Number of People

Chapter 1705: Ren Zijuan discusses the war, using the long to strike the short

  Chapter 1705 Renzijuan discusses the war, using the long to strike the short

  He Huchen's words made all the surrounding generals feel relieved.

  Although they won the first battle, they all knew that it was just a small-scale skirmish, and the casualties of hundreds of people were not worth mentioning to the Xuanfu army with an army of 40,000 to 50,000.

It is absolutely difficult for my thousands of people to compete with the army of the Xuanfu, we still have to look at the Jizhen army, but now the Jizhen army is still coming from Shunyi, the order of the Ministry of War is to defend Gonghua City, but how long we can hold on, everyone has no idea .

  When they heard that the Jizhen army was only sixty miles away from them, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  Although it takes a day to arrive at Liushili, at least the Ji Town cavalry can arrive in an hour without sparing any horsepower, which can give everyone a great psychological comfort.

They didn't know that He Huchen hadn't received any notification from Jizhen at all, and that the distance of sixty miles was just He Huchen's casual mention. According to He Huchen's prediction, the main strikers of Jizhen were at least eighty miles away from Gonghua City. It would be Amitabha to arrive tomorrow night, but if he didn't say that, the people under him would feel even less confident.

As the chief general, he can still grasp this little skill. Given the current situation, he is sure to successfully drag the Xuanfu army on the Yuhe defense line for a long time. If the situation is not good, he can quickly withdraw to Gonghua City. Gong Hua City was delayed for a while, and if the Ji Zhen army could not arrive under such circumstances, it was time for You Shigong to be executed.

"My lord, the Jizhen Army is really only sixty miles away?" The Spear Army is most concerned about this matter, because once they break through, they will be the first to bear the brunt, and they will gain time and distance for the Fire Gun Army. The attack of enemy cavalry or infantry is equivalent to a meat shield, so Jiao De, Wang Xian and others are the most concerned.

"It's about the same. The striker is probably sixty miles away from us. Don't count on him too much. If he comes, don't we have to give him some time to breathe and rest?" Let them fight as soon as we arrive, so let's retreat? My surname He can't do this kind of thing, so I have to let them breathe a sigh of relief, unless we really can't bear it anymore, but I don't think so. That happens."

  He Huchen's relaxed and determined tone gave everyone a bit of confidence, and everyone also echoed and cheered.

"What Ding Yuan said just now has a certain truth, that is, the Xuanfu army underestimated the enemy, and they didn't know us at all. They thought we were like the Fifth Army Battalion like Zhao Keming's, so they were caught off guard by us, but even if they So what if you know?" He Huchen said proudly, "I can tell everyone responsibly that the firecrackers in this battalion are the best firecrackers in the whole Northland, needless to say the original three-eyed firecrackers and target guns, there is no such thing at all. Comparability,…”

"You have also seen the price paid by the Xuanfu army for treating us like that kind of old-fashioned firearms battalion, which is the piles of corpses on the bridge! Let me tell you, the entire Northland, including the Nine Frontier Army, except for the Liaodong Army. There are 12,000 pieces, and Jizhen has 9,000 pieces of equipment, and the firecrackers they equip are all products produced by Gyeonggi Arsenal in the early stage, and the quality is not stable. We produced them later, with better quality and longer range. The gun barrel is stronger, less likely to explode, the quality of the gunpowder is higher, and the aiming is better. This is the reason why we can wipe out nearly a thousand elite enemies in less than half an hour with less than a thousand troops. And confidence!"

"We have such the most excellent firearms, but the Xuanfu Army does not have one. Their firearms are still the kind of junk that will explode after a few shots, and it is difficult to break the armor with a range of only twenty or thirty steps. That kind of firearms, Don’t give it to us now!” He Huchen’s voice became louder and louder, and he wanted to be heard by more officers and soldiers around him, “Can our training compare with them? Our gunners need to fire 30 shots a month. , What about them, can they have three rounds? Our spearmen have to practice in the field for three hours every day, remember hundreds of passwords, and learn dozens of formation turns and steps, rain or shine, and never stop. Can it be done? I’m afraid they haven’t even seen it before!”

The gun barrel is too expensive, the bullets are more expensive, and the gunpowder is not cheap. Even Feng Ziying and He Huchen dare not say that the gunners are allowed to open up for practice. Most of the time they practice loading, aiming, shooting, and cleaning. Dozens of steps to increase proficiency, as well as drills in line formation.

But even so, the training of this new type of firearms battalion is not comparable to that of the old-fashioned firearms battalion at all, and the consumption is far beyond imagination. In addition, the production capacity of the Gyeonggi Arsenal is limited, and it is mainly to the northwest Therefore, whether it is Liaodong, Jizhen or even Jingying, they can only temporarily slow down, and the supply has been greatly reduced.

  Feng Tang's three-sided governor's mansion has received more than 3,000 firecrackers and 400 eagle-mouthed blunderbuss so far, but the high price also makes Feng Tang feel unbearable.

