Number of People

Chapter 1682: Renzi Juan is surging (3)

  Chapter 1682 The Renzi scroll is surging (3)

  Feng Ziying felt relieved, he had been observing the other party before.

  If such a big event happened, he would not believe that there was no person in the palace who was behind this event.

The upper three pro-armies were led by the emperor himself. Miao Zhuang, the commander of the Banner Guard, Du Keli, the commander of the Four Guards Battalion, and Liao Junxiong, the commander of the Warrior Battalion were all confidantes appointed by Emperor Yonglong. The loyalty of the generals should be higher, because they are directly related to Yonglong Emperor's own safety.

Moreover, unlike the Beijing Camp, the Shang San Qin Army experienced major shocks. Except for the Shenshu Camp, the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenji Battalion were newly reorganized. The Shang San Qin Army has remained stable, and its loyalty should be the most worry-free of.

   But even so, Feng Ziying did not dare to believe it.

   They are loyal to Emperor Yonglong. That was when Emperor Yonglong was still there. Emperor Yonglong is unconscious now. It is not known whether he will wake up, so it is hard to say.

  Emperor Yonglong fell into a coma after being assassinated. It is conceivable who can do such a rebellious thing behind this, and it can only be the one who can benefit from it.

  It would be impossible to do this kind of thing without extremely strong support. Who are these people behind the planning and support?

   There is no doubt that the closest relatives of Emperor Yonglong and those who hold a certain amount of real power are the most suspicious objects. The commander of the Shangsan Family Army is among them, so Feng Ziying dare not trust anyone, including this Du Keli.

   But judging from the current situation of Du Keli, Feng Ziying thinks that this person should be credible, which is unlikely.

Although the adoption of martial law measures seems a bit suspicious, it seems to be suspected of providing cheap benefits for the conspiracy planners, but if the commander of the Four Guards Battalion did such a big thing and did nothing, it would be even more unreasonable, so such a move can also be justified .

And according to Feng Ziying's observation, this guy's current appearance is probably really frightened. If he is really a participant, even if he can pretend to be frightened, he should not be able to pretend to be like this, and he should not be fooled by a few simple words Just be scared and let yourself go.

  After ruling out the possibility of Du Keli, Feng Ziying was sure, and at the same time was considering how to use this person.

The Shang Sanqin Army is very important. Now apart from the Shenshu Camp, there are the Shang Sanqin Army inside. Although their strength is not as strong as the Shenshu Camp, they are the Emperor's Forbidden Army and their status is respected. When the Shenshu Camp is very suspicious, this force It is even more important.

   "Master Du, how many people are stationed here in your Four Guards Battalion?" Feng Ziying asked as she walked, which was also to relieve the other party's nervous and anxious mood.

"More than 1,200 people, each of our three relatives led more than 1,200 people to guard the emperor, and the Shenshu camp had 5,000 people outside." Du Keli blurted out, "I still don't understand how there is such a thing. The assassin sneaked into the hunting garden. The Shenshu Camp arrived at the hunting garden a few days earlier and conducted two inspections. After we came, we also conducted two inspections. Before today's hunting, we conducted another preliminary inspection,... "

   "I'm afraid this investigation today is going through the motions?" Feng Ziying asked lightly.

Du Keli was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Master Mingjian, of course it is impossible to be as careful as before I just came, but it is said that there are more than ten assassins, no matter how negligent, it is impossible to miss so many people, how did these people infiltrate?" Yes, where to hide? If there is no internal response, it is absolutely impossible, which is why we can only adopt martial law first and cut off communication."

Du Keli's words are also reasonable, the assassins assassinate, and there are more than ten assassins, in the encirclement of the inner three layers and the outer three layers, more than ten people are in a no-man's land, if there is no internal response, it is simply unimaginable .

  In Du Keli's view, the biggest suspicion must be that there is something wrong with the Shenshu Camp, which is in charge of peripheral security and early inspection.

  Even Feng Ziying felt that if more than a dozen assassins sneaked into the hunting garden without being discovered, and the Shenshu Camp with more than 5,000 people stationed on the periphery did not find out, then there must be an unshirkable responsibility.

   As for whether there is a problem with the chief general of the Shenshu Camp, Qiu Shiben, that's another matter.

  But Qiu Shiben's daughter is married to the son of Su Shengdu, the deputy general of Shanxi Town, and Su Shengdu is the cousin of concubine Lu Su Lingyao. This kind of relationship makes people suspicious.

  I'm afraid that Emperor Yonglong made Qian Guozhong the head of the Shenji Battalion, and King Zhonghui took over the Jingying Jiedu Envoy and the Fifth Army Battalion General.

   "Lord Du, where is Lord Qiu now?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

"It is said that the escape of these assassins was discovered from the west, and he personally supervised the formation and sent people to cooperate with Long Jinwei's people to track it down." Du Keli shook his head contemptuously: "Maybe it's a thief calling for a thief, acting for everyone to see." .”

