Number of People

Chapter 1793: Ren Zijuan's eloquent tongue touches people's hearts like a spring

  Chapter 1793 Renzi Juan is eloquent and touching

  Delgler was furious.

  Everyone in Nekhka only needs to support the front, and the Yehe tribe will fight with real swords and guns. This is too unfair.

   Fortunately, Busia Mara still fell in love with him, this guy is simply a wolf!

Seeing that Delgler blushed with anger, his neck was thick, his chest heaved sharply, and his fists were clenched, he almost came up and beat him up, but Feng Ziying took his time and did not rush, "When the guests come, don't you pour a cup of tea? Do as the Romans do, women Don't the real people even understand the rules?"

Delgler was even more angry, but he also knew that this was not the time to get angry. He gritted his teeth and waved his hand, making the thinner who was also irritated by Feng Ziying's arrogance go down and pour tea. Then he gritted his teeth and said: "Master Feng, you Said that if I didn't care about it and killed you here,..."

"Okay, Delgler, what good is it for you to kill me? The imperial court will give you a few cents more food, or will the princes in the imperial court treat you Haixi Jurchen differently? Absurd!" The Central Committee treats you Haixi Jurchen the most kind and generous, so much so that the people in the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households are somewhat suspicious of whether we have some secret deals."

  Delgler hated and was angry, but he had to admit that what the other party said was true.

"You always stare at the Neikha people and compare them with jealousy. Then you have to count how many people are there in the remnants of your Yehe tribe and Jiawula tribe?" Feng Ziying became more and more indifferent, "He The Five Divisions of the Neikha people now have 300,000 to 400,000 people, and they are now going all out to compete with the Jianzhou Jurchen for the Savage Jurchen. He snatched one more person from the Savage Jurchen, which meant that Jianzhou Jurchen got one less person. The reduction is beneficial to the Great Zhou, and they also draw people from the Waikha people, which can also weaken the allies of the Chahar people, can you compare?"

  Delgler was tongue-tied.

"I told you a long time ago, and I also asked someone to bring a letter to your father and Buyangu, asking you to win over the Horqin tribe, or to destroy the marriage between the Horqin people and the Jianzhou Jurchen. Have you done it?" Feng Ziying kicked off With one boot and one foot on the edge of the Kang, he said: "I suggest to Buyangu that you and Buyangu can marry the daughters of the banner leaders of the Horqin Tribe, such as the daughter of Zuoyi Ming'an, and Hong Guoer. Daughter, have you done it?"

  Delgler was speechless.

"Didn't do it? It's fine if you didn't do it. Ming'an's daughter, Borzigit, married Nurhachi. When sending her off, why didn't you attack and **** her back? Why, when did your Yehe tribe become so polite to the enemy?" Have you become more polite??" Feng Ziying asked again bluntly.

   "Master Feng, if we attack our relatives, the Horqin people will definitely turn against us, and the Jianzhou Jurchen will definitely not give up, and will definitely start a war..." Delgler was furious, "How will we respond then?"

"Hehe, turn your face and start a war?" Feng Ziying squinted her eyes and said word by word: "Do you think that your Yehe tribe will let your Yehe tribe let go when you bow and kneel to Nurhachi? The Horqin people turned against you, they Can you destroy your Yehe tribe?"

  Delgler gritted his teeth and couldn't answer.

"Let me tell you, Delgler, the reason why Nurhachi has not been able to attack your Yehe men is not because he doesn't want to, but because he knows that Liaodong Town is on the sidelines, and he will not tolerate such things happening. He knows very well in his heart." , the time is not yet ripe; even if the Horqin people turn against your Yehe tribe, so what? Do they dare to launch a war against your Yehe tribe? Not to mention that the Neikha people are watching, and the Chahar people have already I can't stand their flirting with Jianzhou Jurchen, and I also don't want to see them associate with Jianzhou Jurchen, are they not afraid that the Neikha people and Chahar people will take the opportunity to take over their nest?"

Feng Ziying analyzed rationally and calmly: "But if Dazhou is restrained due to internal rebellion and has too much energy to estimate that there are too many Liaodong, then the situation will change. Who do you think the Jianzhou Jurchen will attack first? ?The reason why I made friends and even bought the people of Nekhka is not only for Liaodong Town, but also for your Haixi Jurchen. Of course, I also admit that once your Haixi Jurchen is annexed by Jianzhou Jurchen, The threat to us will be greater, this is a win-win situation, our interests are one, do you understand?"

  Delgler fell silent.

Feng Ziying unabashedly clarified the relationship between Dazhou, Hercynian Jurchen, Neikarka people and other forces outside the customs, such as Jianzhou Jurchen, Chahar people, and Horqin tribe. It also made him realize that Feng Ziying was not targeting Ye He Department, but from a more objective standpoint for interest positioning.

