Number of People

Chapter 1685: Ren Zijuan is as eloquent as a spring

  Chapter 1685 Renzi Juan is as eloquent as a tongue

   It was not too late. Now that the matters to be done were agreed upon, Feng Ziying discussed with King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui the precautions for splitting up their actions.

Out of safety, King Zhonghui prefers to directly mobilize the Fifth Army Battalion instead of the Shenji Battalion, because he is worried that at this stage he will not be able to command the Shenji Battalion under Qian Guozhong's control, but Feng Ziying thinks that at least an order should be issued. Refuse or evade with other reasons, and there will be a basis for dealing with the other party in the future. In the end, King Zhonghui agreed to this opinion.

  It is relatively simple for King Zhongshun to pass on orders to You Shigong, and it depends on the situation to go out to Gonghua City or Qinghedian.

  Gonghua City can be defended according to the city. If the vanguard of the Xuanfu is dominated by cavalry, then Gonghua City is the place they must pass through. Moreover, Gonghua City has a large amount of food and grass, and it is also a place that the Xuanfu army should be eager to fight for.

  As long as Gonghua City is strangled, it will be difficult for the Xuanfu Town Army to bypass this throat, and even have to forcibly attack the city.

Feng Ziying is actually not that proficient in military affairs. From the perspective of strategy alone, he may be able to discuss a thing or two, but he knows that he is not the material for specific tactical operations and even commanding in front of the battle. safe.

   King Zhonghui is about to leave, but he can't tell the three relatives Du Keli, Liao Junxiong, Miao Zhuang and others for the time being, and he can't tell the Shenshu camp leader Qiu Shiben for the time being, otherwise it will cause some unpredictable variables.

  Because no one can predict the attitude of these people now, whether they have contact with Prince Yizhong or even have any tacit understanding.

For Feng Ziying, King Zhongshun, and King Zhonghui, they hope that Emperor Yonglong can wake up quickly, but if this goal cannot be achieved, then they have to consider ways to stop Prince Yizhong from coveting the position of Dabao A certain prince first supervised the country or became the crown prince.

  But as long as the cabinet princes arrive, these hidden dangers can be temporarily suppressed.

Feng Ziying does not believe that both the Shangsanqin Army and the Shenshuying can be bought by Prince Yizhong. Some of them may be moved by it, but they are just a few people. They are just comatose when facing Emperor Yonglong, and the court is still in trouble. Under such circumstances, none of these warriors dared to openly support Prince Yizhong.

   What Feng Ziying didn't expect was that he and King Zhongshun persuaded Xu Dahua, the left servant of the Ministry of War, to be flatly rejected.

   "Master Feng, Prince Zhongshun, you two are too far-fetched."

Xu Dahua had a bad impression of Feng Ziying at first, thinking that Feng Ziying exaggerated, benefited from the limelight, and liked to sensationalize, but only after catching up with some opportunities can he gain such a great reputation. Appreciate, do what you like.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying and King Zhongshun came to lobby today to order You Shigong’s army to control Gonghua City to the west, I found it inconceivable. Who gave these two people the courage to intervene in military affairs?

  One is Shuntian Fucheng, a local official, and a royal prince. How can He De dare to intervene in this kind of thing? Neither of these two people is qualified to discuss military affairs, let alone such a big matter that requires him to directly order You Shigong to go west quickly.

The use of troops in the Gyeonggi area is very sensitive, and any action needs the approval of the Ministry of War. Xu Dahua also knows that he does not know about soldiers, and he dare not make such a decision, but he hates outsiders like Feng Ziying and King Zhongshun to interfere in military affairs, so he is naturally resolute. reject.

"The military affairs of this dynasty can only be questioned by the Ministry of War, the cabinet, and the emperor. Even the governor's office of the five armies has no right to intervene in military operations. I don't know where you learned that the Xuanfu army is going eastward. What is the purpose? Niu Jizong is crazy Xu Dahua continued to growl, spitting flying, "Lord Zhongshun, the emperor has not woken up yet, you don't want to pray for the emperor, but came here to ask these things, I don't know what your intentions are?!"

   "Feng Keng, you too!" After spit on King Zhongshun, Xu Dahua pointed the finger at Feng Ziying again.

"You are the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, the emperor called you here to inquire about you, it is also a great love for you. I didn't expect that you didn't think about how to manage your Shuntian Mansion well at such an emergency, but you were thinking about military affairs. How can you dare to intervene? The military affairs of the imperial court came. I really thought that you happened to catch up with a victory in Yongping Mansion, so you felt that you were both civil and military? Don’t think that you were a flower head in the battle in Yongping Mansion. If you didn’t have your father’s secret help, you Can you win that battle?"

  Feng Ziying really didn't expect that she would provoke this person and attract such anger from him.

   It’s all right to spray King Zhongshun, anyway, these princes don’t have a good impression in the minds of civil servants, but why are they suddenly pointed at themselves, and so popular?

