Number of People

Chapter 1681: Renzi scroll is surging (2)

  Chapter 1681 The Renzi scroll is surging (2)

  When Feng Ziying's personal seal was delivered to the bewildered King Zhonghui, he just woke up from a dream and thought that there was another helper in the palace who could be consulted.

  The assassination and fall of Emperor Yonglong caused the whole situation to develop rapidly in an unpredictable direction, and it also made him panic and didn't know what to do.

  Before, Emperor Yonglong had already dealt with him. After this autumn, he would soon establish the position of crown prince, and then he would be required to conduct a complete reshuffle of the entire Beijing camp.

  In fact, he has already started to do it in advance. First of all, it is to disrupt and weaken Qian Guozhong's control over the Shenji Battalion, and then part of the newly integrated Shenji Battalion is directly assigned to the Fifth Army Battalion.

   In this way, he can quickly establish his control over the most critical Fifth Army Battalion, and quickly train him to become a confidant in the Beijing camp in the future.

  But King Zhonghui never imagined that his idea had just started, and he would encounter such a catastrophe.

  The security and defense of the entire Lieyuan Palace is nominally in charge of him, the Jiedu Envoy of the Beijing Camp.

  Although the emperor has always been in charge of the Shang Sanqin Army, he, the Jingying Jiedushi, cannot intervene, but in name the Jingying Jiedushi is the number one figure in the entire Gyeonggi defense, and the Shenshuying is also responsible for peripheral defense.

  How did the assassin get in through the strict multiple defenses on the periphery?

  According to Long Jinwei's investigation around the scene, it seems that there are more than one group of assassins.

  In addition to the group that has already succeeded in the assassination, there is another group that is less than a hundred feet away.

  They set up several extremely powerful heavy-duty guns that could easily reach a hundred paces away, and ambushed them by the side of the valley road.

In a sense, it is also fortunate that the first group of assassins made their move first, otherwise, if the emperor were allowed to pass through the ambush circle of the second group of assassins, those few heavy-duty firecrackers would really kill even the gods. It can't be saved.

Now the emperor is just unconscious, and according to the preliminary judgment of the imperial physician, the crossbow arrow injuries to the emperor's waist and buttocks are not too serious, but there is a little bleeding, which is not fatal, and it is not because of coma, so it is also unfortunate Luckily.

  The reason why the emperor is still unconscious is still uncertain.

  Whether it was caused by the emperor’s head hitting the ground when he fell off the horse or the imperial doctor’s pulse check and found that the emperor’s qi deficiency had reached a serious level, now no one dares to make a judgment, because it involves the next step of medication.

  Now the palace and the entire hunting garden are under martial law, Kuai Ma has returned to the capital city and immediately summoned the cabinet ministers, but King Zhonghui has no idea what direction the situation will develop.

He, the nominally the highest security person in charge of Iron Net Mountain Lieyuan Palace, doesn't know what to do now. Apart from sending someone to the capital city to notify the cabinet ministers and the imperial hospital to come immediately, he doesn't know what to do now. What should I do.

  Long Banwei Lu Song has long since abandoned him, but is investigating the whole incident alone.

  Several commanders of the Shangshang Sanqin Army decided to impose martial law on the entire Lieyuan Palace on their own, and delineated their own defense zones.

   And the enemy of the Shenshu camp only gave a notification, and then ignored himself, but let the Shenshu camp control the entire peripheral traffic arteries and passes around Iron Net Mountain.

   All this made King Zhonghui feel angry, powerless and helpless. At this time, he realized that the result of his idleness for many years is that no one will trust him when the critical moment comes.

The seal sent by Feng Ziying made King Zhonghui suddenly grasp a life-saving straw like a drowning man, but the relationship between this life-saving straw and him is not particularly strong, but at this time it seems that he is also There is no other choice.

  He immediately ordered the soldiers around him to **** Feng Ziying over to Nanyuan with his official seal.

At this time, he did not dare to see his elder brothers. At such a sensitive time, the third brother, the eighth brother and even the ninth brother had been imprisoned in solitary confinement, because they were the ones who accompanied the emperor on the hunting trip, including the princes. Interest and connection cannot be ruled out to a certain extent.

  If he wasn’t the last envoy appointed by the emperor’s brother, in a sense, he entrusted his own defense and safety to him. I’m afraid that he himself would also be imprisoned in a small courtyard somewhere.

  Even if King Zhonghui’s personal soldiers brought the seal, they could come, but if they wanted to take Feng Ziying and his party into Beiyuan, it would not be up to the people under the Four Guards Battalion to decide.

  When Du Keli, the commander of the Four Guards Battalion, got the news, he was also extremely embarrassed.

According to the emergency coordination between him, Liao Junxiong of the warrior battalion, and Wei Miaozhuang, the standard bearer after the accident, the three departments will implement martial law according to the deployment this morning. ?

  King Zhonghui has asked people to return to Beijing to inform the cabinet princes, but theoretically the cabinet princes have no right to order the three-parent army.