The Ye He tribe, or the Haixi Jurchen can't bring usefulness to the Great Zhou, so no matter how good Feng Ziying is to the Ye He tribe, the position and tendency will not change much. It all depends on the Ye He tribe's own strength, and its What can it bring to Da Zhou.

   "The situation in Dazhou is so difficult, do we even need our Haixi Jurchen to send troops to help?" Delgler said slowly after a long time.

"The situation in Dazhou is indeed very difficult, but in terms of military strength, it is not short of the Yehe tribe. How many troops can your Yehe tribe pull out? Five thousand, ten thousand, or twenty thousand? To tell you the truth He said, my father is leading the Northwest Army to march here, with 120,000 troops, not counting the troops of Ji Town and Shanxi Town, so there is really no shortage of Yehe troops." Feng Ziying said very casually: "This is A gesture is also an opportunity to prove the value of your Yehe tribe. If you want the imperial court to support your Yehe tribe, you have to prove your strength, right? The Nekhka people proved their own strength in the battle of Santunying last year. This year, we continue to prove our efforts by competing for the wild Jurchens and attracting the Outer Khalkhas. Of course, Da Zhou is willing to support it, but what about you Yehe tribe?"

  Delgler finally moved: "The problem is the Jiangnan rebellion, the water transport was interrupted, isn't it very difficult for the court?"

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, Delgler, you can go to Yuguan Port, and you can also go to Dagu Port outside Tianjinwei, look at the docks and warehouses there, and look at the ships passing by. The interruption of the water transportation will certainly affect the imperial court, but the imperial court can afford it." Feng Ziying didn't care, "Recapturing Shandong will almost restore half of the water transportation. You should know that all the elites of our Zhou army are in the frontier army, right? The southern rebels are a bit The strength is the Xuanfu Army and a part of the Datong Army currently entrenched in Shandong, as long as the rebels in Shandong are dealt with, Jiangnan can go down in one go."

  Feng Ziying's confident posture made Delgler gradually admit that what the other party said was true.

We all know that the elite of the Great Zhou army is on the Nine Sides, and the combat effectiveness and training level of the Inland Guards cannot be compared with the Frontier Army. In comparison, that seems insignificant again.

  Even if the main force of the two towns of Ji Town in Liaodong is to deal with the Jurchen and Chahar people in Jianzhou, the four towns in the northwest plus Shanxi and a part of Datong Town, Delgler believes that they are enough to wipe out these rebels.

"That's all I've said. As for how to make a decision, Delgler, it's up to you to make your own." Feng Ziying clapped her hands and stood up, "I wanted to find someone to bring a letter back to your Yehe department, you It’s best if you come, you can bring my words to your father and Buyangu intact, I believe that if you are a wise leader, you should understand that the time is not waiting for you, and the opportunity will never come again.”

   Slapped his **** and left very coolly. Delgler sent Feng Ziying outside the door, still thinking, but Feng Ziying believed that the other party would make a rational decision.

  If you can bring in a part of Yehe's troops, it will be of great help to the northern army formed by Jizhen and Shanxi Town.

According to the current plan of the imperial court, the Northwest Army will serve as the main force of the West Route Army, while the North Route Army will consist of a part of Jizhen and a part of Shanxi Town, with a strength of about 60,000 troops. If Yehe can reinforce 10,000 to 20,000 Cavalry, it will undoubtedly significantly improve the combat effectiveness of the North Route Army, especially in the mobile cavalry group, which is still quite effective on the land of Shandong.

  Leaving Delgler, Feng Ziying went straight to the Ministry of War. He needed to inform the Ministry of War of this windfall.

  A verbal promise, and material compensation afterwards, can win a support for the North Route Army, which is very cost-effective.

  Zhang Huaichang really welcomes this result, and repeatedly expressed that he can give Haixi Jurchen more support, as long as they can send more troops to assist the court in countering the rebellion.

Feng Ziying feels that this is a bit like the Tang Dynasty court borrowing troops to return to Hehe to help quell the "Ding'an History Rebellion", but it was a last resort to borrow troops from the Tang Dynasty to return to Hehe. Using it as a subsidiary army will not affect the strategy of the entire army, which still needs to be distinguished.

  If everyone hopes to win the battle by borrowing troops from the outside, then the situation is really dangerous.

  Feng Ziying also reminded Zhang Huaichang that there was a price to be paid for borrowing Ye He’s cavalry, and he also hoped that the court would make full preparations, so that it would be embarrassing if the money and food were not available.

  He had blown enough cowhide in front of Delgler before, but it is really hard to say whether he will be able to show it after he regains Shandong next year.

But by that time, it was already like this, and Ye Hebu couldn't help it. Only by continuing to fight and winning completely can he get paid. Otherwise, once the court really loses, everything will be in vain. The new dynasty has been held accountable.

  Feng Ziying firmly believes that such a situation will not happen. With himself, no matter what, he will not get to that step. He has this confidence.

   Update again and again, ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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