   He even involved his performance in Yongping Mansion and his father last year.

   Well, even if my father secretly helped me, so what?

  Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers, and they fought for the country, and they won the battle and defended their homeland. Is this wrong?

  Even the court didn't say anything, and even gave him a good reputation. Why did Xu Dahua take the wrong medicine, and instead targeted him?

Of course, Feng Ziying also knows that he and King Zhongshun have gone too far. A clan, a local official, actually intervenes in military affairs. No matter how good his reasons are, in Xu Dahua's book, he doesn't like to see himself from the south of the Yangtze River. Wen Chen had sin in his mind, so Feng Ziying could only smile wryly when he thought about it.

"My lord Xu, the emperor is in a coma. I'm afraid the ministers in the cabinet have not heard the news at this time. It will take at least two days for them to rush over from the capital city. But don't you think that the emperor's behavior and accident this time are a bit weird and weird?" Feng Ziying said calmly, "I don't intend to act as a substitute. You are the Minister of the Ministry of War. Now you are the highest officer in the Ministry of War in this palace. Don't you have any doubts about the situation this time? Or are you planning to wait like this for the cabinet ministers?" Gong and Zhang Shangshu will come over in two days, so you are not afraid of any delay?"

Forced to pause by Feng Ziying's overly calm words, Xu Dahua looked suspiciously at Feng Ziying's face, "Feng Ziying, what do you mean by that? The emperor's assassination is related to Niu Jizong? This kind of extermination of the nine clans?"

   "The lower official didn't say that, but the lower official is just talking about the facts." Feng Ziying became more and more calm.

Being able to be the left servant of the Ministry of War, Xu Dahua is naturally not a mediocre person. Maybe he is ignorant of military affairs, but that doesn't mean he can't be an official. Not that sensitive.

   "Let's talk about the matter, how do we talk about it?" Xu Dahua calmed down a little bit, he realized that Feng Ziying came here with such a big fanfare and told himself this seemingly outrageous thing, I am afraid it is still a bit presumptuous.

"It's not normal for the emperor to be assassinated in this impenetrably surrounded hunting garden!" Feng Ziying said coldly: "And at this time, what will happen after the fall, Master Xu doesn't know? !Once the reserve is established, it means that the inheritance has been determined, and it will not be so easy for some ambitious people to revolt, and the righteousness is gone."

  Xu Dahua's expression was changing. If he still didn't understand what Feng Ziying was referring to, he should go back to his hometown.

  Seeing Xu Dahua groaning silently, Feng Ziying knew that the other party was moved by her words.

  This person is not stupid, it's just because of prejudice and his behavior is too outrageous that the other party is too impulsive under the anger.

   After a while, Xu Dahua lowered his voice and tremblingly said: "Do you suspect that Niu Jizong is going to lead troops into Beijing?"

Feng Ziying nodded, "I can't imagine who would choose this time to do such a thing when something happens to the emperor. Master Xu should know that there are two groups of assassins and their preparations. Who can have such a big deal?" The ability to do this?"

  Feng Ziying asked what Xu Dahua suspected, who can do this? Who has this motive?

   Those who meet these two points can be counted with fingers, and it is easy to know who it is pointing to.

  Xu Dahua sweated from his forehead, and subconsciously stood up, his body trembling a little.

  If it is really what Feng Ziying said, then something big will really happen in the land of Gyeonggi, and it may even be a big thing that has never happened since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  The "Change of Seizing the Gate" and "Battle of Jingnan" in the pre-Ming Dynasty are the clearest precedents. It is only a hundred or two hundred years ago. When literati read history, who knows the stakes here?

  In the two incidents, are there still fewer people who were implicated in ransacking their homes and exterminating their families? Yu Qian and Fang Xiaoru are all famous in the world, but who wants to have such a result when it falls on him?

  Once you make a wrong move, everything will be ruined!

Under extremely entanglement, Xu Dahua did not dare to make a decision lightly. It is very simple to deny Feng Ziying's suggestion, and it can even be taken as a matter of course for not complying with the regulations. seen.

  King Zhongshun was originally out of temper by Xu Dahua, but after seeing Feng Ziying's reasonable and well-founded rebuttals, Xu Dahua was speechless, and had to admit that dealing with this class of civil servants requires civil servants.

Walking back and forth a few times, Xu Dahua still didn't dare to make a decision. In the end, he could only quietly signal to Feng Ziying, and after avoiding King Zhongshun, he walked aside and whispered: "Ziying, this is a big matter, and I don't dare to make decisions. You said that a little delay may lead to an irreversible situation, what suggestion do you have?"

   This is actually a compromise in disguise.

Feng Ziying smiled, "If Mr. Xu is still worried, I might as well sign my name to testify. If the ministers in the cabinet ask me, I can testify for you. It is true that the matter is in a hurry, and it is not selfish. It is a state matter, which is considered Dare to do things,..."

  Xu Dahua pondered for a while before finally nodding.

   Third change, ask for some monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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