Number of People

Chapter 1690: The mind is floating in the Renzi scroll

  Chapter 1690 Renzi Juan's thoughts are floating

   "King Zhongshun is here?" You Shigong was quite surprised when he received a report from his own soldiers.

  He has no friendship with King Zhongshun, just acquaintance, why did this prince come to Shunyi where his army is stationed?

  After guessing again and again, I couldn't figure out why this King Zhongshun came to him, but he was still a prince, and he was also a person trusted by the emperor, so he couldn't ignore it.

  When King Zhongshun entered the tent, he didn’t say much nonsense, and directly took out Xu Dahua’s handwriting. You Shigong took it curiously and saw that there was Feng Ziying’s signature on the back, and his heart was shocked.

  In the early stage, his brother You Shilu met Feng Ziying in Tianjin Wei, and the news he brought back said that he must be vigilant against Niu Jizong, and the emperor, the cabinet, and even the Ministry of War have always been vigilant about the changes in the Xuanfu army. He knows all of this.

  The reason why he led the army westward to Shunyi was actually because he was ordered to come here, but considering that such a large-scale mobilization would definitely attract the attention of all parties, he couldn't make it too obvious.

  The actions of the Chahar people outside the side wall also deepened his suspicion. He is also a veteran of many battles and has a natural intuition for these things on the battlefield.

  The signs of the Chahar people's bluff could not deceive him. Although the movement at Jiangjunshi and Huangyayu seemed to be a lot, he only looked at the strength of the strong attack and the size of the casualties.

  The Chahar people are not stupid. Harassment and real intention to break into the side wall are two different things.

If the Chahar people really planned to do what they did last year, it would be impossible to make such a big noise. Instead, they should be lurking like poisonous snakes and devouring people. Do you want to bloom?

  So he only stayed in Pinggu for a while before continuing to march westward, but according to the order of the Ministry of War, the army he led should stay in Shunyi, and he needs to receive orders to go westward.

  The theory is that Xu Dahua has no right to order him to transfer troops, and it is said that Xu Dahua is just a handwritten letter, which is useless even for a seal, so he can ignore it.

  But Feng Ziying signed his signature on this as a guarantee, which made him hesitate again.

  Feng Ziying is not a person who doesn't know the importance. He dared to sign on this, which means that he has absolute certainty. Otherwise, such an unruly signature would be enough to remove him from office.

  Also, if you want to transfer troops to the west, should you keep a part of them in Shunyi, or should all the troops go west?

  Although Gonghua City is a food supply place, if his more than 30,000 elite troops are all stationed in Gonghua City, I am afraid that they will be very nervous.

   But if you only take one to the west, once Xuanfu Town goes all out, your own troops may not be able to resist it.

   Besides, even if they withstood the attack of Xuanfu Town in Gonghua City, the Xuanfu Army could detour from Yuquan Mountain and Shijing Mountain to approach Jingshi City. If they were short of troops, they could only watch helplessly.

   While You Shigong was hesitating, he heard hurried footsteps from outside, "Marshal, Longhutai urgent report!"

   After briefly listening to the messenger's introduction, You Shigong knew that Niu Jizong had really made a move. While lamenting in his heart, he did not hesitate on the surface, and immediately ordered the entire army to mobilize, preparing to send troops to Gonghua City immediately.

Seeing You Shigong's movement, King Zhongshun also knew that the other party must have got the news from another channel, and he felt much more at ease: "Master You, there is also another news for you, the Jingying will immediately enter Gonghua City to help Ji Buying time here in town,…”

You Shigong was stunned for a moment and then smiled wryly, "My lord, how can the Beijing camp withstand the elite of the Xuan family? It's not that the last general looked down on the Beijing camp. , It took a long time to start reorganization. How long has it been? In less than a year, even with the support of the court, it is impossible to form an army immediately, right? Your lord, do you think they can withstand the Xuanfu army who have been fighting for so many years? The elite frontier army of the Hal people fighting against the Tumot people? As long as Niu Jizong really wants to take it at any cost, even if the Beijing camp relies on Gonghua City for defense, it will not be able to hold it for a long time!"

  King Zhongshun didn't expect You Shigong to look down on Jingying so much, and frowned in embarrassment: "Master You, do you think Niu Jizong will take down Gonghua City at any cost?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on the situation." You Shigong sighed, "If you are defeated in one blow, what is there to say? If you are frustrated, it depends on Niu Jizong. Well, what does Prince Yizhong think? if…"

   Some things were hard to say, but King Zhongshun understood instantly.

If Prince Yizhong considers winning the hearts and minds of the army and the people to prepare for his ascension to the throne, or feels that the situation is already under control, then he may temporarily put it aside and march around, but if he thinks the situation is unfavorable, he must regain control of the situation through military victory situation, then I am afraid that it must be proved through a battle to establish power, completely take down Gonghua City, and defeat the Beijing camp by the way.

