Number of People

Chapter 1704: respite period

  Chapter 1704 Renzijuan respite period

  He Huchen's vest was also slightly chilled when he received the news of the battle coming from ahead.

  Fortunately, I gritted my teeth and let Zhang Dingyuan and the others go up first. Otherwise, once the Xuanfu army took control of the Yuhe Stone Bridge, I could only defend Gonghua City, which would be too passive.

Once the tens of thousands of Xuanfu troops cross the river, they can easily use various methods to deal with the self-defense of the isolated city. The strength of the army is several times that of his own, and there is plenty of room for maneuver. He doesn't know if he can survive You Shigong's army arrival.

   But things are different now.

   Controlling the narrow Yu River stone bridge, relying on the power of ferocious firearms, you can block the opponent's way forward, or you have to fill it with your life, or you have to find another way out.

   Even so, the situation is not optimistic.

  The Yu River is too narrow, even if it is difficult for people to cross the river when the water rises in autumn, both sides of the Yu River are densely populated, so it is not difficult to find a few boats for building pontoon bridges.

Once the Xuanfu army decides that the cost of breaking through the Yuhe stone bridge is too high, they will immediately consider using civilian boats to build pontoon bridges. With the strength that the Xuanfu army can mobilize, it may take less than half a day to build two or three such bridges. pontoon.

  By that time, it would be difficult for my own troops to cover the entire banks along the river, so I could only abandon the defense line along the river and retreat to Gonghua City.

  However, He Huchen was satisfied. At least in the first half of the night tonight, the Xuanfu army might find it difficult to break through the Yuhe defense line.

  If it can last overnight, he will be very satisfied.

  According to the news from the Ministry of War, You Shipower's army is coming in the starry night, and it is expected to arrive later tomorrow at the latest. As long as he can hold Gonghua City at that time, the mission will be considered complete.

   That is to say, for me, there are still twelve hours a day and a night.

  However, Zhang Dingyuan also knew that it was impossible for the Xuanfu army on the opposite side to do nothing all night, so it was impossible for the 30,000 to 40,000 troops to do nothing in the face of a Yu River.

The current Xuanfu army just didn't expect to encounter a pure firearms shooting at the Yuhe Stone Bridge. The narrow bridge deck and the unexpected firearm power made them suffer a lot, but the next battle will not be so simple. .

  For Zhang Dingyuan, it is as long as it can be delayed. The longer the delay, the better.

Now the key is to see how the Xuanfu army on the other side will move, whether to immediately collect ships to build a pontoon bridge, or simply use civilian ships to transport soldiers over in batches, relying on the superiority of troops to win the victory in chaos, or simply rush from the stone bridge again Wave?

   "How far is Zhao Keming's department from us?" He Huchen was a little anxious.

  He knew that it was very important to defend the Yu River defense line, but if the whole army went to defend the Yu River Stone Bridge, what would happen to Gonghua City? Who would guard it? But if they don't press all of them, the troops are not enough. Zhang Dingyuan won the battle by relying on the opponent's ignorance of the situation. Can't stand it at all.

  If Zhao Keming can reach him at the same time as himself, he can hand over Gonghua City to him, and kiss the Yuhe defense line by himself. No matter how bad it is, he can slowly retreat to Gonghua City.

   "There are still ten miles, and their cavalry forward is only three miles away." The guard replied: "My lord, they are walking very fast. I guess they will have to rest after arriving, and they will not be able to fight at all."

"Hmph, I didn't expect them to go to the battlefield immediately." He Huchen knew very well that Zhao Keming's combat power was passable in the Beijing camp, but it was hard to say when they actually went to the battlefield. If they fight in the wild, it will be fatal.

   It is estimated that it will take another hour to fully arrive at Gonghua City, and they will have to be given another hour to slowly adjust and recover. Thinking of this, He Huchen is helpless.

Zhao Keming's troops are pretty good, and now the other troops in the Fifth Army Battalion are not as good as Zhao Keming's troops. He Huchen also came from the old Beijing camp. The soldiers are the officer team, and Yongmin Zhuang is selected as the backbone force. Only when there is a shortage, Liangjiazi is selected from the original old Beijing camp to supplement.

"Jichang, you keep a spearman and logistics department, and when Zhao Keming's department arrives, order him to take over the defense of Gonghua City, and at the same time transfer all their cavalry to me." Liu Jichang is He Huchen's deputy, and he was born in the Liaodong army , was also recommended by Zuo Liangyu to He Huchen, and He Huchen trusted him very much.

Zhao Keming's Department is not a firearms unit. At present, the only new troops formed in the entire Beijing Camp according to the Firearms Battalion model are He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's Department. This is why King Zhonghui wanted to take these two and put them into the Fifth Army Battalion. Of course, Qian Guozhong was not stupid, so in the end He Huchen was assigned to the Fifth Army Battalion, and Yang Zhaoji stayed in Shenji Battalion.

Zhao Keming's traditional Beijing battalion composition mode, 3,000 people, four spearmen and sword and shield soldiers each have 1,200 people, and the other is 300 archers and 300 cavalry, the training is not bad, He Huchen doesn't like the others , but the three hundred cavalry were to be brought over.

