Number of People

Chapter 1687: Internal and external troubles in the Renzi scroll

  Chapter 1687 Renzi scroll internal and external troubles

   "I have met His Royal Highness Shou Wang." After meeting Feng Ziying and others, Liao Junxiong already understood the current situation.

  The biggest beneficiary is the biggest suspect in the assassination. From this perspective, His Royal Highness Shou Wang is probably second only to Prince Yizhong.

  Because it is well known in the palace that the emperor prefers King Lu and Prince Gong, if there is no accident, King Lu is most likely to be the crown prince.

   But now, as long as the emperor does not wake up, there will be no matter between King Lu and King Gong. It can only happen between Prince Yizhong and King Shou, unless there are other accidents.

   "I'm going to visit my father, Mr. Liao, do you want to stop me?" Zhang Chi's eyes were cold and stern, like a stab, which made Liao Junxiong shrink back.

"Your Highness wants to visit the Emperor Father because of the filial piety of a son. How dare you stop him?" Liao Junxiong sighed inwardly as his thoughts turned sharply. It was only after the three relatives confirmed and reported to King Zhonghui that it was approved, and if His Highness wants to go to Dongyuan, we also need to be ordered to follow."

  Zhang Chi sneered, "That's up to you."

   After Zhang Chi finished speaking, he walked away. Liao Junxiong could only use his eyes to signal the soldiers under his command to get out of the way, and he followed closely with two confidantes.

  Zhang Chi didn’t care either. He went to Dongyuan to visit his father. Of course, it was not just a simple visit.

  He is going to meet with his mother, and then look for opportunities to discuss follow-up matters.

  As expected, Zhang Chi met Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji brothers who looked sad and angry at the gate of Dongyuan. When they saw Zhang Chi coming, the two were not surprised. They just bowed their hands and entered the garden together.

  In the Dongyuan bedroom, the outside room has already occupied many people.

  In addition to Xu Dahua, the left servant of the Ministry of War, Zhang Chi also saw Chai Ke, the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, Han Yu, the left servant of the Ministry of Punishment, Wang Yongguang, the left servant of the Ministry of Households, and Feng Ziying, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture.

Apart from these few, Zhang Chi is not familiar with the others. He probably isn't an important minister in the court, but most of them are important ministers admired by his father to come here. Others are not qualified to participate in the Iron Net Mountain Autumn Festival. Is he a local official like Feng Ziying? But there is only one Feng Ziying.

  Seeing Zhang Chi and Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji coming in, Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning.

  This is really not the time for these few to come to the blog, but it is not easy for these few to settle down.

Undoubtedly, these people must have thought that it was a critical moment and it was time to fight. Once Emperor Yonglong couldn't wake up, it was time to decide the winner, but they didn't know that the real designer had already Already eyeing it like a tiger, they didn't care about it at all.

  Feng Ziying also just arrived, so she had time to talk to Chai Ke, Han Yu and Wang Yongguang.

  Emperor Yonglong's conversation covered almost the entire cabinet elders and ministers of the Seven Departments, and of course the imperial historians of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

However, it is obvious that he also has an order arrangement, first the cabinet ministers, then the ministers, and the servants at the end, like Chai Ke, Han Yu and Wang Yongguang, who have been here for only two days and have not had time to talk. Knowing this happened.

Feng Ziying and Chai Ke are the most familiar and have the closest relationship, the most unfamiliar with Han Yu, and the slightest friendship with Wang Yongguang, but it happens that Han Yu and Wang Yongguang are the backbone of the northern scholars, while Chai Ke is He is the leader of Huguang scholars, and the relationship is also very complicated.

However, at this juncture, Feng Ziying believes that the positions of the scholars in Beidi and Huguang should be the same, especially in the face of the threat of Prince Yizhong's possible move to seize the throne, Feng Ziying feels that it is necessary to immediately reconcile with Lieyuan Palace. All the people here share the same position and decide on measures as soon as possible.

Although the cabinet ministers have not arrived, many orders cannot be issued, but first unify the opinions of these several people, and when the cabinet ministers arrive, they can coordinate and give advice to the cabinet ministers, and introduce measures as quickly as possible and implement them implement it.

Chai Ke should be the easiest to persuade, because the two had communicated before, but at the beginning Chai Ke thought it was unlikely and didn't pay much attention to it, so Feng Ziying didn't look for him first, but went straight to Han Yuhe Wang Yongguang.

Han Yu was originally arranged by Qi Yongtai to go to Jiangnan to serve as Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, but he stayed with the capital because of changes in the situation. However, Han Yu should have known Qi Yongtai's worries about the situation in Jiangnan at the beginning. He should also know a thing or two about the relationship, so Feng Ziying thinks it makes sense.

On the contrary, Wang Yongguang has always been on the side of the household department, and it is estimated that he has not had much contact with this aspect. Feng Ziying thinks that he needs to have a good communication, but considering Wang Yongguang's status among the scholars in the north, Feng Ziying feels that Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, they should all get through with them.

