Number of People

Chapter 1707: Ren Zi Juan hits head-on

  Chapter 1707 Renzi Juan hits head-on

   Just as the north bank of the bridge was adjusting its deployment and preparing to launch a new round of offensive, the south bank of the bridge had also entered the stage of intensive preparations.

All the tiger squatting guns were pulled up to the high ground on the west side of the bridge head. Fifty tiger squatting guns were arranged in steps, pointing darkly at the north end of the bridge. Just play good results.

  Compared to the dense arrangement of tiger crouching guns, which occupy the key parts of the high ground, the eagle-billed gunners are much more flexible, and they are arranged in groups according to their most convenient positions.

At the same time, two mounds of soil are also being quickly erected. They are located on the east and west sides respectively. The area of ​​the high platforms is not large, but it can still accommodate seven or eight gunners. According to He Huchen's suggestion, the best eagle-billed gunners can Here, shoot regardless of the time, in order to maximize the killing of those enemies hiding behind the camper.

Considering that the Xuanfu army might launch an attack with camp vehicles, He Huchen ordered his soldiers to pile up mud and stones on the bridge head and the bridge near the south of the bridge, which can play a blocking role, and the camp vehicles must pass through. Send men to shovel the earth and push the rocks away, and that might have to expose them to the gunners south of the bridge.

In addition, He Huchen asked the soldiers to build another mud barrier at the south end of the bridge ten steps along the bridge head. Once the enemy camp vehicle rushed out of the bridge deck, there would be such a mud barrier to stop the enemy from taking advantage of the situation. Disrupt one's own position.

  In fact, He Huchen was not too worried about the section of the stone bridge. In his opinion, no matter how fierce and elite the Xuanfu army was, the narrowness of the bridge deck made it difficult for them to maximize and optimize the troops they invested.

  If both sides and the front need to be covered by camp vehicles, then the space for soldiers in the middle is quite limited.

Even if the entire bridge deck is filled with camp vehicles to cover the nurses and soldiers, He Huchen estimates that the number of soldiers will hardly exceed two hundred, and two hundred people push the camp vehicles across the bridge, as long as they lose the cover of the camp vehicles, they will be greeted one after another. Wheel of metal projectile storm.

What He Huchen was worried about was that the Xuanfu army might break through from other sections of the river by ferrying boats and erecting pontoon bridges with civilian boats. He had limited troops, and it was impossible to guard the entire section of the Yuhe River. He could only let Zhao Keming's 300 cavalry Patrol along the river bank, and report and deal with signs of enemy crossing the river and erecting pontoon bridges in advance.

  But He Huchen is also very clear that even so, the distance that can be controlled is very limited, and if it extends a little further to the east and west ends, he will be powerless.

  So he didn't dare to pull Zhao Keming's troops out. He had to guard against that if his side failed to control the river bank in time, it would really be a disaster if the other side came to steal the camp and steal the back road.

  At least Gonghua City is here now. If the situation is unfavorable, then you can steadily retreat to Gonghua City, relying on Gonghua City to block the opponent to gain time.

   Just after midnight, He Huchen noticed movement on the opposite side.

The torches on both sides are held high, so that both sides of the Yu River can get a general view, and I dare not say that they can see everything at a glance. However, with the help of the high platform that has been built, He Huchen can see that there are camping vehicles starting to gather fifty steps away from the north of the bridge. At first glance, there are at least fifty vehicles.

  The camp vehicle is mainly used for the transportation of large troops, including food, fodder, tent wood and other sundries, which are not uncommon in every large-scale army, and it is also an indispensable barrier for the chariot soldiers.

  Once it is in the process of marching, or if it is needed for war, special fences can be quickly inserted around this camping vehicle, and then filled with grain and sandbags to become the best protective barrier.

   This kind of camp vehicle plays an extremely important role in the infantry's dealing with enemy rangers and large-scale cavalry charges, as well as dealing with gunfire soldiers.

Wooden shields can't withstand the shooting of firecrackers at close range, but there is no problem with the camp wagon filled with grain bags and sandbags. The only flaw is that the camp wagon moves slowly, and it is not easy to change formations. It is most suitable for a fixed camp, but it can be pushed forward. It is prone to the disadvantages of disconnection and difficult conversion.

  However, from the point of view of the Xuanfu army, as long as the battalion vehicle with the sergeant in between forcibly rushes across the stone bridge and takes advantage of the situation to cover up the kill, a breakthrough can be carried out within a short range and the enemy will be defeated in one fell swoop.

  Guo Yungui rode his horse around in a bit of boredom. Ten steps away, Li Daming was gathering the elite he had selected, and he was arranged by the commander as a reserve team, which didn't really make much sense.

There are 3,000 men in Li Daming's army, but only 600 people were lost, and it is no problem to draw a few hundred more elites. Judging from Li Daming's posture, he was frightened by the opponent. Asking them to slow down to ensure safety, in addition to the camp vehicle, the soldiers were also asked to wear shields.