Feng Ziying has long been accustomed to the discord and mutual criticism between the forbidden army and the Beijing camp. The five army camps, the Shenshu camp, and the Shenji camp inside the Beijing camp are also full of dirty things, and the three relatives are also at odds. And, maybe this is also an internal conflict specially created by Emperor Yonglong, so as to prevent one family from dominating and becoming a monolith.

   A group of people walked while talking, until they came to the gate of the inner palace.

  The standard-bearer guards were in charge of guarding the gate of the inner palace, and Miao Zhuang, the commander of the standard-bearer guards, had already been guarding the door.

   Seeing that Du Keli actually personally accompanied Feng Ziying to meet King Zhonghui, Miao Zhuang's expression was a little complicated.

  I thought I was a smart person, but I didn't expect Du Keli to be not stupid, and even attracted Feng Ziying.

"Master Miao is here?" Feng Ziying and Miao Zhuang should be more familiar, because the standard-bearer guards were in charge of guarding him several times when he entered the palace, and he met Miao Zhuang twice. Instead, it was just a nodding acquaintance.

   "Master Feng, if something like this happens, how can we sit still, please come in, the prince is already waiting." Miao Zhuang sighed, "Old Liao will be here soon."

A layer of white sweat appeared on Du Keli's back. It seemed that he was the last to be aware of it, or even the most stupid. Both Miao Zhuang and Liao Junxiong already knew that if they wanted to get rid of the crime, they had to hug King Zhonghui. Thick legs, unexpectedly no one informed me, Miao Zhuang was fine, there was discord at first, but Liao Junxiong was so cold.

  Suddenly, this idle prince, who was almost a polished commander before, suddenly became a favorite, but it made King Zhonghui not happy, but more stressed and anxious.

It wasn't until seeing Feng Ziying stepping in that King Zhonghui showed a look of joy, and hurried forward to greet him, "Ziying, you are here. If you didn't send the seal letter, I don't know that you are still here." In the palace, don’t you remember that Brother Huang met you three days ago?”

"The emperor met, but he wanted me to stay and have another interview. I didn't bother to go back and forth, so I just said that I would just steal away and stay here for two days. Who would have thought..." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "My lord , What is the situation? I am also the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, and this is also the site of Shuntian Mansion, so I am duty-bound to do something like this."

Responsibility is nothing more than a sentence, even if there is a responsibility, the Shuntian Mansion has to be held accountable, there are still many people in line in front, at least the three in front of me are much bigger than the Shuntian Mansion, besides, the Shuntian Mansion also has Isn't Fu Yin?

   Miao Zhuang and Du Keli are all experienced, so there is no need for King Zhonghui to hide it.

This time, the two took the initiative to move closer to him. King Zhonghui knew that he had to rely on these two when he had no one in his hands, not to mention Feng Ziying, who he had to rely on in the first place. Let's analyze the situation for ourselves.

   King Zhonghui briefly introduced the situation, and Feng Ziying finally understood the situation.

"Your Majesty still hasn't woken up. What did the accompanying imperial physician say? There must be a reason, right? Is it a head injury, or something else?" Feng Ziying asked the key point directly: "Since your Majesty is not in danger of life for the time being, what is it?" When can I wake up?"

"Now the two imperial physicians have different opinions. One thinks that the emperor's head was hit when he fell from the horse, and the blood was blocked, which may lead to unconsciousness. The other thinks that the emperor took too much medicine, and it was inappropriate to take it. Taking the medicine of tiger and wolf, which purifies fire and clears dryness, leads to excessive qi deficiency, imbalance of yin and yang in the body, causes qi and blood confusion, and leads to coma,..."

  King Zhonghui also gritted his teeth, "But both of them said that although the emperor is not in danger of life, they are not sure when he will wake up,..."

   "It's not certain what it means..." Feng Ziying asked closely.

   "It's hard to say, maybe I can wake up tonight, maybe three to five days or even ten days and a half months. They don't dare to make a statement." King Zhonghui sighed.

  After discussing for a while, until Liao Junxiong, the commander of the Warrior Battalion, came to join, there was not much clue. Now everyone feels that the sky is falling. Before the arrival of the cabinet ministers, everyone didn't know what to do for a while.

When Du Keli, Liao Junxiong and Miao Zhuang left, only Feng Ziying and Zhonghui Wang were left, Zhonghui Wang couldn't wait to hold Feng Ziying's hand and said: "Ziying, what should I do now alone? Brother Nine and the others have been temporarily imprisoned, but Gu feels that the possibility of Brother Nine participating is very small, there is no one trustworthy around Gu, and no one can provide advice to Gu, it all depends on you."

King Zhonghui was really blind. If he had known that he would be involved in such a turmoil so suddenly, it would be better to be a rich and idle person. He has the idea of ​​earning some contacts from his predecessors, but if he wants to take such a big risk in exchange, he will definitely not do it.

But now it's hard to get off the tiger, the title of Jingying Jiedushi can kill him, especially when he can't control the group of people under his hands at all, everything they do may eventually have to be blamed on himself .

  (end of this chapter)

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