Number of People

Chapter 1691: The arrow in the Chinese character Ren is on the string

  Chapter 1691 The arrow on the string

   "Brother, why are you still hesitating? Isn't this what the court expected?" You Shilu asked his brother in puzzlement, "We're all here in Shunyi, do you still plan to back down?"

"Third brother, the emperor is unconscious. It is said that he was assassinated and fell off his horse. Prince Yizhong is determined to win." The soldiers and horses outside have already begun to prepare quickly, but You Shigong still needs to think clearly, think more carefully and think more long-term , this is related to the survival of the You family, "Third brother, we might have to face Li Jinglong in the 'Battle of Jing Nan' in the Ming Dynasty."

Li Jinglong was ordered by Emperor Jianwen to resist Zhu Di's army, and finally left the field in a disastrous defeat. In the end, he opened the door and surrendered when he was guarding Nanjing. The history books have criticized him enough, and the You brothers have read some history books to know what is going on here. dangerous.

It's nothing to send troops to Gonghua City, it's just an order from the Ministry of War, even if it's a conflict with the Xuanfu army, it's nothing. It was Prince Yizhong who ascended the throne as emperor, and he couldn't say anything, but Feng Ziying's request in the letter made him difficult.

  You Shilu choked on his brother's words, but then he said bravely: "Could it be that brother is going to..."

"That's impossible." You Shigong straightened his face and shook his head, "Emperor's salary, loyalty to the emperor, the emperor has made arrangements, and the court has orders, and I should obey them, even if it is fighting with the Xuanfu army. The first battle was also expected, but Xiao Feng Xiu's letter posed a problem for me."

   "Oh? What problem did Ziying give you?" You Shilu asked in surprise.

   "He wants me to order troops to go straight into the rear of Xuanfu Town from Mutianyu and Bohaisuo, capture Sihaizhi and Yongning, and threaten the retreat of the Xuanfu Army's rear." You Shigong smiled wryly, "What do you think?"'

   "Huh?" You Shilu was also taken aback, "Attack Yanqing, encircle Wei and save Zhao? Cut off the back?"

"That's probably what it means." You Shigong rubbed his chin, then rubbed his temples, "This is a bit beyond the original arrangement, and there were traces of Chahar people riding around in the East Roezidian area." , Ziying also said in the letter that it should be that Prince Yizhong has understood the harassment and containment tactics of the Chahar people, so he can ignore it,..."

   "Brother, what do you judge?" You Shilu stared at his brother closely, and if the elder brother didn't want to fight, he would use this as an excuse.

"I judge it too, it's almost the same as in Jiangjun Shihuangyayu, maybe even not as good as that." You Shigong shook his head, "This is not a problem, the key lies in this movement, then it is really It's about to start a full-scale fight, hehe, this is the first civil war since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it's me, You Shigong, who broke the record first,..."

"Brother, the emperor is still here. It is unrighteous for Prince Yizhong to do so, and Niu Jizong is even more outrageous. As warriors, we will only follow the orders of the court!" The family is not weak, everyone knows that our You brothers were single-handedly picked up by Mr. Feng, and at this moment, we should have no hesitation, not to mention that I think Ziying is giving our You family a chance!"

Seeing his third younger brother being so excited, You Shigong felt a little ashamed in his heart. After he took the position of chief soldier, he became a little hesitant. Many things that he would not think about before now have to be weighed over and over again, and he lost the past. courage.

   "Third brother, you are right. We are bound by the imperial court's order. What Ziying has presented us is a problem, but it is indeed an opportunity. Whatever it is, let's give it a go!"

I figured out that I and the Feng family were already bound together, and there was a hidden relationship with the emperor, but now that the emperor's life and death are uncertain, the Feng family's relationship needs to be tied more tightly and more securely. Shi Gong no longer hesitated.


  Feng Ziying slept very restlessly this time.

  I did everything I could, and the rest felt a bit resigned to fate.

  He can be sure that as long as Prince Yizhong and Niu Jizong are not too stupid, now is the best time to seize the heir apparent, and there is no way for them to retreat.

  If you were Prince Yizhong or Niu Jizong, you would march eastward without hesitation, and any enemies standing in front of you would be completely destroyed.

  The only question now is whether Prince Yizhong and Niu Jizong are brave enough to ignite the flames of war in Gyeonggi. This is a civil war, and the loser will become an unforgivable rebel.

If King Zhonghui's trip back to Beijing goes well, then He Huchen's headquarters is very likely to become the one that went out of Gonghua City to stop the Xuanfu army's eastward advance, then almost all of this team is made by the "Gyeonggi Military Industry" under the "Gyeonggi Smelting and Iron Consortium". The firearms battalion armed with "Fang" will usher in the first battle of their appearance.

