Number of People

Chapter 1677: Ren Zijuan Playing with Fire, Chaos (1)

  Chapter 1677 Renzi Juan Playing with Fire, Chaos (1)

When the soldiers took the majestic Wu-Zi horse from the old man's hand, the old man told Wu-Zi to trot to get used to it first, and don't let Wu-Zi run all at once, so as not to damage the horsepower. .

The soldier took the rein of the horse and walked away impatiently, muttering unhappily that the old dog really regarded the horse as his own, when will it be his turn to point fingers at the emperor's horse? .

  Seeing the backs of the soldiers leading the horses disappearing into the corridor outside the stables, the old man showed a sense of relief on his face.

  Take out the kit in his bosom, smell it, then find a remote place and burn it, then mix the ashes with the soil, then shovel it up, find a mud pond outside, and bury it deep.

   Having been in the palace for so many years, I know very well that this kind of thing will be fine if it doesn't happen. Once it happens, Long Jinwei will definitely dig to the bottom and investigate carefully.

  Any trace of suspiciousness would be bitten by Long Jinwei and the others, posing a fatal threat. He dared not be negligent.

   Calculating the time, this dose of medicine has also been mixed with forage beans and fed to Wu Hao for a while.

  If the properties of the medicine are not bad, the properties of the medicine will be released gradually after an hour, and then it will depend on the luck of the emperor.

  Once the medicinal properties break out, it will be difficult to control with the horsepower of Wuzi. If it is in the process of hunting and running, it will be wonderful.

  The rest is none of his business, it depends on what the prince will do next, he just needs to do his own thing well.


  Feng Shimian took a deep breath, gently brushed away the dead branches and weeds above his head, then squatted still and listened attentively.

   It took a long while before slowly stretching out his hand, feeling the coolness of the outside world.

   Waiting quietly for another cup of tea, Feng Shimian was convinced that there should be no abnormalities outside, so he pushed away the dead branches and weeds, and poked his head out.

  The sky has not yet brightened, but the surrounding scene can already be vaguely seen.

  The gloomy Iron Net Mountain is like a lazy crouching tiger, crouching along the surrounding in a semi-circular shape, with slight ups and downs.

  The forests are deep and the grass is luxuriant in the mountains, and the foothills go south to east, forming gentle slopes and meadows, extending all the way to the palace.

   This is a steep **** near the woods, and the cave is born along the cliff overgrown with shrubs and weeds.

  Even if you get closer and observe carefully, it is difficult to find a natural stone cave here.

  If Zhang Dou, who had been hanging out in this hunting garden for many years, hadn't accidentally discovered that Feng Shimian felt that it would be really difficult for his group to escape the three relatives who combed and searched repeatedly like a scorpion every day.

  This bucket is really useful, although the official position in the hunting garden is not high, but the popularity is quite good, and it is fortunate to have such an internal support.

  During this period of time, under the deliberate teaching of Master Zhang Jing, Zhang Dou started his career very quickly, and quickly became acquainted with the garrisons such as the Shangsanqin Army and even the people from all over Beijing and China who were stationed in the palace.

  A lot of information was continuously obtained through him and passed on.

   If there is no accident, today is the time to wait for the results after so many days.

  Yesterday, Zhang Dou personally came to pass the news that the emperor will conduct the largest hunting trip today, but he couldn't find out the route.

  It is very rare for Zhang Dou to be able to achieve this step, and Master Zhang Jing also told him not to take the risk of inquiring more, it may be of great use in the future.

  But Feng Shimian was not worried, Master Zhang Jing had already said that there would be noble people to help in the end.

   Master Zhang Jing didn't say what kind of nobleman, but Feng Shimian vaguely knew that he should be from the palace.

  Feng Shimian naturally has no way of knowing how the people in the palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty got involved with the holy religion.

  However, it can be seen from the firm attitude of Mr. Zhangjing that the source of this channel has been verified countless times and is absolutely reliable.

   After observing that the surrounding area was still in the tranquility of the morning light before dawn, Feng Shimian retracted his body into the cave.

  The outside of the cave is small and the inside is big and hollow, with only one single lamp like a bean.

  A dozen or so men lay in disorder along the mountain wall, and only two remained vigilant.

  Feng Shimian felt a little sad.

  If the officers and soldiers find out, I'm afraid none of my group will be able to escape.

  These are the most elite disciples in the Holy Cult, almost all of them are my former comrades-in-arms in Panguanying, Xuliuying, Shimenzhai, Yanheying, and Taitouying in Jizhen Town, and they are also the most loyal congregants.

  If it wasn't for that Feng who was the magistrate of Yongping Mansion to investigate and even use his own influence to conduct a comprehensive investigation in the Jizhen army, these comrades would still be lurking in the Jizhen army.

   It is only hateful that the surnamed Feng failed to shoot him in the attack on Guhe Ferry, which would cause such a big trouble.

  These comrades-in-arms had already been gathered by the young master to form a cathar army dedicated to the guardian of the holy religion, but they had to be taken out to take charge of this attack at this critical moment.

