Number of People

Chapter 1684: Ren Zi Juan Desperate

  Chapter 1684 Renzi Juan Desperate

   Seeing that King Zhonghui was still a little ignorant, probably because he didn't understand what was going on, Feng Ziying smiled, "Prince Hui, have you ever understood what Prince Shun means?"

   King Zhongshun sighed.

  The tenth old man has been idle for many years, not asking about political affairs, and the emperor brother has never revealed to him more treacherous insides about the government and the public.

  Even if he was appointed as the governor of the Beijing camp, it was not aimed at the boss, but because he was afraid that he would stand indiscriminately among the princes.

   But now it is not a question of who will be the crown prince, but a crisis that the boss will follow the example of the "Change of Seizing the Door".

  King Zhongshun can assert that the assassination was definitely done by the boss.

  Two groups of assassins, the first group was nothing more than that, and the latter group even used five Xiyi heavy-duty firecrackers with a range of two hundred steps!

  There is no such weapon in the entire territory of Dazhou. Who can take out five such heavy-duty firecrackers in one go?

   Except for the boss who smuggled in from Nanyang, Sulu and Luzon through sea trade from Jiangnan, who else?

Also, after repeated checks and inspections by the Shenshu Camp and the Shangsan Chin Army, there are still so many assassins mixed in, and ambushes with firearms such as heavy firecrackers. Who can do it?

   I'm afraid that even King Zhonghui, the envoy of the Beijing camp, can't do it.

   King Zhongshun briefly explained the whole story, and King Zhonghui was terrified.

"Old Ten, do you understand now?" King Zhongshun's face was so cold that a layer of frost could be scraped off, and he said word by word: "This is clearly a plan carefully planned by the boss for a long time. Even this hunting garden palace may have been infiltrated by the boss a long time ago, and he was just waiting for this one! Although I don't know why there are two groups of people in their assassination, it seems that there is no tacit understanding between the two parties, but the latter group is absolutely conflicting. It is for the emperor's life, if the emperor walks one or two hundred meters further, the five guns will shoot at each other, and the emperor will definitely not be spared!"

   "Then now..." King Zhonghui was sweating profusely, tongue-tied.

"The danger now comes from the west." Feng Ziying said lightly: "If the emperor remains unconscious, who can stop Niu Jizong's Xuanfu army, and even the Datong army behind it? Maybe there are many people who want to fight that one at this time Back to Conglong Zhigong. From Yanqingwei, you can reach Changping in one day, Gonghua City in two days, and the capital city in three days. Once you reach the capital city, the situation will be out of control."

   "Where is You Shigong now?" King Zhongshun asked suddenly.

"Perhaps on the road from Pinggu to Shunyi, we should have arrived in Shunyi, but there were Chahar cavalry from Fenshuili to Huangyayu and Jiangjunshi. was breached, so it may have been delayed."

As the envoy of the Beijing Camp, King Zhongshun is qualified to obtain military information in the Gyeonggi area from the Ministry of War’s Chief Fang Division. Although Zhang Huaichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, returned to the capital city, the Chief Fang Division still sent the information to the palace for Emperor Yonglong know.

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying cheered up, "Are you sure you have passed Pinggu?"

   This is good news.

  He was always worried that You Shigong would stay on the line from Zunhua to Jizhou, and even if he got the news immediately, it would definitely be too late.

  Once the Xuanfu army encircled the capital city, Prince Yizhong would be able to gain momentum in the capital city and ascend the throne in an open and aboveboard manner. The cabinet would never turn against him again under such circumstances, and could only acquiesce.

"A few days ago, You Shigong led his army to Pinggu, but because General Shi was attacked by the Chahar people, You Shigong stayed there temporarily. Later, intelligence showed that the Fengjiabao and Baimaguan lines also found the enemy. , so the Ministry of War was also worried that the Chahar people would attack the west, so they ordered You Shigong's army to stay in Pinggu for a few more days,..."

King Zhonghui is still very dedicated, but he has been out of the court for too long and is even more unfamiliar with military affairs. He can only remember the general situation. I am afraid that Zhang Huaichang will be able to explain the details. Xu Dahua, the left servant of the Ministry of War, couldn't explain the same thing.

"Then you need to immediately order You Shigong to lead troops westward overnight to seize Gonghua City..." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice while pacing, "I'm afraid that time will be too late, unless You Shigong has already arrived in Shunyi, but send someone now It would take time to pass on the military order, and it was too late, so we had to occupy Qinghedian, but that would be a bit dangerous,..."

"Ziying, you put it lightly. You Shigong needs an order from the Ministry of War to send troops. Now that Zhang Huaichang is not here, Xu Dahua may not dare to issue this order. The cabinet ministers have not arrived yet..." King Zhongshun shook his head again and again, "And even if Xu Dahua If you dare to order, You Shigong will set off immediately after receiving the order, and I am afraid that there is still too little time."

   "Then let the Fifth Army Battalion and Shenji Battalion send troops to seize Gonghua City and Qinghedian." Feng Ziying blurted out the topography of the entire Shuntian Mansion in Feng Ziying's mind.