Guo Yungui pouted contemptuously, the commander thought highly of Li Daming, Guo Yungui knew it, so it was fine, let this guy run into a wall and suffer, the first time he lost, he could still say that he didn't understand the enemy's situation and underestimated the enemy, the second time he lost Once, the commander-in-chief will give you whatever you want. If you still come back disheartened, the commander-in-chief will definitely turn his back on you.

  Of course, Guo Yungui didn't think that Li Daming's attack would cause much trouble this time.

After all, the battalion has erected fences and filled them with sandbags. Even ordinary soldiers standing still will not be hit by the firecracker. There is not much space to hide the soldiers, and it is difficult to achieve much effect even by projectiles. The stone bridge is so wide that it is very difficult to accommodate several camp vehicles.

  The role of the battalion vehicle is to push it all the way, rush to the south end of the bridge, form a barrier, and then let the sergeants of the brigade quickly rush across the stone bridge to make a breakthrough.

The bridge was also blocked by the enemy on the opposite side, and it would take human life to clear it. Guo Yungui saw that the dozens of soldiers in the front were all wearing plate armor and holding shields. Only in this way can they resist If they can withstand the attack of firecrackers, they will act as death squads and be responsible for clearing the obstacles on the bridge deck.

Guo Yungui stretched his waist and looked at the soldiers who were also gathering behind him. Although he didn't think it would be useful, he still had to take precautions. A group of elites had to keep up, and this was also a good time to make meritorious service. Guo Yungui didn't think anyone could stop his elites when they reached Qiaobei.

Just as he was about to give instructions to the gang of **** behind him, Guo Yungui suddenly heard a loud bang, to be exact, it was not a loud bang, but more like a sound erupting from the superposition of multiple loud bangs in one breath. Before he had time to understand what had happened, he felt a sharp pain directly knocking him off his horse.

  The severe pain made him almost faint, but at least he was a veteran who had fought on the battlefield for many years. Guo Yungui endured the pain and propped up his body with his left hand.

He could feel that his right arm must be broken. He didn't know what hit him. The whole right upper arm was **** and bloody. The soldiers beside him had already fallen to the ground without saying a word. They were beaten to pieces, revealing a horrific scene of jointed bones and muscles.

What exactly happened, Guo Yungui was a little dazed, he got up and swarmed around, the five hundred elites behind him lay all over the ground, and those who were lucky enough not to be hit were scared to dodge, not knowing what happened to the blow from the sky. Where did it come from.

  Similarly, Li Daming's department who was lecturing also encountered this sudden bad luck, but the situation of their department seemed to be better than his own. Only one corner was hit, and it is estimated that there were fifty or sixty casualties.

   "Is it artillery?!" Guo Yungui suddenly realized, does the other party have Xiyi cannon? He came to his senses in astonishment, except for cannons, what could hit so far? Hitting across the river, no, no, it's not the Xiyi cannon, if the Xiyi cannon hits him, it will only break one arm, I'm afraid the whole body will be turned into powder, it's a tiger crouching cannon.

  When Guo Yungui reacted, Li Daming also realized the danger.

At the north end of the bridge, mourning was everywhere, and there were lying down stumps everywhere. In fact, this kind of blow accounted for less than 30% of the deaths. They were all hit on the head, face, and vital organs, and most of them were shot. Non-critical parts are hit, such as limbs, shoulders and back, but this will cause greater losses.

Almost all those who were hit had broken bones, or suffered internal organs injuries. They no longer had combat effectiveness at all, and instead needed someone to take care of them. Their pain and wailing had greatly affected their morale, and even their formations were broken. It is impossible to assemble, let alone organize an attack.

The other party has artillery, which is a tiger squatting cannon. This kind of gravel ranging from fingers to jujubes is fully exploded with kinetic energy by gunpowder, and can easily break through the internal organs and bones of ordinary people. Can't stop this shock.

  Dozens of tiger squatting guns exploded one after another in one breath, pouring thousands of stones in the assembly area at the north end of the bridge. It can be said that they caught the Xuanfu army by surprise again and completely disrupted the Xuanfu army's offensive steps.

   In a panic, all the soldiers could only subconsciously run backwards. The enemy can attack across the river and stay where they are, isn't this waiting for the second shot?

The entire north end of the bridge was in chaos, and some people hid behind the camping van, but because they didn't know where the alcohol attack came from for a while in the dark, they only knew it was falling from the sky, so everyone could only hide under the camping van. Crouching on the ground is the safest way to escape.

Li Daming was lucky, he was not affected by this wave of blows, but the attack that had just been arranged was completely useless, and he didn't know what to do for a while, all the soldiers fled, and it took time to organize, but The fierce blow hanging above his head may strike at any time, but what should we do?

  (end of this chapter)

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