The upper three relatives have always been directly under the emperor's direct command, but when the emperor is away, such as after the death of the new emperor and the new emperor has not ascended the throne, the prince or the supervisor is in charge, but when he is in a coma and there is no prince and supervisor, who will be in charge? Commanding the Three-Affinity Army?

  Loyal to King Hui? Although he is the Jingying Jiedushi, he can theoretically lead the forbidden army in the entire Gyeonggi area, but this is only a theoretical name. Since the Great Zhou established itself, there has never been a Jingying Jiedushi who can only go For the Three-Pro-Army, that means that the entire Gyeonggi is completely in his hands, and he has no restrictions.

  Speaking of a rebellious word, at this time, even if he wants to appoint a prince as the crown prince, it is not impossible to even have a brother and a brother and even add a yellow robe.

  Of course, Du Keli also knew that King Zhonghui didn't have this ability, he couldn't even control the three major camps of the Beijing camp.

  The current situation is so chaotic and confusing that Du Keli is at a loss as to what to do.

  On the surface, it seems that King Zhonghui should be the least likely person to participate in it. The emperor is so trustworthy that he was finally promoted to be the governor of the Beijing camp.

   It may involve the change of the throne, and it is difficult to use any seemingly normal reasons as a basis. Because of this, Du Keli is particularly embarrassed.

   Martial law in the palace was agreed upon by him, Liao Junxiong and Miao Zhuang. If Feng Ziying was allowed to go out to meet King Zhonghui, what would Liao Junxiong and Miao Zhuang think?

   It’s fine if there are no accidents. If there is any accident, the two of them, especially Miao Zhuang, will definitely put the blame on himself. Maybe he will become the scapegoat for such a big incident. How can he bear it?

   But it is also troublesome if you refuse.

   Not to mention that King Zhonghui is currently the head of security of the entire Iron Net Mountain Hunting Garden in name, even Feng Ziying's name is too big.

  Feng Ziying was originally waiting for the second audience with the emperor, and she was the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion. Logically, this is also the territory of Shuntian Mansion. His father is also the governor of Jiliao, so this is also the territory of Jizhen.

   King Zhonghui wanted to pick up Feng Ziying at this time to discuss how to deal with the current situation.

   In desperation, Du Keli had no choice but to meet Feng Ziying in person to see what the other party said.

   "Master Feng, martial law is enforced today, and there is no other way out. Please bear with me if you are negligent..."

  Du Keli cupped his hands and saluted from afar, "The responsibility of the Shangsanqin Army is, even if you go out from here, the gate of Beiyuan is under the jurisdiction of the Banner Guard, and it is also difficult to pass,..."

  Feng Ziying saw Du Keli's face was ugly, and knew that the other party was overly frightened and didn't know what to do, so he wanted to avoid this disaster from harming himself as much as possible, and he could understand.

He already knew what happened from the soldiers sent by King Zhonghui, but the soldiers didn't know much, only that Emperor Yonglong fell into a coma after falling from his horse, and he didn't know anything about the other circumstances. King Hui didn't know until he met.

"Lord Du, long time no see." Feng Ziying also saluted, "It's just that Master Du thinks that this martial law can wash away the responsibility of the three relatives army? To put it bluntly, after such a big event, the three relatives What the army should do is how to prevent the situation from deteriorating. This may even be more important than the emperor's coma. "

  Du Keli was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "My lord, the three relatives are only responsible for the defense, the assassins come from the west, and the Shenshu Battalion is in charge of security outside,..."

"The outside is the Shenshu camp, but what about the internal inspection?" Feng Ziying didn't know that Emperor Yonglong had been assassinated and fell off his horse. , then you should listen to King Zhonghui for all follow-up, that is, did you inform King Zhonghui of the martial law? What is the basis for you, Lord Liao, and Lord Miao to make this decision, and who authorized you?"

  Du Keli was in a hurry.

   Martial law was a desperate move by the three of them, and they had no other intentions.

   But Feng Ziying was right. The three relatives were just the pure internal guards guarding the emperor. Martial law in the palace involved a series of follow-up issues. The reasoning was that people with decision-making power should make decisions.

   Once the martial law comes out, whoever will benefit from it will suffer from it. If it turns up later, I am afraid that some people will say that the three relatives have exceeded their authority or even have ulterior motives, so they will not let go.

   "Master Feng, we have no choice but to have such a big incident happen, it was not our intention,..."

   "Lord Du, who should be responsible for the safety of the emperor?" Feng Ziying said coldly: "Powers and responsibilities should be unified. Even if you make changes on the spur of the moment, you should obtain ratification from the decision-maker afterwards, otherwise it will be an overreach of power, and it may even be..."

  Du Keli was shocked, and immediately came to his senses. He was very grateful in his heart, and quickly clasped his fists, "I understand, sir, please give me some advice!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Du Keli waved his hand, signaling his soldiers to get out of the way.

  (end of this chapter)

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