  Those Jianghu people who were planning to assassinate Feng together with me were completely excluded, none of them were allowed to participate, and even the slightest rumor was not disclosed to them.

   Even if they all joined the holy religion, their loyalty is still questionable, but they feel that joining the holy religion has a talisman or is profitable.

  If they really want to do such a big thing, I'm afraid they will turn around and turn to the government, betraying the holy teaching and betraying the holy teaching.

   "De Lun, wait a moment, I'm going out to the joint." After calculating the time, Feng Shimian felt that it was almost time, and ordered his partner who had been meditating with his eyes closed at the entrance of the cave.

   "Well, Shimian, be careful. Once today's incident is over, our holy religion will usher in a major change that has never been seen before." The man's eyes suddenly opened, shining brightly, "We all have to witness all of this!"

  Feng Shimian laughed, stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder, "Of course, all of this will be as we wish, creating a pure land of white lotus, a vacuum world!"

   Encouraged by their partners, both Feng Shimian and Su Delun's spirits improved suddenly.

  Partners who were dry or half asleep or resting their minds also woke up, obviously inspired by the conversation between the two, their faces showed excitement, and a few were even more eager to try, muttering words in their mouths.

"Okay, brothers, hurry up and rest. Today's action was personally arranged by the Young Master, and the Holy Master also attaches great importance to it. Perhaps some people in the court still have the intention of using our holy brothers to work for them and profit from it." Thoughts, but we don't care, we holy brothers are willing to give our all to the goal in our hearts,..."

  Feng Shimian's eloquence is much better than when he first came to the capital from Yongping Prefecture, and he preached teachings with his partners one after another, eloquently.

  Being with the Young Master and Master Zhangjing all day long, Feng Shimian felt that his level of teachings had improved a lot, and his understanding of many teachings became more profound and firm.

  All the congregants also silently recited the eight-character mantra "A Vacuum Hometown Has No Parents", with clear eyes, which made the entire gloomy cave seem a little more fanatical and weird.

  Feng Shimian had already drilled out of the cave at this time, after a little look around, he bowed his body and hurried towards the west.

After walking for two miles, Feng Shimian did not immediately go to the hiding place to find the agreed place, but carefully walked around the hiding place as the center of the circle, observed carefully, After making sure no one was there, he approached.

  Find a very secret tree hole next to a wooden stake next to a white tree and a cork oak, and then reach out and take out a piece of cloth.

  I saw a distorted route smeared with ink on the cloth, while the lighter handwriting around it outlined the terrain from the palace to the foot of the mountain, with circles, crosses and other marks on it.

  Although it is rough, Feng Shimian, who has been here for almost a month, can see at a glance what this route depicts.

   After a quick glance, Feng Shimian quickly put the piece of cloth into his arms, looked around and found nothing unusual, then he hooked his body and sprinted out in the opposite direction when he came, and quickly disappeared into the woods.

   After a long time, a dark shadow quietly emerged from the bushes behind a spruce tree. It also looked around, and instead of following the direction Feng Shimian was walking, it sneaked towards the east.


  Letting his servants dress him, Emperor Yonglong felt in good health today after waking up, and looked at the pale sky outside the window, it was another fine weather, and his mood immediately improved a lot.

  The ochre-yellow robe was carefully put on, and the jacket was covered outside. Emperor Yonglong stretched his body in satisfaction, and then nodded: "Peisheng, are you ready to stop outside?"

"The old slave has already visited, and everything is ready. King Lianzhong and King Zhonghui came first, and Lord Zhongshun just arrived." Zhou Peisheng leaned forward and said with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, let's have breakfast here today. The special rice porridge is very delicious, nourishing yin and nourishing the lungs,…”

   "Well, let someone serve it." Emperor Yonglong was noncommittal.

  Since cultivating his mind and asking questions, he has become more and more particular about his diet, and he doesn't like to eat many ingredients that conflict with the medicinal properties of pills.

  Li Kezhuo still has some skills. This alchemy technique is outstanding, and the properties of the medicine are well controlled. Even Cui Wensheng is a little jealous.

   "Dinner." Zhou Peisheng hurriedly ordered.

   After chewing and swallowing slowly, after breakfast, Emperor Yonglong wiped the corners of his mouth, and then turned his head: "Li Qing is here, where is Wen Sheng? How should I use the medicine today?"

In Li Kezhuo's eyes, a hint of nervousness passed unnoticed, but there was no abnormality on the surface, and he said calmly: "The emperor is going to hunt a lot today, I'm afraid it will consume a lot of energy, you can increase it slightly at your discretion, and count the days separately. This medicine for purging fire and reducing dryness should also be taken, but the properties of the medicine can be slightly reduced and released slowly,..."

   "Oh?" Emperor Yonglong glanced at Li Kezhuo with a half-smile, "Don't need to increase the amount?"

   Li Kezhuo's back was covered with white sweat, "The emperor is wise,..."

  Emperor Yonglong laughed loudly and waved his hands: "I was just joking with Qing, that's all..."

  (end of this chapter)

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