  Once the Xuanfu army intends to transport across the river by boat, these cavalry can still play some role, at least they can play a role in delaying the killing.

"My lord, it's better to be on the safe side. We don't have enough swords and shields. We only rely on the spear team. The cavalry of the Xuanfu army is fierce. We will lose a lot if they break through. Why don't we use another 600 swords and shields as a preparation." Liu Jichang suggested.

  He Huchen understood Liu Jichang's meaning. The Yuhe battle would definitely not be able to defend, and he had to retreat in the end. But once the enemy broke through, they needed a force to cover their retreat.

   Covering and retreating will definitely cause a lot of losses. The spear team is not suitable, and the sword and shield soldiers are the most suitable, but it happens that there are no sword and shield soldiers in my unit, and Zhao Keming's sword and shield soldiers are the best meat shields.

  He Huchen hesitated for a moment, but he thought that the training of his spear team was not easy and would play a big role in the future. The sword and shield soldiers of Zhao Keming's department were indeed more suitable for covering and retreating, so he nodded in agreement.

  However, he still told Liu Jichang: "Jichang, make it clear to Zhao Keming that as long as you defend Gonghua City, you will be successful. We don't need him to respond to the battle outside our department. He just needs to defend the city, and our department will return by itself."

Liu Jichang was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that his general was so confident, but after thinking about it, he immediately understood that if Zhao Keming's department really wanted to come out to support him, it might be self-defeating. If Gonghua City is lost, that would be a catastrophe.

   "I will never understand."

  He Huchen didn't say much anymore, he straightened his saddle and mounted his horse, commanding the reassembled ministries, who had rested for half an hour, to head towards Shiqiao.

  Two miles are not far away. As soon as He Huchen arrived, Zhang Dingyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief and rushed to report the battle situation.

  Seeing the corpses and weapons strewn about on the bridge, and the strong smell of blood lingering on the river bank, He Huchen also understood the brutality of this battle.

   But this tragedy was for Xuanfu Town, and our side had almost no losses. Except for the sporadic damage caused by the archers on the north bank of the river, the others were almost negligible.

  Walking around along the river bank, He Huchen already had a general understanding of the situation on the south bank of the Yu River.

I have to say that the stone bridge is the most suitable place for the army to pass quickly. Although the surface of the Yu River is not wide, if you can find a civilian boat, you can indeed build a pontoon bridge on the river quickly, but at least in He Huchen's opinion, the area around the stone bridge is very small. It is difficult to find a suitable place to build a floating bridge within three hundred steps.

Because the river bank he saw was full of mud and floating sand, even if the Xuanfu army could find enough boats to build a pontoon bridge, or use civilian boats to transfer, the soldiers would only step into the thigh-deep water when they got off the boat. In the silt and floating mud, I can't move.

   If you want to walk from the mud and floating mud to the dry river bank, you can't do it in twos and fives, and it is almost a living target during this period.

  If you want to solve this problem, you have to prepare a large number of planks, and lay them on the silt and floating sand when they touch the shore, so as to avoid this difficulty.

   But this process is not easy, at least it is not easy to complete such a process tonight. For He Huchen, all he needs is time, and this is enough.

  At least between the two or three miles centered on the stone bridge, He Huchen could make it impossible for the Xuanfu army to go ashore easily, or in other words, they would have to pay a heavy price to go ashore.

"Ding Yuan, how long do you expect the Xuanfu Army's second offensive to take place, and how will it be carried out?" He Huchen called together several generals, instead of asking other people, he directly asked Zhang Dingyuan, who had won the first battle, Just because of his first big victory, he deserved this privilege.

"Returning to my lord, the Xuanfu army did not expect the power of our firecrackers to be so powerful in the battle of Shiqiao. They were still calculating the power of the three-eyed firecrackers and clip guns in the Shenji camp, so they prepared Insufficient, that kind of cowhide shield can hardly withstand the blow of our firecrackers within 30 steps, and the narrow bridge deck also limits their attack speed, so the humble can have this victory."

  Zhang Dingyuan watched the bosses around him staring at him, couldn't help but clenched his fists, and cheered himself up so that he wouldn't be stage frightened.

  This is a rare opportunity, and the key is that you have won the battle, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

   "But next time, the Xuanfu army probably won't underestimate the enemy, and they won't use shield soldiers to attack the forward,..."

"Oh?" He Huchen looked around, his attitude became more calm and gentle, with his hands on his hips, he gestured with encouraging eyes: "Then how do you think they will attack? You must know that time is more disadvantageous for them, and what we have to fight for is time. The army of Jizhen is already on the way. The general has received contact from Zongbing You. They are at most 60 miles away from us, and they will arrive tomorrow afternoon at the latest, so I left Jichang to arrange for Zhao Keming to be in charge. Respond, everyone just needs to fight the battle in front of us."

   Fight for more today, brothers, give me some monthly tickets.



  (end of this chapter)

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