Number of People

Chapter 1686: Interval Period of Renzi Juan

  Chapter 1686 The gap period of the Renzi scroll

   After Xu Dahua made it clear, even if the other party is just a handwritten letter without any official seal, it is still considered good.

  If this kind of bureaucracy is not forced by the situation, I am afraid that they would not take the slightest risk.

  Feng Ziying estimated that the other party was also frightened by the possibility that Niu Jizong would really bring troops into Beijing.

   Compared with the risk of Niu Jizong leading troops into Beijing and letting You Shigong lead the army westward, Xu Dahua finally compromised.

  Whether it is Gonghua City or Qinghedian, they are all the places where Jizhen is stationed, and it is not an overstepping move for the general army of Jizhen to lead the army there.

   They all said that this was a matter of urgency and power. Even if he was held accountable in the future, at most it meant that he, the left servant of the Ministry of War, made some assertions without informing the Minister of the Ministry of War.

  Feng Ziying signed as a guarantor, Zhang Huaichang, a Shangshu who was born in Liaodong, should give Feng Ziying, a leader of young scholars in the North, a little bit of face, even if there are some mistakes, he can take care of them.

  And Xu Dahua also knew that Zhang Huaichang had a good impression of Feng Ziying, and Feng Tang's performance in Liaodong satisfied Zhang Huaichang, a Liaodong native. With this relationship, Xu Dahua dared to take this risk.

  After solving Xu Dahua's problem, King Zhongshun rushed to Shunyi without stopping, but Feng Ziying didn't let King Zhongshun go alone, but asked Wu Yaoqing to take someone with him.

   On the surface, they asked Wu Yaoqing and the others to **** King Zhongshun to avoid any accidents. In fact, they also asked Wu Yaoqing to explain some situations to You Shigong, including that King Zhongshun didn’t need to know.

   There may even be some risky moves.

  Feng Ziying also wants to test whether You Shigong dares to take this risk, or how much influence he has on the other party.

Although You Shigong was single-handedly promoted by his father, the other party was able to take the initiative to establish a relationship with Emperor Yonglong, which shows that the other party is not willing to be just a general soldier, and still wants to learn from his father and run around. The governor went.

   Wealth and wealth are sought in danger. Since they still want to rise to the next level in the position of general soldier, it will not be so easy just to fight a few ordinary battles, so they have to come up with some decent results.

   This time is an opportunity, it depends on whether You Shigong dares or not.

  As soon as King Zhonghui and King Zhongshun left, Feng Ziying became more relaxed.

  Long Jinwei and Shenshuying were still investigating the situation of the assassination. Feng Ziying did not get any news until it was dark.

  The entire palace is shrouded in a layer of haze, oppressive and stuffy, making people breathless.

  Emperor Yonglong was still unconscious, and the two imperial doctors were restless, but they were helpless, and they didn't even dare to prescribe medicine easily.

   Even prescribing medicine is useless. Now Emperor Yonglong's eyes are closed tightly and his face is pale gold. Even if there is medicine, it is impossible for him to take it.

  Long Jinwei's investigation has not yet come to fruition.

  The investigation of this kind of matter is originally a long-term process. It can neither be easily confirmed nor easily denied.

  So many clues and signs can only be investigated slowly, verified one by one, confirmed or eliminated, and finally gathered together to come up with a general result, and most of them still cannot convince everyone.


  The news of Emperor Yonglong's assassination and coma was like a shock of an earth dragon turning over, and it quickly spread to the capital city, and spread from the capital city to the entire Great Zhou and even overseas.

  The content of the message is two, one is an assassination, and the other is a coma.

  Assassination has not happened in court for many years.

   There have been assassinations in the past, but local officials or generals in the army, it is rare to see them rise to the level of court officials.

After all, the assassination of a court official is of little significance. Basically, there is a mountain behind every court official. Assassinating one person will not destroy the mountain, but will arouse the people on the mountain to fight against each other. Therefore, those who plan to assassinate will consider To such pros and cons.

  As for the local officials and generals in the army, they are mostly for profit or grievances, and they have not risen to the point of letting the government and the opposition side.

  The assassination of the emperor was the first time since the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, so the shock was so great.

  Although it is still uncertain who is behind the scenes, Captain Long can quickly list the most likely directions.

   Whether it's love, hatred, or interests, it's nothing more than that. Whoever can benefit the most is naturally the biggest suspect.

Of course, it is also possible to put the blame on the so-called biggest beneficiaries, but this possibility is relatively small, because once the biggest beneficiaries benefit this time, the benefits will be too great. , no one is willing to do such an action of blaming others.

  In addition to the news of the assassination, more people are still concerned about another piece of information, that is, the emperor is in a coma.

   What does coma mean?

  The emperor's health has been deteriorating in the past two years. This time, Qiu Yu of Tiewangshan was just to choose a prince and establish a prince. But the prince has not been selected yet, and the emperor is unconscious. Who will benefit from it?