"Han Gong, Wang Gong, what I am most worried about now is Xuanfu Town..." Feng Ziying did not hide her worries, "I mentioned this concern to Chai Gong before, and Chai agreed with me. I believe that you also understand who is standing behind Niu Jizong, before everyone thought I was worrying, but today I want to say that worrying has become the most urgent threat."

  Han Yan and Wang Yongguang were silent.

  Feng Ziying brought up such a slightly scary topic when he came, and they all felt that it was difficult to answer.

That's right, now that the emperor is in a coma, Prince Yizhong must have some thoughts, and Prince Yizhong did have some changes before, but now it is said that the assassin was sent by Prince Yizhong, and even directly suggested that Xuanfu Town may have sent troops to the east Yes, without any intelligence support, it's obvious that Meng Lang is a little crazy.

"Brother Zishu also thinks that this was done by Prince Yizhong? What about the evidence? Haven't there been any news from Captain Long?" Han Yu frowned and asked, "Also, there is news from Xuanfu Town. Coming? Ziying, you brought this up so suddenly, did you mention it to Brother Chengfeng? You are all guessing out of thin air, it is hard to convince the public."

"Han Gong, is it important that Prince Yizhong did it, or whether there is any basis for it?" Feng Ziying asked back: "The signs over the past year, if it is just a certain item, of course it can't explain anything. I mentioned it to Master Qi, but he didn't think there was such a possibility. The reason is very simple. No one would dare to do it. But the righteousness is based on the emperor's presence. The emperor was not in good health. Now the emperor's personnel is not good. Province, Prince Yizhong is in good health, and Jiangnan has always been very friendly to Prince Yizhong, which is well known, and the emperor has not established a heir, so if Prince Yizhong proposes him to supervise the country, what shall we do?"

  Prince Yizhong supervises the country? ! This question, which everyone had never thought about before, suddenly moved Han Yu and Wang Yongguang. Yes, if someone in the court proposes that Prince Yizhong supervises the country, what should we do?

  What will be the attitude of the cabinet ministers? What about the attitudes of Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Li Tingji? And Li Sancai, the guy with both ends of the head, what attitude would he have?

For the northern scholars, once Prince Yizhong supervises the country and even ascends the throne, it is probably the worst situation. Everyone knows this, and they have never thought of this possibility before, but now that Feng Ziying said so, two People immediately feel a sense of crisis.

Wang Yongguang pondered for a while before saying: "Ziying, Ye Xiang, Fang Xiang and Er Zhanggong are scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, but they may not support Prince Yizhong. They are different from Tang Binyin and Gu Tianjun. The emperor treats them differently." Bo, if they make such a big reversal in their position and attitude, they will definitely be despised by scholars all over the world, and they will not do that."

  Han Yu nodded, "Brother Youfu is right, the old elders won't be like this, but the emperor is unconscious now, what should the princes do? Let King Shou supervise the country?"

  If the candidate for supervising the country is not proposed in time, once Prince Yizhong proposes that he wants to supervise the country, the court will be passive.

  There are still some speculators who will stir up trouble in this court. Even if Ye Fang and the others will not be like this, the people in Jiangnan will not let it go.

   "You can let King Shou supervise the country, what if the emperor wakes up?" Wang Yongguang frowned.

  Jianguo is basically the prince, this is the old rule, non-princes do not supervise the country.

   But the emperor obviously doesn't like Shou Wang very much. If he wants to revoke Shou Wang's supervision of the country after waking up, I'm afraid there will be another disturbance. This is also a kind of denial and blow from the cabinet.

   Seeing that the topic of Han and Wang suddenly turned to who will supervise the country, Feng Ziying was quite speechless. Is it time to discuss this?

   These literati really underestimated Prince Yizhong’s determination and courage. They really thought that he would give up supervising the country if he was not elected or the cabinet disagreed?

  Supervising the country is not his main purpose, he wants his brothers to be with each other, even if the brothers are not, he still wants to be with them!

  The most urgent thing now is to first control the situation in Beijing and the second is to resolutely block the Xuanfu army and the capital.

The former Prince Yizhong can directly announce that he is in charge of the country and catch the court by surprise. If there are enough people supporting him, then it will be a matter of course. Even if there is not enough support, it will form a stalemate. Wait until the latter, that is, Niu Jizong's army enters the capital In the city, everything is under control, even if the courtiers object, so what?

  How did Zhu Di of the former Ming Dynasty need Zhu Yunqi's courtiers to recognize him in the end? With a knife and an ax and a neck, how many people can be as strong as Fang Xiaoru?

  The army is approaching the city, Qi Tai, Huang Zicheng, and Lian Zining are not the same people with different heads, Zhu Di is not the same as sitting on the throne for ten years, and the throne is continued by Taizong's line?

"Han Gong, prince!" Feng Ziying couldn't help emphasizing her tone: "I admire your courage and backbone, but the problem now is that once Niu Jizong leads an army into Beijing and Prince Yizhong comes to the court, how many people in the court are like you?" Like this? Will Nanjing raise their arms and call out and respond? At that time, what should we do?"

  (end of this chapter)

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