Number of People

Chapter 1708: Ren Zijuan Massacre

  Chapter 1708 Renzi Scroll Massacre

   Niu Jizong was also hit.

He didn't see this scene with his own eyes, but the soldiers who came to report described the situation in detail. Looking at Guo Yungui's pale complexion, his hanging arms, and Li Daming's restless expression, Niu Jizong knew this. A wave of offense has lost half of it before it even started.

Hundreds of people suffered huge losses under this volley blow. The number of people killed on the spot was no more than a hundred, but the number of injured exceeded 400, and almost all of them lost their combat effectiveness. Both Guo Yungui's department and Li Daming's department No one was spared, the key is that morale was hit hard.

  Who can attack forward without distraction when a fatal blow is dropped on the top of the head at any time?

  Suppressing the irritability in his heart, Niu Jizong's face remained the same, even better, and said gently: "It's my fault. I didn't expect them to have tiger squatting guns, but how did the tiger squatting guns come here?"

"It is said that there is a platform on the east side of the bridge, which is much higher than our side. Maybe they used this platform to condescend to fire their cannons, but they didn't expect their tiger crouching cannons to be so powerful that they could cross the river. And the shooting range is at least a hundred paces away."

  Li Daming bit the bullet and explained that he expected the enemy's firecrackers to be quite powerful, but he didn't expect the tiger crouching cannon to be so powerful.

  Firecrackers and artillery are completely different concepts. It doesn’t mean that if you can produce powerful firecrackers early, you can also make artillery more powerful.

The artillery of the Great Zhou Dynasty has been around for a long time. During the Yuanxi period, it fought with the Japanese on the coast of the south of the Yangtze River. The tiger squatting cannon made great achievements, but the range of the tiger squatting cannon was between fifty and sixty paces. Casting cannons is difficult.

In particular, iron artillery is either too heavy to be transported, or the wall is too thin or the iron is not good enough to easily explode the chamber. They can only maintain their inherent state, so it is rare to break through 80 steps and cause huge damage, but this one The range of the returned tiger squat cannon was as far as a hundred paces, which once again dealt a heavy blow to the group of people.

  Niu Jizong remained silent.

  The threat of the tiger squatting cannon is only around the bridgehead, and it needs to be charged again for one shot.

   "Which high ground might Shaochun's archers hit?" Niu Jizong finally asked.

Li Daming shook his head: "It's no problem to shoot across the river, but the platform is more than ten steps away from the river bank, and the terrain is a little higher, so I'm afraid it won't have much lethal effect if you shoot it over, and the opponent also has Covered by a shield, this kind of strong shooting may not be able to stand the archers."

The firearms of the Xuanfu army are not worth mentioning, so Niu Jizong didn't even bring them this time, but Ji Shaochun's archers are well-known in the Xuanfu army. You also need to suppress the opponent, Daming, your manpower will not affect you much, if you add another hundred people, rely on the camp van, and launch the attack immediately, I don't have much time for you!"

  The last sentence already had a bit of murderous intent, and Li Daming was shocked, and then hurriedly saluted to show his compliance, and hurried out.

   I have to admit that Niu Jizong still has some courage. When hundreds of archers began to spread out along the river bank and started shooting at the Henan highlands, Li Daming immediately organized his soldiers, regrouped, and quickly launched an attack on the bridge relying on the camp car.

The extremely well-covered camp formation cannot be penetrated and destroyed by firecrackers. It is filled with sandbags, which makes it have a strong defense capability. Two hundred strong soldiers pushed the camp car to the front south section step by step, and encountered the set Mud barriers and earth and rocks hindered. At this time, the death squads in full plate armor could only go out and use wooden shields to cover while starting to clean up the mud barriers and earth and rocks, but this inevitably gave the eagle mouth that had already been erected. Gunners have a chance.

  Accompanied by the crisp sound of the blunderbuss, the hawk-beaked blunderbusses fired methodically.

   Even the plate armor is only twenty steps away, and it can't resist the shooting of this kind of heavy firecracker, unless the shield and the plate armor overlap.

  How could it be possible to cover so well when clearing mud barriers and earth and rocks?

  In just a short time, more than a dozen armored soldiers have been shot dead, and the project of clearing mud barriers and earth and rocks has not been completed.

   But at this time Li Daming couldn't care less, the supervising team was behind him, and whoever dared to back down would have to be stabbed, even if he died, he would have to go to the south bank of the river.

He Huchen on the south bank of the river also noticed the Xuanfu army's attack regardless of casualties. The mud barriers and earth and rocks on the bridge were quickly cleared away. The formation advanced to the south end of the bridge.

  Accompanied by a protective wall formed by the formation of vehicles, Li Daming gritted his teeth and ordered all the soldiers to start marching south along the bridge face.

