are currently gathering about 80,000 troops for training in Qingyang. In addition, the second batch of about 40,000 people is continuously gathering from the two towns of Gansu and Ningxia to Qingyang. It is estimated that this batch of troops will arrive at Qingyang. Afterwards, the first batch of three-month training will be over, and they will return to Ganning Second Town Station,..."

Lu Song's answer did not satisfy Emperor Yonglong. He asked suspiciously: "It's that simple. More than 100,000 troops stationed in Qingyang for training. Although they reported to the Ministry of War, Zhang Huaichang of the Ministry of War said he knew about it, but he didn't expect the training. With such a large scale and strength, I thought that Feng Tang took hundreds of thousands of taels of silver in the past to appease and reduce the army, but it seems that Feng Tang is not willing to abolish Guyuan Town. The Ministry of War said that it has received Feng Tang's official document , hoping to suspend or even cancel the idea of ​​abolishing Guyuan Town, what is his intention?..."

Lu Song couldn't answer this topic. He could only summarize and analyze the intelligence news reported below, but he couldn't come to a conclusion as to what Feng Tang wanted to do. It was up to the cabinet, the Ministry of War and the emperor to judge, but the suspicion in the emperor's heart was not. To put it bluntly, Lu Song is also very clear that the emperor's distrust of military generals is deeply rooted. This is not the emperor alone, but from the Ming Dynasty to the Great Zhou Dynasty, the emperor has always been like this to the generals who lead the army, so under normal circumstances it is the civil servants who lead the army. The generals lead the troops, and even the internal servants supervise the army, in order to form mutual checks and balances to prevent loss of control.

After a long while, Lu Song said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Feng Tang himself doesn't seem to want to stay on the three sides, he is still more willing to go to Liaodong. I have also heard Feng Tang mention this, he is more willing to fight with Jianzhou Jurchen. His son Feng Keng is now a civil servant, and he only has this son. Feng Keng is highly regarded by you, Your Majesty, and Feng Tang can only be grateful,..."

Emperor Yonglong breathed out a turbid breath and nodded slightly: "Of course I understand this, but these warriors have always been arrogant. Look at these warriors. If it weren't for the national policy to control martial arts with literature, these warriors would probably become like post-Tang feudal towns." , I don't want to become like those puppet emperors in the late Tang Dynasty..."

Lu Song shook his head again and again: "The emperor is worrying too much. The current situation is completely different from that of the late Tang Dynasty. The civil servants rule the country unshakably, and the troops on the nine borders rely on the court's logistics supplies to maintain them. Even so, the frontier troops often make trouble If there is no court food and payment, how can Feng Tang and these generals, He De, let the hungry soldiers follow them?"

   "I hope so." Emperor Yonglong also shook his head, "I'm afraid that these warriors will deceive the sergeants, rob the soldiers of their merits, attribute all their mistakes and crimes to the imperial court, arouse the anger of the soldiers, and then use this as a banner..."

Emperor Yonglong's words were so serious that even Lu Song was shocked, "Your majesty, your statement is a bit unfounded. Which general can make the sergeant hungry and listen to his cakes? Even if it is temporarily deceived, just a few days , I’m afraid it’s about to reveal its true shape?”

  Emperor Yonglong also felt that his remarks were a bit alarmist, but there are some things that must be guarded against.

  The influence of the Feng family in the frontier army is still too great. If Feng Ziying is a warrior, he will really deal with it decisively.

   This is the case for the Li family, the Ma family and other military families. The court will not allow this situation to happen. Fortunately, Feng Ziying has taken the path of a scholar and a civil servant.

   Even so, Emperor Yonglong did not intend to let Feng Tang return to Liaodong. The position of governor of Jiliao should be removed if this matter happened here. It is reasonable to let civil servants serve as governor.

  (end of this chapter)

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