Prince Yizhong and Prince Shou immediately became the biggest objects of suspicion. Needless to say, the former is the eldest son, and it is a rule for civil servants to establish a descendant and establish an elder without a descendant, but this rule has not been very popular in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Follow, even Emperor Yonglong himself did not follow, otherwise Prince Yizhong should be the emperor.

  If Emperor Yonglong was in a coma and never woke up again, then without leaving a will, King Shou would naturally become the object of support of the Chinese courtiers.

  As for how Emperor Yonglong liked King Lu and Prince Gong, that was when Emperor Yonglong was still alive and able to give orders and give orders. Now that he is unconscious and unable to see things, it can only be decided by the officials in the court.

   Moreover, the mother of Shou Wang is still the most respected imperial concubine. Without a queen, she is just like a queen, and she will naturally firmly support the decisions of civil servants.

  At this time, the longevity king Zhang Chi was shaking with excitement, clenched his fists in his house, unable to restrain himself.

Although he was also banned in name and was not allowed to leave his own house, but when he thought that he might directly become the prince and supervisor of the country, and even become the sixth emperor since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he felt a kind of floating void all over his body. a feeling of.

   But he is also aware that he, too, faces challenges.

  Although the princes in the court are inclined to themselves, this inclination is just a tendency, and it is not because of how much they recognize him as a person, but because of his status as the eldest son, which Zhang Chi knows very well.

  In his opinion, this is quite fragile. Once the attitude of one or two of the five cabinet ministers changes, he may miss the throne, which is absolutely intolerable to him.

  How could there be such a coincidence that an assassin came to assassinate the father?

Originally, I just hoped that my father's physical condition would suddenly deteriorate and it would be difficult for me to see things. I could use the influence of the princes in the court to fight for the position of supervisor of the country, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Could it be true? What did uncle do? This not only made Zhang Chi feel terrified, but also filled him with apprehension and expectation.

  Emperor Father likes Zhang Kui and Zhang Kui again, but Zhang Kui is only fourteen years old and Zhang Kui is only ten years old. You can't let two young children supervise the country, right? The officials in the DPRK and China will never agree.

  Then as long as I sit on the position of supervisor, the chances will be great. In the end, I am afraid that the father will only acquiesce in inheriting the position of Great Treasure.

  But what is the purpose of uncle doing this? Do you really just want to make yourself a great treasure and let him go?

  No matter how naive Zhang Chi was, he would not believe such words. The uncle also coveted the throne.

  Thinking of this, it was like pouring a bucket of ice water over his head, which made him sober up a lot.

  When the father is not awake, what if the uncle proposes to supervise the country?

The uncle is very supportive in Wu Xun, and the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River have always been close to the uncle. This is all Zhang Chi knows. Besides Qi Yongtai and Li Sancai, the ministers in the cabinet, Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Li Tingji are all from Jiangnan. Well, if the uncle persuades these three people to agree to the uncle's supervision of the country, then everything will be over.

  Zhang Chi hadn’t thought that his uncle would intervene in other ways. He just simply felt that he couldn’t just sit still, and he had to fight for all the forces that could cheer for him, so that he could sit on the position of supervisor.

  For the position of supervising the country and even the crown prince, I have taken such a big risk and paid such a high price.

   "Come here, this king is going to check on the condition of the father." Thinking of this, Zhang Chi couldn't sit still anymore, and hurried out of the house.

   "Your Highness, by order of Master Liao, no one is allowed to travel now." The officer stopped Zhang Chi in embarrassment, but Zhang Chi knew that the other party couldn't stop him, and Liao Junxiong didn't dare.

   "Go and call Liao Junxiong. This king is going to visit his father. Is there anyone else who wants to isolate China and foreign countries and want to do something wrong?" Zhang Chi still has a bit of quick wit, and said sharply.

  Although the officer did not understand the meaning of isolating China and foreign countries, he probably understood the meaning of wanting to do something wrong, so he could only stop him with a pale face, while ordering the people below to notify the commander immediately.

The inner and outer palaces, the northern and southern gardens are populated by high-ranking officials, dignitaries, and royal family members. They can't afford to offend anyone. They were originally here to protect their safety, but now they have suddenly become targets of martial law. This contrast makes them very angry. Difficult to adapt.

  Liao Junxiong rushed over quickly, and when he saw that it was His Highness Shou Wang, he was also shocked.

  King Zhonghui is nowhere to be found now. Now the three armies of the Shang Dynasty have each designated a section of martial law, and King Zhonghui also agreed to such a move. Can this kind of martial law be enforced on everyone?

   What should the imperial concubines do if they want to visit the emperor? What about the princes? What about the ministers?

   After the cabinet princes come, everything can be handed over to them, but what to do before they come?

  The fathers-in-law of the inner court are also helpless. The servants of this dynasty are no less powerful than those of the previous Ming Dynasty. They have no confidence in facing the officials of the outer court.

   Now it has become that no one dares to issue orders, no one dares to take responsibility, and whoever has the courage and temper can succeed.

  (end of this chapter)

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