Number of People

Chapter 1689: renzijuan hurricane dash

  Chapter 1689 Renzi Juan Hurricane Advance

"But even so, You Shigong's main force is still on the front line of Shunyi. If the Xuanfu army has already moved east, it will be too late for You Shigong." Feng Ziying said calmly: "So I talked to King Zhonghui and asked him to transfer first." The Beijing camp seized Gonghua City."

  Both Han Yan and Wang Yongguang were taken aback, and were once again shocked by Feng Ziying's audacity. It was fine to persuade Xu Dahua to order. After all, Xu Dahua is the Minister of the Ministry of War. How can the soldiers of the Beijing camp be mobilized at will? The Beijing camp cannot be moved without the approval of the emperor, the cabinet, and the Ministry of War. If King Zhonghui dares to do this, it is a violation of the law of heaven.

  Besides, King Zhonghui has been idle for many years, so it's not like he doesn't understand this rule, right? It can only be said that Feng Ziying's three-inch tongue is so powerful that he actually convinced King Zhonghui.

Seeing Han Yu and Wang Yongguang's faces full of incredulity, Feng Ziying said indifferently: "I didn't say anything else, I just said that if the prediction is wrong, at worst, King Zhonghui won't be the envoy of the Beijing camp. It's fine if the emperor wakes up. Whether the emperor ascends the throne, he won't be too fussy, after all, he is also thinking about the emperor and the prince, but he doesn't do this matter, and I have the misfortune to say that King Zhonghui and King Zhongshun are not as simple as dismissing their titles. I'm afraid it's just to consider that a family being imprisoned and living in seclusion for the rest of their lives will be regarded as the mercy of Prince Yizhong."

   The two were silent.

  The battle for succession is so cruel. Prince Yizhong has changed from a prince to an ordinary prince, and Emperor Yonglong has suppressed him a lot. If the Supreme Emperor did not protect him, how could Prince Yizhong be in the situation he is today?

  Prince Yizhong also understands that once the Supreme Emperor is not around, he may not escape bad luck, so he put all his eggs in one basket.

Civil servants are unwilling to get involved in such matters, because whoever becomes the emperor will have an impact on the interests of civil servants in different regions, but it will not have much impact on the overall interests of scholarly civil servants damage, so they are unwilling to blend, or blend too deeply.

  Unknowingly, Han and Wang have subconsciously accepted that Prince Yizhong is going to seize the heir apparent.

Feng Ziying also seemed to understand the state of mind of the two of them, smiled and said: "I also know that this kind of thing should not be meddled by us people, but You Shigong has only just arrived in Shunyi, and was dragged to the front line of Pinggu earlier because of The front line of Jiangjunshi and Huangyayu was harassed by Chahar people. This is very abnormal. In addition, the enemy of Chahar people was also found in the east roe shop in the north. I don't believe that Chahar people will come here for no reason at this time. Harassment, this is not in line with their habits,..."

  Han Yu hesitated to speak, this is really hard to explain.

"Also, I have to admit that Wang Ziteng has a way of training troops. His Denglai army faced other Turkish troops in the Huguang area, plowing the court and sweeping holes. He won every battle, but he always lingered in Huguang and refused to go deep into Bozhou. Yang Yinglong's fights are all painless, just taste it, there is nothing tricky here?"

  Feng Ziying refused to give up. He needs to clarify the topic so that the other party understands the degree of danger, the pros and cons, and can no longer be limited to just Qi Yongtai and a few members of his cabinet fighting belly-to-mouth lawsuits.

If you don't unite people's hearts and work together, then Prince Yizhong, even if he is blocked by the Fifth Army Battalion and You Shigong to the west of Gonghua City in this situation, can still rely on the advantages he has established to defeat the court officials one by one, without fighting. A soldier who surrenders and seizes the position of great treasure.

"Although Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong were born in Wuxun, they are actually from Jinling, and they are inextricably linked with the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. The roots of Prince Yizhong are also in the south of the Yangtze River. Han Gong, Wang Gong, you guys Dare to say that Jiangnan has been clamoring for tax cuts, the abolition of the Northwest, and the establishment of Huaiyang Town for more than a year. There are no such people who are behind the scenes to make plans and wave the flag? I dare not say that Ye Fang also has the same attitude, but their policy of connivance and compromise is absolutely There is a problem, which actually fueled the arrogance of the gang in Jiangnan, and also gave Prince Yizhong and the others a chance to grow stronger!"

  Han Yan and Wang Yongguang finally changed their colors.

It’s not that they haven’t been aware of these problems, but firstly, it’s not within their scope of responsibility. Secondly, there is Qi Yongtai in the cabinet and Zhang Huaichang in the Ministry of War. They still focus more on the north, Liaodong, and northwest. He felt some abnormalities in Prince Yizhong, but subconsciously ignored them.

  But today the emperor was assassinated, and Feng Ziying singled out all these issues so mercilessly, explaining them clearly, they realized that they really didn't seem to pay attention to this issue before.

  The expression on his face changed, and Han Yu finally understood why Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia valued Feng Ziying so much.

  There is a special charm in this guy's words and opinions, which are well-founded and subconsciously convincing.

