Number of People

Chapter 1692: Ren character volume fight

  Chapter 1692 Fighting with the Renzi Juan

Faced with such a situation, He Huchen was completely speechless. He suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and asked in a deep voice: "Then the commander, the Xuanfu army is coming from the east. The time may come, . . . "

  A series of questions made King Zhonghui feel irritable and helpless. He was also rushing the ducks to the shelves. He was exhausted all night and was dying of exhaustion. Now this subordinate still has to ask questions. How does he know these things?

Somewhat impatiently interrupting He Huchen, King Zhonghui waved his hand and said, "Huchen, I just came back from Iron Net Mountain. To tell you the truth, everyone is in a mess now. No one knows what will happen next. What will happen? This is the result of discussion between Gu and several people. Just in case, as for the situation in Xuanfu Town, you can send scouts to find out by yourself, or you can find out through the Xuanfu Army stationed in Gonghua City. Now you can ask Gu , I don’t know anything,…”

Seeing the puzzled and resentful eyes of his subordinates, King Zhonghui also knew that this was indeed embarrassing the other party. How could a general fight such a battle, and the other party was also a frontier army from Xuanfu Town of the Great Zhou Army. The unwarranted possibility of rebellion is unheard of. If King Zhonghui hadn't said so clearly, He Huchen would have thought it was a big joke.

"Huchen, I know that you are also very confused now, but who would have expected such a thing to happen?" King Zhonghui pondered for a while, "You lead the army to feel Gonghua City first, and make all preparations, maybe within this period of time There will be news and orders coming, and all I have to tell you is to prepare for war,..."

  He Huchen had no choice but to take the order. The other party was his immediate superior. Disobedience and disobedience were serious crimes, and he could directly engage in military law. It's just that he had never encountered this kind of battle.

   "Then, Commander, the subordinates are going to bring the whole part. How to deal with the follow-up supplies, I ask the Commander to consider." Knowing that it would be useless to talk, He Huchen could only grit his teeth and accept the order.

  As soon as he returned to his barracks, He Huchen issued an order to mobilize the entire battalion immediately.

In addition to the 3,000 fire gun battalion, he allocated another 2,000 people. According to Feng Ziying's suggestion, he formed a spear team of 1,500 people, and the remaining 500 people formed an artillery team. Mainly.

  Because the formation of the spear team and the artillery team was not long, the spear team was better. After all, they were all selected from the original soldiers with a certain foundation, while the situation of the artillery team was more complicated.

Although the tiger squatting guns have been used in the Great Zhou Army for a long time, the scale is not large, and professional gunners are the core of every department in the army. It is very difficult to recruit people. Basic construction of the artillery team.

  Feng Ziying gave He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji a detailed introduction to the basic models of the Spanish hollow phalanx, Morris horizontal team and line formation, and also introduced the advantages and disadvantages of these formations.

As for how to choose and conduct training, Feng Ziying can only let He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji decide for themselves. After all, although he has some understanding of this as a puppet military fan in his previous life, it is just a paper on various military fan forums. Only training can achieve the best results, and he himself doesn't know what to do, let alone give directions.

However, the Spanish hollow phalanx, Morris horizontal team, and line formation can be handed down and left a great reputation in history. Naturally, they have their advantages. How to perfectly integrate muskets, spears, and tiger squatting cannons? See it as a general's ability.

  For He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, as well as earlier Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu, these pointers by Feng Ziying are quite amazing.

For them, the use of firecrackers was more of an auxiliary role before, and they have no experience in this kind of direct and large-scale use of firecrackers to shoot forward and fight. Targeted training can avoid many detours.

  This is the experience of Europeans from the 16th century to the 17th century, which was verified by countless **** corpses in the Thirty Years War. The benefits are too great to count.

In addition to these, Feng Ziying also suggested that He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji should establish a set of mobilization and marching modes that are different from the original tradition based on the particularity of the Fire Gun Battalion, in order to complete the assembly and dispatch as quickly as possible, which is also the basis of combat effectiveness. a manifestation.

   On this point, He Huchen, Yang Zhaoji and others also strongly agree.

In the past, it took at least one day for their troops to complete the mobilization, but now it only takes half a day to assemble in place. Of course, this is only a temporary assembly, and it is impossible to complete the logistical support. Fortunately, Gonghua City is originally an important supply in the west of Beijing. In addition to firecrackers, gunpowder, and projectiles, there should be no shortage of other things such as grain and grass.

  Just when He Huchen and other ministries began to mobilize and prepare to set off, the Yizhong Prince's Mansion in the capital city was also brightly lit.

"My lord, I can't stay here any longer. Apart from Ye Xianggao and Li Sancai, Fang Congzhe, Qi Yongtai, and Li Tingji have already left the city to go to Iron Net Mountain." They will make a decision, regardless of the situation investigated by Long Jinwei, they will all believe that you are the most suspicious, lord, and this is the safest way for them,..."