King Zhongshun was not ignorant of soldiers. He had led troops to fight with Emperor Yonglong in his early years, and he was quite familiar with the situation in the Gyeonggi area. What he said was correct. The Qinghe shop was a little too late.

   King Zhonghui jumped up in shock, "If there is no order from the emperor and the cabinet to send troops from the Beijing camp, it will be tantamount to rebellion, even the Ministry of War has no right. How can we make it happen?"

  Feng Ziying sneered, "Do we have to wait until the emperor wakes up before making an order? Or just choose one of the several princes to ascend the throne immediately and then make an order? Who will be convinced?"

   This remark was even more outrageous, and King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui were dumbfounded when they heard it.

"If you wait any longer, you can only wait until Prince Yizhong ascends the throne before making an order. Hehe, at that time, the order may be that the two princes will be imprisoned or imprisoned. , Xiaguan believes that he will be able to recover in the end."

  Feng Ziying's no-nonsense attitude made King Zhonghui and King Zhongshun understand that now they are asking him for advice, not Feng Ziying asking them.

It was King Zhongshun who was more decisive, "Old Ten, you are the envoy of the Beijing Camp. You are the only one to go and order the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenji Battalion to send troops to seize Qinghe City. It is best to occupy Gonghua City. I will go to see you alone Shi Gong, let him rush to Qinghe store. If Niu Jizong really wants to attack desperately, then the Fifth Army Battalion and Shenji Battalion may not be able to withstand it for even a day. The only thing to see is whether Niu Jizong can be a little more scrupulous about the Beijing Camp brand... "

"Lord Shun, you think too much. At this moment, since Niu Jizong dared to send troops to the east, who else does he care about? Even if the emperor stood in front of him, he would say that the emperor was held hostage, or that it was a forgery." The stand-in, the knife and the ax are added to the neck, who dares to take a step back?" Feng Ziying sneered again, piercing the illusion of the two brothers.

King Zhonghui was hesitant. It was okay for Ninth Brother to go to You Shigong. After all, he could go to the left servant of the Ministry of War to ask for an order. Even if there is no official seal, as long as there is one sentence, he can explain it easily in the future. It was too difficult for him to go directly back to the capital city to mobilize the Fifth Army Battalion and Shenji Battalion out of the city.

   "Gu, the envoy of the Beijing Camp, has only taken office not long ago. I'm afraid that the Fifth Military Camp and Qian Guozhong may not listen to Gu." King Zhonghui sighed sadly.

   After all, I was still cowardly, and Feng Ziying was also very helpless.

It would be possible to delay until the cabinet ministers rushed over, but this time will be delayed. I am afraid that the soldiers of the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenji Battalion have not been organized to leave the city, and the vanguard of the Xuanfu Army will pass through Gonghua City. At that time Do the soldiers of the Jingying dare to meet the Xuanfu army?

"My lord, even if Qian Guozhong doesn't listen to you, at least the soldiers of the Fifth Army Battalion will definitely listen to you. I heard from He Huchen that you are a corporal in the Fifth Army Battalion who treats you well and treats them well. As long as you give orders, they will definitely obey you." , and we just want to defend Gonghua City. If we delay for a while, the Xuanfu army may not dare to forcibly attack the city. Most of their forwards are cavalry, and there is no way to attack the city..."

Feng Ziying could only persuade patiently that if the Beijing camp did not send troops, You Shigong would definitely not be able to catch up. Gonghua City is the most important food and grass supply point in the northwest of the capital city. There is usually only one guard stationed by the army. The former Ming Chengzu Zhu Di built the Shahedian Palace here. In addition, the post road to the west also passes through here, making it an important town in the northwest of Beijing.

   King Zhonghui was sweating profusely, but he was hesitant to make a decision.

One is that he is really afraid of sending troops without purpose, the other is that he is worried that the Beijing army will not listen to him, and the third is that he is worried that if he really takes this step, there will be no turning back. up.

Feng Ziying gave King Zhongshun a wink, and King Zhongshun also knew that if he didn't get through with the nominal military governor of the Beijing camp, he might really fall into this matter, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Old ten , don’t think too much about it, what did the emperor push you to be the Jiedu envoy of the Beijing camp? To put it bluntly, even if the boss wins in the end, if he can let others go, you and I will have the same fate, the big deal is that Brother Jiu will accompany you, besides, it is still unclear who will win or lose."

King Zhongshun's words finally moved King Zhonghui. The emperor's brother handed over the envoy of the Beijing Camp and the general of the Fifth Army Battalion to himself at the last moment. It was obvious to the outside world that the group trusted him. Even the ninth brother couldn't compare to him. How could he forgive himself? Besides, if the Beijing camp really plays a role in blocking the Xuanfu army and wins the opportunity, then your side will be the winner. If you can't stop it, then the elder brother may not care about this. It's just a duty of care.

  At this time, King Zhonghui could only comfort himself in this way.

   "Forget it, then I'll carry my head up and go through this experience!" King Zhonghui sighed, and gritted his teeth: "Let's go, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky."

  (end of this chapter)

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