Number of People

Chapter 1688: Ren Zi Juan is bold and reckless

  Chapter 1688 Renzi Juan is bold and reckless

  Feng Ziying's words made Han Yu and Wang Yongguang's faces darken, and they were very unhappy, but they also knew that what the other party said was the truth.

  Axe and neck, how many strengths can you not bow your head?

   Besides, this is a family matter of the Zhang family. Shilin civil servants can express their attitude.

When Prince Yizhong was the crown prince, he followed the Supreme Emperor to the south of the Yangtze River many times, and got along very happily with the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. This is also the foundation and confidence of Prince Yizhong. Ye Fang and others were limited by righteousness and could not vote for Prince Yizhong, but what about the others? ?

  What about Liu Yixiu, Huang Ruliang, Gao Panlong, Gu Bingqian and the like? Even if these few can handle it, what about other courtiers such as ministers of various ministries, Lang Zhong, Yuanwai Lang and other officials?

  Who wouldn't take this opportunity to climb the dragon and become the phoenix, and gain a chance?

   What if officials from the south of the Yangtze River from the six departments of Nanjing go south in large numbers?

   "Ziying, what you are worried about is groundless now. Besides, what can you do if you and I are trapped in the palace? Or can we only make plans after the arrival of the cabinet ministers?" Han Yu couldn't help it.

   "Han Gong, by the time the clues are revealed, I am afraid that the army will have already reached the capital city. At that time, what can we do if we have evidence?" Feng Ziying said bitterly: "At that time, I can only wait for death."

   "Ziying, in your opinion, what should we do?" Wang Yongguang seemed to hear something. He didn't understand military affairs, so it was not easy to intervene, but it was still possible to build a step between Feng Ziying and Han Yu.

"The Jizhen army is mobilized to fight against the eastward advance of the Xuanfu army with all its strength. It must be isolated to the west of the capital city. Niu Jizong was dismissed from the post of Xuanda governor, and Ma Gui was appointed as the Xuanda governor. In addition, Datong Town and Shanxi Town were ordered not to obey Niu Jizong. order, and at the same time ordered Yang Yuan to control Sun Shaozu's unit, and Chai Guozhu sent troops to attack Xuanfu Town,..."

  Feng Ziying's series of proposals made Han Yan and Wang Yongguang dumbfounded.

  These requests are too outrageous. To issue such an order hastily before Prince Yizhong and Niu Jizong have confirmed any changes, it is almost forcing the other party to rebel.

"Ziying, these demands of yours are too ridiculous. How can this be done? How can you convince the public by acting like this? This is not how the court works." Both Han Yu and Wang Yongguang shook their heads again and again, "Besides, Ma Gui I have already returned to my hometown due to illness, and now it is neither appropriate nor difficult to shoulder this responsibility."

Ma Gui returned home due to illness a few years ago, and Feng Ziying also knew that he was not a suitable candidate, but the sons of Ma's family were all serving in the military in Shanxi, Xuanfu, and Jizhen, and had great influence. Based on the situation in the Northland, it is expedient to let Ma Gui be the commander-in-chief of Xuanda, but it can also stabilize a large number of people. You can't let your father come to Xuanda to put out the fire, right?

Even if Ma Gui is not in office, as long as the appointment is made, the soldiers in Xuanfu, Datong and Shanxi can be stabilized to a large extent, and with the influence of the Feng family in Datong, they can break up with Niu Jizong. It's an arm wrestle, but it's quick.

"Ziying, the key now is that we don't understand the situation in Xuanfu. You keep saying that Niu Jizong will march eastward, but there is no basis for it..." Han Yan said in a deep voice, "You can talk to Xu Dahua, let He immediately arranged for people from Ji Town to investigate to prevent accidents."

"When the verification is clear, I'm afraid it will be too late. Han Gong, I have persuaded Mr. Xu before I came, and asked him to order You Shigong, who is still in Shunyi, to go out and garrison in Gonghua City, just in case." Feng Ziying said calmly. .

  Both Han and Wang were taken aback, "Xihuan (Xu Dahua) really agreed? This is impossible!"

"Second Lord, King Zhongshun and I went to the door to convince Mr. Xihuan Xu. He is the left servant of the Ministry of War. He may know some things better than you." Feng Ziying said lightly: "Actually, the Xuanfu army has been secretly mobilizing for the past month. , the garrison of Yanqing Guard has increased by at least three times, exceeding 10,000 people, which is obviously beyond the scale. The garrison of Huailai Guard and Baoan Prefecture has also been greatly adjusted. Has it been reported to the Ministry of War? I think there should be no, but I don’t believe it The Bingbu and Long Jinwei don’t know anything about it. I don’t know why they ignore it, or are they conniving on purpose?”

Yanqingwei, Huailaiwei, and Baoanzhou are the areas under the jurisdiction of Xuanfu Town, which spread from northeast to southwest along the north of the Great Wall. However, these places are not defensive places against the Mongolian tribes. On the contrary, the hinterland is adjacent to the Inner Great Wall, but the Inner Great Wall is the defensive area of ​​Ji Town's garrison, and there are not many garrisons in the past.

   Another difference is that although Yanqingwei is under the jurisdiction of Xuanfu Town, it is south of the Inner Great Wall, which is also a problem left over from history.