   It’s just puzzling that this guy is so young, how can you be so profound and sophisticated with knowledge and judgment? If you can be like this in your forties or fifties, then that’s fine, but this guy is only twenty years old.

"Okay, Ziying, I understand what you mean. It seems that Prince Yizhong is indeed planning a big game, but I feel that Brother Chengfeng, Brother Huaichang and the Emperor should have been prepared. Ye Fang They should also know, right?" Han Yu guessed some clues.

Feng Ziying nodded: "I guess Qi Shi and the others should have made some preparations, but I think they may have underestimated the courage, determination and preparation of Prince Yizhong, Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng. Prince Yizhong has endured for more than ten years. If you do it, you will come here with the determination to make it happen, I don’t think the imperial court has really prepared adequate countermeasures.”

  The three of them were talking when Zhang Chi, Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji arrived.

   "Look, in addition to foreign troubles, we also have internal troubles here. If the emperor is unconscious, these masters may not be able to settle down." Feng Ziying sneered.

Han Yu and Wang Yongguang also frowned subconsciously, and sighed in their hearts. Of course, these few people came together, not simply to visit Emperor Yonglong, to fulfill their filial piety, and to come here. Everyone knew what they were coming for, but It cannot be pierced.

As expected, when Zhang Chi, Zhang Qi, and Zhang Ji saw Chai Ke, Xu Dahua, and Han Yu, they simply asked Zhou Peisheng who had been guarding the gate of the palace not to disturb the emperor, and then ran straight here coming.

  Seeing the three of them greeted the civil servants warmly and sadly, Feng Ziying felt a little tired, and wanted to avoid it, but knew she couldn't avoid it.

   Soon Concubine Xu Huanggui and Concubine Lu Su Guifei both appeared at the gate of the palace, apparently only after hearing the voice of their own son.

  They were allowed to wait in the inner hall, but they were not allowed to enter the sleeping hall to disturb them. There was only one imperial doctor and two personal servants Cheng An and Cheng Gui guarding there.

   While the Iron Net Mountain Palace was full of hustle and bustle, the army of the Yanqing Guard, which was more than two hundred miles away, entered and left, and the vanguard had quickly approached Longhutai.

Longhu Terrace is a platform less than forty miles away from Yanqing Guards. The platform is a foot higher than the surrounding area, forming a gentle slope. It is also the throat of the capital leading to Yanqing.

Ji Town used to have a hundred households stationed here, but after Yanqingwei became the jurisdiction of Xuanfu Town, the garrison here, which is adjacent to Yanqingwei, also changed from a white hundred households to a thousand households. There are one thousand one hundred and twelve members, but in fact there are only more than three hundred people stationed there.

   "Lord Qianhu, look, what is that?" Standing on the wall of the fortress in the guard, a general flag narrowed his eyes and looked carefully.

It’s about this time. It stands to reason that the number of business travelers should gradually decrease. Even in broad daylight, there should not be such a large-scale cavalry passing by. So powerful?

   Chang Zhenwei was a little uneasy.

  Less than forty miles away from Lili is Yanqingwei. I heard that Yanqingwei has increased a lot of troops in the past half month, and I don't know what is going on in Xuanfu Town.

   Is it necessary to conduct an offensive and defensive exercise inside the city wall? This is a bit of a fuss. The usual exercises are on the city wall or under the fortress. How can they choose Yanqingwei, which is in the hinterland of the city wall?

   "It's the Xuanfu Cavalry Army!" Seeing that the yellow dust was getting thicker and thicker, accompanied by the slight vibration of the ground, but no beacon was lit, Chang Zhenwei swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty.

   Except for the Xuanfu Cavalry Army, no one could do such a large-scale operation yet be so uniform. If the Mongols broke in, it was absolutely impossible for them all to rush in along the post road. They would all rush in in a mess.

   "Xuanfu soldiers?" Zongqi asked in surprise: "What are they going to do, go to Beijing? Who allowed them to step into our territory of Ji Town?"

  Chang Zhenwei couldn’t answer this question either, it shouldn’t be the case.

If the Xuanfu army wanted to cross the border, there would have been official documents from the Ministry of War and the General Military Office of Ji Town, but as the first sentry in the northwest of Ji Town, he had never received any orders. There was a secret order before that he must keep track of the movements of the Yanqing Guard next door, but in the past three months, he has not seen any major movements in Yanqing Guard, that is, half a month ago, he began to see the increase in Yanqing Guard. He had already reported to the General Military Office, but there was no reply.

  Thinking of this, Chang Zhenwei's heart skipped a beat, he turned around and went down the wall, and immediately ordered the two cavalry to go out of the stronghold and go straight to Shunyi. He knew that General You was stationed in Shunyi now, and he had to report this abnormal situation in time.

  The two cavalry had just left the village and traveled eastward for less than a cup of tea, when the cavalry overwhelmingly crowded the entire post road, and quickly spread out to the two wings, rushing past in an instant.

   "The Zhang Liangcai Department of the Xuanfu Army is ordered by the Ministry of War to rush to Changping immediately!" The flag bearer on the leaping horse and holding the flag galloped past in front of the fortress and shouted angrily: "Open the gate of Longhutai Village immediately, and let our department take over!"

  (end of this chapter)

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