"Then what should we do?" King Zhongshun's mood turned bad all of a sudden. Whether the Xuanfu army wanted to win at the first battle, or he felt that the overall situation was set and he didn't want to fight this battle, it was a bad result. "From Shunyi to Gonghua City is still more than 100 miles away, even if we travel all night, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"My lord, it's up to man to plan, but heaven to make things happen. Since Ziying is so eager to urge the last general's army to move westward, maybe he thinks that the Beijing camp can hold back the Xuanfu army for a day?" You Shigong smiled, "I heard Prince Hui selected a few elite units from the Shenji Battalion to enrich the Fifth Army Battalion, and the Ministry of War has given priority to the protection of the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenji Battalion for all the firearms produced in Yongping Mansion's Armament Workshop and Zunhua Firearms Workshop over the past year. The formation of the aircraft battalion, maybe their performance can really surprise people?"

King Zhongshun didn't know much about these situations, and thought You Shigong was comforting himself, so he could only sigh and shake his head: "Master You, at this time, it's better not to make such jokes, if the Xuanfu army really If you make a big move to the east, your Jizhen army may really have a serious battle with the other party under the capital city, why are you fighting against each other in the same room?"

But You Shigong also shook his head: "Prince, does it mean that the general is joking? You may not know that Ziying had a lot of contacts with me in Jizhen when she was in Yongping Mansion. You also knew about the battle in Qian'an, so I will give you a chance to fight." It was this kind of firearms battalion that prevented the Mongols, and the firearms army made great contributions. Later, Ziying specifically suggested that Jizhen should set up a firearms camp as much as possible, and then form it with Yongmin Zhuang and some of the governor's personal soldiers. The two that came up were assigned to the Jizhen army by the general. The general watched the training and actual combat exercises of these two firearms battalions. They used new methods to train, and the drills and training were also very different. The only disadvantage was the consumption It is too big, and the gunpowder, projectiles, and firecrackers wear out a lot, but the training speed is really fast, so I originally wanted to form ten firearms battalions, but the imperial court’s food and salary were difficult to guarantee, so I completed the formation of three,..."

King Zhongshun was quite surprised by You Shigong's serious statement, and asked curiously: "Your Excellency, do you mean that there are several firearms battalions in the Beijing camp that are organized according to this new training method? "

"As far as I know, after the defeat of the Santun Camp, the sergeants of the disbanded Beijing Camp were reorganized in Yongping. They should have completed a few reorganizations, but two or three of them should have completed the training of the Firearms Battalion. After several reorganizations have been completed, it is not very clear what the general will be, if they can play against the Mongols in Yongping Prefecture, they may not be able to catch the Xuanfu army by surprise."

You Shigong is also telling the truth. He only knows that He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's second unit were instilled by Feng Ziying in Yongping Mansion with the idea of ​​rebuilding a new Beijing camp firearms battalion, and even coordinated with the Ministry of War. Part of the production capacity was set aside to produce firecrackers for them, so He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's second unit should have completed the formation training long ago. As for the other ministries, since they all returned to Beijing one after another, the emperor gave priority to rebuilding the Shenji Camp. Entered the Divine Machine Camp.

King Zhongshun kept it in mind, and felt a little more at ease, "Your Excellency, your army must rush westward here, and I hope the Beijing camp can gain a firm foothold in Gonghua City so that your army can catch up. I won't delay you any longer."

  After King Zhongshun got out of the big tent, Wu Yaoqing, who was sent by Feng Ziying, negotiated with You Shigong about the matters Feng Ziying confessed, and handed Feng Ziying's handwritten letter to You Shigong.

  You Shigong also frowns deeply after watching it. Who would have thought that this turmoil will get more and more involved, civil servants know that it is not good to be involved in this kind of thing of seizing the heirloom, why not the military general?

  Of course he wants to go to the next level, but the risk is too great.

If the emperor is sober, You Shigong is absolutely sure that Niu Jizong will only touch his nose with bruises and swollen face, and he may even dare not make such a move at all, but now that Niu Jizong dares to make such a big move, it means that he has absolute certainty to dare to walk out of this place. There is no step of turning back, which also means that Jizhen Army has been forced to the point where there is no way out.

  The son of this old boss is really restless. No wonder he can gain such a great reputation in the capital city. As a civil servant, with such a long reach, he is really not afraid of being impeached by the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate? If such things were found out, even Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia couldn't keep him, right?

   Or is this simply the arrangement of the old boss?

  You Shigong fell into deep thought.

   Reminiscent of the fact that after the old boss went to the Northwest, it was said that he was going to organize military exercises in Qingyang. He even heard about it in Ji Town. How would the Ministry of War react? Is it because the emperor ordered him to live? If that's the case, the emperor is really a bit far-sighted and deliberate.

   Really want to give it a shot?

You Shigong wanted to call his brother to discuss it, but as Wu Yaoqing, he couldn't hesitate: "I read the letter written by Xiao Feng, and I know what to do. It's just that the military situation is ever-changing, and the original estimate may not be able to keep up with the changes. I will try my best." And for."

  Wu Yaoqing did not urge him, and nodded with a smile: "My family also said that General You has far-reaching vision, and he must be able to see the situation here clearly."

  (end of this chapter)

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