   Originally, they wanted to quickly expand the number of firecrackers in the four northwest towns to more than 10,000, but now it is not bad to guarantee 6,000 by the end of the year.

   Even so, the Ministry of War has strictly ordered that the Gyeonggi Arsenal must be allocated in the order of Jizhen, Jingying, Liaodong, and Northwest.

"We can win not by luck, but by our own sweat and hard work..." He Huchen paused slightly, "The Xuanfu army is an elite frontier army, but they are already behind the times. If they are still clinging Keeping the original strategy and indulging in the glory of the past, then we will be the preachers who provide the lessons of blood, teach them a good lesson, and let them understand that today's Beijing camp and today's Fifth Army Battalion are no longer Last year's Beijing Camp and the Fifth Army Battalion are definitely not something that anyone can insult!"

   What he said made all the soldiers present here feel excited, wishing they could go to battle immediately and compete with those Xuanfu soldiers again, so that they can understand that a new era is coming.

He Huchen looked at the performance of the surrounding generals with satisfaction. Master Feng wrote this passage to himself in the letter and asked him to memorize it. He made some slight changes, but most of them were memorized. It is used to encourage everyone and let everyone understand that this battle is not impossible to win, and it is not impossible to win, and the chance of winning is still very high.

   Zhang Dingyuan's battle has already proved this point, so what he said at this time will give the big guys even more confidence.

"Of course, we also have to face the reality. The Xuanfu army will not be fooled again after suffering a big loss. They are several times stronger than us. They continue to charge and break through the stone bridge, and they may also cross the river, so we can't be careless, Ding Yuan , you continue to say, how do you think the Xuanfu army will break through our defense line?" He Huchen saw that his anger was almost over, and he stopped the conversation as soon as he changed the subject.

"My lord, I thought it impossible for the tens of thousands of Xuanfu troops to stop for a stone bridge. There must be many civilian boats along the Yu River. The pontoon bridge and boat ferry are not difficult for them. It is nothing more than a little trouble. In the end If they arrive late at dawn, they will definitely build a pontoon bridge or a boat to cross the river. In addition, this stone bridge is still the most convenient way to cross the river. They can use the car array as a cover to force a breakthrough. Our firecrackers are very difficult to break through. Maybe the eagle-billed gun and the tiger squat cannon can bring them some threats."

  Zhang Dingyuan's blunt words made the scene that was eager to try suddenly quiet down again. The words were not pleasant, but they were the most true. Do you really think that tens of thousands of Xuanfu troops will be stopped by the Yu River?

  Not to mention boat ferries and pontoon bridges, just use camp vehicles as an array, with sandbags on top as barriers, hide elites behind them, and archers hide in them, and they can push them across. How to break the enemy?

  He Huchen nodded with satisfaction. This Zhang Dingyuan still has some brains, can think of many problems, and is not blindly optimistic. No wonder he can do well in Governor Feng's personal camp.

"Ding Yuan said it very well. If the Xuanfu army is so capable, tens of thousands of troops can be stopped here by ours, then I should be the governor of Xuanda or the governor of the Beijing camp, everyone. At the very least, he should be the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief, obviously, this is impossible." He Huchen chuckled, "So we still have to base ourselves on reality and figure out how to fight this battle well. Pay attention, I remind everyone that we It is to fight well, not to try to win. In other words, our victory means fighting well, blocking the Xuanfu army until the Jizhen army arrives, but we can't place too much hope on the Jizhen army to feel as expected, so our goal is to We must stop the enemy at midnight tomorrow!"

  The voice of He Huchen's last sentence suddenly became cold and severe.

"Then how should we fight?" He Huchen's eyes were cold and his voice was like metal and iron, "How can five thousand people give full play to our advantages on this Yu River? Everyone express their opinions, talk about it, don't be rigid, just talk about it. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake, I’ll make the final decision! Ding Yuan, you are the one who is most familiar with the situation, so speak first!”

Pushing Zhang Dingyuan to a high position again made all the generals look at him with admiration. Zhang Dingyuan was even more nervous and excited. He licked his lips and said, "I think that if the Xuanfu army wants to seize time, they must attack from the stone bridge because of their strength. It is too strong, there is no reason to wait to find a ferry to build a pontoon bridge, even if thousands of people are killed or injured, as long as we can break through, it is still worth it, so our first consideration is to fight a good blocking battle on the stone bridge."

  Zhang Dingyuan's judgment made He Huchen and the others couldn't help but nod their heads.

   "Do you have any good suggestions?" He Huchen looked at him.

"I don't know if my lord has noticed that there is a gently sloped highland ten steps west of the bridge head? I think this highland can be used to set up positions for tiger squatting guns and eagle-billed guns to strike at the possible gathering of enemies within fifty steps from the north end of the bridge." The formation,..." Zhang Dingyuan's voice became a little shrill because of excitement, "It's condescending there, and our firecrackers can hardly cover the line at the north end of the bridge, but the effective range of the tiger squatting cannon can reach 150 steps, and the distance from the north end of the bridge to the **** is not enough. The hundred paces is the best position to strike, the eagle-billed gun can do the same,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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