  Although when He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were formed in Yongping, Feng Ziying realized that this team might become an important part of the Beijing-Ying reorganization in the future.

   But the formation time of these parts is really too short.

Even though I instilled a lot of concepts about Spanish hollow phalanxes, Morris horizontal formations, and line tactics into He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, this concept is based on the fact that muskets are the main weapon and musketeers become the main combat force. , For this group of soldiers who have just transformed from the three combinations of spears, sword shields, bows and arrows plus the formation of vehicles, the impact is obviously too great.

Fortunately, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu's tribe fully demonstrated the power of firecrackers in the battle with the Nekhka people. This impression made He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji deeply rooted in their minds. He began to implement the concept of focusing on firecrackers, coupled with the strength during the time in Yongping, with the help of the backbone of Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu's department for training, the formation of He Yang's second department was relatively smooth.

In the later period, the "Gyeonggi Military Industry Manufacturing Workshop" was also quite powerful with the support of the Ministry of War, so that their firecrackers, gunpowder, and projectiles were quickly replenished, and the training was also very tight because Emperor Yonglong wanted to reorganize the military camp. Feng Ziying is more at ease.

But both of them only had a guerrilla unit of about 3,000 people. After He Huchen's department was transferred to the Fifth Army Battalion, King Zhonghui was said to be very satisfied after watching his training situation, and ordered it to expand to 5,000 people. But this action has only just begun. , it is still far from being able to say, so the real strength is still only 3,000 people from the old department.

   It would be great if it was Huang Degong or Zuo Liangyu, Feng Ziying could not help but sigh while lying on the bed.

Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu were exposed to firecrackers half a year earlier than He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, and after undergoing training under their own strict requirements, they also experienced actual combat against the Neikha people, so the maturity of these two much higher.

In particular, both Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu deeply understood that the Huobaoying Battalion is completely different from the previous army. The entire training system, method and guarantee of combat effectiveness have undergone radical changes. Meaning, proficiency in operation and prohibition are the winning factors that guarantee victory.

  Both Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu realized and mentioned this point more and more deeply in their correspondence with Feng Ziying.

Their only regret now is that although they were included in the Jizhen army and stationed in the fortress along the line of Shichengxia and Dashuigu, this is the easiest place for the Chahar people to break into, but after last year's war, the Chahar The Hal people seem to have settled down a lot, and they haven't made many substantive provocations so far.

  So both of them mentioned in their letters that instead of doing this, it would be better to go back to Liaodong, and maybe have a good touch with the Jurchens.

  Feng Ziying also likes the courage of the two very much.

  At present, the Liaodong Army is still quite fearful of war. They believe that the Jianzhou Jurchen's bravery and riding and shooting make it difficult for the Zhou Army to gain an advantage in field battles, and they are more willing to fight defensive battles by occupying the city.

But Feng Ziying knows that blindly defending will lose the strategic initiative, and the less he dares to fight the Jianzhou Jurchen in the field, then it will inevitably lead to more fear of field battles in the future until the degradation of tactics, and he will no longer be able to fight the opponent in the field. Being gradually nibbled and annihilated by the opponent.

Reminiscent of the fact that Zhang Chi, Zhang Qi, Zhang Ji and others were still attacking frequently in the afternoon, showing favor to everyone everywhere, and their actions to win people's hearts were too blatant, Feng Ziying also felt that the sons of Emperor Yonglong were really a bunch of idiots, and disaster was imminent But they don't know it yet, but they are still thinking about how to seek benefits for themselves.

  Just when Feng Ziying was lamenting about the battle that might break out tomorrow, He Huchen had already received the order to rush back to King Zhonghui in the capital city overnight.

   "Garrison Gonghua City? Stop all the troops that are going to pass through Gonghua City and march towards the capital city?" He Huchen was called up in the middle of the night, looking at the tired-looking coach, He Huchen was also excited: "My lord, do you know the specific battle plan?"

King Zhonghui just wanted to lie down on the bed at this time, and it would be better to take another hot bath. From Iron Net Mountain to Jingshi City, for more than a hundred miles, he was non-stop, and two of the three horses ran to waste. , and he couldn't remember how many years he hadn't been like this, his whole body was so sore, he didn't have much energy to speak again.

"Huchen, I won't hide it from you. The emperor was assassinated and unconscious. The Xuanfu army may rebel. The Ministry of War has ordered You Shigong to go westward at night and completely control the entire western part of Gyeonggi, but it will take time. At present, Gonghua City has only The guards are stationed, so everyone discussed and decided that the Jingying will temporarily take over the defense of Gonghua City to ensure the safety of the west gate of Gyeonggi."

   King Zhonghui waved his hand, "There is no need to say more about this matter. I don't know what will happen in the future. You just guard Gonghua City. No one is allowed to pass through Gonghua City. Violators will be regarded as treason!"

  (end of this chapter)

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