Yanqingwei originally belonged to Ji Town, but when Wang Ziteng was the governor of Xuanda, Yanqingwei was assigned to Xuanfu Town, mainly because of the lack of reserve soldiers in Xuanfu Town, and Yanqingwei was the adjacent Tunwei. Therefore, it was placed under the jurisdiction of Xuanfu Town, mainly to supplement the troops on the side of Xuanfu, but in fact, the Yanqing Guard Station does not usually station troops, because it is already south of the Great Wall in Badaling, and there is no need for it.

But now that Yanqing Guard is under the jurisdiction of Xuanfu Town, how Niu Jizong adjusts and arranges the deployment of troops is a matter for him, the governor, and Zhang Chengyin, the commander in chief. Feng Ziying doesn't believe that Niu Jizong will just watch such a big gap here. use.

Neither Han Yu nor Wang Yongguang knew what was tricky here, but they vaguely knew that there seemed to have been some discussions between the princes in the cabinet and the emperor, but Qi Yongtai did not disclose the specific situation, only vaguely mentioned the emperor and the emperor. The cabinet and the Ministry of War have discussed that there may be deployments for Xuanfu Town in the next step, but they didn't ask in depth.

  Han Yu had heard about Feng Ziying's reckless behavior and audacity for a long time, but today is the first time he really saw it.

  But Xu Dahua is old and cunning, and he is not familiar with military affairs, and he is also a scholar in the south of the Yangtze River. It is reasonable to say that he should not easily support Feng Ziying, let alone be so impulsive. How could Feng Ziying persuade him in a few words?

  This only shows that Xu Dahua should know something that they don't know, but Feng Ziying shouldn't know this situation, so how can Feng Ziying predict it?

Han Yu didn't believe that with Qi Yongtai's style, he would reveal to Feng Ziying some information that even they were leaked, even though Feng Ziying was his favorite student, but Han Yu and Wang Yongguang were the backbone of the northern scholars, and Feng Ziying was still too immature some.

"Yanqingwei's garrison has tripled? Does the Ministry of War know?" Hearing this statement, Han Yu was startled. Yanqingwei is just south of the Inner Great Wall, and it's only two days away from the capital city. If Niu Jizong is really disobedient Heart, that's really dangerous

"The adjustment and deployment just under the eyelids of the capital city. Could it be that the staff of the Ministry of War is a bunch of dead people, a bunch of blind and deaf people? No matter how bad it is, there is still the eyeliner of Long Jinwei." Feng Ziying sneered, "More than 10,000 troops are stationed I don’t know how Niu Jizong stuffed them into the Yanqing Guards. The Yanqing Guards have never had more than 3,000 troops. Who is this to guard against? Could it be that Niu Jizong really has the ability to predict things like a god, knowing that the Mongols can break through The side wall came to Changping Prefecture, so he wants to prevent being cut off from the back, so he doesn't trust Jizhen?"

  Feng Ziying's question left Han Yu speechless.

Looking around at the strategic passes around the capital, it is self-evident that the Yanqing Guards are special. It is not normal for the Yanqing Guards to have more than 3,000 troops. The situation in the hinterland is another matter.

  But now that there is peace, there is no reason for Niu Jizong and Zhang Chengyin to suddenly increase the garrison in Yanqingwei, and it has increased several times. This is hard to explain anyway.

  Seeing Han Yu's gloomy face, Wang Yongguang also realized the seriousness of the problem, "Yu Chen, is the situation serious?"

"If Ziying's words are true, it will be very serious. I'm afraid Prince Yizhong will have the heart of disobedience." Han Yu stroked his beard and pondered, "So Xihuan must know something, otherwise it wouldn't be like this He readily agreed with Ziying's suggestion, who is going to deliver the order to You Shigong? Without Brother Huaichang's seal, and only relying on Xihuan's handwritten letter, even if You Shigong wants to receive the order, it may take time to verify it, and I'm afraid it will be too late gone."

  It was only at this time that Han Yan showed his due standard. Feng Ziying nodded: "I signed it as a guarantee, and asked King Zhongshun to pass the order in person. In addition, I also sent a close aide to testify. I hope You Shigong will be more sensitive and decisive."

"Well, it should be so. It might be better for King Zhongshun to go." Han Yu took a deep look at Feng Ziying, and didn't want to say it at first, but finally said: "Ziying, I know You Shigong is your father's former department, but you are responsible for this kind of thing. The identity is not suitable, it is best to participate less, it violates the court regulations, and the procuratorate knows that impeachment of you is absolutely indispensable. Even brother Ru Jun (Qiao Yingjia) can't protect you, and it is natural to dismiss you on the spot. No, it must never happen again in the future.”

  Feng Ziying froze, what Han Yan said was a heart-to-heart statement, what was he writing as a guarantee for the left servant of the Ministry of War? Did You Shigong disobey the orders of the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War, but still want you to be the guarantor of the Shuntian Mansion? Could it be that this Jizhen army is your Feng family's private army?

  Taking a deep breath, Feng Ziying hurriedly saluted, "Thank you, Mr. Han, for the reminder. Students are a little careless when they are in a hurry. I will never dare to do it again in the future."

Han Yu nodded: "I also know that you are anxious, but Brother Chengfeng (Qi Yongtai) and Ye Xiang, Fang Xiang and the others should have a plan, but it is really necessary for You Shigong to leave Gonghua City immediately, otherwise if Niu Shigong Jizong really wants to enter the capital, and Gonghua City is the hurdle he can't get around."

  (end of this chapter)

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