  At the same time, the spearmen gathered together have already assembled in place, ready to deal with the attack of the Xuanfu army once they rush out of the bridge.

   "Ding Yuan, Pengfei, pay attention to your two departments. When the camp van of the Xuanfu army comes out, ignore it for the time being. Wait until they rush across the bridge and start looking for opportunities to open fire."

He Huchen ordered the spearmen to stand by, and at the same time ordered the firecrackers to assemble into four square formations, encircling the entire south end of the bridge within a radius of fifty steps from four angles, and could use the built mud wall as a cover, so that they could spend their leisure time Shoot and kill the soldiers behind the exposed camp van.

  If the camp cart is pushed in front of the mud wall, the spearman can give full play to his ten-foot-long spear to stab, and these soldiers who intend to charge will encounter a second round of interception and killing.

One after another, the battalion vehicles began to push out of the bridge head, and more and more soldiers swarmed along the stone bridge to the south end of the bridge. Soon the camp vehicles formed a huge arc-shaped protective formation at the bridge head, and the soldiers began to Holding the shield and bowing, he continued to push the camper towards the mud wall crazily.

  He Huchen's face turned slightly cold, and he suddenly raised his hand.

   Following an order, the eagle-billed guns on the high platforms on both sides fired intensively first, and first shot at the soldiers pushing the camp cart.

  When the soldier pushing a camp cart was shot, the camp cart stopped immediately, while the camp cart next to it continued to move forward, and a huge gap immediately appeared between the two carts.

   Already aimed at the gunners who were ready to fire, it was only at this time that they began to shoot intensively without any haste. The dense storm of metal projectiles within such a short distance immediately became a butcher's knife for harvesting people's names.

A round of thirty soldiers hardly needs to aim. Under the torches held high around them, they only need to point the direction and pull the trigger. The soldiers immediately collapsed to the ground.

Unhurriedly turning around along the arc to let go, the second wave of firecrackers who had already been ready to go repeated the same movements, the same screams, flying blood foam, splattering plasma, and occasionally Mixed with broken limbs and veins, the gurgling blood didn't even have time to penetrate the frozen hard soil, flowing out along the terrain, like a dark night Shura field.

When the camping vehicle next to it discovered the gap, it hurriedly retreated to make up for it, but the camping vehicle that had already moved forward in line with the other end immediately showed a gap, and the fire gun who had been waiting for this moment for a long time The soldiers opened fire mercilessly, and then savagely stabbed the camp that showed flaws from the other side.

  This kind of situation is constantly happening in the entire formation of thirty or forty-two battalions that have been pushed over, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger because of the chaos.

  The eagle-beaked blunderbuss attacked first, breaking the rhythm of the camping vehicles, causing loopholes in the camping vehicle formation, and then every hundred people assembled into a small phalanx, the gunners took the opportunity to fill in their positions and follow up, shooting from the loopholes to make up for the attack.

Within a distance of not more than twenty steps, this kind of continuous shooting hardly gave the Xuanfu soldiers in the camp any chance. No matter whether they were wearing armor or holding shields, they were useless. The shot is enough to penetrate any armor and shield.

   This is purely a one-sided massacre.

   It's just that the Xuanfu army at the north end of the bridge didn't know such a huge trap was waiting for them.

Follow-up soldiers poured in like a tide, and in the circular arc surrounded by mud walls at the south end of the bridge, it was like an endless sponge, swallowing up the new blood pouring in continuously. clean.

The explosions of the firecrackers that sounded successively enveloped the entire south of the bridge in a layer of pungent gunpowder smoke. This repeated shooting made the gun barrels of the firecrackers heat up rapidly, but beside each team of firecrackers There is also a reserve team. Once the gun barrel becomes hot, Qianhu will order immediate adjustments to let the reserve team press up and keep firing at a rhythm.

  The spearmen who had been watching were almost useless. Even if a few brave men rushed out, they could only turn into corpses under the thrust of dense spears.

  This is the best demonstration of the successful combination of new weapons and new tactics, and also confirms the truth that if you don't know the enemy's situation, it will cost you a lot.

When Niu Jizong and Li Daming realized that the situation was wrong, they had invested nearly a thousand people to charge, but they did not see any progress in the breakthrough. Only then did Li Daming understand the inside story.

  The reason why it was so easy to break into the south end of the bridge was because people had already set up encirclement circles and traps there, waiting for their own side to jump over, but their own side didn't notice it.

   Li Daming's department has basically been disabled, Guo Yungui's morale has been frustrated, but they can still fight, but the question is how to break the situation now?

  Looking helplessly at a stone bridge, with tens of thousands of troops behind him, he was unable to use it. This depressed and irritable state of mind made Niu Jizong want to explode.

   He has never encountered such a bizarre thing.

  (end of this chapter)

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