"Can't we wait a little longer?" Prince Yizhong said angrily: "As long as Niu Jizong's army is suppressing the border, no one would dare to do anything against Gu, even if they temporarily put Gu under house arrest? Would they dare to do harm to Gu? ? The king of Chengjun is still in Iron Net Mountain, and he still has a few sons alone, what are you afraid of?"

  Wang Zinian sighed, "But what if Fang Congzhe, Qi Yongtai and the others decided on the matter of establishing a reserve and supervising the country directly at Tiewangshan?"

Prince Yizhong's face changed, "They dare?! How dare Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai decide on such a big matter? This is arrogance, without the agreement of the clan, without the order of the fourth brother, this is conspiracy !"

Wang Zinian was full of slander, it would be too ridiculous to say that other people were conspiring against each other at this time, but he was too lazy to refute the Dong Weng's slang, "My lord, no one dares, my subordinates think that Ye Xianggao should be with you." Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai have plans. Once they announce the establishment of the crown prince and the supervision of the country in the Iron Net Mountain Palace, they can take all measures to solve the problem, including temporarily putting you and King Cheng under house arrest. The government army will also face an embarrassing situation, losing its righteousness, no one can guarantee whether the Xuanfu army will be able to enforce orders as Niu Gong said,..."

"Didn't Niu Jizong promise Gu?" Prince Yizhong said in a loud voice: "Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, Gu has been vacated from the prince for so many years and given him so much support. Could it be that even a Xuanfu town can't be controlled? live?"

   "My lord, don't say that, otherwise Zhang Chengyin wouldn't have secretly plotted to stab us in the back." Wang Zinian also sighed.

No one thought that Zhang Chengyin, who has always been regarded as an absolute confidant, was quietly instigated, and was used by the court to prepare for a fatal blow at a critical moment. Everyone will become a prisoner and a ghost.

  Since the emperor and the others knew about it a long time ago, it means that the imperial court had already taken precautions.

  This piece of Chengyin is the trump card ready to fight back, but now that Niu Jizong has wiped it out ahead of time, the Xuanfu army can be said to be unstoppable.

Even though You Shigong of Jizhen was also making preparations, they planned everything according to Zhang Chengyin's counterattack. At that time, they would naturally be caught off guard. From this point of view, the prince's confidence is not good enough. Can't say it's too big.

   It's just that Wang Zinian is still a little uneasy all the time, because all this seems to have happened too smoothly.

  You Shigong was dragged to the front line of Pinggu Shunyi, Zhang Chengyin was taken down, and Emperor Yonglong was unconscious even though he was not dead. This was better than death.

  Because this made it impossible for the imperial court to immediately launch a successor, King Shou, King Fu, King Li, and King Lu would inevitably fight fiercely for this position, and civil strife is also what they are most happy to see.

  When the time is right, it will be like a wind blowing on the water, the fruit will fall, and the water will come naturally. You only need to control the situation in the capital city, and those civil servants will no longer be able to fight to death for the Zhang family's own affairs.

"Isn't that Zhang Chengyin taken down by us?" Prince Yizhong's tone became more and more determined, while thinking, he said: "Don't worry too much, I'm sure, those in the cabinet are also in a state of confusion and uncertainty. My idea, especially Zhang Chi, Zhang Qi, and Zhang Ji are all busy, I guess they feel a little dissatisfied in their hearts, so I think maybe we can observe again, if the fourth child still can't wake up tomorrow, I can do it I went to Ye Xianggao and Li Sancai, and proposed that Gu came to supervise the country. If Gu is hiding now, it means that Gu himself is short of breath and guilty, so what kind of big position do he want to seek? How can he still supervise the country with confidence? "

   I have to say that Prince Yizhong’s remarks are indeed reasonable. Now that the emperor is unconscious, Prince Yizhong just proposed to supervise the country to help tide over this most dangerous period. Aren’t the Chahar people harassing outside the border wall? Hasn't the Bozhou Rebellion not been put down yet? Isn't Jiangnan still clamoring for tax cuts? How about letting me come to Jianguo to ask the government for a try?

  Wang Zinian was also a little moved, "But if Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai are in the Tiewangshan Palace, they decide that King Shou or King Lu will be the prince and supervise the country?"

"Then I'm not afraid, my father is still here, I can ask my father to make a ruling, but I don't believe that Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai can still disobey my father's attitude under such circumstances." The corner of Prince Yizhong's mouth Drooping, becoming a little ferocious, "Ten years later, let's see what the fourth brother has made of this great country. It should have been lonely, it belonged to me!"

  Wang Zinian still didn't give up, "If the emperor wakes up..."

"Then Gu will put all his eggs in one basket and let the Xuanfu army win the capital in this battle. If they can't win, they will go south to Nanjing. Gu can't believe that without the support of Jiangnan Water Transport, how can they support it!" Prince Yizhong's face became more and more ferocious, "It's Gu , no one can take it away, everything you eat will be spit out by Gu!"

  (end of this chapter)

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